public void CreateValidStudentTest()
     Student student = new Student(10000, "Pesho Goshov");
     Assert.IsTrue(student.Id == 10000);
     Assert.IsTrue(student.Name == "Pesho Goshov");
     Assert.IsTrue(student.ToString() == "ID: 10000, Name: Pesho Goshov");
        static void Main()
            Student stOne = new Student("Ivan", "Stoqnov", "Georgiev", 133713371)
                Phone = 887843423,
                Univerity = University.Sofiiski,
                Speciality = Speciality.Psihologiq,
                Faculty = Faculty.Filosofski,
                Course = "Filosofiq",
                Address = "Mladost 3",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
            Student stTwo = new Student("Ivan", "Petrov", "Georgiev", 420);
            Student stThree = new Student("Pesho", "Peshev", "Goshev", 30);
            Student stFour = (Student)stOne.Clone();

            stOne.Email = "*****@*****.**";

            Console.WriteLine("Student one equal to student two: {0}",stOne.Equals(stTwo));
            Console.WriteLine("Student one equal to student two: {0}", stOne == stTwo);
            Console.WriteLine("Student one not equal to student three: {0}", stOne != stThree);
            Console.WriteLine("Student one equal to student three: {0}", stOne.Equals(stThree));

            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "GetHashCode:");
            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Student.ToString():" + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Cloned student:" + Environment.NewLine);

            Console.Write(Environment.NewLine + "Student one compared to student two: ");