static void CopyToDatabase(KULContext context) { Repository repo = new Repository(); context.Groups.AddRange(repo.Groups); context.Students.AddRange(repo.Students); context.SaveChanges(); }
static void FilterAndOrder(KULContext context) { var result = from s in context.Students where s.BirthDate.Year >= 1999 orderby s.Rating descending, s.Name select s; foreach (var s in result) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}: {2}", s.Name, s.Surname, s.Rating); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (KULContext c = new KULContext()) { // Uncomment and run once to fill the database // CopyToDatabase(c); // Queries //FilterAndOrder(c); //GroupByFirstLetter(c); Join(c); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void GroupByFirstLetter(KULContext context) { var result = from s in context.Students group s by s.Name.Substring(0, 1) into g select g; foreach (var group in result) { Console.WriteLine("\nFirst letter: {0}", group.Key); foreach (var s in group) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", s.Name, s.Surname); } } }
static void Join(KULContext context) { var result = from s in context.Students join g in context.Groups on s.GroupId equals g.Id select new StudentViewModel { FullName = s.Name + " " + s.Surname, Rating = s.Rating, GroupName = g.Name }; foreach (var s in result) { Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}): rating = {2}", s.FullName, s.GroupName, s.Rating); } }