Exemple #1
 private static StripeException BuildInvalidResponseException(StripeResponse response)
     return(new StripeException(
                $"Invalid response object from API: \"{response.Content}\"")
         StripeResponse = response,
Exemple #2
        // the ResponseJson on a list method is the entire list (as json) returned from stripe.
        // the ObjectJson is so we can store only the json for a single object in the list on that entity for
        // logging and/or debugging
        public static T MapFromJson(string json, string parentToken = null, StripeResponse stripeResponse = null)
            var jsonToParse = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentToken) ? json : JObject.Parse(json).SelectToken(parentToken).ToString();

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(jsonToParse);

            applyStripeResponse(json, stripeResponse, result);

        // the ResponseJson on a list method is the entire list (as json) returned from stripe.
        // the ObjectJson is so we can store only the json for a single object in the list on that entity for
        // logging and/or debugging
        public static T MapFromJson(string json, string parentToken = null, StripeResponse stripeResponse = null)
            var jsonToParse = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentToken) ? json : JObject.Parse(json).SelectToken(parentToken).ToString();

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(jsonToParse, StripeConfiguration.SerializerSettings);

            // if necessary, we might need to apply the stripe response to nested properties for StripeList<T>
            ApplyStripeResponse(json, stripeResponse, result);

        private static void ApplyStripeResponse(string json, StripeResponse stripeResponse, object obj)
            if (stripeResponse == null)

            foreach (var property in obj.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties())
                if (property.Name == nameof(StripeResponse))
                    property.SetValue(obj, stripeResponse);

            stripeResponse.ObjectJson = json;
Exemple #5
        private static StripeException BuildStripeException(StripeResponse response)
            JObject jObject = null;

                jObject = JObject.Parse(response.Content);
            catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException)

            // If the value of the `error` key is a string, then the error is an OAuth error
            // and we instantiate the StripeError object with the entire JSON.
            // Otherwise, it's a regular API error and we instantiate the StripeError object
            // with just the nested hash contained in the `error` key.
            var errorToken = jObject["error"];

            if (errorToken == null)

            var stripeError = errorToken.Type == JTokenType.String
                ? StripeError.FromJson(response.Content)
                : StripeError.FromJson(errorToken.ToString());

            stripeError.StripeResponse = response;

            return(new StripeException(
                       stripeError.Message ?? stripeError.ErrorDescription)
                StripeResponse = response,
Exemple #6
        private static T ProcessResponse <T>(StripeResponse response)
            where T : IStripeEntity
            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                throw BuildStripeException(response);

            T obj;

                obj = StripeEntity.FromJson <T>(response.Content);
            catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException)
                throw BuildInvalidResponseException(response);

            obj.StripeResponse = response;

 public static T MapFromJson(StripeResponse stripeResponse, string parentToken = null)
     return(MapFromJson(stripeResponse.ResponseJson, parentToken, stripeResponse));
 public static List <T> MapCollectionFromJson(StripeResponse stripeResponse, string token = "data")
     return(MapCollectionFromJson(stripeResponse.ResponseJson, token, stripeResponse));
        public static List <T> MapCollectionFromJson(string json, string token = "data", StripeResponse stripeResponse = null)
            var jObject = JObject.Parse(json);

            var allTokens = jObject.SelectToken(token);

            return(allTokens.Select(tkn => MapFromJson(tkn.ToString(), null, stripeResponse)).ToList());