Exemple #1
        private static async Task Client2(IClusterClient client)
            // STEP 1: create IDs for all grains and streams
            var tagSourceGrain   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var photoSourceGrain = Guid.NewGuid();
            var gpsSourceGrain   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var sinkGrain        = Guid.NewGuid();

            var tag         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var photo       = Guid.NewGuid();
            var gps         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var tagStream   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var photoStream = Guid.NewGuid();
            var gpsStream   = Guid.NewGuid();

            var jobManager = client.GetGrain <IJobManagerGrain>(0, "JobManager");

            // STEP 2: register all subscribes and publishes, which only add the information to JobManager
            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(tagSourceGrain, tag);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(photoSourceGrain, photo);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(gpsSourceGrain, gps);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(sinkGrain, tagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(sinkGrain, photoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(sinkGrain, gpsStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(tagSourceGrain, tagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(photoSourceGrain, photoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(gpsSourceGrain, gpsStream);

            // STEP 3: register the operators, which will activate the grain
            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(tagSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0");

            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(photoSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0");

            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(gpsSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0");

            await jobManager.RegisterISinkGrain(sinkGrain, "SinkGrain", "", "0");

            // STEP 4: activate the streams
            var streamProvider = client.GetStreamProvider("SMSProvider");
            var Tag            = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(tag, null);
            var Photo          = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(photo, null);
            var GPS            = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(gps, null);

            // STEP 5: let DataDriver feeds data to streams
            await DataDriver.Run(Photo, Tag, GPS, 1600, 0);
Exemple #2
        private static async Task TestClient(IClusterClient client)
            // STEP 1: create IDs for all grains and streams
            var tagSourceGrain    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var gpsSourceGrain    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var photoSourceGrain  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var joinTagPhotoGrain = Guid.NewGuid();
            var joinGPSGPSGrain   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var joinBothGrain     = Guid.NewGuid();

            Console.WriteLine("joinTagPhotoGrain: " + joinTagPhotoGrain);
            Console.WriteLine("joinGPSGPSGrain: " + joinGPSGPSGrain);
            Console.WriteLine("joinBothGrain: " + joinBothGrain);

            var filterGrain = Guid.NewGuid();
            var windowDuplicateRemoveGrain = Guid.NewGuid();
            var windowAggregateGrain       = Guid.NewGuid();
            var sinkGrain = Guid.NewGuid();

            var SourceTagStream      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var SourceGPSStream      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var SourcePhotoStream    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var TagStream            = Guid.NewGuid();
            var PhotoStream          = Guid.NewGuid();
            var GPS1Stream           = Guid.NewGuid();
            var GPS2Stream           = Guid.NewGuid();
            var JoinedTagPhotoStream = Guid.NewGuid();
            var JoinedGPSGPSStream   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var JoinedBothStream     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var FilteredStream       = Guid.NewGuid();
            var DistinctStream       = Guid.NewGuid();
            var AggregatedStream     = Guid.NewGuid();

            var jobManager = client.GetGrain <IJobManagerGrain>(0, "JobManager");

            // STEP 2: register window informations
            long window_length = 15000;
            long window_slide  = 5000;
            long delay         = 0;
            await jobManager.RegisterWindow(joinTagPhotoGrain, window_length, window_slide);

            await jobManager.RegisterWindow(joinGPSGPSGrain, window_length, window_slide);

            await jobManager.RegisterWindow(joinBothGrain, window_slide, window_slide);

            await jobManager.RegisterWindow(windowDuplicateRemoveGrain, window_slide, window_slide);

            await jobManager.RegisterWindow(windowAggregateGrain, window_slide, window_slide);

            await jobManager.RegisterAllowedDelay(delay);

            // STEP 3: register all subscribes and publishes, which only add the information to JobManager
            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(tagSourceGrain, SourceTagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(gpsSourceGrain, SourceGPSStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(photoSourceGrain, SourcePhotoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterTwoSourceSubscribe(joinTagPhotoGrain, TagStream, PhotoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterTwoSourceSubscribe(joinGPSGPSGrain, GPS1Stream, GPS2Stream);

            await jobManager.RegisterTwoSourceSubscribe(joinBothGrain, JoinedTagPhotoStream, JoinedGPSGPSStream);

            //await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(sinkGrain, JoinedBothStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(filterGrain, JoinedBothStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(windowDuplicateRemoveGrain, FilteredStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(windowAggregateGrain, DistinctStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(sinkGrain, AggregatedStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(tagSourceGrain, TagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(photoSourceGrain, PhotoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(gpsSourceGrain, GPS1Stream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(gpsSourceGrain, GPS2Stream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(joinTagPhotoGrain, JoinedTagPhotoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(joinGPSGPSGrain, JoinedGPSGPSStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(joinBothGrain, JoinedBothStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(filterGrain, FilteredStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(windowDuplicateRemoveGrain, DistinctStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(windowAggregateGrain, AggregatedStream);

            // STEP 4: register the operators, which will activate the grain
            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(tagSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0 1");                                      // tag = <photo_id, user_id>

            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(gpsSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0 1 2");                                    // gps = <user_id, lat, lon>

            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(photoSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0 1 2 3");                                // photo = <photo_id, user_id, lat, lon>

            // For this join operation, tag will be the 1st source, photo will be the 2nd source
            await jobManager.RegisterIJoinGrain(joinTagPhotoGrain, "WindowJoinGrain", "0, 0", "1, 2 3");                          // JoinedTagPhotoStream = <photo_id, user_id, lat1, lon1>

            await jobManager.RegisterIJoinGrain(joinGPSGPSGrain, "WindowJoinGrain", "0 1 2, 0 1 2", ",");                         // JoinedGPSGPSStream = <user_id, lat2, lon2>

            // For this join operation, JoinedTagPhotoStream will be the 1st source, JoinedGPSGPSStream will be the 2nd source
            await jobManager.RegisterIJoinGrain(joinBothGrain, "WindowJoinGrain", "1, 0", "0 2 3, 1 2");

            await jobManager.RegisterIFilterGrain(filterGrain, "DistanceFilter", "0 1", "2 3 4 5");                               // FilteredStream = <user_id, photo_id, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2>

            await jobManager.RegisterIWindowAggregateGrain(windowDuplicateRemoveGrain, "WindowDuplicateRemover", "0 1", "");      // DistinctStream = <user_id, photo_id>

            await jobManager.RegisterIWindowAggregateGrain(windowAggregateGrain, "WindowCountByKey", "0", "1");                   // AggregatedStream = <user_id, count>

            await jobManager.RegisterISinkGrain(sinkGrain, "SinkGrain", "", "");

            // STEP 5: activate the streams
            var streamProvider = client.GetStreamProvider("SMSProvider");
            var tag            = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(SourceTagStream, null);
            var photo          = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(SourcePhotoStream, null);
            var gps            = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(SourceGPSStream, null);

            // STEP 6: let DataDriver feeds data to streams
            await DataDriver.Run(photo, tag, gps, 1600, 0);

            // await DataDriver.RunSample(photo, tag, gps);
Exemple #3
        private static async Task Client3(IClusterClient client)
            // STEP 1: create IDs for all grains and streams
            var tagSourceGrain   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var photoSourceGrain = Guid.NewGuid();
            var tagFilterGrain   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var windowJoinGrain  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var sinkGrain        = Guid.NewGuid();

            var SourceTagStream   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var SourcePhotoStream = Guid.NewGuid();
            var TagStream         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var PhotoStream       = Guid.NewGuid();
            var FilteredTagStream = Guid.NewGuid();
            var JoinedStream      = Guid.NewGuid();

            var jobManager = client.GetGrain <IJobManagerGrain>(0, "JobManager");

            // STEP 2: register window informations
            long window_length = 15000;
            long window_slide  = 5000;
            long delay         = 0;
            await jobManager.RegisterWindow(windowJoinGrain, window_length, window_slide);

            await jobManager.RegisterAllowedDelay(delay);

            // STEP 3: register all subscribes and publishes, which only add the information to JobManager
            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(tagSourceGrain, SourceTagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(photoSourceGrain, SourcePhotoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(tagFilterGrain, TagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterTwoSourceSubscribe(windowJoinGrain, FilteredTagStream, PhotoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterSubscribe(sinkGrain, JoinedStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(tagSourceGrain, TagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(photoSourceGrain, PhotoStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(tagFilterGrain, FilteredTagStream);

            await jobManager.RegisterPublish(windowJoinGrain, JoinedStream);

            // STEP 4: register the operators, which will activate the grain
            // string 1: user defined function
            // string 2 & 3: when the operator receives an event, which columns should be put to new Key and Value
            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(tagSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0 1");

            await jobManager.RegisterISourceGrain(photoSourceGrain, "SourceGrain", "", "0 1 2 3");

            await jobManager.RegisterIFilterGrain(tagFilterGrain, "LargerThanTenFilter", "0", "1");

            // for Join Grain, string 2 defines which column is the key that user wants to join on
            // string 3 defines which columns that user wants to keep in the result after join operation
            await jobManager.RegisterIJoinGrain(windowJoinGrain, "WindowJoinGrain", "0, 0", "1, 2 3");

            await jobManager.RegisterISinkGrain(sinkGrain, "SinkGrain", "", "");

            // STEP 5: activate the streams
            var streamProvider = client.GetStreamProvider("SMSProvider");
            var tag            = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(SourceTagStream, null);
            var photo          = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(SourcePhotoStream, null);
            var gps            = streamProvider.GetStream <string>(new Guid(), null);

            // STEP 6: let DataDriver feeds data to streams
            await DataDriver.Run(photo, tag, gps, 1600, 0);