Inheritance: FileData, IModuleFileData
        public void TryLoad()
            IModuleFileData fileData = null;

            // only load Json
            if (mType == FileType.JSON)
                fileData = new JsonFileData(ResolvedPath);
            else if (mType == FileType.LUA)
                fileData = new LuaFileData(ResolvedPath);

            if (fileData != null)
                mFileData = fileData as FileData;

                if (mAlias == "ui:stockpile:filters")
                    foreach (JToken filter in (mFileData as JsonFileData).Json.SelectTokens("stockpile.*.categories.*.filter"))

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, FileData> data in mReferencesCache)
                    mFileData.ReferencedByFileData[data.Key] = data.Value;
        public int GetAverageMaterialCost(string material)
            if (mAverageMaterialCost.ContainsKey(material))

            int sumCost  = 0;
            int numItems = 0;

            string[] split = material.Split(' ');
            foreach (Module mod in ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetAllModules())
                foreach (ModuleFile file in mod.GetAliases())
                    JsonFileData data = file.FileData as JsonFileData;
                    if (data == null)

                    int netWorth = data.NetWorth;
                    if (netWorth <= 0)

                    JToken tags = data.Json.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:material.tags");
                    if (tags != null)
                        string           tagString       = tags.ToString();
                        string[]         currentTagSplit = tagString.Split(' ');
                        HashSet <string> currentTagSet   = new HashSet <string>(currentTagSplit);
                        bool             isMaterial      = true;
                        foreach (string tag in split)
                            if (!currentTagSet.Contains(tag))
                                isMaterial = false;

                        if (isMaterial)
                            sumCost = sumCost + netWorth;

            if (numItems > 0)
                int averageCost = sumCost / numItems;
                mAverageMaterialCost[material] = averageCost;

Exemple #3
        private void RecommendNetWorth()
            JsonFileData jsonFileData = FileData as JsonFileData;

            if (jsonFileData == null)

            foreach (FileData reference in jsonFileData.ReferencedByFileData.Values)
                JsonFileData refJson = reference as JsonFileData;
                if (refJson != null && refJson.JsonType == JSONTYPE.RECIPE)
                    JArray produces     = refJson.Json["produces"] as JArray;
                    int    productCount = 0;
                    foreach (JToken product in produces)
                        JToken item = product["item"];
                        if (item != null && item.ToString().Equals(FullAlias))

                        JToken fine = product["fine"];
                        if (fine != null && fine.ToString().Equals(FullAlias))

                    if (productCount <= 0)

                    int totalCost = 0;

                    // If we are created by a recipe, look at the ingredients for the recipe to calculate net worth of all ingredients ...
                    JArray ingredients = refJson.Json["ingredients"] as JArray;
                    if (ingredients != null)
                        foreach (JToken ingredient in ingredients)
                            int    costPer  = 0;
                            JToken material = ingredient["material"];
                            if (material != null)
                                // try get cost of material
                                string materialString = material.ToString();
                                costPer = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetAverageMaterialCost(materialString);

                            JToken uri = ingredient["uri"];
                            if (uri != null)
                                // try get cost of material
                                string     uriString = uri.ToString();
                                ModuleFile file      = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetModuleFile(uriString);
                                if (file != null)
                                    costPer = (file.FileData as JsonFileData).NetWorth;

                            int count = int.Parse(ingredient["count"].ToString());
                            totalCost = totalCost + (costPer * count);

                    jsonFileData.RecommendedMinNetWorth = totalCost / productCount;

                    JToken workUnits = refJson.Json["work_units"];
                    if (workUnits != null)
                        int units = int.Parse(workUnits.ToString());
                        totalCost = totalCost + (units * kWorkUnitsWorth);

                    jsonFileData.RecommendedMaxNetWorth = totalCost / productCount;
        private string FindImageForFile(JsonFileData data)
            foreach (FileData openedFile in data.OpenedFiles)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, FileData> linkedFile in openedFile.LinkedFileData)
                    if ((linkedFile.Value is ImageFileData) && System.IO.File.Exists(linkedFile.Value.Path))
                        return linkedFile.Value.Path;

            return string.Empty;
        private void canvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Point pos = canvas.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

            int cellSizeZoomed = (int)Math.Round(kCellSize * mZoom);
            int maxRows = Math.Min(mItemCount, kMaxRows);
            int x = pos.X / cellSizeZoomed;
            int y = (canvas.Height - pos.Y - maxRows - kBottomOffset) / cellSizeZoomed;
            List<JsonFileData> list;
            if (mNetWorthValues.TryGetValue(x + 1, out list))
                if (y < list.Count && y >= 0)
                    if (list[y] != mHoveredFileData)
                        pos.X = pos.X + 2;
                        pos.Y = pos.Y + 2;
                        mHoveredFileData = list[y];
                        string tooltip = mHoveredFileData.FileName;
                        if (mHoveredFileData.RecommendedMinNetWorth >= 0)
                            tooltip = tooltip + "\n Recommended Net Worth: " + mHoveredFileData.RecommendedMinNetWorth + " - " + (mHoveredFileData.RecommendedMaxNetWorth * kMaxRecommendedMultiplier);
                            tooltip = tooltip + "\n Average: " + mHoveredFileData.RecommendedMaxNetWorth;

                        imageTooltip.Show(tooltip, canvas, pos);


            mHoveredFileData = null;
Exemple #6
        private void canvas_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics graphics       = e.Graphics;
            int      cellSizeZoomed = (int)Math.Round(kCellSize * mZoom);

            int maxCols           = Math.Min(mMaxNetWorth, kMaxRows);
            int maxRows           = Math.Min(mItemCount, kMaxRows);
            int canvasWidth       = maxCols * (cellSizeZoomed + 1);
            int canvasHeightLimit = maxRows * (cellSizeZoomed + 1);
            int canvasHeight      = (maxRows * (cellSizeZoomed + 1)) + kBottomOffset;

            canvas.Width  = canvasWidth;
            canvas.Height = canvasHeight;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i)
                if (mZoom > 0.25f || (mZoom == 0.25f && ((i + 1) % 10) == 0))
                    string colName  = "" + (i + 1);
                    Point  position = new Point(i * cellSizeZoomed, canvasHeight - kStringOffset);
                    graphics.DrawString(colName, SystemFonts.DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, position);

                List <JsonFileData> list;
                if (mNetWorthValues.TryGetValue(i + 1, out list))
                    int count = Math.Min(maxRows, list.Count);
                    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                        JsonFileData data      = list[j];
                        string       imageFile = data.GetImageForFile();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile))
                            Console.WriteLine("file " + data.FileName + " has no icon!");
                            Image thumbnail = ThumbnailCache.GetThumbnail(imageFile);

                            int       ylocation = canvasHeight - ((j + 1) * cellSizeZoomed) - maxRows - kBottomOffset - 1;
                            Rectangle location  = new Rectangle(i * cellSizeZoomed, ylocation, cellSizeZoomed, cellSizeZoomed);
                            graphics.DrawImage(thumbnail, location);

                            if (data.RecommendedMaxNetWorth > 0)
                                int    cost       = i + 1;
                                bool   shouldWarn = false;
                                JToken sellable   = data.Json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth.shop_info.sellable");
                                if (sellable != null && sellable.ToString() == "False")
                                    shouldWarn = true;

                                if (cost < data.RecommendedMinNetWorth * kMinRecommendedMultiplier)
                                    shouldWarn = true;

                                if (cost > ((data.RecommendedMaxNetWorth * kMaxRecommendedMultiplier) + 1))
                                    shouldWarn = true;

                                if (shouldWarn)
                                    Pen semiRed = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Red));
                                    graphics.FillRectangle(semiRed.Brush, location);

            for (int i = 0; i < canvasWidth; i += cellSizeZoomed)
                graphics.DrawLine(System.Drawing.Pens.Black, new Point(i, 0), new Point(i, canvasHeightLimit));

            for (int j = 0; j < canvasHeightLimit; j += cellSizeZoomed)
                graphics.DrawLine(System.Drawing.Pens.Black, new Point(0, j), new Point(canvasWidth, j));
 public void AddLinkingJsonFile(JsonFileData file)
Exemple #8
        private void addIconicVersionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode selectedNode     = treeView.SelectedNode;
            FileData selectedFileData = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetSelectedFileData(treeView.SelectedNode);

            if (!CanAddEntityForm(selectedFileData, "iconic"))

            JsonFileData jsonFileData     = selectedFileData as JsonFileData;
            string       originalFileName = jsonFileData.FileName;
            string       iconicFilePath   = jsonFileData.Directory + "/" + originalFileName + "_iconic.json";

                string iconicJson = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(StonehearthEditor.Properties.Resources.defaultIconic);
                if (iconicJson != null)
                    // Get a linked qb file
                    string newQbFile                = null;
                    JToken defaultModelVariant      = jsonFileData.Json.SelectToken("components.model_variants.default");
                    string defaultModelVariantNames = defaultModelVariant != null?defaultModelVariant.ToString() : "";

                    foreach (FileData data in jsonFileData.LinkedFileData.Values)
                        if (data is QubicleFileData)
                            string fileName = data.FileName + ".qb";
                            if (defaultModelVariantNames.Contains(fileName))
                                CloneObjectParameters parameters = new CloneObjectParameters();
                                parameters.AddStringReplacement(data.FileName, data.FileName + "_iconic");
                                newQbFile = data.Path.Replace(".qb", "_iconic.qb");
                                data.Clone(newQbFile, parameters, new HashSet <string>(), true);

                    if (newQbFile != null)
                        string relativePath = JsonHelper.MakeRelativePath(iconicFilePath, newQbFile);
                        iconicJson = iconicJson.Replace("default_iconic.qb", relativePath);

                        JObject parsedIconicJson = JObject.Parse(iconicJson);
                        iconicJson = JsonHelper.GetFormattedJsonString(parsedIconicJson); // put it in the parser and back again to make sure we get valid json.

                        using (StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter(iconicFilePath, false, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    catch (Exception e2)
                        MessageBox.Show("Unable to write new iconic file because " + e2.Message);

                    JObject json = jsonFileData.Json;
                    JToken  entityFormsComponent = json.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:entity_forms");
                    if (entityFormsComponent == null)
                        if (json["components"] == null)
                            json["components"] = new JObject();

                        JObject entityForms = new JObject();
                        json["components"]["stonehearth:entity_forms"] = entityForms;
                        entityFormsComponent = entityForms;

                    (entityFormsComponent as JObject).Add("iconic_form", "file(" + originalFileName + "_iconic.json" + ")");
                    MessageBox.Show("Adding file " + iconicFilePath);
            catch (Exception ee)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to add iconic file because " + ee.Message);

        private void PopulateFileDetails(JsonFileData fileData)

            // Stats with (adjustable) weights for difficulty equation to give a rough calculation of difficulty
            // Can help us see if our manual difficulty estimates (in monster tuning files) are off
            // estimatedDifficulty = 1*max_heath + 0*speed + 10*additive_armor_modifier + 5*weapon_dmg ...
            Dictionary <string, double> attrWeights = new Dictionary <string, double>()
                { "max_health", 1 },
                { "speed", 0.5 },
                { "menace", 0.5 },
                { "courage", 0.5 },
                { "additive_armor_modifier", 10 },
                { "muscle", 3 },
                { "exp_reward", 0 }

            int weaponWeight    = 15;
            int equationDivisor = 450;

            float  totalWeaponBaseDamage = 0;
            int    numWeapons            = 0;
            double estimatedDifficulty   = 0;

            JToken attributes = fileData.Json.SelectToken("attributes");

            if (attributes != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> entry in attrWeights)
                    string attribute = entry.Key;

                    JToken jToken     = fileData.Json.SelectToken("attributes." + attribute);
                    JValue jAttribute = jToken as JValue;

                    if (jToken != null && jAttribute == null)
                        // Add calculations for scaled attributes, which have a base and max value
                        JValue baseValue = jToken["base"] as JValue;
                        JValue maxValue  = jToken["max"] as JValue;
                        if (baseValue != null && maxValue != null)
                            estimatedDifficulty += ((2 * baseValue.Value <double>()) + maxValue.Value <double>()) / 4;
                    else if (jAttribute != null)
                        estimatedDifficulty += jAttribute.Value <double>() * entry.Value;

                JArray weapon = fileData.Json.SelectToken("equipment.weapon") as JArray;
                if (weapon != null)
                    foreach (JValue weaponAlias in weapon.Children())
                        string     weaponString     = weaponAlias.ToString();
                        ModuleFile weaponModuleFile = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetModuleFile(weaponString);
                        if (weaponModuleFile != null)
                            JToken baseDamage = (weaponModuleFile.FileData as JsonFileData).Json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:combat:weapon_data.base_damage");
                            if (baseDamage != null)
                                int    dmg             = baseDamage.Value <int>();
                                string weaponShortName = weaponString.Split(':').Last <string>();
                                fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add(weaponShortName + " damage : " + dmg);
                                totalWeaponBaseDamage = totalWeaponBaseDamage + dmg;
                                numWeapons           += 1;

                    float avgWeaponDmg = totalWeaponBaseDamage / numWeapons;
                    fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("average weapon damage : " + avgWeaponDmg);
                    estimatedDifficulty += avgWeaponDmg * weaponWeight;

                fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add(" ");
                fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("flat difficulty value : " + estimatedDifficulty);
                fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("estimated difficulty : " + Math.Round(estimatedDifficulty / equationDivisor, 3));
 public void AddLinkingJsonFile(JsonFileData file)
        private void PopulateFileDetails(GameMasterNode node)
            if (node == null)
                // remove details

            Dictionary <string, float> stats = new Dictionary <string, float>();

            if (node.NodeType == GameMasterNodeType.ENCOUNTER)
                EncounterNodeData encounterData = node.NodeData as EncounterNodeData;
                if (encounterData.EncounterType == "create_mission" || encounterData.EncounterType == "city_raid")
                    JToken members = node.Json.SelectToken("create_mission_info.mission.members");

                    if (members == null)
                        JToken missions = node.Json.SelectToken("city_raid_info.missions");
                        foreach (JProperty content in missions.Children())
                            // Only gets stats for the first mission of city raids
                            members = content.Value["members"];

                    int   maxEnemies            = 0;
                    float totalWeaponBaseDamage = 0;

                    Dictionary <string, float> allStats = new Dictionary <string, float>();
                    foreach (string attribute in kAttributesOfInterest)
                        allStats[attribute] = 0;

                    if (members != null)
                        foreach (JToken member in members.Children())
                            // grab name, max number of members, and tuning
                            JProperty memberProperty = member as JProperty;
                            if (memberProperty != null)
                                JValue jMax = memberProperty.Value.SelectToken("from_population.max") as JValue;
                                int    max  = 0;
                                if (jMax != null)
                                    max        = jMax.Value <int>();
                                    maxEnemies = maxEnemies + max;

                                JValue tuning = memberProperty.Value.SelectToken("tuning") as JValue;
                                if (tuning != null)
                                    string     alias      = tuning.ToString();
                                    ModuleFile tuningFile = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetModuleFile(alias);
                                    if (tuningFile != null)
                                        JsonFileData jsonFileData = tuningFile.FileData as JsonFileData;
                                        if (jsonFileData != null)
                                            foreach (string attribute in kAttributesOfInterest)
                                                JValue jAttribute = jsonFileData.Json.SelectToken("attributes." + attribute) as JValue;
                                                if (jAttribute != null)
                                                    allStats[attribute] = allStats[attribute] + (max * jAttribute.Value <int>());

                                            JArray weapon = jsonFileData.Json.SelectToken("equipment.weapon") as JArray;
                                            if (weapon != null)
                                                foreach (JValue weaponAlias in weapon.Children())
                                                    ModuleFile weaponModuleFile = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetModuleFile(weaponAlias.ToString());
                                                    if (weaponModuleFile != null)
                                                        JToken baseDamage = (weaponModuleFile.FileData as JsonFileData).Json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:combat:weapon_data.base_damage");
                                                        if (baseDamage != null)
                                                            totalWeaponBaseDamage = totalWeaponBaseDamage + (max * baseDamage.Value <int>());

                    fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("max enemies : " + maxEnemies);
                    fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("total weapon damage : " + totalWeaponBaseDamage);
                    foreach (string attribute in kAttributesOfInterest)
                        fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("total " + attribute + " : " + allStats[attribute]);

                    fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("average weapon damage : " + totalWeaponBaseDamage / maxEnemies);

                    foreach (string attribute in kAttributesOfInterest)
                        fileDetailsListBox.Items.Add("average " + attribute + " : " + allStats[attribute] / maxEnemies);
        private void InitializeNetWorthItemsView()
            netWorthImagePaths = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            netWorthJsonFiles  = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetJsonsByTerm("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth");
            ImageList imageList = new ImageList();

            // populate listView
            int index = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsonFileData> entry in netWorthJsonFiles)
                JsonFileData jsonFileData    = entry.Value;
                JObject      json            = jsonFileData.Json;
                ListViewItem item            = new ListViewItem(entry.Key); // Item alias
                JToken       token           = json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth.value_in_gold");
                string       goldValue       = token == null ? "" : token.ToString();
                float        goldValueNumber = float.Parse(goldValue);
                item.SubItems.Add(goldValue); // Net Worth
                string material = "";
                string category = "";

                foreach (JsonFileData file in jsonFileData.OpenedFiles)
                    JObject fileJson      = file.Json;
                    JToken  categoryToken = fileJson.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:catalog.category");
                    JToken  materialToken = fileJson.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:catalog.material_tags");
                    if (categoryToken != null)
                        if (category != "" && category != categoryToken.ToString())
                            item.BackColor   = Color.Red;
                            item.ToolTipText = "WARNING: Category specified in more than one place and are not identical";

                        category = categoryToken.ToString();

                    if (materialToken != null)
                        if (material != "" && material != materialToken.ToString())
                            item.BackColor   = Color.Red;
                            item.ToolTipText = "WARNING: Material specified in more than one place and are not identical";

                        material = materialToken.ToString();

                if (goldValueNumber > 0 &&
                    (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) &&
                    (category != "uncategorized") &&
                    item.BackColor   = Color.Red;
                    item.ToolTipText = "WARNING: Material does not contain a stockpile filter";

                item.SubItems.Add(category); // Category
                string modName = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetModNameFromAlias(entry.Key);
                item.SubItems.Add(modName);  // Mod Name

                this.addImages(jsonFileData, netWorthImagePaths, imageList, item, entry, ref index);


            netWorthListView.SmallImageList = imageList;
        private FileData GetFileDataFromPath(string filePath)
            FileData fileData;
            mFileDataMap.TryGetValue(filePath, out fileData);
            if (fileData == null)
                JsonFileData json = new JsonFileData(filePath);
                if (json != null)
                    fileData = json.OpenedFiles.First();
                    mFileDataMap[filePath] = fileData;

            return fileData;
        public void Load(Dictionary<string, GameMasterNode> allNodes)
                mJsonFileData = new JsonFileData(mPath);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to load " + mPath + ". Error: " + e.Message);

            if (mNodeData != null)
Exemple #15
        private void addGhostToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode selectedNode     = treeView.SelectedNode;
            FileData selectedFileData = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetSelectedFileData(treeView.SelectedNode);

            if (!CanAddEntityForm(selectedFileData, "ghost"))

            JsonFileData jsonFileData     = selectedFileData as JsonFileData;
            string       originalFileName = jsonFileData.FileName;
            string       ghostFilePath    = jsonFileData.Directory + "/" + originalFileName + "_ghost.json";

                JObject ghostJson = new JObject();
                ghostJson.Add("type", "entity");

                // Get a linked qb file
                string qbFilePath = null;
                foreach (FileData data in jsonFileData.LinkedFileData.Values)
                    if (data is QubicleFileData)
                        qbFilePath = data.Path;

                JObject ghostComponents = new JObject();
                ghostJson["components"] = ghostComponents;

                JObject json = jsonFileData.Json;
                JObject existingComponents = json["components"] as JObject;
                if (existingComponents != null)
                    TryMoveJToken("unit_info", existingComponents, ghostComponents);
                    TryMoveJToken("render_info", existingComponents, ghostComponents);
                    TryMoveJToken("mob", existingComponents, ghostComponents);

                    // Only move the default model variant to the ghost:
                    JObject defaultModelVariant = existingComponents["model_variants"] as JObject;
                    if (defaultModelVariant != null && defaultModelVariant.Count == 1)
                        TryMoveJToken("model_variants", existingComponents, ghostComponents);
                        JObject modelVariants = new JObject();
                        ghostComponents["model_variants"] = modelVariants;
                        TryMoveJToken("default", defaultModelVariant, modelVariants);

                string ghostJsonString = JsonHelper.GetFormattedJsonString(ghostJson);
                using (StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter(ghostFilePath, false, new UTF8Encoding(false)))

                JToken entityFormsComponent = json.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:entity_forms");
                if (entityFormsComponent == null)
                    if (json["components"] == null)
                        json["components"] = new JObject();

                    JObject entityForms = new JObject();
                    json["components"]["stonehearth:entity_forms"] = entityForms;
                    entityFormsComponent = entityForms;

                JToken mixins = json["mixins"];
                if (mixins == null)
                    json.First.AddAfterSelf(new JProperty("mixins", "file(" + originalFileName + "_ghost.json" + ")"));
                    JArray mixinsArray = mixins as JArray;
                    if (mixinsArray == null)
                        mixinsArray    = new JArray();
                        json["mixins"] = mixinsArray;

                    mixinsArray.Add("file(" + originalFileName + "_ghost.json" + ")");

                (entityFormsComponent as JObject).Add("ghost_form", "file(" + originalFileName + "_ghost.json" + ")");
                MessageBox.Show("Adding file " + ghostFilePath);
            catch (Exception ee)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to add iconic file because " + ee.Message);

        private void InitializeNetWorthItemsView()
            netWorthImagePaths = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            object[] data = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().FilterJsonByTerm(netWorthListView, "entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth");
            netWorthJsonFiles = (Dictionary <string, JsonFileData>)data[0];
            modNames          = (Dictionary <string, string>)data[1];
            ImageList imageList = new ImageList();

            // populate listView
            int index = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsonFileData> entry in netWorthJsonFiles)
                JsonFileData jsonFileData = entry.Value;
                JObject      json         = jsonFileData.Json;
                ListViewItem item         = new ListViewItem(entry.Key); // Item alias
                JToken       token        = json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth.value_in_gold");
                string       goldValue    = token == null ? "" : token.ToString();
                item.SubItems.Add(goldValue); // Net Worth
                string material = "";
                string category = "";

                foreach (JsonFileData file in jsonFileData.OpenedFiles)
                    JObject fileJson      = file.Json;
                    JToken  categoryToken = fileJson.SelectToken("components.item.category");
                    JToken  materialToken = fileJson.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:material.tags");
                    if (categoryToken != null)
                        if (category != "" && category != categoryToken.ToString())
                            item.BackColor   = Color.Red;
                            item.ToolTipText = "WARNING: Category specified in more than one place and are not identical";

                        category = categoryToken.ToString();

                    if (materialToken != null)
                        if (material != "" && material != materialToken.ToString())
                            item.BackColor   = Color.Red;
                            item.ToolTipText = "WARNING: Material specified in more than one place and are not identical";

                        material = materialToken.ToString();

                item.SubItems.Add(category); // Category
                string modName = modNames[entry.Key];
                item.SubItems.Add(modName);  // Mod Name

                this.addImages(jsonFileData, netWorthImagePaths, imageList, item, entry, ref index);


            netWorthListView.SmallImageList = imageList;
        private void OnJsonFileDataSelected()
            JsonFileData fileData = mSelectedFileData as JsonFileData;

            if (fileData.TreeNode != null)
                treeView.SelectedNode = fileData.TreeNode;

            List <string> addedOpenFiles = new List <string>();
            bool          hasImage       = false;

            foreach (FileData openedFile in fileData.OpenedFiles)
                TabPage newTabPage = new TabPage();
                newTabPage.Text = openedFile.FileName;
                if (ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().ModifiedFiles.Contains(openedFile))
                    newTabPage.Text = newTabPage.Text + "*";

                if (openedFile.HasErrors)
                    newTabPage.ImageIndex  = 0;
                    newTabPage.ToolTipText = openedFile.Errors;

                FilePreview filePreview = new FilePreview(this, openedFile);
                filePreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, FileData> linkedFile in openedFile.LinkedFileData)
                    if (addedOpenFiles.Contains(linkedFile.Key))


                    if (linkedFile.Value is QubicleFileData)
                        QubicleFileData qbFileData     = linkedFile.Value as QubicleFileData;
                        string          fileName       = qbFileData.FileName;
                        Button          openFileButton = new Button();
                        openFileButton.Name                    = qbFileData.GetOpenFilePath();
                        openFileButton.BackgroundImage         = global::StonehearthEditor.Properties.Resources.qmofileicon_small;
                        openFileButton.BackgroundImageLayout   = ImageLayout.None;
                        openFileButton.Text                    = Path.GetFileName(openFileButton.Name);
                        openFileButton.TextAlign               = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                        openFileButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
                        openFileButton.Click                  += new System.EventHandler(openFileButton_Click);
                        openFileButton.Padding                 = new Padding(22, 2, 2, 2);
                        openFileButton.AutoSize                = true;
                    else if (linkedFile.Value is ImageFileData)
                        string imageFilePath = linkedFile.Value.Path;
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(imageFilePath))
                            if (!hasImage)
                                iconView.ImageLocation = imageFilePath;
                                hasImage = true;

                            Button openFileButton = new Button();
                            openFileButton.Name = imageFilePath;
                            Image thumbnail = ThumbnailCache.GetThumbnail(imageFilePath);

                            openFileButton.BackgroundImage       = thumbnail;
                            openFileButton.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None;
                            openFileButton.Text      = Path.GetFileName(openFileButton.Name);
                            openFileButton.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                            openFileButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
                            openFileButton.Click   += new System.EventHandler(openFileButton_Click);
                            openFileButton.Padding  = new Padding(22, 2, 2, 2);
                            openFileButton.AutoSize = true;
Exemple #18
        private void ParseJsonSpecificData()
            string directory        = Directory;
            string categoryOverride = null;

            switch (mJsonType)
            case JSONTYPE.ENTITY:
                JToken entityFormsComponent = mJson.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:entity_forms");
                if (entityFormsComponent != null)
                    JToken iconicForm = entityFormsComponent["iconic_form"];
                    if (iconicForm != null)
                        string iconicFilePath = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(iconicForm.ToString(), directory);
                        iconicFilePath = JsonHelper.NormalizeSystemPath(iconicFilePath);
                        JsonFileData iconic = new JsonFileData(iconicFilePath);
                        categoryOverride = iconic.Category;
                        Category         = iconic.Category;

                    // Look for stonehearth:entity_forms
                    JToken ghostForm = entityFormsComponent["ghost_form"];
                    if (ghostForm != null)
                        string ghostFilePath = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(ghostForm.ToString(), directory);
                        ghostFilePath = JsonHelper.NormalizeSystemPath(ghostFilePath);
                        JsonFileData ghost = new JsonFileData(ghostFilePath);
                        ghost.Category = categoryOverride;

                    // Make sure to check if items have no net worth or set mNetWorth from their net worth data
                    JToken catalog_data = mJson.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:catalog.is_item");
                    if (catalog_data != null && catalog_data.Value <bool>())

                    if (GetModuleFile() != null && mJson.SelectToken("components.item") != null)

                    if (mJson.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth") != null)


            case JSONTYPE.JOB:
                // Parse crafter stuff
                JToken crafter = mJson["crafter"];
                if (crafter != null)
                    // This is a crafter, load its recipes
                    string recipeListLocation = crafter["recipe_list"].ToString();
                    recipeListLocation = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(recipeListLocation, directory);
                    if (recipeListLocation != null)
                        JsonFileData recipes = new JsonFileData(recipeListLocation);
                        foreach (FileData recipe in recipes.LinkedFileData.Values)

                        recipes.ReferencedByFileData[GetAliasOrFlatName()] = this;

                JObject jobEquipment = mJson["equipment"] as JObject;
                if (jobEquipment != null)
                    foreach (JToken equippedItem in jobEquipment.Children())
                        string   equipmentJson = equippedItem.Last.ToString();
                        FileData fileData      = null;
                        if (equipmentJson.IndexOf(':') >= 0)
                            foreach (ModuleFile alias in LinkedAliases)
                                if (alias.FullAlias.Equals(equipmentJson))
                                    fileData = alias.FileData;
                            equipmentJson = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(equipmentJson, directory);
                            LinkedFileData.TryGetValue(equipmentJson, out fileData);

                        JsonFileData jsonFileData = fileData as JsonFileData;
                        if (jsonFileData != null)
                            JToken equipment_piece = jsonFileData.mJson.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:equipment_piece");
                            if (equipment_piece != null)
                                JToken ilevel = equipment_piece["ilevel"];
                                if (ilevel != null && ilevel.Value <int>() > 0)
                                    JToken noDrop = equipment_piece["no_drop"];
                                    if (noDrop == null || !noDrop.Value <bool>())
                                        AddError("Equipment piece " + equipmentJson + " is not set to no_drop=true even through it is a job equipment!");


            case JSONTYPE.RECIPE:
                JToken portrait = mJson["portrait"];
                if (portrait != null)
                    string portraitImageLocation = portrait.ToString();
                    portraitImageLocation = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(portraitImageLocation, directory);
                    ImageFileData image = new ImageFileData(portraitImageLocation);
                    LinkedFileData.Add(portraitImageLocation, image);


            case JSONTYPE.AI_PACK:
                JArray actions = mJson["actions"] as JArray;
                if (actions != null)
                    foreach (JToken action in actions)
                        string     fullAlias   = action.ToString();
                        ModuleFile linkedAlias = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetModuleFile(fullAlias);
                        if (linkedAlias == null)
                            AddError("links to alias " + fullAlias + " which does not exist!");

                JToken experience = mJson.SelectToken("attributes.exp_reward");
                if (experience != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine(GetAliasOrFlatName() + "\t" + experience.ToString());
