public HistoryBasketMessageAdapter(HistoryEmulationConnector parent)
				: base(parent.TransactionIdGenerator)
				_parent = parent;
            public HistoryEmulationMessageChannel(HistoryEmulationConnector parent)
                _parent = parent ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parent));

                _messageQueue = new MessageByLocalTimeQueue();
Exemple #3
 public HistoryBasketMessageAdapter(HistoryEmulationConnector parent)
     : base(parent.TransactionIdGenerator)
     _parent = parent;
 public HistoryBasketMessageAdapter(HistoryEmulationConnector parent)
     : base(parent.TransactionIdGenerator, new CandleBuilderProvider(new InMemoryExchangeInfoProvider()))
     _parent = parent;
		private void StartEmulation()
			if (_connector != null && _connector.State != EmulationStates.Stopped)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(LocalizedStrings.Str3015);

			if (Strategy == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Strategy not selected.");

			var strategy = (EmulationDiagramStrategy)Strategy;

			if (strategy.DataPath.IsEmpty() || !Directory.Exists(strategy.DataPath))
				throw new InvalidOperationException(LocalizedStrings.Str3014);

				.ForEach(p =>
					if (p.Type == typeof(Security) && p.Value == null)
						throw new InvalidOperationException(LocalizedStrings.Str1380);


			var securityId = "empty@empty";
			var secGen = new SecurityIdGenerator();
			var secIdParts = secGen.Split(securityId);
			var secCode = secIdParts.SecurityCode;
			var board = ExchangeBoard.GetOrCreateBoard(secIdParts.BoardCode);
			var timeFrame = strategy.CandlesTimeFrame;
			var useCandles = strategy.MarketDataSource == MarketDataSource.Candles;

			// create test security
			var security = new Security
				Id = securityId, // sec id has the same name as folder with historical data
				Code = secCode,
				Board = board,

			// storage to historical data
			var storageRegistry = new StorageRegistry
				// set historical path
				DefaultDrive = new LocalMarketDataDrive(strategy.DataPath)

			var startTime = strategy.StartDate.ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);
			var stopTime = strategy.StopDate.ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);

			// ProgressBar refresh step
			var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To<TimeSpan>();

			// set ProgressBar bounds
			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = 0;
			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Maximum = 100;

			// test portfolio
			var portfolio = new Portfolio
				Name = "test account",
				BeginValue = 1000000,

			var securityProvider = ConfigManager.GetService<ISecurityProvider>();

			// create backtesting connector
			_connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector(securityProvider, new[] { portfolio }, new StorageRegistry())
				EmulationAdapter =
					Emulator =
						Settings =
							// match order if historical price touched our limit order price. 
							// It is terned off, and price should go through limit order price level
							// (more "severe" test mode)
							MatchOnTouch = false,

				UseExternalCandleSource = useCandles,

				HistoryMessageAdapter =
					StorageRegistry = storageRegistry,

					// set history range
					StartDate = startTime,
					StopDate = stopTime,

				// set market time freq as time frame
				MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame,

			//((ILogSource)_connector).LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info;


			var candleManager = new CandleManager(_connector);

			strategy.Volume = 1;
			strategy.Portfolio = portfolio;
			strategy.Security = security;
			strategy.Connector = _connector;
			//LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info,

			// by default interval is 1 min,
			// it is excessively for time range with several months
			strategy.UnrealizedPnLInterval = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 1000).To<TimeSpan>();


			_connector.NewSecurity += s =>
				var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage
					SecurityId = s.ToSecurityId(),
					ServerTime = startTime,
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, secIdParts.SecurityCode == "RIZ2" ? 10m : 1)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m);

				// fill level1 values


				//if (!useCandles)
				//	_connector.RegisterTrades(s);

			var nextTime = startTime + progressStep;

			// handle historical time for update ProgressBar
			_connector.MarketTimeChanged += d =>
				if (_connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && _connector.CurrentTime < stopTime)

				var steps = (_connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1;
				nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To<TimeSpan>();
				this.GuiAsync(() => TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = steps);

			_connector.LookupSecuritiesResult += (ss) =>
				if (strategy.ProcessState != ProcessStates.Stopped)

				// start strategy before emulation started

				// start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed

			_connector.StateChanged += () =>
				switch (_connector.State)
					case EmulationStates.Stopped:

						this.GuiAsync(() =>
							if (_connector.IsFinished)
								TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = TicksAndDepthsProgress.Maximum;
					case EmulationStates.Started:

			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = 0;

			DiagramDebuggerControl.Debugger.IsEnabled = true;

			// raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties

			// 1 cent commission for trade
			_connector.SendInMessage(new CommissionRuleMessage
				Rule = new CommissionPerTradeRule
					Value = 0.01m
Exemple #6
		private void StartBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
			// if process was already started, will stop it now
			if (_connector != null && _connector.State != EmulationStates.Stopped)

				_connector = null;

			// create test security
			var security = new Security
				Id = "AAPL@NASDAQ",
				Code = "AAPL",
				Name = "AAPL Inc",
				Board = ExchangeBoard.Nasdaq,

			var startTime = new DateTime(2009, 6, 1);
			var stopTime = new DateTime(2009, 9, 1);

			var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage
				SecurityId = security.ToSecurityId(),
				ServerTime = startTime,
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, 10m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m);

			// test portfolio
			var portfolio = new Portfolio
				Name = "test account",
				BeginValue = 1000000,

			var timeFrame = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

			// create backtesting connector
			_connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector(
				new[] { security },
				new[] { portfolio })
				HistoryMessageAdapter =
					// set history range
					StartDate = startTime,
					StopDate = stopTime,

				// set market time freq as time frame
				MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame,


			var candleManager = new CandleManager(_connector);

			var series = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, timeFrame);

			// create strategy based on 80 5-min и 10 5-min
			_strategy = new SmaStrategy(series, new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 80 }, new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 10 })
				Volume = 1,
				Security = security,
				Portfolio = portfolio,
				Connector = _connector,

			_connector.NewSecurities += securities =>
				if (securities.All(s => s != security))

				// fill level1 values

				_connector.RegisterTrades(new RandomWalkTradeGenerator(_connector.GetSecurityId(security)));
				_connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(_connector.GetSecurityId(security)) { GenerateDepthOnEachTrade = false });

				// start strategy before emulation started

				// start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed

			// fill parameters panel

			_strategy.PnLChanged += () =>
				var data = new EquityData
					Time = _strategy.CurrentTime,
					Value = _strategy.PnL,

				this.GuiAsync(() => _curveItems.Add(data));


			// ProgressBar refresh step
			var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To<TimeSpan>();
			var nextTime = startTime + progressStep;

			TestingProcess.Maximum = 100;
			TestingProcess.Value = 0;

			// handle historical time for update ProgressBar
			_connector.MarketTimeChanged += diff =>
				if (_connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && _connector.CurrentTime < stopTime)

				var steps = (_connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1;
				nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To<TimeSpan>();
				this.GuiAsync(() => TestingProcess.Value = steps);

			_connector.StateChanged += () =>
				if (_connector.State == EmulationStates.Stopped)
					this.GuiAsync(() =>
						Report.IsEnabled = true;

						if (_connector.IsFinished)
							TestingProcess.Value = TestingProcess.Maximum;
							MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3024.Put(DateTime.Now - _startEmulationTime));
							MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.cancelled);


			Report.IsEnabled = false;

			_startEmulationTime = DateTime.Now;

			// raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BatchEmulation"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityProvider">The provider of information about instruments.</param>
		/// <param name="portfolios">Portfolios, the operation will be performed with.</param>
		/// <param name="storageRegistry">Market data storage.</param>
		public BatchEmulation(ISecurityProvider securityProvider, IEnumerable<Portfolio> portfolios, IStorageRegistry storageRegistry)
			if (securityProvider == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(securityProvider));

			if (portfolios == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(portfolios));

			if (storageRegistry == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(storageRegistry));

			Strategies = Enumerable.Empty<Strategy>().ToEx();

			EmulationSettings = new EmulationSettings();
			EmulationConnector = new HistoryEmulationConnector(securityProvider, portfolios, storageRegistry)
				UpdateSecurityLastQuotes = false,
				UpdateSecurityByLevel1 = false

			//_basketSessionHolder = new HistoryBasketSessionHolder(EmulationConnector.TransactionIdGenerator);

			EmulationConnector.Adapter.InnerAdapters.Add(new BasketEmulationAdapter(EmulationConnector.TransactionIdGenerator, EmulationSettings));

			EmulationConnector.StateChanged += EmulationConnectorOnStateChanged;
			EmulationConnector.MarketTimeChanged += EmulationConnectorOnMarketTimeChanged;
		private void StartBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

			if (HistoryPath.Text.IsEmpty() || !Directory.Exists(HistoryPath.Text))
				MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3014);

			if (_connectors.Any(t => t.State != EmulationStates.Stopped))
				MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3015);

			var secIdParts = SecId.Text.Split('@');

			if (secIdParts.Length != 2)
				MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3016);

			var timeFrame = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

			// create backtesting modes
			var settings = new[]
					// ticks
					new EmulationInfo {UseTicks = true, CurveColor = Colors.DarkGreen, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Ticks}),

					// ticks + order book
					new EmulationInfo {UseTicks = true, UseMarketDepth = true, CurveColor = Colors.Red, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.XamlStr757}),

					// order book
					new EmulationInfo {UseMarketDepth = true, CurveColor = Colors.OrangeRed, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.MarketDepths}),

					// candles
					new EmulationInfo {UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CurveColor = Colors.DarkBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.Candles}),
					// candles + orderbook
					new EmulationInfo {UseMarketDepth = true, UseCandleTimeFrame = timeFrame, CurveColor = Colors.Cyan, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.XamlStr635}),
					// order log
					new EmulationInfo {UseOrderLog = true, CurveColor = Colors.CornflowerBlue, StrategyName = LocalizedStrings.OrderLog})

			// storage to historical data
			var storageRegistry = new StorageRegistry
				// set historical path
				DefaultDrive = new LocalMarketDataDrive(HistoryPath.Text)

			var startTime = ((DateTime)From.Value).ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);
			var stopTime = ((DateTime)To.Value).ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);

			// ОЛ необходимо загружать с 18.45 пред дня, чтобы стаканы строились правильно
			if (OrderLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
				startTime = startTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)).AddHours(18).AddMinutes(45).AddTicks(1);

			// ProgressBar refresh step
			var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To<TimeSpan>();

			// set ProgressBar bounds
			_progressBars.ForEach(p =>
				p.Value = 0;
				p.Maximum = 100;
			var logManager = new LogManager();
			var fileLogListener = new FileLogListener("sample.log");
			//logManager.Listeners.Add(new DebugLogListener());	// for track logs in output window in Vusial Studio (poor performance).

			var generateDepths = GenDepthsCheckBox.IsChecked == true;
			var maxDepth = MaxDepth.Text.To<int>();
			var maxVolume = MaxVolume.Text.To<int>();

			var secCode = secIdParts[0];
			var board = ExchangeBoard.GetOrCreateBoard(secIdParts[1]);

			foreach (var set in settings)
				if (set.Item1.IsChecked == false)

				var progressBar = set.Item2;
				var statistic = set.Item3;
				var emulationInfo = set.Item4;

				// create test security
				var security = new Security
					Id = SecId.Text, // sec id has the same name as folder with historical data
					Code = secCode,
					Board = board,

				var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage
					SecurityId = security.ToSecurityId(),
					ServerTime = startTime,
				.TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, 10m)
				.TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m)
				.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m)
				.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m)
				.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m)
				.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m);

				// test portfolio
				var portfolio = new Portfolio
					Name = "test account",
					BeginValue = 1000000,

				// create backtesting connector
				var connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector(
					new[] { security },
					new[] { portfolio })
					MarketEmulator =
						Settings =
							// match order if historical price touched our limit order price. 
							// It is terned off, and price should go through limit order price level
							// (more "severe" test mode)
							MatchOnTouch = false,

					UseExternalCandleSource = emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame != null,

					CreateDepthFromOrdersLog = emulationInfo.UseOrderLog,
					CreateTradesFromOrdersLog = emulationInfo.UseOrderLog,

					HistoryMessageAdapter =
						StorageRegistry = storageRegistry,

						// set history range
						StartDate = startTime,
						StopDate = stopTime,

					// set market time freq as time frame
					MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame,

				((ILogSource)connector).LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info;


				var candleManager = emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame == null
					? new CandleManager(new TradeCandleBuilderSourceEx(connector))
					: new CandleManager(connector);

				var series = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, timeFrame);

				_shortMa = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 10 };
				_shortElem = new ChartIndicatorElement
					Color = Colors.Coral,
					ShowAxisMarker = false,
					FullTitle = _shortMa.ToString()
				_bufferedChart.AddElement(_area, _shortElem);

				_longMa = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = 80 };
				_longElem = new ChartIndicatorElement
					ShowAxisMarker = false,
					FullTitle = _longMa.ToString()
				_bufferedChart.AddElement(_area, _longElem);

				// create strategy based on 80 5-min и 10 5-min
				var strategy = new SmaStrategy(_bufferedChart, _candlesElem, _tradesElem, _shortMa, _shortElem, _longMa, _longElem, series)
					Volume = 1,
					Portfolio = portfolio,
					Security = security,
					Connector = connector,
					LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info,

					// by default interval is 1 min,
					// it is excessively for time range with several months
					UnrealizedPnLInterval = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 1000).To<TimeSpan>()


				connector.NewSecurities += securities =>
					if (securities.All(s => s != security))

					// fill level1 values

					if (emulationInfo.UseMarketDepth)

						if (
								// if order book will be generated
								generateDepths ||
								// of backtesting will be on candles
								emulationInfo.UseCandleTimeFrame != TimeSpan.Zero
							// if no have order book historical data, but strategy is required,
							// use generator based on last prices
							connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(connector.GetSecurityId(security))
								Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // order book freq refresh is 1 sec
								MaxAsksDepth = maxDepth,
								MaxBidsDepth = maxDepth,
								UseTradeVolume = true,
								MaxVolume = maxVolume,
								MinSpreadStepCount = 2,	// min spread generation is 2 pips
								MaxSpreadStepCount = 5,	// max spread generation size (prevent extremely size)
								MaxPriceStepCount = 3	// pips size,

					if (emulationInfo.UseOrderLog)

					if (emulationInfo.UseTicks)

					// start strategy before emulation started

					// start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed

				// fill parameters panel

				var pnlCurve = Curve.CreateCurve("P&L " + emulationInfo.StrategyName, emulationInfo.CurveColor, EquityCurveChartStyles.Area);
				var unrealizedPnLCurve = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.PnLUnreal + emulationInfo.StrategyName, Colors.Black);
				var commissionCurve = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.Str159 + " " + emulationInfo.StrategyName, Colors.Red, EquityCurveChartStyles.DashedLine);
				var posItems = PositionCurve.CreateCurve(emulationInfo.StrategyName, emulationInfo.CurveColor);
				strategy.PnLChanged += () =>
					var pnl = new EquityData
						Time = strategy.CurrentTime,
						Value = strategy.PnL - strategy.Commission ?? 0

					var unrealizedPnL = new EquityData
						Time = strategy.CurrentTime,
						Value = strategy.PnLManager.UnrealizedPnL

					var commission = new EquityData
						Time = strategy.CurrentTime,
						Value = strategy.Commission ?? 0


				strategy.PositionChanged += () => posItems.Add(new EquityData { Time = strategy.CurrentTime, Value = strategy.Position });

				var nextTime = startTime + progressStep;

				// handle historical time for update ProgressBar
				connector.MarketTimeChanged += d =>
					if (connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && connector.CurrentTime < stopTime)

					var steps = (connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1;
					nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To<TimeSpan>();
					this.GuiAsync(() => progressBar.Value = steps);

				connector.StateChanged += () =>
					if (connector.State == EmulationStates.Stopped)



						this.GuiAsync(() =>
							if (connector.IsFinished)
								progressBar.Value = progressBar.Maximum;
								MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3024.Put(DateTime.Now - _startEmulationTime));
								MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.cancelled);
					else if (connector.State == EmulationStates.Started)

				if (ShowDepth.IsChecked == true)

					connector.NewMessage += message =>
						var quoteMsg = message as QuoteChangeMessage;

						if (quoteMsg != null)


				progressBar.Value = 0;

			_startEmulationTime = DateTime.Now;

			// start emulation
			foreach (var connector in _connectors)
				// raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties

				// 1 cent commission for trade
				connector.SendInMessage(new CommissionRuleMessage
					Rule = new CommissionPerTradeRule { Value = 0.01m }

			TabControl.Items.Cast<TabItem>().First(i => i.Visibility == Visibility.Visible).IsSelected = true;
		private void StartEmulation()
			if (_connector != null && _connector.State != EmulationStates.Stopped)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(LocalizedStrings.Str3015);

			if (Strategy == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Strategy not selected.");

			var strategy = (EmulationDiagramStrategy)Strategy;
			var settings = strategy.EmulationSettings;

			if (settings.MarketDataSettings == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(LocalizedStrings.Str3014);

			new SetDefaultEmulationSettingsCommand(settings).Process(this);

				.ForEach(p =>
					if (p.Type == typeof(Security) && p.Value == null)
						throw new InvalidOperationException(LocalizedStrings.Str1380);


			var securityId = "empty@empty";
			var secGen = new SecurityIdGenerator();
			var secIdParts = secGen.Split(securityId);
			var secCode = secIdParts.SecurityCode;
			var board = ExchangeBoard.GetOrCreateBoard(secIdParts.BoardCode);
			var timeFrame = settings.CandlesTimeFrame;
			var useCandles = settings.MarketDataSource == MarketDataSource.Candles;

			// create test security
			var security = new Security
				Id = securityId, // sec id has the same name as folder with historical data
				Code = secCode,
				Board = board,

			// storage to historical data
			var storageRegistry = new StudioStorageRegistry
				MarketDataSettings = settings.MarketDataSettings

			var startTime = settings.StartDate.ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);
			var stopTime = settings.StopDate.ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);

			// ProgressBar refresh step
			var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To<TimeSpan>();

			// set ProgressBar bounds
			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = 0;
			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Maximum = 100;

			// test portfolio
			var portfolio = new Portfolio
				Name = "test account",
				BeginValue = 1000000,

			var securityProvider = ConfigManager.GetService<ISecurityProvider>();

			// create backtesting connector
			_connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector(securityProvider, new[] { portfolio }, new StorageRegistry())
				EmulationAdapter =
					Emulator =
						Settings =
							// match order if historical price touched our limit order price. 
							// It is terned off, and price should go through limit order price level
							// (more "severe" test mode)
							MatchOnTouch = settings.MatchOnTouch, 
							IsSupportAtomicReRegister = settings.IsSupportAtomicReRegister,
							Latency = settings.EmulatoinLatency,

				UseExternalCandleSource = useCandles,

				HistoryMessageAdapter =
					StorageRegistry = storageRegistry,
					StorageFormat = settings.StorageFormat,

					// set history range
					StartDate = startTime,
					StopDate = stopTime,

				// set market time freq as time frame
				MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame,

			((ILogSource)_connector).LogLevel = settings.DebugLog ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info;


			strategy.Volume = 1;
			strategy.Portfolio = portfolio;
			strategy.Security = security;
			strategy.Connector = _connector;
			strategy.LogLevel = settings.DebugLog ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info;

			// by default interval is 1 min,
			// it is excessively for time range with several months
			strategy.UnrealizedPnLInterval = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 1000).To<TimeSpan>();

			strategy.SetCandleManager(new CandleManager(_connector));

			_connector.NewSecurity += s =>
				//TODO send real level1 message
				var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage
					SecurityId = s.ToSecurityId(),
					ServerTime = startTime,
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, secIdParts.SecurityCode == "RIZ2" ? 10m : 1)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m)
					.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m);

				// fill level1 values

				if (settings.UseMarketDepths)

					if (
							// if order book will be generated
							settings.GenerateDepths ||
							// of backtesting will be on candles
						// if no have order book historical data, but strategy is required,
						// use generator based on last prices
						_connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(_connector.GetSecurityId(s))
							Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // order book freq refresh is 1 sec
							MaxAsksDepth = settings.MaxDepths,
							MaxBidsDepth = settings.MaxDepths,
							UseTradeVolume = true,
							MaxVolume = settings.MaxVolume,
							MinSpreadStepCount = 2, // min spread generation is 2 pips
							MaxSpreadStepCount = 5, // max spread generation size (prevent extremely size)
							MaxPriceStepCount = 3   // pips size,

			var nextTime = startTime + progressStep;

			// handle historical time for update ProgressBar
			_connector.MarketTimeChanged += d =>
				if (_connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && _connector.CurrentTime < stopTime)

				var steps = (_connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1;
				nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To<TimeSpan>();
				this.GuiAsync(() => TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = steps);

			_connector.LookupSecuritiesResult += (ss) =>
				if (strategy.ProcessState != ProcessStates.Stopped)

				// start strategy before emulation started

				// start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed

			_connector.StateChanged += () =>
				switch (_connector.State)
					case EmulationStates.Stopped:

						this.GuiAsync(() =>
							if (_connector.IsFinished)
								TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = TicksAndDepthsProgress.Maximum;
					case EmulationStates.Started:

			_connector.Disconnected += () =>
				this.GuiAsync(() => _connector.Dispose());

			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = 0;

			DiagramDebuggerControl.Debugger.IsEnabled = true;

			// raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties

			// 1 cent commission for trade
			_connector.SendInMessage(new CommissionRuleMessage
				Rule = new CommissionPerTradeRule
					Value = 0.01m
		private void StartButtonOnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


			if (HistoryPathTextBox.Text.IsEmpty() || !Directory.Exists(HistoryPathTextBox.Text))
				MessageBox.Show("Wrong path.");

			if (_connector != null && _connector.State != EmulationStates.Stopped)
				MessageBox.Show("Already launched.");

			if (Composition == null)
				MessageBox.Show("No strategy selected.");

			var secGen = new SecurityIdGenerator();
			var secIdParts = secGen.Split(SecusityTextBox.Text);
			var secCode = secIdParts.SecurityCode;
			var board = ExchangeBoard.GetOrCreateBoard(secIdParts.BoardCode);
			var timeFrame = (TimeSpan)TimeFrameComboBox.SelectedItem;
			var useCandles = (string)MarketDataTypeComboBox.SelectedItem != "Ticks";

			// create test security
			var security = new Security
				Id = SecusityTextBox.Text, // sec id has the same name as folder with historical data
				Code = secCode,
				Board = board,

			// storage to historical data
			var storageRegistry = new StorageRegistry
				// set historical path
				DefaultDrive = new LocalMarketDataDrive(HistoryPathTextBox.Text)

			var startTime = ((DateTime)FromDatePicker.Value).ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);
			var stopTime = ((DateTime)ToDatePicke.Value).ChangeKind(DateTimeKind.Utc);

			// ProgressBar refresh step
			var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To<TimeSpan>();

			// set ProgressBar bounds
			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = 0;
			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Maximum = 100;

			var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage
				SecurityId = security.ToSecurityId(),
				ServerTime = startTime,
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, secIdParts.SecurityCode == "RIZ2" ? 10m : 1)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m)
			.TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m);

			// test portfolio
			var portfolio = new Portfolio
				Name = "test account",
				BeginValue = 1000000,

			// create backtesting connector
			_connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector(
				new[] { security },
				new[] { portfolio })
				EmulationAdapter =
					Emulator =
						Settings =
							// match order if historical price touched our limit order price. 
							// It is terned off, and price should go through limit order price level
							// (more "severe" test mode)
							MatchOnTouch = false,

				UseExternalCandleSource = useCandles,

				HistoryMessageAdapter =
					StorageRegistry = storageRegistry,

					// set history range
					StartDate = startTime,
					StopDate = stopTime,

				// set market time freq as time frame
				MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame,

			//((ILogSource)_connector).LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info;


			var candleManager = !useCandles
					? new CandleManager(new TradeCandleBuilderSourceEx(_connector))
					: new CandleManager(_connector);

			// create strategy based on 80 5-min и 10 5-min
			var strategy = new DiagramStrategy
				Volume = 1,
				Portfolio = portfolio,
				Security = security,
				Connector = _connector,
				//LogLevel = DebugLogCheckBox.IsChecked == true ? LogLevels.Debug : LogLevels.Info,

				Composition = Composition,

				// by default interval is 1 min,
				// it is excessively for time range with several months
				UnrealizedPnLInterval = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 1000).To<TimeSpan>()



			strategy.OrderRegistering += OnStrategyOrderRegistering;
			strategy.OrderReRegistering += OnStrategyOrderReRegistering;
			strategy.OrderRegisterFailed += OnStrategyOrderRegisterFailed;
			strategy.StopOrderRegistering += OnStrategyOrderRegistering;
			strategy.StopOrderReRegistering += OnStrategyOrderReRegistering;
			strategy.StopOrderRegisterFailed += OnStrategyOrderRegisterFailed;

			strategy.NewMyTrades += OnStrategyNewMyTrade;

			var pnlCurve = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.PnL + " " + strategy.Name, Colors.DarkGreen, EquityCurveChartStyles.Area);
			var unrealizedPnLCurve = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.PnLUnreal + strategy.Name, Colors.Black);
			var commissionCurve = Curve.CreateCurve(LocalizedStrings.Str159 + " " + strategy.Name, Colors.Red, EquityCurveChartStyles.DashedLine);
			strategy.PnLChanged += () =>
				var pnl = new EquityData
					Time = strategy.CurrentTime,
					Value = strategy.PnL - strategy.Commission ?? 0

				var unrealizedPnL = new EquityData
					Time = strategy.CurrentTime,
					Value = strategy.PnLManager.UnrealizedPnL

				var commission = new EquityData
					Time = strategy.CurrentTime,
					Value = strategy.Commission ?? 0


			var posItems = PositionCurve.CreateCurve(strategy.Name, Colors.DarkGreen);

			strategy.PositionChanged += () => posItems.Add(new EquityData { Time = strategy.CurrentTime, Value = strategy.Position });

			_connector.NewSecurities += securities =>
				if (securities.All(s => s != security))

				// fill level1 values

				if (!useCandles)

				// start strategy before emulation started

				// start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed

			var nextTime = startTime + progressStep;

			// handle historical time for update ProgressBar
			_connector.MarketTimeChanged += d =>
				if (_connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && _connector.CurrentTime < stopTime)

				var steps = (_connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1;
				nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To<TimeSpan>();
				this.GuiAsync(() => TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = steps);

			_connector.StateChanged += () =>
				switch (_connector.State)
					case EmulationStates.Stopped:

						this.GuiAsync(() =>
							if (_connector.IsFinished)
								TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = TicksAndDepthsProgress.Maximum;
					case EmulationStates.Started:

			TicksAndDepthsProgress.Value = 0;

			// raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties

			// 1 cent commission for trade
			_connector.SendInMessage(new CommissionRuleMessage
				Rule = new CommissionPerTradeRule { Value = 0.01m }