Exemple #1
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target)
            SteeringOutput steering = new SteeringOutput();

            if (!target)

            Vector3 directionToTarget;

            directionToTarget = target.transform.position - ownKS.position;

            steering.linearAcceleration = directionToTarget * ownKS.maxAcceleration;

Exemple #2
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, SAlign info)
            float l_requiredAngularSpeed;
            float l_requiredAngularAcceleration;
            float l_angleSize;

            float l_requiredRotation = info.m_target.rotation.eulerAngles.y - ownKS.m_orientation;

            if (l_requiredRotation < 0f)
                l_requiredRotation += 360f;

            if (l_requiredRotation > 180f)
                l_requiredRotation = -(360f - l_requiredRotation);

            l_angleSize = Mathf.Abs(l_requiredRotation);

            if (l_angleSize <= info.m_closeEnoughAngle)

            if (l_angleSize > info.m_slowDownAngle)
                l_requiredAngularSpeed = ownKS.m_maxAngularSpeed;
                l_requiredAngularSpeed = ownKS.m_maxAngularSpeed * (l_angleSize - info.m_slowDownAngle);

            l_requiredAngularSpeed       *= Mathf.Sign(l_requiredRotation);
            l_requiredAngularAcceleration = (l_requiredAngularSpeed - ownKS.m_angularSpeed) / info.m_timeToDesiredAngularSpeed;

            l_requiredAngularAcceleration = MathExtent.Clip(l_requiredAngularAcceleration, ownKS.m_maxAngularAcceleration, true);

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            result.m_angularAcceleration = l_requiredAngularAcceleration;
Exemple #3
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS)
            SteeringOutput result                  = new SteeringOutput();
            Vector3        desiredDirection        = Vector3.zero;
            float          desiredAngularDirection = 0;

            // UP is MOVE FORWARD.
            // DOWN is MOVE BACKWARDS.
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow))
                desiredDirection += Utils.OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation);
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow))
                desiredDirection += -Utils.OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation);

            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
                desiredAngularDirection += 1f;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
                desiredAngularDirection += -1f;

            // Beware: this part of the code tampers with the speed...
            if (desiredAngularDirection == 0)
                ownKS.angularSpeed = 0;                  // stop!!!
                if (desiredDirection.magnitude < 0.01)
                    ownKS.linearVelocity = Vector3.zero;                     // stop!!

            result.linearAcceleration  = desiredDirection * ownKS.maxAcceleration;
            result.angularAcceleration = desiredAngularDirection * ownKS.maxAngularAcceleration;

Exemple #4
        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            // no KS? get it
            if (this.ownKS == null)
                this.ownKS = GetComponent <KinematicState>();

            if (this.target == null)
                Debug.Log("Null target in Seek of " + this.gameObject);

            SteeringOutput result = Seek.GetSteering(this.ownKS, this.target);

            base.applyRotationalPolicy(rotationalPolicy, result, this.target);
Exemple #5
        void Update()
            //Get Accelerations
            SteeringOutput l_steering = GetSteering();

            //Stop if there is no acceleration
            if (l_steering == null)
                m_ownKS.m_linearVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                m_ownKS.m_angularSpeed   = 0f;

            float dt = Time.deltaTime;

            //Apply linear accelerations
            if (l_steering.m_linearActive)
                m_ownKS.m_linearVelocity = m_ownKS.m_linearVelocity + l_steering.m_linearAcceleration * dt;
                m_ownKS.m_linearVelocity = MathExtent.Clip(m_ownKS.m_linearVelocity, m_ownKS.m_maxLinearSpeed);

                m_ownKS.m_position += m_ownKS.m_linearVelocity * dt + 0.5f * l_steering.m_linearAcceleration * dt * dt;
                transform.position  = m_ownKS.m_position;
                m_ownKS.m_linearVelocity = Vector3.zero;

            //Apply angular Accelerations
            if (l_steering.m_angularActive)
                m_ownKS.m_angularSpeed = m_ownKS.m_angularSpeed + l_steering.m_angularAcceleration * dt;
                m_ownKS.m_angularSpeed = MathExtent.Clip(m_ownKS.m_angularSpeed, m_ownKS.m_maxAngularSpeed, true);

                m_ownKS.m_orientation += m_ownKS.m_angularSpeed * dt + 0.5f * l_steering.m_angularAcceleration * dt * dt;
                transform.rotation     = Quaternion.Euler(0f, m_ownKS.m_orientation, 0f);
                m_ownKS.m_angularSpeed = 0f;
Exemple #6
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, string tag, float repulsionThreshold)
            Vector3 directionToTarget;
            float   distanceToTarget;
            float   repulsionStrength = 0;
            int     activeTargets     = 0;

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            GameObject[] targets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");

            foreach (GameObject target in targets)
                if (target == ownKS.gameObject)

                directionToTarget = target.transform.position - ownKS.position;
                distanceToTarget  = directionToTarget.magnitude;

                if (distanceToTarget <= repulsionThreshold)
                    repulsionStrength         = ownKS.maxAcceleration * (repulsionThreshold - distanceToTarget) / repulsionThreshold;
                    result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration - directionToTarget.normalized * repulsionStrength;

            if (activeTargets > 0)
                if (result.linearAcceleration.magnitude > ownKS.maxAcceleration)
                    result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration.normalized * ownKS.maxAcceleration;

Exemple #7
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject attractor, float seekWeight = 0.2f, string idTag = "BOID",
                                                 float cohesionThreshold = 40f, float repulsionThreshold = 10f,
                                                 float wanderRate        = 10f,
                                                 float vmWeight          = 0.08f, float rpWeight = 0.46f, float coWeight = 0.23f, float wdWeight = 023f)
            SteeringOutput seekOutput = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, attractor);
            SteeringOutput result     = Flocking.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold, wanderRate);

            // beware, Flocking may return NULL_STEERING. In that case, just apply seek
            if (result == NULL_STEERING)

            result.linearAcceleration  = result.linearAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.linearAcceleration * seekWeight;
            result.angularAcceleration = result.angularAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.angularAcceleration * seekWeight;

        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKs, string idTag, float cohesionThreshold, float repulsionThreshold,
                                                 float wanderRate, float vmWeight, float rpWeight, float coWeight, float wdWeight,
                                                 GameObject target, float distance, float angle,
                                                 float kpWeight)
            SteeringOutput fl = Flocking.GetSteering(ownKs, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold,
                                                     wanderRate, vmWeight, rpWeight, coWeight, wdWeight);
            SteeringOutput kp = KeepPosition.GetSteering(ownKs, target, distance, angle);

            if (kp == NULL_STEERING)

            fl.linearAcceleration = fl.linearAcceleration * (1 - kpWeight) + kp.linearAcceleration * kpWeight;
            // fl.linearAcceleration = fl.linearAcceleration.normalized * ownKs.maxAcceleration;

        public virtual void applyLWYG(SteeringOutput steering)
            if (ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude > 0.001f)
                // if linear velocity is very small, object is not moving (isn't going anywhere
                // hence it makes no sense to apply "look where you go"

                // Align with velocity.
                // create a surrogate target the orientation of which is that of my linear velocity
                SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Utils.VectorToOrientation(ownKS.linearVelocity));
                SteeringOutput st = Align.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET);
                steering.angularAcceleration = st.angularAcceleration;
                steering.angularActive       = st.angularActive;
                steering.angularActive = false;
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float distance = 10.0f, float slowRadius = 20.0f,
                                                 float disredSpeed = 0.1f, bool showWhishker        = true, float lookAheadLength = 10f, float avoidDistance = 10f, float secondaryWhiskerAngle = 30f, float secondaryWhiskerRatio = 0.7f,
                                                 string tag        = "REPULSIVE", float repulsionTh = 8.0f, float repulsionWeight = 0.5f)
            SteeringOutput linearRepulsion = LinearRepulsion.GetSteering(ownKS, tag, repulsionTh);
            SteeringOutput arrive          = ArrivePlusAvoid.GetSteering(ownKS, target, distance, slowRadius, disredSpeed, showWhishker, lookAheadLength, avoidDistance, secondaryWhiskerAngle, secondaryWhiskerRatio);

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            if (linearRepulsion == NULL_STEERING)
            else if (arrive == NULL_STEERING)

            result.linearAcceleration = arrive.linearAcceleration * (1 - repulsionWeight) + linearRepulsion.linearAcceleration * repulsionWeight;
Exemple #11
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, float WanderRate, float wanderRadius, float wanderOffset, ref float targetOrientation, float lookAheadLength, float avoidDistance, float secondaryWhiskerAngle, float secondaryWhiskerRatio, ref bool avoidActive, LayerMask avoidLayers, SphereCollider scanner)
            SteeringOutput so = ObstacleAvoidance.GetSteering(ownKS, lookAheadLength, avoidDistance, secondaryWhiskerAngle, secondaryWhiskerRatio, avoidLayers, scanner);

            if (so == nullSteering)
                if (avoidActive)
                    targetOrientation = ownKS.orientation;

                avoidActive = false;

                return(Wander.GetSteering(ownKS, ref targetOrientation, WanderRate, wanderRadius, wanderOffset));
                avoidActive = true;
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, string idTag, float RequiredDistance, float DesiredAngle, float RepulsionThreshold)
            SteeringOutput rp  = LinearRepulsion.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, RepulsionThreshold);
            SteeringOutput Kep = My_KeepDistanceVersatile.GetSteering(ownKS, target, RequiredDistance, DesiredAngle);

            if (rp == null)
                rp = new SteeringOutput();

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            result.linearAcceleration = rp.linearAcceleration * 0.6f + Kep.linearAcceleration * 0.4f;

            if (result.linearAcceleration.magnitude > ownKS.maxAcceleration)
                result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration.normalized * ownKS.maxAcceleration;

Exemple #13
        private SteeringOutput KeyboardMove()
            // no kinematic state required

            float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            float z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

            Vector3 direction = new Vector3(x, 0, z);

            if (direction.magnitude < 0.05)

            // accelerate along direction
            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            result.linearAcceleration = maxAcceleration * direction.normalized;

Exemple #14
        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            SteeringOutput result = WanderPlusAvoid.GetSteering(ownKS, wanderRate, wanderRate, wanderOffset, ref targetOrientation, lookAheadLength, avoidDistance, secondaryWhiskerAngle, secondaryWhiskerRatio, ref avoidActive, avoidLayers, scanner);

            if (!surrogateTarget)
            if (ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude > 0.001f)
                surrogateTarget.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, VectorToOrientation(ownKS.linearVelocity));
                SteeringOutput st = Align.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget);
                result.angularAcceleration = st.angularAcceleration;
                result.angularActive       = st.angularActive;
                result.angularActive = false;

Exemple #15
        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            SteeringOutput result = LinearRepulsion.GetSteering(this.ownKS, this.idTag, this.repulsionThreshold);

            if (!surrogateTarget)

            if (ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude > 0.001f)
                surrogateTarget.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, VectorToOrientation(ownKS.linearVelocity));
                SteeringOutput st = Align.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget);
                result.angularAcceleration = st.angularAcceleration;
                result.angularActive       = st.angularActive;
                result.angularActive = false;

Exemple #16
        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            SteeringOutput result = Wander.GetSteering(ownKS, ref targetOrientation, wanderRate, wanderRadius, wanderOffset);

            if (!surrogateTarget)

            if (ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude > 0.001f)
                surrogateTarget.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, VectorToOrientation(ownKS.linearVelocity));
                SteeringOutput st = Align.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget);
                result.angularAcceleration = st.angularAcceleration;
                result.angularActive       = st.angularActive;
                result.angularActive = false;

Exemple #17
        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            SteeringOutput result = ArrivePlusAvoid.GetSteering(ownKS, target, closeEnoughRadius, slowDownRadius, timeToDesiredSpeed, lookAheadLength, avoidDistance, secondaryWhiskerAngle, secondaryWhiskerRatio, avoidLayers, scanner, repulsionTag, repulsionThreshold, arriveWeight);

            if (!surrogateTarget)

            if (ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude > 0.001f)
                surrogateTarget.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, VectorToOrientation(ownKS.linearVelocity));
                SteeringOutput st = Align.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget);
                result.angularAcceleration = st.angularAcceleration;
                result.angularActive       = st.angularActive;
                result.angularActive = false;

Exemple #18
        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            SteeringOutput result = Arrive.GetSteering(ownKS, target, closeEnoughRadius, slowDownRadius, timeToDesiredSpeed);

            if (!surrogateTarget)

            if (ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude > 0.001f)
                surrogateTarget.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, VectorToOrientation(ownKS.linearVelocity));
                SteeringOutput st = Align.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget);
                result.angularAcceleration = st.angularAcceleration;
                result.angularActive       = st.angularActive;
                result.angularActive = false;

        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float timeToDesiredVelocity = 0.1f)
            KinematicState targetKS = target.GetComponent <KinematicState> ();

            if (targetKS == null)
                Debug.LogError("Velocity matching requires a target with an accessible kinematic state ");

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            // compute required acceleration to have same velocity
            result.linearAcceleration = (targetKS.linearVelocity - ownKS.linearVelocity) / timeToDesiredVelocity;

            // clip if necessary
            if (result.linearAcceleration.magnitude > ownKS.maxAcceleration)
                result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration.normalized * ownKS.maxAcceleration;

Exemple #20
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float distance = 10.0f, float angle = 180.0f, string tag = "REPULSIVE", float repulsionTh = 8.0f, float repulsiveWeight = 0.5f)
            // compute both steerings
            SteeringOutput lr = LinearRepulsion.GetSteering(ownKS, tag, repulsionTh);
            SteeringOutput kp = KeepPosition.GetSteering(ownKS, target, distance, angle);

            // blend result
            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            // (if one is SteeringBehaviour.NULL_STEERING return the other
            if (lr == NULL_STEERING)
            else if (kp == NULL_STEERING)

            // if none is SteeringBehaviour.NULL_STEERING blend with weights wlr and 1-wlr)
            result.linearAcceleration = kp.linearAcceleration * (1 - repulsiveWeight) + lr.linearAcceleration * repulsiveWeight;
Exemple #21
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float targetRadius, float slowDownRadius, float timeToDesiredSpeed)
            SteeringOutput steering = new SteeringOutput();
            Vector3        directionToTarget;
            float          distanceToTarget;
            float          desiredSpeed;
            Vector3        desiredVelocity;
            Vector3        requiredAcceleration;

            directionToTarget = target.transform.position - ownKS.position;
            distanceToTarget  = directionToTarget.magnitude;

            if (distanceToTarget < targetRadius)

            if (distanceToTarget > slowDownRadius)
                return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, target));

            desiredSpeed = ownKS.maxSpeed * (distanceToTarget / slowDownRadius);

            desiredVelocity = directionToTarget.normalized * desiredSpeed;

            requiredAcceleration = (desiredVelocity - ownKS.linearVelocity) / timeToDesiredSpeed;

            if (requiredAcceleration.magnitude > ownKS.maxAcceleration)
                requiredAcceleration = requiredAcceleration.normalized * ownKS.maxAcceleration;

            steering.linearAcceleration = requiredAcceleration;

Exemple #22
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, string idTag = "BOID",
                                                 float cohesionThreshold            = 40f, float repulsionThreshold = 10f,
                                                 float wanderRate = 10f,
                                                 float vmWeight   = 0.08f, float rpWeight = 0.46f, float coWeight = 0.23f, float wdWeight = 0.23f)
            float          distanceToBoid;
            KinematicState boidKS;
            Vector3        averageVelocity = Vector3.zero;
            int            count           = 0;
            SteeringOutput result          = new SteeringOutput();

            // get all the other boids
            GameObject [] boids = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(idTag);

            // ... and iterate to find average velocity
            foreach (GameObject boid in boids)
                // skip yourself
                if (boid == ownKS.gameObject)

                boidKS = boid.GetComponent <KinematicState> ();
                if (boidKS == null)
                    // this should never happen but you never know
                    Debug.Log("Incompatible mate in flocking. Flocking mates must have a kinematic state attached: " + boid);

                // disregard distant boids
                distanceToBoid = (boidKS.position - ownKS.position).magnitude;
                if (distanceToBoid > Math.Max(cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold))

                averageVelocity = averageVelocity + boidKS.linearVelocity;
            }             // end of iteration to find average velocity

            if (count > 0)
                averageVelocity = averageVelocity / count;
                // if no boid is close enough (count==0) there's no flocking to be performed so return NULL_STEERING
                // or just apply some wandering...
                return(NaiveWander.GetSteering(ownKS, wanderRate));

            SURROGATE_TARGET.GetComponent <KinematicState> ().linearVelocity = averageVelocity;

            SteeringOutput vm = VelocityMatching.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET);             // (in normal conditions) this does NOT return NULL_STEERING
            SteeringOutput rp = LinearRepulsion.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, repulsionThreshold);     // this MAY return NULL_STEERING
            SteeringOutput co = Cohesion.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold);             // this MAY return NULL_STEERING

            result.linearAcceleration = vm.linearAcceleration * vmWeight +
                                        rp.linearAcceleration * rpWeight + // if rp==NULL_STEERING linearAcceleration is Vector3.zero
                                        co.linearAcceleration * coWeight;  // id for co.

            // and now let's add some wandering to make things less predictable (yet more stable)

            SteeringOutput wd = NaiveWander.GetSteering(ownKS, wanderRate);

            result.linearAcceleration += wd.linearAcceleration * wdWeight;

            // adjust to maxAcceleration
            result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration.normalized * ownKS.maxAcceleration;

Exemple #23
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, string idTag = "BOID",
                                                 float cohesionThreshold            = 40f, float repulsionThreshold = 10f,
                                                 float wanderRate = 10f)
            float          distanceToBoid;
            KinematicState boid;
            Vector3        averageVelocity = Vector3.zero;
            int            count           = 0;

            // get all the other boids
            GameObject [] boids = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(idTag);

            // ... and iterate to find average velocity
            for (int i = 0; i < boids.Length; i++)
                // skip yourself
                if (boids[i] == ownKS.gameObject)

                boid = boids [i].GetComponent <KinematicState> ();
                if (boid == null)
                    // this should never happen but you never know
                    Debug.Log("Incompatible mate in flocking. Flocking mates must have a kinematic state attached: " + boids[i]);

                // disregard distant boids
                distanceToBoid = (boid.position - ownKS.position).magnitude;
                if (distanceToBoid > Math.Max(cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold))

                averageVelocity = averageVelocity + boid.linearVelocity;
            }             // end of iteration to find average velocity

            if (count > 0)
                averageVelocity = averageVelocity / count;
            // if no boid is close enough (count==0) there's no flocking to be performed so return null
            // could also apply some wandering

            if (surrogateTarget == null)
                surrogateTarget = new GameObject("surrogate target for Flocking");
                surrogateKS     = surrogateTarget.AddComponent <KinematicState> ();

            surrogateKS.linearVelocity = averageVelocity;
            SteeringOutput vm = VelocityMatching.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget);              // (in normal conditions) this does NOT return null
            SteeringOutput rp = LinearRepulsion.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, repulsionThreshold);     // this MAY return null
            SteeringOutput co = Cohesion.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold);             // this MAY return null

            // avoid nasty problems due to null references
            if (rp == null)
                rp = new SteeringOutput();
            if (co == null)
                co = new SteeringOutput();

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            result.linearAcceleration = vm.linearAcceleration * 0.4f +
                                        rp.linearAcceleration * 2f +
                                        co.linearAcceleration * 1f;

            // and now let's add some wandering to make things less predictable
            SteeringOutput wd = VeryNaiveWander.GetSteering(ownKS, wanderRate);

            result.linearAcceleration += wd.linearAcceleration * 1f;

            // clip if necessary
            if (result.linearAcceleration.magnitude > ownKS.maxAcceleration)
                result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration.normalized * ownKS.maxAcceleration;

Exemple #24
        private SteeringOutput Flocking(KinematicState own, string tag = "BOID")
            float          distanceToMate;
            KinematicState mate;
            Vector3        averageVelocity = Vector3.zero;
            int            count           = 0;

            // get all your mates...
            GameObject [] mates = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag);
            // and iterate to find average velocity
            for (int i = 0; i < mates.Length; i++)
                // skip yourself
                if (mates[i].GetComponent <Steerings2>() == this)

                mate = mates [i].GetComponent <Steerings2> ().ownKS;
                if (mate == null)
                    // this should never happen
                    Debug.LogError("Incompatible mate in flocking");
                // disregard distant mates. Consider cohesionThreshold
                distanceToMate = (mate.position - own.position).magnitude;
                if (distanceToMate > cohesionThreshold)

                averageVelocity = averageVelocity + mate.linearVelocity;
            }             // end of iteration
            if (count > 0)
                averageVelocity = averageVelocity / count;

            // velocity matching with a surrogateTarget
            KinematicState surrogateTarget = new KinematicState();

            surrogateTarget.linearVelocity = averageVelocity;

            SteeringOutput velMatching = VelocityMatching(own, surrogateTarget);
            SteeringOutput repulsion   = LinearRepulsion(own, tag);
            SteeringOutput cohesion    = Cohesion(own, tag);
            SteeringOutput wander      = NaiveWander(own);

            //SteeringOutput wander = Wander (own, wanderTarget);

            //string status = "xxx ";

            // avoid nasty errors due to null objects
            if (velMatching == null)
                velMatching = new SteeringOutput();
                //status = status  + "velmatching is null";
            if (repulsion == null)
                repulsion = new SteeringOutput();
                //status = status  + " repulsion is null";
            if (cohesion == null)
                cohesion = new SteeringOutput();
                //status = status  + " cohesion is null";
            if (wander == null)
                wander = new SteeringOutput();
                //status = status  + " wander is null";

            //Debug.Log (status);

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            result.linearAcceleration = velMatching.linearAcceleration * 0.4f +
                                        repulsion.linearAcceleration * 2f +
                                        cohesion.linearAcceleration * 1f +
                                        wander.linearAcceleration * 0.5f;

            // clip if necessary
            if (result.linearAcceleration.magnitude > maxAcceleration)
                result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration.normalized * maxAcceleration;

            // add the angular acceleration provided by wander...
            result.angularAcceleration = wander.angularAcceleration;

Exemple #25
        private SteeringOutput CollisionAvoidance(KinematicState own, string tag)
            // avoids colliding against a moving spherical object

            float          shortestTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
            KinematicState firstTarget = null;
            float          firstMinSeparation = 0;
            float          firstDistance = 0;
            Vector3        firstRelativePosition = Vector3.zero, relativePosition;
            Vector3        firstRelativeVelocity = Vector3.zero, relativeVelocity;
            float          distance, minSeparation = 0f;
            float          relativeSpeed;
            float          timeToCollision;
            float          radius, myRadius, firstRadius = 0;
            KinematicState target;

            // get all the targets
            // Steerings2 [] targets = GetComponents<Steerings2>();
            //Steerings2 [] targets = FindObjectsOfType(typeof (Steerings2)) as Steerings2[];
            GameObject [] tgts = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag);
            Steerings2 [] targets = new Steerings2[tgts.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < tgts.Length; i++)
                targets [i] = tgts [i].GetComponent <Steerings2> ();

            myRadius = Mathf.Max(GetComponent <Renderer> ().bounds.size.x / 2f,
                                 GetComponent <Renderer> ().bounds.size.y / 2f);

            // iterate thorough all the targets
            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
                // do not consider yourself...
                if (targets [i].ownKS == own)

                target           = targets [i].ownKS;
                relativePosition = target.position - own.position;
                relativeVelocity = target.linearVelocity - own.linearVelocity;
                relativeSpeed    = relativeVelocity.magnitude;

                timeToCollision = -(DotProduct(relativePosition, relativeVelocity)) / (relativeSpeed * relativeSpeed);

                if (float.IsNaN(timeToCollision))
                    //Debug.Log ("No collisions");
                if (timeToCollision < 0)
                    //Debug.Log ("No collisions. Object getting away");
                if (timeToCollision > 10)
                    //Debug.Log ("Possible collision too distant in time");
                    continue;                     // don't mind distant collisions...

                // is there going to be a collision at all?
                distance      = relativePosition.magnitude;            // current distance
                minSeparation = distance - relativeSpeed * timeToCollision;
                radius        = Mathf.Max(targets [i].GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x / 2,
                                          targets [i].GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y / 2);

                if (minSeparation > (myRadius + radius))
                    Debug.Log("No collisions. Object will not get too close");
                    continue;                     // there'll be no collision at all

                Debug.Log("Collision Detected. Min separation is: " + minSeparation + " but required is: " + (myRadius + radius));
                // is this the first object we're are going to collide with?
                if (timeToCollision < shortestTime)
                    // save data...
                    shortestTime          = timeToCollision;
                    firstTarget           = target;
                    firstMinSeparation    = minSeparation;
                    firstDistance         = distance;
                    firstRelativePosition = relativePosition;
                    firstRelativeVelocity = relativeVelocity;
                    firstRadius           = radius;
            }             // end of iteration;

            if (firstTarget == null)

            // if we're going to hit exactly or we're already colliding do the
            // steering based on the current position
            // else do the steering based on the future collision position
            if (firstMinSeparation <= 0 || firstDistance < (myRadius + firstRadius))
                relativePosition = firstRelativePosition;                  // relative position is direction to target
                relativePosition = firstRelativePosition + firstRelativeVelocity * shortestTime;

            Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, relativePosition, Color.red);

            SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput();

            result.linearAcceleration = -relativePosition.normalized * maxAcceleration;
