/// <summary>
 /// <para> returns results closest to the specified value. Multiple near filters can be added, with early filters taking precedence</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void AddRequestLobbyListNearValueFilter(string pchKeyToMatch, int nValueToBeCloseTo)
     using (var pchKeyToMatch2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchKeyToMatch)) {
         NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_AddRequestLobbyListNearValueFilter(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), pchKeyToMatch2, nValueToBeCloseTo);
Exemple #2
 public static void SetLobbyMemberData(CSteamID steamIDLobby, string pchKey, string pchValue)
     using InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle pchKey2   = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchKey);
     using InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle pchValue2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchValue);
     NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_SetLobbyMemberData(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, pchKey2, pchValue2);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> numerical comparison</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void AddRequestLobbyListNumericalFilter(string pchKeyToMatch, int nValueToMatch, ELobbyComparison eComparisonType)
     using (var pchKeyToMatch2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchKeyToMatch)) {
         NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_AddRequestLobbyListNumericalFilter(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), pchKeyToMatch2, nValueToMatch, eComparisonType);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> removes a metadata key from the lobby</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool DeleteLobbyData(CSteamID steamIDLobby, string pchKey)
     using (var pchKey2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchKey)) {
         return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_DeleteLobbyData(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, pchKey2));
Exemple #5
        public static bool GetLobbyDataByIndex(CSteamID steamIDLobby, int iLobbyData, out string pchKey, int cchKeyBufferSize, out string pchValue, int cchValueBufferSize)
            IntPtr intPtr  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cchKeyBufferSize);
            IntPtr intPtr2 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cchValueBufferSize);
            bool   flag    = NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyDataByIndex(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, iLobbyData, intPtr, cchKeyBufferSize, intPtr2, cchValueBufferSize);

            pchKey = (flag ? InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(intPtr) : null);
            pchValue = (flag ? InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(intPtr2) : null);
        /// <summary>
        /// <para> returns a lobby metadata key/values pair by index, of range [0, GetLobbyDataCount())</para>
        /// </summary>
        public static bool GetLobbyDataByIndex(CSteamID steamIDLobby, int iLobbyData, out string pchKey, int cchKeyBufferSize, out string pchValue, int cchValueBufferSize)
            IntPtr pchKey2   = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cchKeyBufferSize);
            IntPtr pchValue2 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cchValueBufferSize);
            bool   ret       = NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyDataByIndex(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, iLobbyData, pchKey2, cchKeyBufferSize, pchValue2, cchValueBufferSize);

            pchKey = ret ? InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchKey2) : null;
            pchValue = ret ? InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchValue2) : null;
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> sets the game server associated with the lobby</para>
 /// <para> usually at this point, the users will join the specified game server</para>
 /// <para> either the IP/Port or the steamID of the game server has to be valid, depending on how you want the clients to be able to connect</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetLobbyGameServer(CSteamID steamIDLobby, uint unGameServerIP, ushort unGameServerPort, CSteamID steamIDGameServer)
     NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_SetLobbyGameServer(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, unGameServerIP, unGameServerPort, steamIDGameServer);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Refreshes metadata for a lobby you're not necessarily in right now</para>
 /// <para> you never do this for lobbies you're a member of, only if your</para>
 /// <para> this will send down all the metadata associated with a lobby</para>
 /// <para> this is an asynchronous call</para>
 /// <para> returns false if the local user is not connected to the Steam servers</para>
 /// <para> results will be returned by a LobbyDataUpdate_t callback</para>
 /// <para> if the specified lobby doesn't exist, LobbyDataUpdate_t::m_bSuccess will be set to false</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool RequestLobbyData(CSteamID steamIDLobby)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_RequestLobbyData(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> returns the details of the game server</para>
 /// <para> iGame is of range [0,GetFavoriteGameCount())</para>
 /// <para> *pnIP, *pnConnPort are filled in the with IP:port of the game server</para>
 /// <para> *punFlags specify whether the game server was stored as an explicit favorite or in the history of connections</para>
 /// <para> *pRTime32LastPlayedOnServer is filled in the with the Unix time the favorite was added</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool GetFavoriteGame(int iGame, out AppId_t pnAppID, out uint pnIP, out ushort pnConnPort, out ushort pnQueryPort, out uint punFlags, out uint pRTime32LastPlayedOnServer)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetFavoriteGame(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), iGame, out pnAppID, out pnIP, out pnConnPort, out pnQueryPort, out punFlags, out pRTime32LastPlayedOnServer));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Get a chat message as specified in a LobbyChatMsg_t callback</para>
 /// <para> iChatID is the LobbyChatMsg_t::m_iChatID value in the callback</para>
 /// <para> *pSteamIDUser is filled in with the CSteamID of the member</para>
 /// <para> *pvData is filled in with the message itself</para>
 /// <para> return value is the number of bytes written into the buffer</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static int GetLobbyChatEntry(CSteamID steamIDLobby, int iChatID, out CSteamID pSteamIDUser, byte[] pvData, int cubData, out EChatEntryType peChatEntryType)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyChatEntry(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, iChatID, out pSteamIDUser, pvData, cubData, out peChatEntryType));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Create a lobby on the Steam servers.</para>
 /// <para> If private, then the lobby will not be returned by any RequestLobbyList() call; the CSteamID</para>
 /// <para> of the lobby will need to be communicated via game channels or via InviteUserToLobby()</para>
 /// <para> this is an asynchronous request</para>
 /// <para> results will be returned by LobbyCreated_t callback and call result; lobby is joined &amp; ready to use at this point</para>
 /// <para> a LobbyEnter_t callback will also be received (since the local user is joining their own lobby)</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static SteamAPICall_t CreateLobby(ELobbyType eLobbyType, int cMaxMembers)
     return((SteamAPICall_t)NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_CreateLobby(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), eLobbyType, cMaxMembers));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> adds the game server to the local list; updates the time played of the server if it already exists in the list</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static int AddFavoriteGame(AppId_t nAppID, uint nIP, ushort nConnPort, ushort nQueryPort, uint unFlags, uint rTime32LastPlayedOnServer)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_AddFavoriteGame(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), nAppID, nIP, nConnPort, nQueryPort, unFlags, rTime32LastPlayedOnServer));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> sets whether or not a lobby is joinable - defaults to true for a new lobby</para>
 /// <para> if set to false, no user can join, even if they are a friend or have been invited</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool SetLobbyJoinable(CSteamID steamIDLobby, bool bLobbyJoinable)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_SetLobbyJoinable(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, bLobbyJoinable));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> game server favorites storage</para>
 /// <para> saves basic details about a multiplayer game server locally</para>
 /// <para> returns the number of favorites servers the user has stored</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static int GetFavoriteGameCount()
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> returns the CSteamID of a user in the lobby</para>
 /// <para> iMember is of range [0,GetNumLobbyMembers())</para>
 /// <para> note that the current user must be in a lobby to retrieve CSteamIDs of other users in that lobby</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static CSteamID GetLobbyMemberByIndex(CSteamID steamIDLobby, int iMember)
     return((CSteamID)NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyMemberByIndex(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, iMember));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Invite another user to the lobby</para>
 /// <para> the target user will receive a LobbyInvite_t callback</para>
 /// <para> will return true if the invite is successfully sent, whether or not the target responds</para>
 /// <para> returns false if the local user is not connected to the Steam servers</para>
 /// <para> if the other user clicks the join link, a GameLobbyJoinRequested_t will be posted if the user is in-game,</para>
 /// <para> or if the game isn't running yet the game will be launched with the parameter +connect_lobby &lt;64-bit lobby id&gt;</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool InviteUserToLobby(CSteamID steamIDLobby, CSteamID steamIDInvitee)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_InviteUserToLobby(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, steamIDInvitee));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Leave a lobby; this will take effect immediately on the client side</para>
 /// <para> other users in the lobby will be notified by a LobbyChatUpdate_t callback</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void LeaveLobby(CSteamID steamIDLobby)
     NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_LeaveLobby(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Joins an existing lobby</para>
 /// <para> this is an asynchronous request</para>
 /// <para> results will be returned by LobbyEnter_t callback &amp; call result, check m_EChatRoomEnterResponse to see if was successful</para>
 /// <para> lobby metadata is available to use immediately on this call completing</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static SteamAPICall_t JoinLobby(CSteamID steamIDLobby)
     return((SteamAPICall_t)NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_JoinLobby(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> returns the details of a game server set in a lobby - returns false if there is no game server set, or that lobby doesn't exist</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool GetLobbyGameServer(CSteamID steamIDLobby, out uint punGameServerIP, out ushort punGameServerPort, out CSteamID psteamIDGameServer)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyGameServer(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, out punGameServerIP, out punGameServerPort, out psteamIDGameServer));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> link two lobbies for the purposes of checking player compatibility</para>
 /// <para> you must be the lobby owner of both lobbies</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool SetLinkedLobby(CSteamID steamIDLobby, CSteamID steamIDLobbyDependent)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_SetLinkedLobby(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, steamIDLobbyDependent));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> returns the current limit on the # of users who can join the lobby; returns 0 if no limit is defined</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static int GetLobbyMemberLimit(CSteamID steamIDLobby)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyMemberLimit(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> removes the game server from the local storage; returns true if one was removed</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool RemoveFavoriteGame(AppId_t nAppID, uint nIP, ushort nConnPort, ushort nQueryPort, uint unFlags)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_RemoveFavoriteGame(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), nAppID, nIP, nConnPort, nQueryPort, unFlags));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> returns the current lobby owner</para>
 /// <para> you must be a member of the lobby to access this</para>
 /// <para> there always one lobby owner - if the current owner leaves, another user will become the owner</para>
 /// <para> it is possible (bur rare) to join a lobby just as the owner is leaving, thus entering a lobby with self as the owner</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static CSteamID GetLobbyOwner(CSteamID steamIDLobby)
     return((CSteamID)NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyOwner(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> sets how many results to return, the lower the count the faster it is to download the lobby results &amp; details to the client</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void AddRequestLobbyListResultCountFilter(int cMaxResults)
     NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_AddRequestLobbyListResultCountFilter(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), cMaxResults);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> changes who the lobby owner is</para>
 /// <para> you must be the lobby owner for this to succeed, and steamIDNewOwner must be in the lobby</para>
 /// <para> after completion, the local user will no longer be the owner</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool SetLobbyOwner(CSteamID steamIDLobby, CSteamID steamIDNewOwner)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_SetLobbyOwner(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, steamIDNewOwner));
 public static void AddRequestLobbyListCompatibleMembersFilter(CSteamID steamIDLobby)
     NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_AddRequestLobbyListCompatibleMembersFilter(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> changes who the lobby owner is</para>
 /// <para> you must be the lobby owner for this to succeed, and steamIDNewOwner must be in the lobby</para>
 /// <para> after completion, the local user will no longer be the owner</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void CheckForPSNGameBootInvite(uint iGameBootAttributes)
     NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_CheckForPSNGameBootInvite(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), iGameBootAttributes);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Gets per-user metadata for someone in this lobby</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetLobbyMemberData(CSteamID steamIDLobby, CSteamID steamIDUser, string pchKey)
     using (var pchKey2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchKey)) {
         return(InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyMemberData(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, steamIDUser, pchKey2)));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>/////</para>
 /// <para> Game lobby functions</para>
 /// <para> Get a list of relevant lobbies</para>
 /// <para> this is an asynchronous request</para>
 /// <para> results will be returned by LobbyMatchList_t callback &amp; call result, with the number of lobbies found</para>
 /// <para> this will never return lobbies that are full</para>
 /// <para> to add more filter, the filter calls below need to be call before each and every RequestLobbyList() call</para>
 /// <para> use the CCallResult&lt;&gt; object in steam_api.h to match the SteamAPICall_t call result to a function in an object, e.g.</para>
 /// <para>		class CMyLobbyListManager</para>
 /// <para>		{</para>
 /// <para>			CCallResult&lt;CMyLobbyListManager, LobbyMatchList_t&gt; m_CallResultLobbyMatchList;</para>
 /// <para>			void FindLobbies()</para>
 /// <para>			{</para>
 /// <para>				// SteamMatchmaking()-&gt;AddRequestLobbyListFilter*() functions would be called here, before RequestLobbyList()</para>
 /// <para>				SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = SteamMatchmaking()-&gt;RequestLobbyList();</para>
 /// <para>				m_CallResultLobbyMatchList.Set( hSteamAPICall, this, &amp;CMyLobbyListManager::OnLobbyMatchList );</para>
 /// <para>			}</para>
 /// <para>			void OnLobbyMatchList( LobbyMatchList_t *pLobbyMatchList, bool bIOFailure )</para>
 /// <para>			{</para>
 /// <para>				// lobby list has be retrieved from Steam back-end, use results</para>
 /// <para>			}</para>
 /// <para>		}</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static SteamAPICall_t RequestLobbyList()
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Broadcasts a chat message to the all the users in the lobby</para>
 /// <para> users in the lobby (including the local user) will receive a LobbyChatMsg_t callback</para>
 /// <para> returns true if the message is successfully sent</para>
 /// <para> pvMsgBody can be binary or text data, up to 4k</para>
 /// <para> if pvMsgBody is text, cubMsgBody should be strlen( text ) + 1, to include the null terminator</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool SendLobbyChatMsg(CSteamID steamIDLobby, byte[] pvMsgBody, int cubMsgBody)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamMatchmaking_SendLobbyChatMsg(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamMatchmaking(), steamIDLobby, pvMsgBody, cubMsgBody));