Exemple #1
        private void startReceiveApp(TransferInfo transfer, AppManifest existingFiles)
            lock (Transfers)
                Transfers.Add(transfer.TransferId, transfer);

            // create agent to handle the transfer
            TransferAgent agent = new TransferAgent();


            // fire event to notify listeners a transfer was created
            TransferCreatedEventHandler handler = OnTransferCreated;

            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new TransferEventArgs(transfer));

            // send the peer a request
            RequestAppTransferMessage newMsg = new RequestAppTransferMessage();

            newMsg.appId      = transfer.App.AppId;
            newMsg.transferId = transfer.TransferId;
            newMsg.listenPort = transfer.Port;
            if (existingFiles != null)
                newMsg.existingFiles = existingFiles;

            _tcpAgent.SendMessage(newMsg, transfer.Peer.Address);
Exemple #2
        public void RemoveMatchingFiles(AppManifest otherManifest)
            // build dictionary of files
            Dictionary <string, AppManifestFile> filesDict = new Dictionary <string, AppManifestFile>();

            foreach (AppManifestFile thisFile in files)
                filesDict.Add(thisFile.NormalizedPath, thisFile);

            // see which ones exist
            foreach (AppManifestFile f in otherManifest.files)
                if (filesDict.ContainsKey(f.NormalizedPath))
                    if (filesDict[f.NormalizedPath].sha1_hash == f.sha1_hash)
                        // the other manifest contains a file with the same path and same hash, so remove our local copy
                    // the other manifest contains a file that's not in our local manifest, so create it in our manifest
                    // but with a filesize of zero to indicate that it should be deleted
                    files.Add(new AppManifestFile(f.path, 0));
Exemple #3
        public static AppManifest FromDirectory(string path, bool hashFiles)
            AppManifest manifest = new AppManifest();

            manifest._hashFiles = hashFiles;
            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);

                manifest.AddDirectory(di, di);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

Exemple #4
        public static AppManifest FromAppInfo(AppInfo app, AppLibrary library, bool hashFiles)
            string libPath = library.Path;

            Utility.EnsureEndsWithSlash(ref libPath);
            DirectoryInfo di       = new DirectoryInfo(libPath + AppManifest.STEAM_COMMON_DIR + app.InstallDir);
            AppManifest   manifest = new AppManifest();

            manifest._hashFiles = hashFiles;

                manifest.AddDirectory(di, di);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

Exemple #5
        public void RequestApp(AppInfo app)
            if (app == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Cannot request null app");

            if (app.InstallDir.Length == 0 || app.InstallDir.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) || app.InstallDir.Contains(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Cannot request app with invalid install dir [" + app.InstallDir + "]");

            // determine who has a copy of the app
            SyncPeer whoHasIt = null;

            foreach (SyncPeer peer in _peers)
                if (peer.Apps.Contains(app))
                    whoHasIt = peer;

            if (whoHasIt == null)
                throw new AppNotAvailableException();

            // determine install dir
            string manifestRoot = Library.Path;

            Utility.EnsureEndsWithSlash(ref manifestRoot);
            manifestRoot += AppManifest.STEAM_COMMON_DIR + app.InstallDir;
            Utility.EnsureEndsWithSlash(ref manifestRoot);
            DirectoryInfo diManifest    = new DirectoryInfo(manifestRoot);
            AppManifest   existingFiles = null;

            if (!diManifest.Exists)
                // determine which files we already have for this app,
                // and send that as part of the request message
                // todo - build manifest async
                existingFiles = AppManifest.FromDirectory(diManifest.FullName, true);

            // create a transfer
            TransferInfo transfer = new TransferInfo(); // generates a transferid

            transfer.IsSending    = false;
            transfer.Peer         = whoHasIt;
            transfer.App          = app;
            transfer.Port         = Properties.Settings.Default.ListenPort;
            transfer.ManifestRoot = diManifest;

            if (getReceiveTransfersInProgress() == 0)
            { // start immediately if we're not receiving anything else
                Debug.WriteLine("Starting transfer agent to receive " + transfer.App.Name);
                startReceiveApp(transfer, existingFiles);
            { // otherwise add to the queue
                Debug.WriteLine("Queuing transfer of " + transfer.App.Name);
Exemple #6
        private void handleRequestAppTransferMessage(RequestAppTransferMessage msg, IPAddress sender)
            // see if we have the app
            AppInfo theApp = Library.Apps[msg.appId];

            if (theApp == null)
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{1} requested AppId {0} but I don't have it", msg.appId, sender.ToString()));

            // find the peer
            SyncPeer peer = _peers.Find((aPeer) => { return(aPeer.Address.Equals(sender)); });

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("I will transfer {0} to {1}", msg.appId, peer.Hostname));

            bool isUpdateRequest = msg.existingFiles != null;

            // build manifest
            AppManifest manifest = AppManifest.FromAppInfo(theApp, Library, isUpdateRequest); // todo - async/threaded

            // if peer provided a list of existing files, check our own
            if (isUpdateRequest)

            // verify manifest is valid
            if (manifest == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("Could not build manifest for AppId [" + msg.appId + "], aborting.");
                CancelAppTransferMessage cancelMsg = new CancelAppTransferMessage();
                cancelMsg.transferId = msg.transferId;
                cancelMsg.reason     = "Unable to build manifest";
                _tcpAgent.SendMessage(cancelMsg, sender);

            // send "start transfer" message with manifest
            StartAppTransferMessage newMsg = new StartAppTransferMessage();

            newMsg.manifest   = manifest;
            newMsg.transferId = msg.transferId;

            _tcpAgent.SendMessage(newMsg, sender);

            // create transfer
            TransferInfo transfer = new TransferInfo(newMsg.transferId);

            transfer.Manifest  = newMsg.manifest;
            transfer.App       = theApp;
            transfer.IsSending = true;
            transfer.Peer      = peer;
            transfer.Port      = msg.listenPort;

            // determine install dir and write
            string manifestRoot = Library.Path;

            Utility.EnsureEndsWithSlash(ref manifestRoot);
            manifestRoot += AppManifest.STEAM_COMMON_DIR + theApp.InstallDir; // todo ensure no path chars in installdir
            Utility.EnsureEndsWithSlash(ref manifestRoot);
            DirectoryInfo diManifest = new DirectoryInfo(manifestRoot);

            if (!diManifest.Exists)
            transfer.ManifestRoot = diManifest;

            // subscribe to state change notifications (so we can update our status message)

            // create agent to send the files
            TransferAgent agent = new TransferAgent();


            // fire event to notify listeners a transfer was created
            TransferCreatedEventHandler handler = OnTransferCreated;

            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new TransferEventArgs(transfer));