public static void DoInvite(StreamReader file, ulong currentSID, string groupID, string group, TextBox text_log, Label label_invite) { InviteToGroup(currentSID, groupID, group, text_log, label_invite); if (!Interface.MinMax) { Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nWaiting " + Interface.inviteSpeed + " seconds...\n"); for (int count = Interface.inviteSpeed; count > 0; --count) { Interface.UpdateLabel(label_invite, "State: Waiting " + count + " seconds...\n"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } Interface.UpdateLabel(label_invite, "State: Waiting 0 seconds...\n"); } else { Random rnd = new Random(); int wait = rnd.Next(Interface.inviteSpeedMin, Interface.inviteSpeedMax); Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nWaiting " + wait + " seconds...\n"); for (int count = wait; count > 0; --count) { Interface.UpdateLabel(label_invite, "State: Waiting " + count + " seconds...\n"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } Interface.UpdateLabel(label_invite, "State: Waiting 0 seconds...\n"); } }
public static void InviteToGroup(ulong invitee, string gid, string groupname, TextBox text_log, Label label_invite) { CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer(); cookies.Add(new Cookie("sessionid", Bot.sessionId, String.Empty, "")); cookies.Add(new Cookie("steamLogin", Bot.token, String.Empty, "")); var data = new NameValueCollection(); data.Add("type", "groupInvite"); data.Add("inviter", Bot.SteamUser.SteamID.ConvertToUInt64().ToString()); data.Add("invitee", invitee.ToString()); data.Add("group", gid); data.Add("sessionID", Bot.sessionId); try { HttpWebResponse webResponse = SteamWeb.Request("", "POST", data, cookies, false); Stream response = null; response = webResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response); string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (result.Contains("![CDATA[OK]]")) { Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nSuccess!\n"); Console.WriteLine("Success."); blacklist(invitee, groupname); successfulInvite++; } else { int start = result.IndexOf("![CDATA["); int stop = result.IndexOf("]]"); string output = result.Substring(start + 8, stop - start - 8); Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nError: " + output + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Error: " + output); blacklist(invitee, groupname); } } catch { Interface.UpdateLabel(label_invite, "Failed to get response; retrying..."); InviteToGroup(invitee, gid, groupname, text_log, label_invite); } }
public static void invite(string groupFrom, string group, TextBox text_log, Button button_invite, Label label_invite) { successfulInvite = 0; int counter = 0; string line = ""; string path = "" + group + "/memberslistxml/?xml=1e"; retry = 0; string groupID = getGroupID(group, path); if (groupID != "") { Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nProcessing gather list... This may take a few minutes if you have large list. Please be patient.\n"); // Read from the gather list System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader("lists/gl_" + groupFrom.ToLower()); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { if (Interface.subExInMinutes <= 0 && !Welcome.trial) { Console.WriteLine("Subscription expired."); break; } if (!Interface.inviting) { Console.WriteLine("Inviting cancelled."); break; } else { Interface.currentSID = Convert.ToUInt64(line); // Check if user has already been invited bool invited = false; if (!File.Exists("lists/bl_" + group.ToLower())) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("lists/bl_" + group.ToLower())) { sw.Close(); } } System.IO.StreamReader blacklist = new System.IO.StreamReader("lists/bl_" + group.ToLower()); string compare; while ((compare = blacklist.ReadLine()) != null) { if (Interface.currentSID.ToString() == compare) { //Console.Write("User " + currentSID + " already invited. \r"); invited = true; break; } } blacklist.Close(); if (!invited && Interface.inviteOffline) { if (successfulInvite % 250 == 0 && successfulInvite != 0 && Welcome.trial) { MessageBox.Show("For uninterrupted inviting, please consider buying a subscription! Visit", "Trial Mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } counter++; Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nInviting user #" + counter + ": " + Interface.currentSID); DoInvite(file, Interface.currentSID, groupID, group, text_log, label_invite); } else if (!invited && !Interface.inviteOffline) { if (successfulInvite % 250 == 0 && successfulInvite != 0 && Welcome.trial) { MessageBox.Show("For uninterrupted inviting, please consider buying a subscription! Visit", "Trial Mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } string playerURL = "" + Interface.currentSID + "?xml=1"; string playerProfile = SteamGrouper.Util.HTTPRequest(playerURL); string status = "online"; if (playerProfile != "") { status = SteamGrouper.Util.ParseBetween(playerProfile, "<onlineState>", "</onlineState>"); } if (status != "offline") { counter++; Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nInviting user #" + counter + ": " + Interface.currentSID); DoInvite(file, Interface.currentSID, groupID, group, text_log, label_invite); } } } } file.Close(); Interface.AppendText(text_log, "\r\nDone. Invited " + counter + " members to your group."); Interface.UpdateLabel(label_invite, "State: Idle"); Interface.UpdateButton(button_invite, "Invite"); if (Interface.subExInMinutes <= 0 && !Welcome.trial) { MessageBox.Show("We're sorry, but your subscription has just expired. To continue using the full version of SteamGrouper, please add more time to your subscription at", "Subscription Expired", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to get groupID. Please try again.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } }