Exemple #1
        private async void HandleClient(Socket partner)
                Stream readStream;
                using (var writeStream = MakeSaneNetworkStream(partner, out readStream))
                    using (var reader = new HttpRequestReaderStream(readStream))
                        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(writeStream, new UTF8Encoding(false), 4096)
                            NewLine = "\r\n", AutoFlush = false
                            var headers = new List <HttpHeader>();
                            while (true)
                                var questing = new StringSegment(await reader.ReadLineAsync());
                                if (questing.Empty)

                                while (true)
                                    var header = await reader.ReadLineAsync();

                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(header))

                                    var colon = header.IndexOf(':');
                                    var name  = header.Substring(0, colon);
                                    var value = header.Substring(colon + 2); // skip colon + space

                                    headers.Add(new HttpHeader {
                                        Name = name.ToLowerInvariant(), Value = value

                                var space1 = questing.IndexOf(' ');
                                var space2 = questing.IndexOf(' ', space1 + 1); // if space1 is -1 this is fine as well

                                if ((space1 > 0) && (space2 > 0))
                                    var method  = questing.Substring(0, space1);
                                    var path    = questing.Substring(space1 + 1, space2 - space1 - 1);
                                    var version = questing.Substring(space2 + 1);
                                    if (version == "HTTP/1.1" && path[0] == '/')
                                        path = path.Substring(1);

                                        HttpMethod?prettyMethod = null;
                                        bool       hasBody      = false;
                                        if (method == "GET")
                                            prettyMethod = HttpMethod.Get;
                                        else if (method == "POST")
                                            prettyMethod = HttpMethod.Post;
                                            hasBody      = true;

                                        if (prettyMethod.HasValue)
                                            var request = new HttpRequest(prettyMethod.Value, path, headers, Encoding.UTF8, this);

                                            bool isWebSocket = false;
                                            if (hasBody)
                                                int bodyLength;
                                                if (!int.TryParse(request.GetHeader("content-length"), out bodyLength))
                                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Request has body but no content-length given!");

                                                // read body into byte array (not sure about this tho)
                                                var body = new byte[bodyLength];
                                                int read = 1337;
                                                for (int i = 0; (i < body.Length) && (read != 0); i += read)
                                                    read = await reader.ReadAsync(body, i, body.Length - i);
                                                request.Body = body;
                                            else if (prettyMethod == HttpMethod.Get)
                                                var connection = request.GetHeader("connection")?.ToLowerInvariant();
                                                isWebSocket = connection == "upgrade" || connection == "websocket";

                                            var response = await RoutingManager.DispatchRequest(request);

                                            if (response.WebSocketHandler != null)
                                                if (!isWebSocket)
                                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("WebSocket provided but not requested.");

                                                await HandleWebSocket(partner, readStream, writer, response.WebSocketHandler, request);


                                            await writer.WriteLineAsync(StatusStrings[(int)response.Status]);

                                            await writer.WriteLineAsync(ServerHeader);

                                            if (response.ContentType != ContentType.Custom)
                                                await writer.WriteAsync("Content-Type: ");

                                                await writer.WriteLineAsync(ContentTypeStrings[(int)response.ContentType]);

                                            if (response.ExtraHeaders != null)
                                                foreach (var header in response.ExtraHeaders)
                                                    await writer.WriteAsync(header.Name);

                                                    await writer.WriteAsync(": ");

                                                    await writer.WriteLineAsync(header.Value);

                                            await writer.WriteAsync("Content-Length: ");

                                            await writer.WriteLineAsync(response.Content.Count.ToString());

                                            await writer.WriteLineAsync();

                                            // This flushes the BufferedStream as well which is NOT what we want.
                                            // Solving this would require us to either reimplement StreamWriter or
                                            // to wrap the BufferedStream in another Stream (because it's sealed).
                                            // Worth it? I don't know.
                                            await writer.FlushAsync();

                                            await writeStream.WriteAsync(response.Content.Array, response.Content.Offset, response.Content.Count);

                                            await writeStream.FlushAsync();

                                            // All is well - we can loop (keepalive).

                                // If we reach this, something is weird/wrong.
                                // "Bye, have a great day!"
                                await writer.WriteLineAsync(StatusStrings[(int)HttpStatus.BadRequest]);

                                await writer.WriteLineAsync(ServerHeader);

                                await writer.WriteLineAsync("Connection: close");

                                await writer.WriteLineAsync();

                                await writer.FlushAsync();

            catch (Exception e)
        private async Task <HttpRequest> ReadRequestHead(Socket partner, Stopwatch receiveTimer, DateTime receivedAt, HttpRequestReaderStream reader, StreamWriter writer, List <HttpHeader> headers)
            var questing = new StringSegment(await reader.ReadLineAsync());

            if (questing.Empty)
                return(null); // no request -> no response, close connection
            // If it is not the first request, we set the DateTime for this request here
            // right after receving the first line, which is presumably in the first packet.
            if (receivedAt == DateTime.MinValue)
                receiveTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                receivedAt   = DateTime.Now;

            while (true)
                var header = await reader.ReadLineAsync();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(header))

                var colon = header.IndexOf(':');
                var name  = header.Substring(0, colon);
                var value = header.Substring(colon + 2); // skip colon + space

                headers.Add(new HttpHeader {
                    Name = name.ToLowerInvariant(), Value = value

            var space1 = questing.IndexOf(' ');
            var space2 = questing.IndexOf(' ', space1 + 1); // if space1 is -1 this is fine as well

            if (!((space1 > 0) && (space2 > 0)))
                return(await WriteBadRequest(questing, writer, "Invalid request line"));
            var method  = questing.Substring(0, space1);
            var path    = questing.Substring(space1 + 1, space2 - space1 - 1);
            var version = questing.Substring(space2 + 1);

            if (!(version == "HTTP/1.1" && path[0] == '/'))
                return(await WriteBadRequest(questing, writer, "Invalid protocol or path"));
            path = path.Substring(1);

            HttpMethod prettyMethod;
            bool       hasBody = false;

            if (method == "GET")
                prettyMethod = HttpMethod.Get;
            else if (method == "POST")
                prettyMethod = HttpMethod.Post;
                hasBody      = true;
            else if (method == "PUT")
                prettyMethod = HttpMethod.Put;
                hasBody      = true;
            else if (method == "DELETE")
                prettyMethod = HttpMethod.Delete;
                return(await WriteBadRequest(questing, writer, "Invalid or unsupported method"));

            var request = new HttpRequest(prettyMethod, path, headers, Encoding.UTF8, receivedAt, receiveTimer, partner.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint, this);

            if (hasBody)
                int bodyLength;
                if (!int.TryParse(request.GetHeader("content-length"), out bodyLength))
                    return(await WriteBadRequest(questing, writer, "Request has body but no content-length given!", HttpStatus.LengthRequired));

                if (bodyLength > MaxRequestBodySize)
                    return(await WriteBadRequest(questing, writer, "Request body too large!", HttpStatus.EntityTooLarge));

                // read body into byte array (not sure about this tho)
                var body     = new byte[bodyLength];
                int bodyRead = 0;
                while (bodyRead < body.Length)
                    int read = await reader.ReadAsync(body, bodyRead, body.Length - bodyRead);

                    if (read == 0)
                        return(await WriteBadRequest(questing, writer,
                                                     $"Invalid request: content length is {bodyLength} bytes, but stream closed after {bodyRead} bytes"));
                    bodyRead += read;

                request.Body = body;