static public void AnalyzePaths(string filename, FileStream fileStream)
            long                   matchID                 = 0;
            string                 mapName                 = "";
            List <ingameRound>     allRoundsList           = new List <ingameRound>();
            List <ingameRound>     matchRoundsList         = new List <ingameRound>();
            List <ingameRound>     existingStratRoundsList = new List <ingameRound>();
            List <ingamePathpoint> allPathpointsList       = new List <ingamePathpoint>();

            MySqlConnection sqlConnection = null;
            MySqlDataReader sqlReader     = null;

            //Setup connection with the MySQL Server//////////////////////////////////////
                string connectionString = "SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=demostatistics;UID=demostatistics;PASSWORD=1ax4X7M4;";
                sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
                Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Connected to MySQL Server");
            catch (MySqlException er)
                Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Error: {0}", er.ToString());

            //Preloading info for analysis.///////////////////////////////////////////////
            //Get match based on the demo filename
            string       matchSelectQuery      = "SELECT id,mapName FROM `match` WHERE filename='" + filename + "'";
            MySqlCommand matchSelectionCommand = new MySqlCommand(matchSelectQuery, sqlConnection);

            sqlReader = matchSelectionCommand.ExecuteReader();

            while (sqlReader.Read())
                //For each match
                matchID = sqlReader.GetInt64("id");
                mapName = sqlReader.GetString("mapName");
            //If match is not found in database launch PathGenerator
            if (matchID == 0)
                Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Match not found in DB... Running PathGenerator...");
                Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();

                using (var parser = new DemoParser(fileStream))
                    PathGenerator.GeneratePath(parser, false, false, true, filename);

                sqlReader = matchSelectionCommand.ExecuteReader();
                while (sqlReader.Read())
                    //For each match
                    matchID = sqlReader.GetInt64("id");
                    mapName = sqlReader.GetString("mapName");
            Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + filename + " is being analyzed");

            //Prepare statement to get all viable rounds from database
            Console.Write(getTimeStamp() + "Loading all rounds in DB... ");
            string       allRoundsSelectionQuery   = "SELECT id,roundType,stratFound FROM `round` WHERE bombPlanted=1 OR enemyTeamWiped=1 AND mapName='" + mapName + "'";
            MySqlCommand allRoundsSelectionCommand = new MySqlCommand(allRoundsSelectionQuery, sqlConnection);

            sqlReader = allRoundsSelectionCommand.ExecuteReader();

            //Load each round which meets the query
            while (sqlReader.Read())
                allRoundsList.Add(new ingameRound(sqlReader.GetInt64("id"), sqlReader.GetString("roundType"), sqlReader.GetBoolean("stratFound")));
            Console.WriteLine(allRoundsList.Count + " entries - Done");

            //Prepare statement to get viable rounds from match
            Console.Write(getTimeStamp() + "Loading rounds from Demo-File... ");
            string       matchRoundSelectionQuery   = "SELECT id,roundType,stratFound FROM `round` WHERE matchID=" + matchID + " AND bombPlanted=1 OR enemyTeamWiped=1 AND stratFound=0";
            MySqlCommand matchRoundSelectionCommand = new MySqlCommand(matchRoundSelectionQuery, sqlConnection);

            sqlReader = matchRoundSelectionCommand.ExecuteReader();

            while (sqlReader.Read())
                matchRoundsList.Add(new ingameRound(sqlReader.GetInt64("id"), sqlReader.GetString("roundType"), sqlReader.GetBoolean("stratFound")));
            Console.WriteLine(matchRoundsList.Count + " entries - Done");

            //Prepare statement to get viable rounds from existing strats
            Console.Write(getTimeStamp() + "Loading rounds from existing strats... ");
            string       existingStratsRoundSelectionQuery   = "SELECT stratID,roundID,roundType FROM `stratrounds`";
            MySqlCommand existingStratsRoundSelectionCommand = new MySqlCommand(existingStratsRoundSelectionQuery, sqlConnection);

            sqlReader = existingStratsRoundSelectionCommand.ExecuteReader();
            while (sqlReader.Read())
                existingStratRoundsList.Add(new ingameRound(sqlReader.GetInt64("roundID"), sqlReader.GetString("roundType"), true));
                //existingStratRoundsList.Find(n => n.roundID == sqlReader.GetInt64("roundID")).stratID = sqlReader.GetInt64("stratID");

                foreach (var existingRound in existingStratRoundsList.Where(n => n.roundID == sqlReader.GetInt64("roundID")))
                    existingRound.stratID = sqlReader.GetInt64("stratID");
            Console.WriteLine(existingStratRoundsList.Count + " entries - Done");

            //Prepare statement to get all viable pathpoints from database
            Console.Write(getTimeStamp() + "Loading all pathpoints in DB... ");
            foreach (var round in allRoundsList)
                string       pathpointsSelectionQuery   = "SELECT roundID,X,Y,Z FROM `pathpoints` WHERE roundID=" + round.roundID;
                MySqlCommand pathpointsSelectionCommand = new MySqlCommand(pathpointsSelectionQuery, sqlConnection);
                sqlReader = pathpointsSelectionCommand.ExecuteReader();

                while (sqlReader.Read())
                    allPathpointsList.Add(new ingamePathpoint(sqlReader.GetInt64("roundID"), sqlReader.GetInt32("X"), sqlReader.GetInt32("Y"), sqlReader.GetInt32("Z")));
            Console.WriteLine(allPathpointsList.Count + " entries - Done");

            //Analysis Loop - ITS HAPPENING!!!
            Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();
            Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Starting analysis loop");
            foreach (var round in matchRoundsList)
                //Load all pathpoints for this round in the demo file
                List <ingamePathpoint> demoPathpointList = new List <ingamePathpoint>();

                Console.Write(getTimeStamp() + "Loading pathpoints for round " + round.roundID + "... ");
                string       demoPathpointsSelectionQuery   = "SELECT roundID,X,Y,Z FROM `pathpoints` WHERE roundID=" + round.roundID;
                MySqlCommand demoPathpointsSelectionCommand = new MySqlCommand(demoPathpointsSelectionQuery, sqlConnection);
                sqlReader = demoPathpointsSelectionCommand.ExecuteReader();

                while (sqlReader.Read())
                    demoPathpointList.Add(new ingamePathpoint(sqlReader.GetInt64("roundID"), sqlReader.GetInt32("X"), sqlReader.GetInt32("Y"), sqlReader.GetInt32("Z")));
                Console.WriteLine(demoPathpointList.Count + " entries - Done");

                bool matchingRoundInDB = false;
                //List which contains all rounds which are similar to this round from the Demo
                List <ingameRound> demoRoundSimilarRounds = new List <ingameRound>();
                //Add the round from the demo itself to the list

                Parallel.ForEach(allRoundsList, dbRound =>
                    int counter        = 0;
                    int successCounter = 0;
                    foreach (var demoPathPoint in demoPathpointList)
                        ingamePathpoint roundedDemoPathPoint = new ingamePathpoint(demoPathPoint.roundID, (((int)Math.Round((int)demoPathPoint.X / 30.0)) * 30), (((int)Math.Round((int)demoPathPoint.Y / 30.0)) * 30), (((int)Math.Round((int)demoPathPoint.Z / 30.0)) * 30));
                        foreach (var dbPathPoint in allPathpointsList.Where(n => n.roundID != demoPathPoint.roundID && n.roundID == dbRound.roundID))
                            ingamePathpoint roundedDbPathPoint = new ingamePathpoint(dbPathPoint.roundID, (((int)Math.Round((int)dbPathPoint.X / 30.0)) * 30), (((int)Math.Round((int)dbPathPoint.Y / 30.0)) * 30), (((int)Math.Round((int)dbPathPoint.Z / 30.0)) * 30));

                            double distance = Math.Sqrt(MyPow((roundedDbPathPoint.X - roundedDemoPathPoint.X), 2) + MyPow((roundedDbPathPoint.Y - roundedDemoPathPoint.Y), 2) + MyPow((roundedDbPathPoint.Z - roundedDemoPathPoint.Z), 2));

                            if (distance == 0)

                    if (counter != 0)
                        //Calculate percentage of pathpoints from the DB which are close to the pathpoints from the demo
                        float successPercentage = ((float)successCounter / (float)counter) * 100;
                        if (successPercentage >= 1.7)
                            //Found a round which seems to be the same strat like the the round from the demo
                            Console.WriteLine("Success round " + dbRound.roundID + ": " + successPercentage.ToString(".0###") + "%");

                            //Add the round from the database which seems similar to the list.
                            matchingRoundInDB = true;

                //If a match has been found
                if (matchingRoundInDB)
                    long existingStratID = -1;
                    foreach (var similarRound in demoRoundSimilarRounds.Where(n => n.stratFound == true))
                        foreach (var stratRound in existingStratRoundsList.Where(n => n.roundID == similarRound.roundID))
                            Console.WriteLine("The matching round " + similarRound.roundID + " is already in the strat " + stratRound.stratID);
                            existingStratID = stratRound.stratID;

                    if (existingStratID != -1)
                        int    newRoundCounter = 0;
                        string addRoundToExistingStratQuery = "INSERT INTO `stratrounds` (stratID,roundID,roundType) VALUES ";
                        foreach (var similarRound in demoRoundSimilarRounds.Where(n => n.stratFound == false))
                            Console.WriteLine("Adding round " + similarRound.roundID + " to the existing strat " + existingStratID);

                            similarRound.stratFound = true;
                            similarRound.stratID    = existingStratID;

                            foreach (var dbRound in allRoundsList.Where(n => n.roundID == similarRound.roundID))
                                dbRound.stratFound = true;
                                dbRound.stratID    = existingStratID;
                            foreach (var matchRound in matchRoundsList.Where(n => n.roundID == similarRound.roundID))
                                matchRound.stratFound = true;
                                matchRound.stratID    = existingStratID;

                            //Write stratFound into DB
                            MySqlCommand setStratFoundForRound = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE `round` SET stratFound=1 WHERE id=" + similarRound.roundID, sqlConnection);

                            addRoundToExistingStratQuery += "(" + existingStratID + "," + similarRound.roundID + ",'" + similarRound.roundType + "'),";

                        if (newRoundCounter >= 1)
                            addRoundToExistingStratQuery  = addRoundToExistingStratQuery.Remove(addRoundToExistingStratQuery.Length - 1);
                            addRoundToExistingStratQuery += ";";
                            MySqlCommand addRoundToExistingStrat = new MySqlCommand(addRoundToExistingStratQuery, sqlConnection);
                            Console.WriteLine("Added all rounds to the existing strat " + existingStratID);

                    else if (existingStratID == -1)
                        //Create new strat in DB
                        MySqlCommand createNewStratForRounds = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO `strats` (mapName,stratType) VALUES ('" + mapName + "','" + round.roundType + "')", sqlConnection);
                        Console.WriteLine("Created new strat " + createNewStratForRounds.LastInsertedId);

                        string addRoundToNewStratQuery = "INSERT INTO `stratrounds` (stratID,roundID,roundType) VALUES ";
                        string updateRoundsQuery       = "UPDATE `round` SET stratFound=1 WHERE";
                        foreach (var similarRound in demoRoundSimilarRounds)
                            Console.WriteLine("Adding round " + similarRound.roundID + " to the new strat " + createNewStratForRounds.LastInsertedId);
                            similarRound.stratFound = true;
                            similarRound.stratID    = createNewStratForRounds.LastInsertedId;

                            foreach (var dbRound in allRoundsList.Where(n => n.roundID == similarRound.roundID))
                                dbRound.stratFound = true;
                                dbRound.stratID    = createNewStratForRounds.LastInsertedId;
                            foreach (var matchRound in matchRoundsList.Where(n => n.roundID == similarRound.roundID))
                                matchRound.stratFound = true;
                                matchRound.stratID    = createNewStratForRounds.LastInsertedId;

                            addRoundToNewStratQuery += "(" + createNewStratForRounds.LastInsertedId + "," + similarRound.roundID + ",'" + similarRound.roundType + "'),";
                            updateRoundsQuery       += " id=" + similarRound.roundID + " OR";
                        addRoundToNewStratQuery  = addRoundToNewStratQuery.Remove(addRoundToNewStratQuery.Length - 1);
                        addRoundToNewStratQuery += ";";
                        MySqlCommand insertRoundToStrat = new MySqlCommand(addRoundToNewStratQuery, sqlConnection);

                        updateRoundsQuery  = updateRoundsQuery.Remove(updateRoundsQuery.Length - 3);
                        updateRoundsQuery += ";";
                        MySqlCommand updateRounds = new MySqlCommand(updateRoundsQuery, sqlConnection);

                        Console.WriteLine("Added all rounds to the new strat " + createNewStratForRounds.LastInsertedId);
Exemple #2
        static public void GenerateStratMeta(int analyseStratID)
            Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "---StratMetaGenerator---");
            //Setup connection with the MySQL Server//////////////////////////////////////
            MySqlConnection sqlConnection = null;
            MySqlDataReader sqlReader     = null;

                string connectionString = "SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=demostatistics;UID=demostatistics;PASSWORD=1ax4X7M4;";
                sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
                Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Connected to MySQL Server");
            catch (MySqlException er)
                Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Error: {0}", er.ToString());

            List <ingameRound>     stratRounds     = new List <ingameRound>();
            List <ingamePathpoint> stratPathpoints = new List <ingamePathpoint>();
            string mapName = "";

            //Load mapName from DB
            MySqlCommand getStratInfo = new MySqlCommand("SELECT mapName FROM `strats` WHERE id=" + analyseStratID, sqlConnection);

            sqlReader = getStratInfo.ExecuteReader();
            while (sqlReader.Read())
                mapName = sqlReader.GetString("mapName");
            Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Loaded info for the strat " + analyseStratID);

            //Load all stratrounds
            MySqlCommand getRoundsFromStrat = new MySqlCommand("SELECT stratID,roundID,roundType FROM `stratrounds` WHERE stratID=" + analyseStratID, sqlConnection);

            sqlReader = getRoundsFromStrat.ExecuteReader();
            while (sqlReader.Read())
                stratRounds.Add(new ingameRound(sqlReader.GetInt64("roundID"), sqlReader.GetString("roundType"), true));
            Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Loaded " + stratRounds.Count + " rounds for the strat");

            //Load all pathpoints
            foreach (var round in stratRounds)
                MySqlCommand getPathpointsFromStrat = new MySqlCommand("SELECT steamID,X,Y,Z FROM `pathpoints` WHERE roundID=" + round.roundID, sqlConnection);
                sqlReader = getPathpointsFromStrat.ExecuteReader();
                while (sqlReader.Read())
                    ingamePathpoint pathpoint = new ingamePathpoint(round.roundID, sqlReader.GetInt32("X"), sqlReader.GetInt32("Y"), sqlReader.GetInt32("Z"));
                    stratPathpoints[stratPathpoints.IndexOf(pathpoint)].steamID = sqlReader.GetInt64("steamID");
            Console.WriteLine(getTimeStamp() + "Loaded " + stratPathpoints.Count + " pathpoints for the strat");

            Parallel.ForEach(stratRounds, (round) =>//Limit to round --> Find way to combine data from different rounds
                Bitmap bitmap     = new Bitmap(1024, 1024);
                Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

                Image mapBackground = Image.FromFile("overviews/" + mapName + "_radar.png");
                graphics.DrawImage(mapBackground, 0, 0);

                //List to store the players steamIDs
                List <long> steamIDs = new List <long>();
                foreach (var pathpoint in stratPathpoints.Where(n => !steamIDs.Contains(n.steamID) && n.roundID == round.roundID))

                //Foreach player get all pathpoints and draw lines between them.
                int playerNumberT = 0;
                foreach (var playerSteamID in steamIDs)
                    Pen pen;
                    switch (playerNumberT)
                    case 1:
                        pen = new Pen(Color.DarkRed);

                    case 2:
                        pen = new Pen(Color.DarkGreen);

                    case 3:
                        pen = new Pen(Color.Blue);

                    case 4:
                        pen = new Pen(Color.Yellow);

                    case 5:
                        pen = new Pen(Color.Purple);

                        pen = new Pen(Color.White);

                    //Generate a list with the pathpoints for this player.
                    List <ingamePathpoint> validPathpoints = new List <ingamePathpoint>();
                    foreach (var validPathpoint in stratPathpoints)
                        if (validPathpoint.steamID == playerSteamID && validPathpoint.roundID == round.roundID)

                    for (int i = 1; i < validPathpoints.Count; i++)
                        //if(validPathpoints[i] != null && validPathpoints[i-1] != null)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, validPathpoints[i - 1].X, validPathpoints[i - 1].Y, validPathpoints[i].X, validPathpoints[i].Y);

                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory("renderings/strat" + analyseStratID);
                bitmap.Save("renderings/strat" + analyseStratID + "/" + round.roundID + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);