Exemple #1
        public ImportChain(Imports imports, ImportChain parentOpt)
            Debug.Assert(imports != null);

            Imports   = imports;
            ParentOpt = parentOpt;
Exemple #2
        private static ImmutableArray <BoundInitializer> BindFieldInitializers(
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod scriptInitializerOpt,
            ImmutableArray <ImmutableArray <FieldOrPropertyInitializer> > initializers,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            out ImportChain firstImportChain)
            if (initializers.IsEmpty)
                firstImportChain = null;
                return(ImmutableArray <BoundInitializer> .Empty);

            var boundInitializers = ArrayBuilder <BoundInitializer> .GetInstance();

            if ((object)scriptInitializerOpt == null)
                BindRegularCSharpFieldInitializers(compilation, initializers, boundInitializers, diagnostics, out firstImportChain);
                BindScriptFieldInitializers(compilation, scriptInitializerOpt, initializers, boundInitializers, diagnostics, out firstImportChain);
            internal MethodWithBody(MethodSymbol method, BoundStatement body, ImportChain importChainOpt)
                Debug.Assert(method != null);
                Debug.Assert(body != null);

                this.Method         = method;
                this.Body           = body;
                this.ImportChainOpt = importChainOpt;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// In regular C#, all field initializers are assignments to fields and the assigned expressions
        /// may not reference instance members.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void BindRegularCSharpFieldInitializers(
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            ImmutableArray <ImmutableArray <FieldOrPropertyInitializer> > initializers,
            ArrayBuilder <BoundInitializer> boundInitializers,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            out ImportChain firstDebugImports)
            firstDebugImports = null;

            foreach (ImmutableArray <FieldOrPropertyInitializer> siblingInitializers in initializers)
                // All sibling initializers share the same parent node and tree so we can reuse the binder
                // factory across siblings.  Unfortunately, we cannot reuse the binder itself, because
                // individual fields might have their own binders (e.g. because of being declared unsafe).
                BinderFactory binderFactory = null;

                foreach (FieldOrPropertyInitializer initializer in siblingInitializers)
                    FieldSymbol fieldSymbol = initializer.FieldOpt;
                    Debug.Assert((object)fieldSymbol != null);

                    // A constant field of type decimal needs a field initializer, so
                    // check if it is a metadata constant, not just a constant to exclude
                    // decimals. Other constants do not need field initializers.
                    if (!fieldSymbol.IsMetadataConstant)
                        //Can't assert that this is a regular C# compilation, because we could be in a nested type of a script class.
                        SyntaxReference syntaxRef       = initializer.Syntax;
                        var             initializerNode = (EqualsValueClauseSyntax)syntaxRef.GetSyntax();

                        if (binderFactory == null)
                            binderFactory = compilation.GetBinderFactory(syntaxRef.SyntaxTree);

                        Binder parentBinder = binderFactory.GetBinder(initializerNode);
                        Debug.Assert((parentBinder.ContainingMemberOrLambda is TypeSymbol containing && TypeSymbol.Equals(containing, fieldSymbol.ContainingType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2)) || //should be the binder for the type
                                     fieldSymbol.ContainingType.IsImplicitClass);                                                                                                                          //however, we also allow fields in namespaces to help support script scenarios

                        if (firstDebugImports == null)
                            firstDebugImports = parentBinder.ImportChain;

                        parentBinder = new LocalScopeBinder(parentBinder).WithAdditionalFlagsAndContainingMemberOrLambda(BinderFlags.FieldInitializer, fieldSymbol);

                        BoundFieldEqualsValue boundInitializer = BindFieldInitializer(parentBinder, fieldSymbol, initializerNode, diagnostics);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// In script C#, some field initializers are assignments to fields and others are global
        /// statements.  There are no restrictions on accessing instance members.
        /// </summary>
        private static void BindScriptFieldInitializers(
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod scriptInitializer,
            ImmutableArray <ImmutableArray <FieldOrPropertyInitializer> > initializers,
            ArrayBuilder <BoundInitializer> boundInitializers,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            out ImportChain firstDebugImports)
            firstDebugImports = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < initializers.Length; i++)
                ImmutableArray <FieldOrPropertyInitializer> siblingInitializers = initializers[i];

                // All sibling initializers share the same parent node and tree so we can reuse the binder
                // factory across siblings.  Unfortunately, we cannot reuse the binder itself, because
                // individual fields might have their own binders (e.g. because of being declared unsafe).
                BinderFactory binderFactory = null;
                // Label instances must be shared across all global statements.
                ScriptLocalScopeBinder.Labels labels = null;

                for (int j = 0; j < siblingInitializers.Length; j++)
                    var initializer = siblingInitializers[j];
                    var fieldSymbol = initializer.FieldOpt;

                    if ((object)fieldSymbol != null && fieldSymbol.IsConst)
                        // Constants do not need field initializers.

                    var syntaxRef  = initializer.Syntax;
                    var syntaxTree = syntaxRef.SyntaxTree;
                    Debug.Assert(syntaxTree.Options.Kind != SourceCodeKind.Regular);

                    var syntax     = (CSharpSyntaxNode)syntaxRef.GetSyntax();
                    var syntaxRoot = syntaxTree.GetCompilationUnitRoot();

                    if (binderFactory == null)
                        binderFactory = compilation.GetBinderFactory(syntaxTree);
                        labels        = new ScriptLocalScopeBinder.Labels(scriptInitializer, syntaxRoot);

                    Binder scriptClassBinder = binderFactory.GetBinder(syntax);

                    if (firstDebugImports == null)
                        firstDebugImports = scriptClassBinder.ImportChain;

                    Binder parentBinder = new ExecutableCodeBinder(
                        new ScriptLocalScopeBinder(labels, scriptClassBinder));

                    BoundInitializer boundInitializer;
                    if ((object)fieldSymbol != null)
                        boundInitializer = BindFieldInitializer(
                            parentBinder.WithAdditionalFlagsAndContainingMemberOrLambda(BinderFlags.FieldInitializer, fieldSymbol),
                        boundInitializer = BindGlobalStatement(
                            isLast: i == initializers.Length - 1 && j == siblingInitializers.Length - 1);
