Exemple #1
 public QuestionsModel(IPagedList<Question> questions, SiteState state)
     SiteState = state;
     Questions = questions;
     state.Page = Convert.ToInt32(questions.CurrentPage);
     state.ItemCount = questions.TotalItems;
     state.MaxPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(questions.TotalItems) / Convert.ToDouble(questions.PageSize)));
Exemple #2
        public QuestionModel(Question question, IPagedList<Answer> answers, SiteState state)
            Question = question;
            Answers = answers;

            state.PageSize = 30; //Will always be 30 for quesions.

            if (answers != null)
                state.Page = Convert.ToInt32(answers.CurrentPage);
                state.ItemCount = answers.TotalItems;
                state.MaxPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(answers.TotalItems) / Convert.ToDouble(state.PageSize)));
                state.Page = 1;
                state.ItemCount = question.AnswerCount;
                state.MaxPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(question.AnswerCount) / Convert.ToDouble(state.PageSize)));

            State = state;
Exemple #3
        public PagerModel(SiteState state)
            PageSelectors = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
            PageSizes = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            string url = string.Format("/{0}/{1}/{2}", state.SiteController, state.SiteAction, state.HostSite);
            string queryString = "?";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.Sort))
                queryString = queryString + "Sort=" + state.Sort;

            //before we finish building the URL add the page sizes

            string pageSize = "PageSize=";
            if (queryString.Length != 1) // qs initialized with "?"
                pageSize = "&" + pageSize;

            if (state.SiteController == "Questions" && state.SiteAction != "Question")
                PageSizes.Add("15", url + queryString + pageSize + "15&Page=" + state.Page);
                PageSizes.Add("30", url + queryString + pageSize + "30&Page=" + state.Page);
                PageSizes.Add("50", url + queryString + pageSize + "50&Page=" + state.Page);

            if (state.PageSize != 30)
                queryString = queryString + pageSize + state.PageSize;

            url = url + queryString;

            if (queryString.Length != 1) // qs initialized with "?"
                url = url + "&";

            //TODO A grossly negligent way to make a pager IMO, optimize later - CJ
            //prev selector
            if (state.Page != 1)
                PageSelectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("prev", url + "Page=" + (state.Page - 1)));

            //page one selector
            PageSelectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("1", url + "Page=1"));

            int startPage = 0;
            int endPage = 0;

            //the middle 5
            if (state.Page > 5)
                PageSelectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("...", string.Empty));
                if (state.Page >= state.MaxPages - 5)
                    startPage = state.MaxPages - 5;
                    endPage = state.MaxPages - 1;
                    startPage = state.Page - 2;
                    endPage = state.Page + 2;
                startPage = 2;
                endPage = 5;

            if (endPage > state.MaxPages)
                endPage = state.MaxPages;

            for (int idx = 0; idx <= endPage-startPage; idx++)
                PageSelectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>((startPage + idx).ToString(), url + string.Format("Page={0}", startPage + idx)));

            if (endPage + 1 < state.MaxPages)
                PageSelectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("...", string.Empty));

            //last page selector
            PageSelectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(state.MaxPages.ToString(), url + string.Format("Page={0}", state.MaxPages)));

            //next selector
            if (state.Page != state.MaxPages)
                PageSelectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("next", url + "Page=" + (state.Page + 1)));

            CurrentPage = state.Page.ToString();
            CurrentPageSize = state.PageSize.ToString();
Exemple #4
 public FooterModel(SiteState state)