// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7690520/c-sharp-networking-tcpclient async void TcpListenerLoop() { try { //Console.WriteLine($"*TcpListener is starting on port {m_privateIP}:{m_port}."); Utils.Logger.Info($"*TcpListener is starting on port {m_privateIP}:{m_port}."); m_tcpListener = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(m_privateIP), m_port); m_tcpListener.Start(); while (true) { var tcpListenerCurrentClientTask = m_tcpListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(); var tcpClient = await tcpListenerCurrentClientTask; // await Task is blocking. OK. When App is exiting gracefully, there is an Exception: no problem. Let VS swallow it. Console.WriteLine($"TcpListenerLoop.NextClientAccepted."); Utils.Logger.Info($"TcpListenerLoop.NextClientAccepted."); if (Utils.MainThreadIsExiting?.IsSet ?? false) { return; // if App is exiting gracefully, don't start new thread } m_tcpClientQueue.Add(tcpClient); // If it is a long processing, e.g. reading the TcpClient, do it in a separate thread. If it is just added to the queue, don't start a new thread //(new Thread((x) => ReadTcpClientStream(x)) { IsBackground = true }).Start(tcpClient); // read the BinaryReader() and deserialize in separate thread, so not block the TcpListener loop } } catch (Exception e) // Background thread can crash application. A background thread does not keep the managed execution environment running. { if (Utils.MainThreadIsExiting?.IsSet ?? false) { return; // when App is exiting gracefully, this Exception is not a problem } Utils.Logger.Error("TcpListenerLoop(): Not expected Exception. We send email by StrongAssert and rethrow exception, which will crash App. TcpListenerLoop. " + e.Message + " ,InnerException: " + ((e.InnerException != null) ? e.InnerException.Message : "")); StrongAssert.Fail(Severity.ThrowException, "TcpListenerLoop(): Not expected Exception. We send email by StrongAssert and rethrow exception, which will crash App. TcpListenerLoop. VirtualBroker: manual restart is needed."); throw; // if we don't listen to TcpListener any more, there is no point to continue. Crash the App. } }
public void ScheduleTrigger(SqTrigger p_trigger, bool p_isMarketHoursValid, bool p_isMarketTradingDay, DateTime p_marketOpenTimeUtc, DateTime p_marketCloseTimeUtc) { DateTime?proposedTime = CalcNextTriggerTime(p_trigger, p_isMarketHoursValid, p_isMarketTradingDay, p_marketOpenTimeUtc, p_marketCloseTimeUtc); if (proposedTime != null) { bool doSetTimer = true; if (p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc != null) { TimeSpan timeSpan = ((DateTime)p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc > (DateTime)proposedTime) ? (DateTime)p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc - (DateTime)proposedTime : (DateTime)proposedTime - (DateTime)p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc; if (timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds < 1000.0) // if the proposedTime is not significantly different that the scheduledTime { doSetTimer = false; } } if (doSetTimer) { p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc = proposedTime; StrongAssert.True((DateTime)p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc > DateTime.UtcNow, Severity.ThrowException, "nextScheduleTimeUtc > DateTime.UtcNow"); p_trigger.Timer.Change((DateTime)p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc - DateTime.UtcNow, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1.0)); } } // Warn() temporarily to show it on Console //Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss")}: Task '" + p_trigger.TriggeredTask.Name + "' next time: " + ((p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc != null) ? ((DateTime)p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc).ToString("dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss") : "null")); Utils.Logger.Info("Trigger '" + String.Concat(p_trigger.SqTask !.Name, ".", p_trigger.Name) + "' next time: " + ((p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc != null) ? ((DateTime)p_trigger.NextScheduleTimeUtc).ToString("dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss") : "null")); }