public int BarsSave(Bars bars) {
			int ret = 0;
	        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
	        Storage db = StorageFactory.Instance.CreateStorage();
	        db.Open(this.Abspath, pagePoolSize);
	        BarsPerst barsPerst = db.Root as BarsPerst;
	        barsPerst = (BarsPerst) db.CreateClass(typeof(BarsPerst));
	        barsPerst.Symbol = bars.Symbol;
	        barsPerst.SecurityName = bars.SecurityName;
	        barsPerst.ScaleInterval = bars.ScaleInterval;

			/// If number of element in block is 100, time series period is 1 day, then
			/// value of maxBlockTimeInterval can be set as 100*(24*60*60*10000000L)*2
			//long maxBlockTimeInterval = (number of elements in block)*(tick interval)*2;
			TICKS_PER_SECOND = bars.ScaleInterval.TimeSpanInSeconds;

	        barsPerst.BarsStored = db.CreateTimeSeries<BarPerst>(N_ELEMS_PER_BLOCK, N_ELEMS_PER_BLOCK*TICKS_PER_SECOND*2);
	        foreach (Bar bar in bars.Values) {
	        	BarPerst barPerst = new BarPerst(bar);
	        ret = barsPerst.BarsStored.Count;
	        db.Root = barsPerst;
			string msg = "Elapsed time for storing " + ret + " bars: " + (DateTime.Now - start);
			return ret;
		public ChartControl() {
			this.ChartSettings = new ChartSettings(); // was a component, used at InitializeComponent() (to draw SampleBars)
			this.ScriptExecutorObjects = new ScriptExecutorObjects();
			//if (this.ChartSettings == null) 

			this.AutoScroll = false;
			//this.HScroll = true;
			this.hScrollBar.SmallChange = this.ChartSettings.ScrollNBarsPerOneKeyPress;

			panelsFolding = new List<PanelNamedFolding>();

			if (base.DesignMode == false) return;
			BarScaleInterval chartShouldntCare = new BarScaleInterval(BarScale.Minute, 5);
			//REFLECTION_FAILS_FOR_DESIGNER BarsBasic.GenerateRandom(chartShouldntCare)
			Bars generated = new Bars("RANDOM", chartShouldntCare, "test-ChartControl-DesignMode");
		public Bars CloneNoBars(string reasonToExist = null, BarScaleInterval scaleIntervalConvertingTo = null) {
			if (scaleIntervalConvertingTo == null) scaleIntervalConvertingTo = this.ScaleInterval;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reasonToExist)) reasonToExist = "InitializedFrom(" + this.ReasonToExist + ")";
			Bars ret = new Bars(this.Symbol, scaleIntervalConvertingTo, reasonToExist);
			ret.SymbolHumanReadable = this.SymbolHumanReadable;
			ret.MarketInfo = this.MarketInfo;
			ret.SymbolInfo = this.SymbolInfo;
			ret.DataSource = this.DataSource;
			return ret;
		public BacktestDataSource(Bars bars) {
			base.Name = "BacktestDataSource";
//			base.DataSourceManager = bars.DataSource.DataSourceManager;
			base.MarketInfo = bars.MarketInfo;
			base.ScaleInterval = bars.ScaleInterval;
			base.StreamingProvider = new BacktestStreamingProvider(bars.Symbol);
			base.BrokerProvider = new BacktestBrokerProvider();
			//base.BrokerProvider.Initialize(this, base.StreamingProvider, null, base.StatusReporter);
		public Bars BarsRead() {
			Bars ret = null;
			DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
			Storage db = StorageFactory.Instance.CreateStorage();
			db.Open(this.Abspath, pagePoolSize);
			BarsPerst barsPerst = db.Root as BarsPerst;
			if (barsPerst == null) return ret;
			ret = new Bars(barsPerst.Symbol, barsPerst.ScaleInterval, this.Abspath);
			foreach (BarPerst barPerst in barsPerst.BarsStored) {
				ret.BarCreateAppend(new DateTime(barPerst.Time), barPerst.Open, barPerst.High, barPerst.Low, barPerst.Close, barPerst.Volume);
			string msg = "Elapsed time for reading " + ret.Count + " bars: " + (DateTime.Now - start);
			return ret;
		public Bars BarsLoadThreadSafe(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int maxBars) {
			Bars barsAll = this.BarsLoadAllThreadSafe();
			//Assembler.PopupException("Loaded [ " + bars.Count + "] bars; symbol[" + this.Symbol + "] scaleInterval[" + this.BarsFolder.ScaleInterval + "]");
			if (startDate == DateTime.MinValue && endDate == DateTime.MaxValue && maxBars == 0) return barsAll;
			string start = (startDate == DateTime.MinValue) ? "MIN" : startDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
			string end = (endDate == DateTime.MaxValue) ? "MAX" : endDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
			Bars bars = new Bars(barsAll.Symbol, barsAll.ScaleInterval, barsAll.ReasonToExist + " [" + start + "..." + end + "]max[" + maxBars + "]");
			for (int i=0; i<barsAll.Count; i++) {
				if (maxBars > 0 && i >= maxBars) break; 
				Bar barAdding = barsAll[i];
				bool skipThisBar = false;
				if (startDate > DateTime.MinValue && barAdding.DateTimeOpen < startDate) skipThisBar = true; 
				if (endDate < DateTime.MaxValue && barAdding.DateTimeOpen > endDate) skipThisBar = true;
				if (skipThisBar) continue;
			return bars;
		public void Initialize(Bars barsNotNull) {
			this.Bars = barsNotNull;
			if (this.BarsNotEmpty) {
				//this.hScrollBar.ValueCurrent = this.hScrollBar.Maximum;	// I just sync'ed this.hScrollBar.Maximum = this.Bars.Count - 1
				// after I reduced BarRange{500bars => 100bars} in MainForm, don't set this.hScrollBar.Value here, I'll invoke ScrollToLastBarRight() upstack
				if (this.ChartSettings.ScrollPositionAtBarIndex >= this.hScrollBar.Minimum && this.ChartSettings.ScrollPositionAtBarIndex <= this.hScrollBar.Maximum) {
					// I'm here 1) at ChartControl startup; 2) after I changed BarRange in MainForm 
					this.hScrollBar.Value = this.ChartSettings.ScrollPositionAtBarIndex;
				} else {
					string msg = "HSCROLL_POSITION_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE; fix deserialization upstack";

				foreach (PanelNamedFolding panelFolding in this.panelsFolding) {	// at least PanelPrice and PanelVolume
		public Bars BarsLoadAll() {
			string msig = " BarsLoadAll(this.Abspath=[" + this.Abspath + "]): ";
			Bars bars = null;
			DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
			FileStream fileStream = null;
			try {
				fileStream = File.Open(this.Abspath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
				BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream);

				double version = binaryReader.ReadDouble();
				//Assembler.PopupException("LoadBars[" + this.Relpath + "]: version[" + version + "]");
				string symbol = binaryReader.ReadString();
				string symbolHumanReadable = binaryReader.ReadString();
				BarScale barScale = (BarScale)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
				int barInterval = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
				BarScaleInterval scaleInterval = new BarScaleInterval(barScale, barInterval);
				//string shortFnameIneedMorePathParts = Path.GetFileName(this.Abspath);
				//string shortFname = this.Abspath.Substring(this.Abspath.IndexOf("" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Data" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "") + 6);
				string shortFname = this.Relpath;
				bars = new Bars(symbol, scaleInterval, shortFname);
				int barsStored = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
				//int securityType = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
				//bars.SymbolInfo.SecurityType = (SecurityType)securityType;
				for (int barsRead = 0; barsRead<barsStored; barsRead++) {
					DateTime dateTimeOpen = new DateTime(binaryReader.ReadInt64());
					double open = binaryReader.ReadDouble();
					double high = binaryReader.ReadDouble();
					double low = binaryReader.ReadDouble();
					double close = binaryReader.ReadDouble();
					double volume = binaryReader.ReadDouble();
					Bar barAdded = bars.BarCreateAppendBindStatic(dateTimeOpen, open, high, low, close, volume);
			} catch (EndOfStreamException ex) {
				Assembler.PopupException(ex.Message + msig, ex);
			} finally {
				if (fileStream != null) fileStream.Close();
			return bars;
		public void SetBars(Bars barsClicked) {
			if (barsClicked == null) {
				string msg = "don't feed Bars=null into the foodchain!";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (this.Backtester.IsBacktestingNow) {

			this.Bars = barsClicked;
		internal void BacktestContextRestore() {
			this.Bars = this.preBacktestBars;
			//this.DataSource = this.preDataSource;
			this.preBacktestBars = null;	// will help ignore this.IsStreaming saving IsStreaming state to json
			this.IsStreaming = preBacktestIsStreaming;
		internal void BacktestContextInitialize(Bars bars) {
			this.preBacktestBars = this.Bars;	// this.preBacktestBars != null will help ignore this.IsStreaming saving IsStreaming state to json
			this.preDataSource = this.DataSource;
			this.preBacktestIsStreaming = this.IsStreaming;

			this.Bars = bars;
			//this.DataSource = bars.DataSource;
			this.IsStreaming = true;
		public double OrderCommissionCalculate(Direction direction, MarketLimitStop marketLimitStop, double price, double shares, Bars bars) {
			double ret = 0;
			if (this.Strategy.ScriptContextCurrent.ApplyCommission && this.CommissionCalculator != null) {
				ret = this.CommissionCalculator.CalculateCommission(direction, marketLimitStop, price, shares, bars);
			return ret;
		int BarsSave(Bars bars) {
			int barsSaved = 0;
			FileStream fileStream = null;
			try {
				fileStream = File.Create(this.Abspath);
				BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileStream);
				for (int i = 0; i < bars.Count; i++) {
					Bar bar = bars[i];
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				string msg = "Error while Saving bars[" + this + "] into [" + this.Abspath + "]";
				Assembler.PopupException(msg, ex);
			} finally {
				if (fileStream != null) fileStream.Close();
			return barsSaved;
		public void SetParentForBackwardUpdate(Bars parentBars, int parentBarsIndex) {
			if (this.ParentBars == parentBars) {
				string msg = "TYRING_AVOID_BUGS: same ParentBars as I have already;"
					+ "  this.ParentBars==parentBars[" + parentBars + "]";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (this.ParentBarsIndex == parentBarsIndex) {
				string msg = "TYRING_AVOID_BUGS: same ParentBarsIndex[" + this.ParentBarsIndex + "] as I have already;"
					+ "  this.ParentBars==parentBars[" + parentBars + "]";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (this.ParentBars != null) {
				if (this.ParentBars.Symbol != parentBars.Symbol) {
					string msg1 = "here is the problem for a streaming bar to carry another symbol!";
					throw new Exception(msg1);
				string msg = "this.ParentBars!=null => this Bar is already assigned to Bars;"
					+ " use Bar.CloneDetached() if you add this Bar to another BarSeries"
					+ " otherwise reciprocity will be uneven"
					+ " and strategies relying on quote.ParentBar.ParentBarsIndex will be messed up";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (this.ParentBarsIndex != -1) {
				string msg = "this.ParentBarsIndex!=-1 => this Bar is already assigned to Bars;"
					+ " use Bar.CloneDetached() if you add this Bar to another BarSeries"
					+ " otherwise reciprocity will be uneven"
					+ " and strategies relying on quote.ParentBar.ParentBarsIndex will be messed up";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			this.ParentBars = parentBars;
			this.ParentBarsIndex = parentBarsIndex;
		public virtual Bars RequestDataFromRepository(string symbol) {
			Bars ret;
			symbol = symbol.ToUpper();

			//BarsFolder perstFolder = new BarsFolder(this.BarsFolder.RootFolder, this.DataSource.ScaleInterval, true, "dts");
			//RepositoryBarsPerst barsPerst = new RepositoryBarsPerst(perstFolder, symbol, false);
			//ret = barsPerst.BarsRead();
			//if (ret == null) {
			RepositoryBarsFile barsFile = this.BarsRepository.DataFileForSymbol(symbol);
			ret = barsFile.BarsLoadAllThreadSafe();
			if (ret == null) ret = new Bars(symbol, this.ScaleInterval, "FILE_NOT_FOUND " + this.GetType().Name);
			return ret;
 public bool IsProxyFor(Bars bars, DataSeriesProxyableFromBars dataSeriesProxyableFromBars)
     return(barsBeingProxied == bars && dataSeriesBeingExposed == dataSeriesProxyableFromBars);
		public void InitializeStreamingOHLCVfromStreamingProvider(Bars chartBars) {
			SymbolScaleDistributionChannel distributionChannel = this.DataDistributor
				.GetDistributionChannelFor(chartBars.Symbol, chartBars.ScaleInterval);
			Bar streamingBar = distributionChannel.StreamingBarFactoryUnattached.StreamingBarUnattached;
			if (streamingBar == null) {
				string msg = "STREAMING_NEVER_STARTED BarFactory.StreamingBar=null for distributionChannel[" + distributionChannel + "]";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (streamingBar.DateTimeOpen == DateTime.MinValue) {
				string msg = "STREAMING_NEVER_STARTED streamingBar.DateTimeOpen=MinValue [" + streamingBar
					+ "] for distributionChannel[" + distributionChannel + "]";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (streamingBar.DateTimeOpen != chartBars.BarStaticLast.DateTimeNextBarOpenUnconditional) {
				if (streamingBar.DateTimeOpen == chartBars.BarStaticLast.DateTimeOpen) {
					string msg = "STREAMINGBAR_OVERWROTE_LASTBAR streamingBar.DateTimeOpen[" + streamingBar.DateTimeOpen
						+ "] == this.LastStaticBar.DateTimeOpen[" + chartBars.BarStaticLast.DateTimeOpen + "] " + chartBars;
				} else {
					string msg = "STREAMINGBAR_OUTDATED streamingBar.DateTimeOpen[" + streamingBar.DateTimeOpen
						+ "] != chartBars.LastStaticBar.DateTimeNextBarOpenUnconditional["
						+ chartBars.BarStaticLast.DateTimeNextBarOpenUnconditional + "] " + chartBars;
			Assembler.PopupException("StreamingOHLCV Overwritten: Bars.StreamingBar[" + chartBars.BarStreamingCloneReadonly + "] taken from streamingBar[" + streamingBar + "]");
		public int BarsSaveThreadSafe(Bars bars) {
			if (bars.Count == 0) return 0;
			int barsSaved = -1;
			lock (this) {
				barsSaved = BarsSave(bars);
				//Assembler.PopupException("Saved [ " + bars.Count + "] bars; symbol[" + bars.Symbol + "] scaleInterval[" + bars.ScaleInterval + "]");
			return barsSaved;
		public int BarAppend(Bar barLastFormed) {
			Bars allBars = this.BarsLoadAllThreadSafe();
			if (allBars == null) {
				allBars = new Bars(barLastFormed.Symbol, barLastFormed.ScaleInterval, "DUMMY: LoadBars()=null");

			// this happens on a very first quote - this.pushBarToConsumers(StreamingBarFactory.LastBarFormed.Clone());
			if (allBars.BarStaticLast.DateTimeOpen == barLastFormed.DateTimeOpen) return 0;

			// not really needed to clone to save it in a file, but we became strict to eliminate other bugs
			barLastFormed = barLastFormed.CloneDetached();

			// SetParentForBackwardUpdateAutoindex used within Bar only()
			if (allBars.BarStaticLast.DateTimeOpen == barLastFormed.DateTimeOpen) {
				return 0;

			int barsSaved = this.BarsSaveThreadSafe(allBars);
			return barsSaved;
		// bool handlingVolume = indicator.Series.TypeSafeIsProxyFor(this.Executor.Bars, DataSeriesProxyableFromBars.Volume)
		public virtual bool TypeSafeIsProxyFor(Bars bars, DataSeriesProxyableFromBars barField) {
			if (this is DataSeriesProxyBars == false) return false;
			DataSeriesProxyBars proxy = this as DataSeriesProxyBars;
			if (proxy.IsProxyFor(bars, barField)) return true;
			return false;
		public bool IsProxyFor(Bars bars, DataSeriesProxyableFromBars dataSeriesProxyableFromBars) {
			return barsBeingProxied == bars && dataSeriesBeingExposed == dataSeriesProxyableFromBars;
		public int BarsSave(Bars bars) {
			RepositoryBarsFile barsFile = this.BarsRepository.DataFileForSymbol(bars.Symbol, false);
			int barsSaved = barsFile.BarsSaveThreadSafe(bars);
			string msg = "Saved [ " + barsSaved + "] bars; static[" + this.Name + "]";

			//BarsFolder perstFolder = new BarsFolder(this.BarsFolder.RootFolder, bars.ScaleInterval, true, "dts");
			//RepositoryBarsPerst barsPerst = new RepositoryBarsPerst(perstFolder, bars.Symbol, false);
			//int barsSavedPerst = barsPerst.BarsSave(bars);
			//string msgPerst = "Saved [ " + barsSavedPerst + "] bars; static[" + this.Name + "]";
			return barsSaved;
		public override double CalculateCommission(Direction direction, MarketLimitStop marketLimitStop,
		                                           double orderPrice, double shares, Bars bars) {
			return 0;
		protected Position(Bars bars, PositionLongShort positionLongShort, string strategyID, double basisPrice,
				double shares) : this() {
			this.Bars = bars;
			this.PositionLongShort = positionLongShort;
			this.StrategyID = strategyID;
			this.LastQuoteForMarketOrStopLimitImplicitPrice = basisPrice;
			this.Shares = shares;
		public double AlignAlertPriceToPriceLevel(Bars bars, double orderPrice, bool buyOrShort, PositionLongShort positionLongShort0, MarketLimitStop marketLimitStop0) {
			if (this.Strategy.ScriptContextCurrent.NoDecimalRoundingForLimitStopPrice) return orderPrice;
			if (bars == null) bars = this.Bars;
			if (bars.SymbolInfo.PriceLevelSizeForBonds == 0.0) {
				string text = "1";
				if (this.Strategy.ScriptContextCurrent.PriceLevelSizeForBonds > 0) {
					text = text.PadRight(this.Strategy.ScriptContextCurrent.PriceLevelSizeForBonds + 1, '0');
					bars.SymbolInfo.PriceLevelSizeForBonds = 1.0 / (double)Convert.ToInt32(text);
				return orderPrice;
			orderPrice = bars.SymbolInfo.RoundAlertPriceToPriceLevel(orderPrice, buyOrShort, positionLongShort0, marketLimitStop0);
			return orderPrice;
		void step4createBarsDisplayChart() {
			string status = " Symbol[" + this.symbolDetectedInCsv + "]";

			BarScaleInterval csvScaleInterval = this.scaleIntervalDetectedInCsv;
			if (csvScaleInterval == null) {
				this.scaleIntervalMinimalScanned = this.findMinimalInterval(this.csvParsedByFormat);
				status += " ScaleIntervalMinFound[" + csvScaleInterval + "]";
			} else {
				status += " ScaleIntervalFromColumn[" + csvScaleInterval + "]";
			string statusOld = this.grpPreviewParsedByFormat.Text;
			int posToAppend = statusOld.IndexOf('|');
			//if (posToAppend < 0) posToAppend = 0;
			string prefix = statusOld.Substring(0, posToAppend+1); // no exception thrown even if posToAppend=-1 (not found)
			this.grpPreviewParsedByFormat.Text = prefix + status;

			this.BarsParsed = new Bars(this.symbolDetectedInCsv, csvScaleInterval, this.dataSnapshot.FileSelectedAbsname);
			//BarsUnscaled barsParsed = new BarsUnscaled(symbol, this.dataSnapshot.FileSelectedAbsname);
			foreach (CsvBar csvBar in this.csvParsedByFormat) {
				this.BarsParsed.BarCreateAppendBindStatic(csvBar.DateTime, csvBar.Open, csvBar.High, csvBar.Low, csvBar.Close, csvBar.Volume);

			//status += " BarsParsed.Count[" + this.BarsParsed.Count + "]";
			status += " Bars[" + this.BarsParsed.Count + "]";
			this.grpPreviewParsedByFormat.Text = prefix + status;

			this.rangeBarDateTime1.Enabled = true;

		public BarsEventArgs(Bars bars) {
			this.Bars = bars;
		public StreamingBarFactory(Bars bars) {
			Bars = bars;
			StreamingBarUnattached = this.Bars.;
			IntraBarSerno = 0;
		public Alert(Bar bar, double qty, double priceScript, string signalName,
				Direction direction, MarketLimitStop marketLimitStop, OrderSpreadSide orderSpreadSide,
				Strategy strategy) : this() {

			if (direction == Direction.Unknown) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_DIRECTION_MUST_NOT_BE_UNKNOWN: when creating an Alert, direction parameter can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (bar == null) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_BAR_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar parameter can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (bar.ParentBars == null) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_PARENT_BARS_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar.ParentBars can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			this.Bars = bar.ParentBars;
			this.PlacedBar = bar;
			this.PlacedBarIndex = bar.ParentBarsIndex;
			this.Symbol = bar.Symbol;
			this.BarsScaleInterval = this.Bars.ScaleInterval;
			if (this.Bars.SymbolInfo != null) {
				SymbolInfo symbolInfo = this.Bars.SymbolInfo;
				this.SymbolClass = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolInfo.SymbolClass) == false) ? symbolInfo.SymbolClass : "UNKNOWN_CLASS";
				this.MarketOrderAs = symbolInfo.MarketOrderAs;
			this.AccountNumber = "UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT";
			if (this.DataSource.BrokerProvider != null && this.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate != null
			    && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber) != false) {
				this.AccountNumber = this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber;

			this.Qty = qty;
			this.PriceScript = priceScript;
			this.SignalName = signalName;
			this.Direction = direction;
			this.MarketLimitStop = marketLimitStop;
			this.OrderSpreadSide = orderSpreadSide;

			this.Strategy = strategy;
			if (this.Strategy != null) {
				this.StrategyID = this.Strategy.Guid;
				this.StrategyName = this.Strategy.Name;
			if (this.Strategy.Script != null) {
				string msg = "Looks like a manual Order submitted from the Chart";
		public DataSeriesProxyBars(Bars bars, DataSeriesProxyableFromBars dataSeriesBeingExposed) {
			base.ScaleInterval = bars.ScaleInterval;
			this.barsBeingProxied = bars;
			this.dataSeriesBeingExposed = dataSeriesBeingExposed;
			base.Description = this.dataSeriesBeingExposed + " for " + this.ToString();
		public static Bars GenerateRandom(BarScaleInterval scaleInt,  int howManyBars = 10,
			string symbol = "SAMPLE", string reasonToExist = "test-ChartControl-DesignMode") {
			Bars ret = new Bars(symbol, scaleInt, reasonToExist);
			return ret;