Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (IConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new SingleConnectionFactory())
                IAmqpAdmin amqpAdmin = new RabbitAdmin(new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory));

                Queue marketDataQueue = new Queue("APP.STOCK.MARKETDATA");
                Binding binding = new Binding(marketDataQueue, DirectExchange.DEFAULT);

                amqpAdmin.DeclareQueue(new Queue("APP.STOCK.REQUEST"));
                amqpAdmin.DeclareQueue(new Queue("APP.STOCK.JOE"));

                //Each queue is automatically bound to the default direct exchange.

                Console.WriteLine("Queues and exchanges have been declared.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press 'enter' to exit");
        public void TestRemoveBindingWithDefaultExchangeImplicitBinding()
            var queueName = "test.queue";
            var queue = new Queue(queueName, false, false, false);
            var binding = new Binding(queueName, Binding.DestinationType.Queue, RabbitAdmin.DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_NAME, queueName, null);


            // Pass by virtue of RabbitMQ not firing a 403 reply code
        public void TestSpringWithDefaultExchangeNonImplicitBinding()
            var exchange = new DirectExchange(RabbitAdmin.DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_NAME);
            this.context.ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("foo", exchange);
            var queueName = "test.queue";
            var queue = new Queue(queueName, false, false, false);
            this.context.ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("bar", queue);
            var binding = new Binding(queueName, Binding.DestinationType.Queue, exchange.Name, "test.routingKey", null);
            this.context.ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("baz", binding);

            catch (AmqpIOException ex)
                Exception cause = ex;
                Exception rootCause = null;
                while (cause != null)
                    rootCause = cause;
                    cause = cause.InnerException;

                Assert.True(rootCause.Message.Contains("operation not permitted on the default exchange"));
        public void TestDeclareBindingWithDefaultExchangeImplicitBinding()
            var exchange = new DirectExchange(RabbitAdmin.DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_NAME);
            var queueName = "test.queue";
            var queue = new Queue(queueName, false, false, false);
            var binding = new Binding(queueName, Binding.DestinationType.Queue, exchange.Name, queueName, null);


            // Pass by virtue of RabbitMQ not firing a 403 reply code for both exchange and binding declaration
        public void TestSpringWithDefaultExchangeImplicitBinding()
            var exchange = new DirectExchange(RabbitAdmin.DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_NAME);
            this.context.ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("foo", exchange);
            var queueName = "test.queue";
            var queue = new Queue(queueName, false, false, false);
            this.context.ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("bar", queue);
            var binding = new Binding(queueName, Binding.DestinationType.Queue, exchange.Name, queueName, null);
            this.context.ObjectFactory.RegisterSingleton("baz", binding);


            // Pass by virtue of RabbitMQ not firing a 403 reply code for both exchange and binding declaration
        private bool IsRemovingImplicitQueueBinding(Binding binding)
            if (this.IsImplicitQueueBinding(binding))
                Logger.Debug(m => m("Cannot remove implicit default exchange binding to queue."));
                return true;

            return false;
 private bool IsImplicitQueueBinding(Binding binding) { return this.IsDefaultExchange(binding.Exchange) && binding.Destination.Equals(binding.RoutingKey); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Declares all the exchanges, queues and bindings in the enclosing application context, if any. It should be safe
        /// (but unnecessary) to call this method more than once.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize()
            if (this.applicationContext == null)
                Logger.Debug(m => m("no ApplicationContext has been set, cannot auto-declare Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings"));

            Logger.Debug(m => m("Initializing declarations"));
            var exchanges = this.applicationContext.GetObjectsOfType(typeof(IExchange)).Values;
            var queues = this.applicationContext.GetObjectsOfType(typeof(Queue)).Values;
            var bindings = this.applicationContext.GetObjectsOfType(typeof(Binding)).Values;

            foreach (IExchange exchange in exchanges)
                if (!exchange.Durable)
                    Logger.Warn(m => m("Auto-declaring a non-durable Exchange ({0}). It will be deleted by the broker if it shuts down, and can be redeclared by closing and reopening the connection.", exchange.Name));

                if (exchange.AutoDelete)
                        m =>
                        m("Auto-declaring an auto-delete Exchange ({0}). It will be deleted by the broker if not in use (if all bindings are deleted), but will only be redeclared if the connection is closed and reopened.", exchange.Name));

            foreach (Queue queue in queues)
                if (!queue.Durable)
                    Logger.Warn(m => m("Auto-declaring a non-durable Queue ({0}). It will be redeclared if the broker stops and is restarted while the connection factory is alive, but all messages will be lost.", queue.Name));

                if (queue.AutoDelete)
                    Logger.Warn(m => m("Auto-declaring an auto-delete Queue ({0}). It will be deleted by the broker if not in use, and all messages will be lost.  Redeclared when the connection is closed and reopened.", queue.Name));

                if (queue.Exclusive)
                    Logger.Warn(m => m("Auto-declaring an exclusive Queue ({0}). It cannot be accessed by consumers on another connection, and will be redeclared if the connection is reopened.", queue.Name));

                channel =>
                    var exchangeArray = new IExchange[exchanges.Count];
                    var queueArray = new Queue[queues.Count];
                    var bindingArray = new Binding[bindings.Count];

                    exchanges.CopyTo(exchangeArray, 0);
                    queues.CopyTo(queueArray, 0);
                    bindings.CopyTo(bindingArray, 0);

                    this.DeclareExchanges(channel, exchangeArray);
                    this.DeclareQueues(channel, queueArray);
                    this.DeclareBindings(channel, bindingArray);
                    return null;

            Logger.Debug(m => m("Declarations finished"));
        private bool IsDeclaringImplicitQueueBinding(Binding binding)
            if (this.IsImplicitQueueBinding(binding))
                Logger.Debug(m => m("The default exchange is implicitly bound to every queue, with a routing key equal to the queue name."));
                return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>Remove a binding of a queue to an exchange.</summary>
        /// <param name="binding">Binding to remove.</param>
        public void RemoveBinding(Binding binding)
                channel =>
                    if (binding.IsDestinationQueue())
                        if (this.IsRemovingImplicitQueueBinding(binding))
                            return null;

                        channel.QueueUnbind(binding.Destination, binding.Exchange, binding.RoutingKey, binding.Arguments);
                        channel.ExchangeUnbind(binding.Destination, binding.Exchange, binding.RoutingKey, binding.Arguments);

                    return null;
 /// <summary>Declare the binding.</summary>
 /// <param name="binding">The binding.</param>
 public void DeclareBinding(Binding binding)
         channel =>
             this.DeclareBindings(channel, binding);
             return null;
 public void RemoveBinding(Binding binding)
     rabbitTemplate.Execute<object>(delegate(IModel model)
                                            model.QueueUnbind(binding.Queue, binding.Exchange, binding.RoutingKey,
                                            return null;
 public void DeclareBinding(Binding binding)
 public void DeclareBinding(Binding binding)
     rabbitTemplate.Execute<object>(delegate(IModel channel)
         channel.QueueBind(binding.Queue, binding.Exchange, binding.RoutingKey, false, binding.Arguments);
         return null;