public static async void SearchOrd(TextBox tb, ListView lv) { ConnectToDB connect = new ConnectToDB(); await connect.ConnectDB(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb.Text)) { if (tb.Text == "Search...") { MessageBox.Show( "Field must be filled!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { SqlDataAdapter daProd = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtProd = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daEmp = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtEmp = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daCust = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtCust = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daDate = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtDate = new DataTable(); try { SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Orders " + "WHERE IdProd LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daProd = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command1 }; dtProd = new DataTable(); daProd.Fill(dtProd); SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Orders " + "WHERE IdEmpl LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daEmp = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command2 }; dtEmp = new DataTable(); daEmp.Fill(dtEmp); SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Orders " + "WHERE IdCust LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daCust = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command3 }; dtCust = new DataTable(); daCust.Fill(dtCust); SqlCommand command4 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Orders " + "WHERE DateOrder LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daDate = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command4 }; dtDate = new DataTable(); daDate.Fill(dtDate); lv.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow r in dtProd.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(2).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(3).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } foreach (DataRow r in dtEmp.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(2).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(3).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } foreach (DataRow r in dtCust.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(2).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(3).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } foreach (DataRow r in dtDate.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(2).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(3).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } } catch (SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } daProd.Dispose(); daEmp.Dispose(); daCust.Dispose(); daDate.Dispose(); } } else { MessageBox.Show( "Field must be filled!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static async void SearchEmpl(TextBox tb, ListView lv) { ConnectToDB connect = new ConnectToDB(); await connect.ConnectDB(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb.Text)) { if (tb.Text == "Search...") { MessageBox.Show( "Field must be filled!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { SqlDataAdapter daName = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtName = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daPos = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtPos = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daPhoneNumber = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtPhoneNumber = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daBirthday = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtBirthday = new DataTable(); try { SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Employees " + "WHERE FullNameEmp LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daName = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command1 }; dtName = new DataTable(); daName.Fill(dtName); SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Employees " + "WHERE Birthday LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daBirthday = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command2 }; dtBirthday = new DataTable(); daBirthday.Fill(dtBirthday); SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Employees " + "WHERE Position LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daPos = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command3 }; dtPos = new DataTable(); daPos.Fill(dtPos); SqlCommand command4 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Employees " + "WHERE PhoneNumberEmp LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daPhoneNumber = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command4 }; dtPhoneNumber = new DataTable(); daPhoneNumber.Fill(dtPhoneNumber); lv.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow r in dtName.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(1)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } foreach (DataRow r in dtPos.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(1)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } foreach (DataRow r in dtPhoneNumber.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(1)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } foreach (DataRow r in dtBirthday.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(1)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(4)); } } catch (SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } daName.Dispose(); daPos.Dispose(); daPhoneNumber.Dispose(); } } else { MessageBox.Show( "Field must be filled!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static async void SearchProd(TextBox tb, ListView lv) { ConnectToDB connect = new ConnectToDB(); await connect.ConnectDB(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb.Text)) { if (tb.Text == "Search...") { MessageBox.Show( "Field must be filled!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { SqlDataAdapter daIdSuppl = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtIdSuppl = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daNameProd = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtNameProd = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daType = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtType = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daCostP = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtCostP = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daCostS = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtCostS = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daQuantity = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dtQuantity = new DataTable(); try { SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Products " + "WHERE IdSupp LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daIdSuppl = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command1 }; dtIdSuppl = new DataTable(); daIdSuppl.Fill(dtIdSuppl); SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Products " + "WHERE NameProduct LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daNameProd = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command2 }; dtNameProd = new DataTable(); daNameProd.Fill(dtNameProd); SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Products " + "WHERE TypeProduct LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daType = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command3 }; dtType = new DataTable(); daType.Fill(dtType); SqlCommand command4 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Products " + "WHERE CostPurchase LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daCostP = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command4 }; dtCostP = new DataTable(); daCostP.Fill(dtCostP); SqlCommand command5 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Products " + "WHERE CostSale LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daCostS = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command5 }; dtCostS = new DataTable(); daCostS.Fill(dtCostS); SqlCommand command6 = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM Products " + "WHERE Quantity LIKE '%" + tb.Text + "%'", connect.sqlConnection); daQuantity = new SqlDataAdapter { SelectCommand = command6 }; dtQuantity = new DataTable(); daQuantity.Fill(dtQuantity); lv.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow r in dtIdSuppl.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(4).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(5).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <bool>(6).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(7).ToString()); } foreach (DataRow r in dtNameProd.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(4).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(5).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <bool>(6).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(7).ToString()); } foreach (DataRow r in dtType.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(4).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(5).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <bool>(6).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(7).ToString()); } foreach (DataRow r in dtCostP.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(4).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(5).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <bool>(6).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(7).ToString()); } foreach (DataRow r in dtCostS.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(4).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(5).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <bool>(6).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(7).ToString()); } foreach (DataRow r in dtQuantity.Rows) { var list = lv.Items.Add(r.Field <int>(0).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(1).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(2)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <string>(3)); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(4).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(5).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <bool>(6).ToString()); list.SubItems.Add(r.Field <int>(7).ToString()); } } catch (SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } daIdSuppl.Dispose(); daNameProd.Dispose(); daType.Dispose(); daCostP.Dispose(); daCostS.Dispose(); daQuantity.Dispose(); } } else { MessageBox.Show( "Field must be filled!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private async void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxIdProd.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxIdProd.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateTimePickerOrd.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dateTimePickerOrd.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxIdEmp.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxIdEmp.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxIdCust.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxIdCust.Text)) { Order ins = new Order { IdProd = Int32.Parse(textBoxIdProd.Text), IdEmpl = Int32.Parse(textBoxIdEmp.Text), IdCust = Int32.Parse(textBoxIdCust.Text), DateOrder = dateTimePickerOrd.Value.ToShortDateString() }; int temp = Int32.Parse(textBoxIdProd.Text); Product prod = new Product { ID = temp }; ConnectToDB connect = new ConnectToDB(); SqlDataReader sqlReader = null; await connect.ConnectDB(); try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT [Quantity] FROM [Products] " + "WHERE [IdProduct] = " + @temp, connect.sqlConnection); sqlReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(); await sqlReader.ReadAsync(); int q = Int32.Parse(Convert.ToString(sqlReader["Quantity"])); sqlReader.Close(); if (q > 0) { q--; prod.Quantity = q; SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [Products] " + "SET [Quantity] = " + q + " WHERE [IdProduct] = " + @temp, connect.sqlConnection); command2.Parameters.AddWithValue("ID", prod.ID); command2.Parameters.AddWithValue("Quantity", prod.Quantity); await command2.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); await ins.InsertOrd(); } else if (q == 0) { SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [Products] " + "SET [Availability] = " + 0 + " WHERE [IdProduct] = " + @temp, connect.sqlConnection); command3.Parameters.AddWithValue("ID", prod.ID); command3.Parameters.AddWithValue("Availability", prod.Availability); await command3.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); MessageBox.Show( "Quantity of product = 0", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show( "Error!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show( "All fields must be filled!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } textBoxIdProd.Clear(); textBoxIdCust.Clear(); textBoxIdEmp.Clear(); }