Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 柱形图,语文,数学 多个颜色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet"></param>
        private void ChartColumn(Worksheet sheet)
            Spire.Xls.Chart chartColumn = sheet.Charts.Add(ExcelChartType.ColumnClustered);
            chartColumn.ChartTitle            = "分数";
            chartColumn.ChartTitleArea.IsBold = true;
            chartColumn.ChartTitleArea.Size   = 15;
            chartColumn.DataRange             = sheet.Range[2, 2, 3, 3];
            chartColumn.SeriesDataFromRange   = false;
            chartColumn.LeftColumn            = 1;
            chartColumn.TopRow      = 5;
            chartColumn.RightColumn = 6;
            chartColumn.BottomRow   = 16;
            chartColumn.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Title          = "姓名";    //X轴显示名
            chartColumn.PrimaryCategoryAxis.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range[2, 1, 3, 1];
            chartColumn.PrimaryValueAxis.Title             = "分数";    //Y轴显示名
            chartColumn.Legend.Position          = LegendPositionType.Right;
            chartColumn.PlotArea.ForeGroundColor = Color.Transparent; //透明,去掉默认的灰色

            #region 初始化图例
            Spire.Xls.Charts.ChartSerie csColumn1 = chartColumn.Series[0];
            csColumn1.Name   = "语文分数";
            csColumn1.Values = sheet.Range[2, 2, 3, 2];
            //csColumn.Values.NumberFormat = "0.0#%";
            csColumn1.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.HasValue = true;
            csColumn1.Format.Fill.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#5B9BD5");

            Spire.Xls.Charts.ChartSerie csColumn2 = chartColumn.Series[1];
            csColumn2.Name   = "数学分数";
            csColumn2.Values = sheet.Range[2, 3, 3, 3];
            csColumn2.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.HasValue = true;
            csColumn2.Format.Fill.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ED7D31");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 用姓名+语文成绩 生成饼图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet"></param>
        private void ChartPie(Worksheet sheet)
            Spire.Xls.Chart chartPie = sheet.Charts.Add(ExcelChartType.Pie);
            chartPie.DataRange           = sheet.Range[2, 2, 3, 2];
            chartPie.SeriesDataFromRange = false;
            chartPie.LeftColumn  = 1;
            chartPie.TopRow      = 17;
            chartPie.RightColumn = 6;
            chartPie.BottomRow   = 27;
            chartPie.ChartTitle = "语文成绩";
            chartPie.ChartTitleArea.IsBold = true;
            chartPie.ChartTitleArea.Size   = 12;

            #region 初始化图例
            Spire.Xls.Charts.ChartSerie csPie = chartPie.Series[0];
            csPie.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range[2, 1, 3, 1];
            csPie.Values         = sheet.Range[2, 2, 3, 2];

            csPie.DataPoints[0].DataFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(91, 155, 213);
            csPie.DataPoints[1].DataFormat.Fill.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ED7D31");
Exemple #3
        private void ChartDraw2(string title_name)
            chart             = ws2.Charts.Add();
            chart.ChartType   = ExcelChartType.Line;
            chart.DataRange   = ws2.Range["A1:I7"];
            chart.LeftColumn  = 12;
            chart.TopRow      = 7;
            chart.RightColumn = 20;
            chart.BottomRow   = 22;
            chart.ChartTitle            = title_name;
            chart.ChartTitleArea.IsBold = true;
            chart.ChartTitleArea.Size   = 12;
            chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Title            = "时间";
            chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Font.IsBold      = true;
            chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.TitleArea.IsBold = true;

            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title                       = "数值";
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.HasMajorGridLines           = false;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.TitleArea.TextRotationAngle = 90;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.MinValue                    = 0;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.TitleArea.IsBold            = true;
            foreach (Spire.Xls.Charts.ChartSerie cs in chart.Series)
                cs.Format.Options.IsVaryColor = true;
                cs.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.HasValue = true;
            Image[] image = wb2.SaveChartAsImage(ws2);
            image[0].Save(pic_fuyun_path, ImageFormat.Png);
Exemple #4
        void save_Excel()
            print_chart.save_image(chart1, panel1, table_name.Text);
            string c = path + "\\" + table_name.Text + "\\" + table_name.Text + ".xls";

                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();

                command.CommandText = "select * from " + table_name.Text + "";
                using (SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command.CommandText, Program.cnx))
                    DataTable t = new DataTable();

                    Workbook book = new Workbook();

                    Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

                    sheet.InsertDataTable(t, true, 1, 1);

                    Spire.Xls.Chart chart = sheet.Charts.Add(ExcelChartType.Line);
                    //chart.DataRange = sheet.Range["B1:B700"].AddCombinedRange(sheet.Range["C1:C700"]); //.AddCombinedRange(sheet.Range["D2:D200"]).AddCombinedRange(sheet.Range["E2:E200"]).AddCombinedRange(sheet.Range["I2:I200"]).AddCombinedRange(sheet.Range["J2:J200"]);

                    chart.SeriesDataFromRange = false;
                    chart.TopRow     = 7;
                    chart.LeftColumn = 3;

                    chart.Width  = 43200 / int.Parse(tempo_amostra.Text) * 4000 / 200 + 4000;
                    chart.Height = 500;
                    chart.PlotArea.ForeGroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
                    chart.ChartTitle            = "Chart with Data Table";
                    chart.ChartTitleArea.IsBold = true;
                    chart.ChartTitleArea.Size   = 12;

                    var cs1 = (ChartSerie)chart.Series.Add();
                    cs1.Name           = sheet.Range["B1"].Value;
                    cs1.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range["A2:A700"];
                    cs1.Values         = sheet.Range["B2:B700"];
                    cs1.SerieType      = ExcelChartType.Line;

                    var cs2 = (ChartSerie)chart.Series.Add();
                    cs2.Name           = sheet.Range["C1"].Value;
                    cs2.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range["A2:A700"];
                    cs2.Values         = sheet.Range["C2:C700"];
                    cs2.SerieType      = ExcelChartType.Line;

                    var cs3 = (ChartSerie)chart.Series.Add();
                    cs3.Name           = sheet.Range["D1"].Value;
                    cs3.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range["A2:A700"];
                    cs3.Values         = sheet.Range["D2:D700"];
                    cs3.SerieType      = ExcelChartType.Line;

                    var cs4 = (ChartSerie)chart.Series.Add();
                    cs4.Name           = sheet.Range["E1"].Value;
                    cs4.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range["A2:A700"];
                    cs4.Values         = sheet.Range["E2:E700"];
                    cs4.SerieType      = ExcelChartType.Line;

                    var cs5 = (ChartSerie)chart.Series.Add();
                    cs5.Name           = sheet.Range["I1"].Value;
                    cs5.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range["A2:A700"];
                    cs5.Values         = sheet.Range["I2:I700"];
                    cs5.SerieType      = ExcelChartType.Line;

                    var cs6 = (ChartSerie)chart.Series.Add();
                    cs6.Name           = sheet.Range["J1"].Value;
                    cs6.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range["A2:A700"];
                    cs6.Values         = sheet.Range["J2:J700"];
                    cs6.SerieType      = ExcelChartType.Line;

                    book.SaveToFile(c, ExcelVersion.Version97to2003);

                    MessageBox.Show("guardado com sucesso");

            catch (IOException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("não foi possivel guardar no excel");
        public FileResult GetPDF()
            #region "GetSessionVariables"
            string logon_user = (string)Session["logon_user"];
            long   teamId, repId;
            int    month, year;
            teamId = (long)Session["IS_Team"];
            repId  = (long)Session["IS_Rep"];
            month  = (int)Session["IS_Month"];
            year   = (int)Session["IS_Year"];
            OSC_Team           oSC_Team           = db.Teams.Find(teamId);
            OSC_Representative oSC_Representative = db.Representatives.Find(repId);
            #endregion "GetSessionVariables"
            #region "WorkbookUsingClosedXML"
            string     templateFileName = Server.MapPath("~/Templates/Template.xlsx");
            XLWorkbook workbook         = new XLWorkbook(templateFileName);
            string     exportPath       = Server.MapPath("~/Export");
            string     excelFileName    = "IndividualScorecard_" + oSC_Representative.LastName + oSC_Representative.FirstName + "_" + month.ToString() + year.ToString() + "_" + logon_user + ".xlsx";
            string     pdfFileName      = "IndividualScorecard_" + oSC_Representative.LastName + oSC_Representative.FirstName + "_" + month.ToString() + year.ToString() + "_" + logon_user + ".pdf";
            string     tempFileName     = exportPath + "/" + excelFileName;
            string     outputFileName   = exportPath + "/" + pdfFileName;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFileName))
            IXLWorksheet worksheet  = workbook.Worksheet("Scorecard");
            IXLWorksheet worksheet2 = workbook.Worksheet("Workitems");
            IXLWorksheet worksheet3 = workbook.Worksheet("NPT");

            #region "Table"
            List <IndividualScorecard> list = new List <IndividualScorecard>();
            list = af.GetIndividualScorecardFull(teamId, repId, month, year);
            int     x    = 2;
            int     y    = 29;
            IXLCell cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);
            cell.SetValue("NPT Hours");
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);
            cell.SetValue("Processing Time");
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);
            cell.SetValue("Total Transactions");
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);
            cell.SetValue("Rate of Production");
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);
            cell.SetValue("Processing Quality");
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);
            cell.SetValue("Total Utilization");
            x   += 1;
            cell = worksheet.Cell(29, x);

            for (int i = 1; i <= list.Count; i++)
                y   += 1;
                x    = 2;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].individualActivities.Attendance_Days.ToString());
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].individualActivities.Overtime_Hours.ToString());
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].individualNonProcessing.NPTHours.ToString());
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].individualBIProd.ProcessingHours.ToString());
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].individualBIProd.Count.ToString());
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].ProductivityRating.ToString() + "%");
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].individualBIQual.QualityRating.ToString() + "%");
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].TotalUtilization.ToString() + "%");
                x   += 1;
                cell = worksheet.Cell(y, x);
                cell.SetValue(list[i - 1].Efficiency.ToString() + "%");
                x += 1;
            }while (x <= 23);
            #endregion "Table"
            #region "Highlights"
            IndividualScorecard ind = af.GetIndividualScorecard(teamId, repId, month, year);
            cell = worksheet.Cell("A47");
            #endregion "Highlights"
            #region "Worktypes"
            List <IndividualWorkTypes> worktypes = af.GetIndividualWorkTypes(teamId, repId, month, year);
            y = 1;
            x = 1;
            IXLCell cell2 = worksheet2.Cell(y, x);
            for (int i = 1; i <= worktypes.Count; i++)
                y    += 1;
                x     = 1;
                cell2 = worksheet2.Cell(y, x);
                cell2.SetValue(worktypes[i - 1].WorkType.ToString());
                x    += 1;
                cell2 = worksheet2.Cell(y, x);
                cell2.SetValue(((int)worktypes[i - 1].Count));
                y += 1;
            }while(y <= 200);
            #endregion "Worktypes"
            #region "NPT"
            List <PieList> npts = af.GetIndividualNPT(teamId, repId, month, year);
            y = 1;
            x = 1;
            IXLCell cell3 = worksheet3.Cell(y, x);
            for (int i = 1; i <= npts.Count; i++)
                y    += 1;
                x     = 1;
                cell3 = worksheet3.Cell(y, x);
                cell3.SetValue(npts[i - 1].Category.ToString());
                x    += 1;
                cell3 = worksheet3.Cell(y, x);
                cell3.SetValue((double)npts[i - 1].TimeSpent);
                y += 1;
            }while (y <= 200);
            #endregion "NPT"
            #region "SaveWorkBook""
            #endregion "SaveWorkBook"
            #endregion "WorkbookUsingClosedXML"
            #region "UsingSpireXLS"
            sxl.Workbook swb = new sxl.Workbook();
            sxl.Worksheet sws1 = swb.Worksheets[0];
            sxl.Worksheet sws2 = swb.Worksheets[1];
            sxl.Worksheet sws3 = swb.Worksheets[2];
            sws1.TextBoxes[0].Text = oSC_Team.TeamName + " Monthly Scorecard";
            sws1.TextBoxes[1].Text = oSC_Representative.FirstName + " " + oSC_Representative.LastName;
            sws1.TextBoxes[2].Text = db.months.Where(m => m.Value == Convert.ToString((int)month)).First().Text + "-" + year.ToString();

            sxl.Chart chart1 = sws1.Charts[0];
            chart1.DataRange = sws2.Range[1, 1, sws2.Rows.Count(), 2];
            sxl.Chart chart2 = sws1.Charts[1];
            chart2.DataRange = sws3.Range[1, 1, sws3.Rows.Count(), 2];
            #endregion "UsingSpireXLS"
            #region "WorkbookUsingInterop"
            //remove this codes when 403 - 454 when closedXML can generate this to PDF
            xl.Application app = new xl.Application();
            xl.Workbook    wb  = app.Workbooks.Open(tempFileName);
            #region "Cover"
            xl.Sheets    xs      = wb.Worksheets;
            xl.Worksheet ws      = (xl.Worksheet)xs.get_Item("Scorecard");
            xl.Worksheet ws2     = (xl.Worksheet)xs.get_Item("Workitems");
            xl.Worksheet ws3     = (xl.Worksheet)xs.get_Item("NPT");
            int          txt_ctr = 1;
            foreach (xl.Shape shp in ws.Shapes)
                if (shp.Type == Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoShapeType.msoTextBox)
                    if (txt_ctr == 1)
                        shp.TextFrame.Characters(Type.Missing, Type.Missing).Text = oSC_Team.TeamName + " Monthly Scorecard";
                    else if (txt_ctr == 2)
                        shp.TextFrame.Characters(Type.Missing, Type.Missing).Text = oSC_Representative.FirstName + " " + oSC_Representative.LastName;
                        shp.TextFrame.Characters(Type.Missing, Type.Missing).Text = db.months.Where(m => m.Value == Convert.ToString((int)month)).First().Text + "-" + year.ToString();
                txt_ctr += 1;
            int cht_ctr = 1;
            foreach (xl.ChartObject cht in ws.ChartObjects())
                if (cht_ctr == 1)
                    xl.Range last       = ws2.Cells.SpecialCells(xl.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell, Type.Missing);
                    xl.Range chartRange = ws2.get_Range("A1", last);
                    xl.Range last       = ws3.Cells.SpecialCells(xl.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell, Type.Missing);
                    xl.Range chartRange = ws3.get_Range("A1", last);
                cht_ctr += 1;
            #endregion "Cover"
            wb.ExportAsFixedFormat(xl.XlFixedFormatType.xlTypePDF, outputFileName, xl.XlFixedFormatQuality.xlQualityStandard);
            #endregion "WorkbookUsingInterop"

            #region "Return"
            byte[] fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(outputFileName);
            string fileName  = pdfFileName;
            return(File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName));

            #endregion "Return"
        private void bt_baocao_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a new workbook
            Spire.Xls.Workbook workbook = new Spire.Xls.Workbook();

            //Initialize worksheet
            Spire.Xls.Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            string        conString   = @"Data Source=DESKTOP-RGHAECC;Initial Catalog=SucKhoeNhanVien_PNT;Integrated Security=True";
            SqlConnection sqlCon      = new SqlConnection(conString);


            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT LichSuBenh.Id_LichSuBenh,NhanVien.MaNV,NhanVien.TenNV,Khoa.TenKhoa,ChucVu.TenChucVu,LichSuBenh.NgayKham,LichSuBenh.PhanLoaiSK,LichSuBenh.BenhKhac from NhanVien, LichSuBenh, Khoa , ChucVu where NhanVien.IdNhanVien = LichSuBenh.IdNhanVien And NhanVien.Khoa = Khoa.IdKhoa And NhanVien.IdChucVu = ChucVu.IdChucVu", sqlCon);

            System.Data.DataTable dtMainSQLData = new System.Data.DataTable();
            DataColumnCollection dcCollection = dtMainSQLData.Columns;

            // Export Data into EXCEL Sheet
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application ExcelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
            ExcelApp.Columns.ColumnWidth = 20;

            //Create a new workbook
            // Spire.Xls.Workbook workbook = new Spire.Xls.Workbook();

            //Initialize worksheet
            // workbook.CreateEmptySheets(1);
            //Spire.Xls.Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            //Set sheet name
            sheet.Name = "Chart data";

            //Set the grid lines invisible
            sheet.GridLinesVisible = false;

            //Create a chart
            Spire.Xls.Chart chart = sheet.Charts.Add(ExcelChartType.Pie3D);

            //Set region of chart data
            chart.DataRange           = sheet.Range["B2:B5"];
            chart.SeriesDataFromRange = false;

            //Set position of chart
            chart.LeftColumn  = 1;
            chart.TopRow      = 6;
            chart.RightColumn = 9;
            chart.BottomRow   = 25;

            //Chart title
            chart.ChartTitle            = "Sales by year";
            chart.ChartTitleArea.IsBold = true;
            chart.ChartTitleArea.Size   = 12;

            //Initialize the chart series
            Spire.Xls.Charts.ChartSerie cs = chart.Series[0];

            //Chart Labels resource
            cs.CategoryLabels = sheet.Range["A2:A5"];

            //Chart value resource
            cs.Values = sheet.Range["B2:B5"];

            //Set the value visible in the chart
            cs.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.HasValue = true;

            sheet.Range["A1"].Value = "Year";
            sheet.Range["A2"].Value = "2002";
            sheet.Range["A3"].Value = "2003";
            sheet.Range["A4"].Value = "2004";
            sheet.Range["A5"].Value = "2005";

            sheet.Range["B1"].Value       = "Sales";
            sheet.Range["B2"].NumberValue = 4000;
            sheet.Range["B3"].NumberValue = 6000;
            sheet.Range["B4"].NumberValue = 7000;
            sheet.Range["B5"].NumberValue = 8500;

            sheet.Range["A1:B1"].Style.Font.IsBold = true;
            sheet.Range["A2:B2"].Style.KnownColor  = ExcelColors.LightYellow;
            sheet.Range["A3:B3"].Style.KnownColor  = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
            sheet.Range["A4:B4"].Style.KnownColor  = ExcelColors.LightOrange;
            sheet.Range["A5:B5"].Style.KnownColor  = ExcelColors.LightTurquoise;

            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeTop].Color        = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 128);
            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = LineStyleType.Thin;
            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].Color     = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 128);
            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Thin;
            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeLeft].Color       = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 128);
            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = LineStyleType.Thin;
            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeRight].Color      = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 128);
            sheet.Range["A1:B5"].Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = LineStyleType.Thin;

            //Number format
            sheet.Range["B2:C5"].Style.NumberFormat = "\"$\"#,##0";
            chart.PlotArea.Fill.Visible             = false;

            //Save the file
            // workbook.SaveToFile("Sample.xls", ExcelVersion.Version97to2003);

            //Launch the file

            // ExcelApp.Cells.CopyFromRecordset(objRS);
            for (int i = 1; i < dtMainSQLData.Rows.Count + 2; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < dtMainSQLData.Columns.Count + 1; j++)
                    if (i == 1)
                        ExcelApp.Cells[i, j]                     = dcCollection[j - 1].ToString();
                        ExcelApp.Cells[i, j].Font.Bold           = true;
                        ExcelApp.Cells[i, j].HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range formatRange;
                        formatRange = ExcelApp.Cells[i, j];
                        formatRange.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.

                        ExcelApp.Cells[i, j] = dtMainSQLData.Rows[i - 2][j - 1].ToString();
                    ExcelApp.Cells[i, j].HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
            //Save the file
            workbook.SaveToFile("Sample.xls", ExcelVersion.Version97to2003);

            //Launch the file
            ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.Saved = true;