public void Insert(int ifr, Frame fr)
     ((IList)this).Insert(ifr, fr);
 // Deep copy
 public object Clone()
     Frame fr = new Frame();
     fr.m_cHold = m_cHold;
     fr.m_ptSpecial = new Point(m_ptSpecial.X, m_ptSpecial.Y);
     fr.m_plcl = (BitmapPlacerList)m_plcl.Clone();
     return fr;
 public int IndexOf(Frame fr)
     return ((IList)this).IndexOf(fr);
 public int Add(Frame fr)
     return ((IList)this).Add(fr);
        private void StripControl_DragDrop(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)

            // Drop from Bitmaps window

            XBitmap[] axbm = e.Data.GetData(typeof(XBitmap[])) as XBitmap[];
            if (axbm != null) {
                if (m_stp == null)

                int ifrFirst = m_ifrInsertionPoint;
                int ifrInsert = ifrFirst;


                foreach (XBitmap xbm in axbm) {
                    Frame frT = new Frame();
                    frT.BitmapPlacers.Add(new BitmapPlacer());
                    frT.BitmapPlacers[0].XBitmap = xbm;
                    frT.BitmapPlacers[0].X = xbm.Width / 2;
                    frT.BitmapPlacers[0].Y = xbm.Height / 2;

                    InsertFrame(m_stp, ifrInsert++, frT, true);


                m_stp.ActiveFrame = ifrFirst;

            // Drop from Strip window

            // UNDONE: wrap the Frame in a data structure that includes Strip and ifr
            // and clean this up

            Frame fr = e.Data.GetData(typeof(Frame)) as Frame;
            if (fr != null) {
                if (m_ifrInsertionPoint != -1) {
                    if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == 0) {

                        // Don't try to move the frame immediately before or after itself

                        if (m_ifrInsertionPoint == m_stp.ActiveFrame ||
                                m_ifrInsertionPoint == m_stp.ActiveFrame + 1) {
                            m_ifrInsertionPoint = -1;


                    // Insert at new place

                    int ifrOld = m_stp.ActiveFrame;
                    fr = (Frame)m_stp[ifrOld].Clone();
                    InsertFrame(m_stp, m_ifrInsertionPoint, fr, true);
                    m_stp.ActiveFrame = m_ifrInsertionPoint;

                    // If the control key is held the frame is duplicated, not moved

                    if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == 0) {
                        // Remove from old place

                        if (m_ifrInsertionPoint <= ifrOld)
                        DeleteFrame(m_stp, ifrOld, true);


            m_ifrInsertionPoint = -1;
 private void InsertFrame(Strip stp, int ifr, Frame fr, bool fUndoable)
     if (fUndoable)
         UndoManager.AddUndo(new UndoDelegate(UndoInsert), new Object [] { stp, ifr, stp.ActiveFrame });
     stp.Insert(ifr, fr);
     Globals.ActiveDocument.Dirty = true;
        public bool Import(string[] astrFileNames)
            // Is this a SideWinder framedata.txt file?

            if (astrFileNames.Length == 1 && Path.GetFileName(astrFileNames[0]).ToLower() == "framedata.txt") {

                // Yep, open it up and parse it

                StreamReader stmr = new StreamReader(astrFileNames[0]);
                int iLine = 0;
                string str;

                do {
                    str = stmr.ReadLine();
                } while (str == "");	// skip blank lines

                if (str == null) {
                    MessageBox.Show(null, "Reached the end of the file before it was expected", "Error");
                    return false;

                string strName, strValue;
                if (!ParseNameValueString(str, out strName, out strValue)) {
                    MessageBox.Show(null, String.Format("Syntax error on line %d: %s", iLine, str), "Error");
                    return false;

                if (strName != "cfrm") {
                    MessageBox.Show(null, "Expected a 'cfrm =' statement but didn't find it", "Error");
                    return false;

                // Find a unique name for this strip

                int iStrip = 0;
                while (StripSet["strip" + iStrip] != null)
                Strip stp = new Strip("strip" + iStrip);

                int cfr = int.Parse(strValue);
                for (int ifr = 0; ifr < cfr; ifr++) {

                    // 1. Read the bitmap from it and add it to the Document's XBitmapSet

                    XBitmap xbm;
                    string strBitmap = "frame" + ifr + ".bmp";
                    try {
                        xbm = new XBitmap(strBitmap, true);
                    } catch {
                        MessageBox.Show(null, String.Format("Can't load \"{0}\"", strBitmap), "Error");
                        return false;

                    // 2. Create a Frame to go with the Bitmap and add it to the appropriate
                    // Strip. If no strip exists, create one.

                    Frame fr = new Frame();
                    fr.BitmapPlacers.Add(new BitmapPlacer());
                    fr.BitmapPlacers[0].XBitmap = xbm;
                    stp[ifr] = fr;

                    bool fDone = false;
                    while (!fDone) {
                        do {
                            str = stmr.ReadLine();
                        } while (str == "");	// skip blank lines

                        if (!ParseNameValueString(str, out strName, out strValue)) {
                            MessageBox.Show(null, String.Format("Syntax error on line %d: %s", iLine, str), "Error");
                            return false;
                        switch (strName) {
                        case "flags":
                            Debug.Assert(strValue.Trim() == "0");

                        case "xCenter":
                            fr.BitmapPlacers[0].X = int.Parse(strValue);

                        case "yCenter":
                            fr.BitmapPlacers[0].Y = int.Parse(strValue);

                        case "xGrab":
                            fr.SpecialPoint = new Point(int.Parse(strValue) - fr.BitmapPlacers[0].X, fr.SpecialPoint.Y);

                        case "yGrab":
                            fr.SpecialPoint = new Point(fr.SpecialPoint.X, int.Parse(strValue) - fr.BitmapPlacers[0].Y);

                        case "xWidth":
                            Debug.Assert(int.Parse(strValue.Trim()) == xbm.Width);

                        case "yHeight":
                            Debug.Assert(int.Parse(strValue.Trim()) == xbm.Height);
                            fDone = true;

            } else {
                // XBitmap encapsulates special filename rules

                astrFileNames = XBitmap.FilterFileNames(astrFileNames);

                // By sorting the filenames we introduce a useful bit of
                // determinism.


                // Enumerate all the filenames and for each one:

                foreach (string strFile in astrFileNames) {

                    // 0. Verify the filename fits the pattern we're expecting

                    string[] astr = strFile.Substring(strFile.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1).Split('_', '.');
                    if (astr.Length != 5) {
                        MessageBox.Show(null, String.Format("File {0} does not match the requisite naming pattern. Skipping and continuing.",
                            strFile), "Error");
                    string strAnimDoc = astr[0];
                    string strStripA = astr[1];
                    string strStripB = astr[2];
                    int ifr = Convert.ToInt32(astr[3]);

                    // 1. Read the bitmap from it and add it to the Document's XBitmapSet

                    XBitmap xbm;
                    try {
                        xbm = new XBitmap(strFile);
                    } catch {
                        MessageBox.Show(null, String.Format("Can't load \"{0}\"", strFile), "Error");
                        return false;

                    // 2. Create a Frame to go with the Bitmap and add it to the appropriate
                    // Strip. If no strip exists, create one.

                    Frame fr = new Frame();
                    fr.BitmapPlacers.Add(new BitmapPlacer());
                    fr.BitmapPlacers[0].XBitmap = xbm;
                    fr.BitmapPlacers[0].X = xbm.Width / 2;
                    fr.BitmapPlacers[0].Y = xbm.Height / 2;

                    string strStripName = strStripA + " " + strStripB;
                    Strip stp = StripSet[strStripName];
                    if (stp == null) {
                        stp = new Strip(strStripName);
                    stp[ifr] = fr;

            Dirty = true;
            return true;