Exemple #1
        public static void ApplyColormap(Bitmap bmp, Colormap colormap)
            switch (colormap)
            case Colormap.grayscale:
                new Colormaps.Grayscale().Apply(bmp);

            case Colormap.grayscaleInverted:
                new Colormaps.GrayscaleInverted().Apply(bmp);

            case Colormap.vdBlue:
                new Colormaps.VdBlues().Apply(bmp);

            case Colormap.vdGreen:
                new Colormaps.VdGreens().Apply(bmp);

            case Colormap.viridis:
                new Colormaps.Viridis().Apply(bmp);

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #2
        public static Bitmap GetBitmap(
            List <double[]> ffts,
            Colormap cmap,
            double intensity = 1,
            bool dB          = false,
            double dBScale   = 1,
            bool roll        = false,
            int rollOffset   = 0)
            if (ffts.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("This Spectrogram contains no FFTs (likely because no signal was added)");

            int Width  = ffts.Count;
            int Height = ffts[0].Length;

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);


            var        lockRect   = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
            BitmapData bitmapData = bmp.LockBits(lockRect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);
            int        stride     = bitmapData.Stride;

            byte[] bytes = new byte[bitmapData.Stride * bmp.Height];
            Parallel.For(0, Width, col =>
                int sourceCol = col;
                if (roll)
                    sourceCol += Width - rollOffset % Width;
                    if (sourceCol >= Width)
                        sourceCol -= Width;

                for (int row = 0; row < Height; row++)
                    double value = ffts[sourceCol][row];
                    if (dB)
                        value = 20 * Math.Log10(value * dBScale + 1);
                    value              *= intensity;
                    value               = Math.Min(value, 255);
                    int bytePosition    = (Height - 1 - row) * stride + col;
                    bytes[bytePosition] = (byte)value;

            Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, bytes.Length);

 public void SetColormap(Colormap cmap)
     this.cmap = cmap ?? this.cmap;
        //For use in WPF
        public static BitmapSource GetBitmapSource(IList <FftSharp.Complex[]> ffts, Colormap cmap, int sampleRate, double intensity = 1, bool dB = false, bool roll = false, int rollOffset = 0, double whiteNoiseMin = 0)
            int resolution = sampleRate / ffts[0].Length;
            int maxFreq    = 7000;
            int maxBin     = maxFreq / resolution;

            if (ffts.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("This Spectrogram contains no FFTs (likely because no signal was added)");

            int Width  = ffts.Count;
            int Height = Math.Min(maxBin, ffts[0].Length / 2); //No point in showing beyond nyquist frequency

            var             pixelFormat = System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Indexed8;
            WriteableBitmap bit         = new WriteableBitmap(Width, Height, 96, 96, pixelFormat, cmap.GetBitmapPalette());

            //Lock the bits to make sure that no one can read them while we are writing to its memory
            //Then we use a pointer to the backbuffer to write to the memory of the bitmap directly to avoid having to create an array and copy into it
                int   stride        = bit.BackBufferStride;
                int   bytesPerPixel = pixelFormat.BitsPerPixel / 8;
                byte *bytes         = (byte *)bit.BackBuffer; //Pointer to the raw color data of the bitmap
                Parallel.For(0, Width, col =>
                    int sourceCol = col;
                    if (roll)
                        sourceCol += Width - rollOffset % Width;
                        if (sourceCol >= Width)
                            sourceCol -= Width;

                    for (int row = 0; row < Height; row++)
                        double value = ffts[sourceCol][row].Magnitude;
                        if (value <= whiteNoiseMin)
                            value = 0;
                        if (dB)
                            value = 20 * Math.Log10(value + 1);
                        value              *= intensity;
                        value               = Math.Min(value, 255);
                        int bytePosition    = (Height - 1 - row) * stride + col * bytesPerPixel;
                        bytes[bytePosition] = (byte)value;

            bit.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); //Specifies the region of the bitmap that has changed so that it can update the image
Exemple #5
 public Bitmap GetBitmap(Colormap cmap = null, double intensity = 1, bool dB = false)
     cmap = cmap ?? Colormap.Viridis;
     return(Image.GetBitmap(Ffts, cmap, intensity, dB));