public void Shutdown()
            if (_iisExpressProcess != null)

                //To make the publish faster, the published app isn't deleted.  This reduces
                //the amount of work MSBuild needs to do each time it's invoked.  This
                //might need to be a configurable option in some scenarios though.
                //if (Directory.Exists(_publishDir))
                //    Directory.Delete(_publishDir, true);
        public void Shutdown()
            if (_iisExpressProcess != null)

                //To make the publish faster, the published app isn't deleted.  This reduces
                //the amount of work MSBuild needs to do each time it's invoked.  It
                //can be overriden though.
                if (CleanupPublishedFiles && Directory.Exists(_publishDir))

                if (CleanupPublishedFiles && Directory.Exists(_intermediateDir))