public void getJiraTicketId(string featurpath, string bugSummary, string scenarioName, BugState bg)
            Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : Entered JIRA TICKET ID");

            timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy, HH:mm");

            HttpClient client1 = new HttpClient();

            string Apiurl = ("");

            var credentials = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("[email protected]:spiderqa");

            client1.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(credentials));
            Uri    uri         = new Uri(Apiurl.ToString());
            string ApiResponse = client1.GetStringAsync(uri).Result;
            var    root        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootObject>(ApiResponse);
            var    issues      = root.issues;

            foreach (var item in issues)
                summary = (item.fields.summary).ToString();

                if ( == "Bug")
                    if (item.fields.summary == bugSummary & == "Closed")
                        Console.WriteLine("This is the most important step : In Jiraticket Closed");
                        closedflag      = true;
                        closedtktID     =;
                        closedtktkey    = item.key;
                        bg.closedtkyKey = item.key;
                        bg.closedflag   = true;
                    else if (item.fields.summary == bugSummary & == "Open")
                        if (bg.bugclosed)
                            Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In Jiraticket BUG CLOSED AND REOPENED");
                            opentktID                =;
                            opentktkey               = item.key;
                            openedafterclosedflag    = true;
                            bg.reopentktkey          = item.key;
                            bg.openedafterclosedflag = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In Jiraticket DIRECTLY into OPen");
                            tktID            =;
                            tktkey           = item.key;
                            bg.newopentktkey = item.key;

            //if closed ticket workflow when a new bug ticket is created
            if (closedflag && (bg.nobugcreated == false))
                Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In Jiraticket if closedflag");
                Console.WriteLine("check the nobugcreated flag: " + bg.nobugcreated);
                foreach (var item in issues)
                    if ( == "Bug")
                        if (item.fields.summary == bugSummary & == "Open")
                            Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In Jiraticket if closedflag and now in open");

                            opentktID             =;
                            opentktkey            = item.key;
                            openedafterclosedflag = true;

            //Get the creation/closed date of the bug
            FetchBugCreationResolutionDate bc = new FetchBugCreationResolutionDate();

            //Writing into the Feature file
            if (openedafterclosedflag)
                Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In Jiraticket if openedafterclosed writing intofeature");

                bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                Text        = File.ReadAllLines(featurpath).ToList();
                keyToInsert = "#" + opentktkey + " Opened on: " + bg.bugcreationdate;
                Console.WriteLine("Text: " + Text);
                Console.WriteLine("keyToInsert: " + keyToInsert);
                bg.reopentktkey = opentktkey;
                trimmedText     = keyToInsert.Remove(10);
                Console.WriteLine("trimmedText: " + trimmedText);
                if (Text.Contains(keyToInsert))
                    Console.WriteLine("Key already exists");
                    Console.WriteLine("Key does not exist and will write into the feature file");
                    int length = scenarioName.Length;
                    int index  = Text.FindIndex(x => x.Contains(scenarioName));
                    index = index + 1;

                    string a = Text[index];
                    Console.WriteLine("a contains: " + a);
                    Console.WriteLine("trimmedtext contains: " + trimmedText);
                    Console.WriteLine("index +1: " + index);
                    Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);

            if (closedflag)
                Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In Jiraticket if closedflag writing intofeature");
                Console.WriteLine("Upali ClosedKey: " + closedtktkey);

                bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                Text        = File.ReadAllLines(featurpath).ToList();
                keyToInsert = "#" + closedtktkey + " Closed on: " + bg.bugcloseddate;
                trimmedText = keyToInsert.Remove(7);

                int length = scenarioName.Length;
                int index  = Text.FindIndex(x => x.Contains(scenarioName));
                Console.WriteLine("Index: " + index);
                index = index + 2;
                string a = Text[index];
                Console.WriteLine("Index +2: " + index);
                Console.WriteLine("In JIRA KEY TICKET, under closed Flag: a contains" + a);
                Console.WriteLine("In JIRA KEY TICKET, under closed Flag: Trimmed Text contains :" + trimmedText);
                if (a.Contains(trimmedText))
                    if (bg.bugclosedcount == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Do Nothing");

                    //april 26 test
                    else if (bg.bugclosedcount >= 1)
                        if (bg.nobugcreated)
                            Console.WriteLine("Inside nobugcreated");
                            int    newindex = index - 1;
                            string b        = Text[newindex];
                            if (b.Contains("Opened"))
                                Console.WriteLine("Inside nobugcreated and if b contains Opened");
                                Console.WriteLine("Key to insert: " + keyToInsert);
                                Text.Insert(newindex, keyToInsert);
                                System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                            Console.WriteLine("old closed bug :" + bg.buglist[bg.bugclosedcount - 1]);
                            Console.WriteLine("inside if a.contains(trimmedtext) and if bugcount > 1");

                            string closedbug = Text[index];
                            if (closedbug.Contains(closedtktkey))
                                Console.WriteLine("Do nothing");
                                Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                                System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                        Console.WriteLine("inside else bugcount >1");

                        if (a.Contains(bg.buglist[0]))
                            Console.WriteLine("in if a.contains closed bug");
                            Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                            Console.WriteLine("in else a.contains closed bug");
                            Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                    Console.WriteLine("inside else a.contains(trimmedtext)");
                    Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);

            else if (bg.nobugcreated)
                Console.WriteLine("When the test case passes and no bug is created,Do Nothing");

                Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In Jiraticket if opened new writing intofeature");
                Text        = File.ReadAllLines(featurpath).ToList();
                bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                keyToInsert = "#" + tktkey + " Opened on: " + bg.bugcreationdate;
                Console.WriteLine("Text: " + Text);
                Console.WriteLine("keyToInsert: " + keyToInsert);
                trimmedText = keyToInsert.Remove(7);
                Console.WriteLine("trimmedText: " + trimmedText);
                if (Text.Contains(keyToInsert))
                    Console.WriteLine("Key already exists");
                    int length = scenarioName.Length;
                    int index  = Text.FindIndex(x => x.Contains(scenarioName));
                    index = index + 1;
                    string a = Text[index];
                    if (a.Contains(trimmedText))
                        Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                        Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
        public BugState check(string featurpath, string bugsummary, string scenarioName, BugState bg)
            string state        = "";
            string issuetype    = "";
            string closedtktID  = null;
            string closedtktkey = null;

            bg.bugclosed = false;
            bg.bugexists = false;
            bg.bugopen   = false;
            bool          closedflag  = false;
            List <string> Text        = null;
            string        keyToInsert = "";
            string        trimmedText = "";
            string        timestamp;

            timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy, HH:mm");

            HttpClient client2     = new HttpClient();
            string     issueurl    = ("");
            var        credentials = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("[email protected]:spiderqa");

            client2.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(credentials));
            Uri    uri         = new Uri(issueurl.ToString());
            string ApiResponse = client2.GetStringAsync(uri).Result;
            var    root        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootObject>(ApiResponse);

            var Sumry = root.issues.Count;
            //Checking if the Bug already exists by iterating though the issue list in jira
            var issues = root.issues;

            Console.WriteLine("bg.closed: " + bg.closedflag);
            Console.WriteLine("closedflag : " + closedflag);
            Console.WriteLine(" : " + bg.bugopen);

            foreach (var issue in issues)
                var fields  = issue.fields;
                var summary = (fields.summary).ToString();
                state     = (;
                issuetype = (;

                if ((issuetype == "Bug") && summary.Equals(bugsummary) && (state == "Open"))
                    //control may never come to this block
                    if (bg.bugclosed)
                        Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In BugStatus BUG CLOSED AND REOPENED");
                        bg.openedafterclosedflag = true;
                        bg.reopentktkey          = issue.key;
                        bg.openedafterclosedflag = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("In BugStatus : Bug exists");
                        bg.bugexists     = true;
                        bg.newopentktkey = issue.key;
                        Console.WriteLine("Ticket Key: " + issue.key);
                        bg.bugopen = true;

                else if ((issuetype == "Bug") && summary.Equals(bugsummary) && (state == "Closed"))
                    Console.WriteLine("In BugStatus: Bug exists bug closed ");
                    Console.WriteLine("In Bug Status:This is the most important step ");
                    closedflag        = true;
                    bg.closedflag     = true;
                    bg.bugexists      = false;
                    closedtktID       =;
                    closedtktkey      = issue.key;
                    bg.closedtkyKey   = issue.key;
                    bg.bugclosed      = true;
                    bg.nobugcreated   = true;
                    bg.bugclosedcount = bg.bugclosedcount + 1;

            Console.WriteLine("closedflag: " + closedflag);
            Console.WriteLine("bg.closedflag: " + bg.closedflag);
            Console.WriteLine("closedtktkey: " + closedtktkey);
            Console.WriteLine("bg.bugopen: " + bg.bugopen);
            Console.WriteLine("bg.newopentktkey: " + bg.newopentktkey);

            //Get the creation/closed date of the bug
            FetchBugCreationResolutionDate bc = new FetchBugCreationResolutionDate();

            //Writing into the Feature file
            if (bg.openedafterclosedflag)
                Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In BugStatus if openedafterclosed writing intofeature");

                bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                Text        = File.ReadAllLines(featurpath).ToList();
                keyToInsert = "#" + bg.reopentktkey + " Opened on: " + bg.bugcreationdate;
                trimmedText = keyToInsert.Remove(10);
                Console.WriteLine("trimmedText: " + trimmedText);
                if (Text.Contains(keyToInsert))
                    Console.WriteLine("Key already exists");
                    Console.WriteLine("Key does not exist and will write into the feature file");
                    int length = scenarioName.Length;
                    int index  = Text.FindIndex(x => x.Contains(scenarioName));

                    index = index + 1;

                    string a = Text[index];
                    Console.WriteLine("a contains: " + a);
                    Console.WriteLine("trimmedtext contains: " + trimmedText);
                    Console.WriteLine("index +1: " + index);
                    Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);

            if (bg.bugopen)
                Console.WriteLine("Bazooka : In BugStatus if bug already exists writing intofeature");

                Text        = File.ReadAllLines(featurpath).ToList();
                bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                keyToInsert = "#" + bg.newopentktkey + " Opened on: " + bg.bugcreationdate;
                Console.WriteLine("Text: " + Text);
                Console.WriteLine("keyToInsert: " + keyToInsert);
                trimmedText = keyToInsert.Remove(7);
                Console.WriteLine("trimmedText: " + trimmedText);
                if (Text.Contains(keyToInsert))
                    Console.WriteLine("Key already exists");
                    int length = scenarioName.Length;
                    int index  = Text.FindIndex(x => x.Contains(scenarioName));
                    index = index + 1;
                    string a = Text[index];
                    if (a.Contains(trimmedText))
                        Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                        Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);

            if (closedflag)
                Console.WriteLine("In Bugstatus: if closedflag writing intofeature");
                Console.WriteLine("Upali bugclosed: " + bg.bugclosedcount);
                string newclosedkey = bg.buglist[bg.bugclosedcount - 1];
                bg.closedtkyKey = newclosedkey;
                Console.WriteLine("bg.closedtkyKey" + bg.closedtkyKey);
                Text        = File.ReadAllLines(featurpath).ToList();
                bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                keyToInsert = "#" + newclosedkey + " Closed on: " + bg.bugcloseddate;
                Console.WriteLine(" keyToInsert" + keyToInsert);
                trimmedText = keyToInsert.Remove(7);

                int    length   = scenarioName.Length;
                int    index    = Text.FindIndex(x => x.Contains(scenarioName));
                int    newindex = index + 1;
                string a        = Text[newindex];
                Console.WriteLine("a contains: " + a);
                Console.WriteLine("trimmedText contains: " + trimmedText);
                Console.WriteLine("bg.nobugcreated" + bg.nobugcreated);

                if (a.Contains(trimmedText))
                    if (bg.bugclosedcount == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Do Nothing");

                    else if ((bg.bugclosedcount >= 1))
                        if (bg.nobugcreated)
                            if (a.Contains("Opened"))
                                Console.WriteLine("Inside Opened");
                                if (a.Contains(bg.newopentktkey))
                                    Console.WriteLine("inside a contains bg.newopenkey");
                                    int closeindex = newindex + 1;
                                    Console.WriteLine("newindex: " + newindex);
                                    Console.WriteLine("closeindex: " + closeindex);

                                    //   Text.RemoveAt(closeindex);
                                    Text.Insert(closeindex, keyToInsert);
                                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Inside nobugcreated and if a contains Opened, else newopentktkey");
                                    // when there are only closed keys 2nd may
                                    string updatedclosedkey = bg.buglist[0];
                                    bg.closedtkyKey = updatedclosedkey;
                                    bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                                    keyToInsert = "#" + updatedclosedkey + " Closed on: " + bg.bugcloseddate;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Key to insert: " + keyToInsert);
                                    // Text.Remove(a);
                                    Text.Insert(newindex, keyToInsert);
                                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                                Console.WriteLine("Inside nobugcreated and else a contains Opened");
                                // when there are only closed keys 2nd may
                                string updatedclosedkey = bg.buglist[0];
                                bg.closedtkyKey = updatedclosedkey;
                                bg          = bc.fetchBugCreatedClosedDate(bg);
                                keyToInsert = "#" + updatedclosedkey + " Closed on: " + bg.bugcloseddate;
                                Console.WriteLine("Key to insert: " + keyToInsert);
                                // Text.Remove(a);
                                Text.Insert(newindex, keyToInsert);
                                System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                            Console.WriteLine("old closed bug :" + bg.buglist[1]);
                            Console.WriteLine("inside if a.contains(trimmedtext) and if bugcount > 1");
                            Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                        Console.WriteLine("inside else bugcount >1");

                        if (a.Contains(bg.buglist[0]))
                            Console.WriteLine("in if a.contains closed bug");
                            Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                            Console.WriteLine("in else a.contains closed bug");
                            Text.Insert(index, keyToInsert);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
                    Console.WriteLine("inside else a.contains(trimmedtext)");
                    Console.WriteLine("index : " + index);
                    Console.WriteLine("newindex : " + newindex);
                    Text.Insert(newindex, keyToInsert);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(featurpath, Text);
