Exemple #1
        //It the number of variables is too large it can't compute
        //public static double KILLED_MinImpCatRandom(NodeTargetCategorical n, Predictor p) {
        //    //For some partitions gets the min Impiance
        //    int valueCount = p.DistinctValuesCount;
        //    int pos, instanceI;
        //    double partitionCount;
        //    int c, i;
        //    double bestPartition = 0, minImp = Double.NaN, imp = Double.NaN, lImp = Double.NaN, rImp = Double.NaN;
        //    int nodeLfItemCount, nodeRtItemCount;
        //    List<NTT> nttLst;
        //    string binStr = "";
        //    p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.CanBeUsed;
        //    n.DescendentImpPreCalculated = new List<double>(2);
        //    n.DescendentImpPreCalculated.Add(0);
        //    n.DescendentImpPreCalculated.Add(0);
        //    List<string> lComb = new List<string>(valueCount);
        //    List<string> rComb = new List<string>(valueCount);
        //    SortedList<string, int> lPredVal = new SortedList<string, int>();
        //    SortedList<string, int> rPredVal = new SortedList<string, int>();
        //    string sql =
        //    @"SELECT ALL " +
        //        " count(*), " +
        //        Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + ",  " +
        //        Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + " " +
        //    "FROM "
        //        + Def.DbBsTb + "," + Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + " " +
        //    "WHERE "
        //        + Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " = " +
        //        Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " AND " +
        //        Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " IS NOT NULL " +
        //    "GROUP BY " +
        //        Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + ", " +
        //        Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " ";
        //    nttLst = Def.Db.GetNTTLst(sql);
        //    int instanceCount = n.Table.RowCount;
        //    partitionCount = Math.Pow(2, valueCount - 1) - 1;
        //    double partitionCountMax = 0;
        //    if (partitionCount > 4095) { // 4095
        //        partitionCountMax = 4095;
        //    } else
        //        partitionCountMax = partitionCount;
        //    List<double> partLst = new List<double>((int)partitionCountMax);
        //    i = 1;
        //    //CHECK
        //    for (int t = 0; t < partitionCountMax; ++t) {
        //        partLst.Add((int)RNG.GetUniform(i, partitionCount));
        //        ++i;
        //    }
        //    for (i = 0; i < partitionCountMax; ++i) {
        //        pos = 0;
        //        binStr = Fcn.Decimal2BinaryStr(partLst[(int)i]);
        //        lComb.Clear(); rComb.Clear();
        //        lPredVal.Clear(); rPredVal.Clear();
        //        nodeLfItemCount = nodeRtItemCount = 0;
        //        for (c = 0; c < p.ValueSd.Count; ++c) {
        //            if (binStr[binStr.Length - 1 - c] == '1')
        //                lComb.Add(p.ValueSd.Keys[pos]); //if the 'case' is in, put it on the left
        //            else
        //                rComb.Add(p.ValueSd.Keys[pos]);//else, in the right side
        //            ++pos;
        //        }
        //        for (instanceI = 0; instanceI < nttLst.Count; ++instanceI) {
        //            foreach (string ls in lComb) {
        //                if (nttLst[instanceI].T0 == ls) {
        //                    if (!lPredVal.ContainsKey(nttLst[instanceI].T1))
        //                        lPredVal.Add(nttLst[instanceI].T1, (int)nttLst[instanceI].N);
        //                    else
        //                        lPredVal[nttLst[instanceI].T1] += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
        //                    nodeLfItemCount += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
        //                    break;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            foreach (string rs in rComb) {
        //                if (nttLst[instanceI].T0 == rs) {
        //                    if (!rPredVal.ContainsKey(nttLst[instanceI].T1))
        //                        rPredVal.Add(nttLst[instanceI].T1, (int)nttLst[instanceI].N);
        //                    else
        //                        rPredVal[nttLst[instanceI].T1] += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
        //                    nodeRtItemCount += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
        //                    break;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        if (nodeLfItemCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode && nodeRtItemCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode) {
        //            lImp = ImpCat(lPredVal, nodeLfItemCount);
        //            rImp = ImpCat(rPredVal, nodeRtItemCount);
        //            if (Double.IsNaN(minImp)) {
        //                bestPartition = partLst[(int)i];
        //                minImp = (double)(nodeLfItemCount) / instanceCount * lImp + (double)nodeRtItemCount / instanceCount * rImp;
        //                n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
        //                n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;
        //            } else {
        //                imp = (double)(nodeLfItemCount) / instanceCount * lImp + (double)nodeRtItemCount / instanceCount * rImp;
        //                if (imp < minImp) {
        //                    minImp = imp;
        //                    bestPartition = partLst[(int)i];
        //                    n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
        //                    n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    if (bestPartition == 0) {
        //        p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.NotEnoughCases;
        //        p.Gain = 0;
        //        return 0;
        //    }
        //    //Set the possible children
        //    ValueGroup valueGroup = new ValueGroup(2);
        //    p.ChildrenGroups = valueGroup;
        //    pos = 0;
        //    binStr = Fcn.Decimal2BinaryStr((double)bestPartition);
        //    for (c = 0; c < p.ValueSd.Count; ++c) {
        //        //                if ((bestPartition & c) == c)
        //        if (binStr[binStr.Length - 1 - c] == '1')
        //            valueGroup.ValueGroupLst[0].Add(pos); //if the 'case' is in put it on the left
        //        else
        //            valueGroup.ValueGroupLst[1].Add(pos);//else, in the right side
        //        ++pos;
        //    }
        //    n.ImpBestUniSplit = minImp;
        //    p.Gain = (n.Imp - minImp) * 100 / n.Imp;
        //    p.Gain *= (double)(n.Table.RowCount - p.NullCount) / n.Table.RowCount;
        //    return p.Gain;
        //Sets the best p.Gain, valueGroup.ValueGroupLst[0] (left child) and valueGroup.ValueGroupLst[1] (right child)
        public static double MinImpCatFullSearch(NodeTargetCategorical n, Predictor p)
            //For each possible partition gets the min Imp

            int valueCount = p.DistinctValuesCount;
            if (valueCount > Def.ClfMaxNumberOfValuesForFullSearch) {
                p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.TooManyValuesToSearch;
                p.Gain = 0;
                return 0;

            int partitionCount, pos, instanceI;
            uint c, i, bestPartition = 0;
            double minImp = Double.NaN, imp = Double.NaN, lImp = Double.NaN, rImp = Double.NaN;
            int nodeLfItemCount, nodeRtItemCount;
            List<NTT> nttLst;

            p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.CanBeUsed;
            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated = new List<double>(2);

            List<string> lComb = new List<string>(valueCount);
            List<string> rComb = new List<string>(valueCount);
            SortedList<string, int> lPredVal = new SortedList<string, int>();
            SortedList<string, int> rPredVal = new SortedList<string, int>();

            string sql =
            @"SELECT ALL " +
                " count(*), " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + ",  " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + " " +
            "FROM "
                + Def.DbBsTb + "," + Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + " " +
            "WHERE "
                + Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " = " +
                Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " AND " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " IS NOT NULL " +
            "GROUP BY " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + ", " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " ";
            nttLst = Def.Db.GetNTTLst(sql);

            int instanceCount = n.Table.RowCount;

            partitionCount = (int)(Math.Pow(2, valueCount - 1) - 1);

            for (i = 1; i <= partitionCount; ++i) { //Enumerates all the possible partition but the empty
                pos = 0;
                lComb.Clear(); rComb.Clear();
                lPredVal.Clear(); rPredVal.Clear();
                nodeLfItemCount = nodeRtItemCount = 0;
                for (c = 1; c <= partitionCount + 1; c *= 2) {
                    if ((i & c) == c) // i & c == c
                        lComb.Add(p.ValueSd.Keys[pos]); //if the 'case' is in, put it on the left
                        rComb.Add(p.ValueSd.Keys[pos]);//else, in the right side
                for (instanceI = 0; instanceI < nttLst.Count; ++instanceI) {
                    foreach (string ls in lComb) {
                        if (nttLst[instanceI].T0 == ls) {
                            if (!lPredVal.ContainsKey(nttLst[instanceI].T1))
                                lPredVal.Add(nttLst[instanceI].T1, (int)nttLst[instanceI].N);
                                lPredVal[nttLst[instanceI].T1] += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                            nodeLfItemCount += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                    foreach (string rs in rComb) {
                        if (nttLst[instanceI].T0 == rs) {
                            if (!rPredVal.ContainsKey(nttLst[instanceI].T1))
                                rPredVal.Add(nttLst[instanceI].T1, (int)nttLst[instanceI].N);
                                rPredVal[nttLst[instanceI].T1] += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                            nodeRtItemCount += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                if (nodeLfItemCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode && nodeRtItemCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode) {
                    lImp = ImpCat(lPredVal, nodeLfItemCount);
                    rImp = ImpCat(rPredVal, nodeRtItemCount);
                    if (Double.IsNaN(minImp)) {
                        bestPartition = i;
                        minImp = (double)(nodeLfItemCount) / instanceCount * lImp + (double)nodeRtItemCount / instanceCount * rImp;
                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;
                    } else {
                        imp = (double)(nodeLfItemCount) / instanceCount * lImp + (double)nodeRtItemCount / instanceCount * rImp;
                        if (imp < minImp) {
                            minImp = imp;
                            bestPartition = i;
                            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
                            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;
            if (bestPartition == 0) {
                p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.NotEnoughCases;
                p.Gain = 0;
                return 0;

            //Set the possible children
            ValueGroup valueGroup = new ValueGroup(p, 2);
            p.ChildrenGroups = valueGroup;

            pos = 0;
            for (c = 1; c <= partitionCount + 1; c *= 2) {
                if ((bestPartition & c) == c)
                    valueGroup.AddValueFromIndex(pos, 0); //if the 'case' is in put it on the left
                    valueGroup.AddValueFromIndex(pos, 1);//else, in the right side
            p.ImpUniMin = minImp;
            p.Gain = (n.Imp - minImp) * 100 / n.Imp;
            p.Gain *= (double)(n.Table.RowCount - p.NullCount) / n.Table.RowCount;
            return p.Gain;
Exemple #2
        //Sets the best p.SplitValue p.Gain
        //        public static double MinImpCont(NodeTargetCategorical n, Predictor p) {
        //            int i, leftRowCount = 0, rightRowCount = 0;
        //            //            int dfd; //delete
        //            double minImp, info, lImp, rImp, instanceCount = n.Table.RowCount;
        //            lImp = rImp = minImp = info = double.NaN;
        //            List<N3T> AvcLst;
        //            List<int> thresholdIndexLst;
        //            //Tries each partition:
        //            //AvcLst[i].N0 = Value of the dependent varible
        //            //AvcLst[i].N1 = Frequency of y
        //            //AvcLst[i].N2 = Total of distinct registries until that row
        //            //AvcLst[i].T = y
        //            string sql =
        //            @"SELECT ALL " +
        //                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + ", " +
        //                " count(" + Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + "),0 , " +
        //                Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + " " +
        //            "FROM "
        //                + Def.DbBsTb + "," + Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + " " +
        //            "WHERE "
        //                + Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " = " +
        //                Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " " +
        //                " AND " + Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " IS NOT NULL " +
        //            "GROUP BY " +
        //                Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + ", " +
        //                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " " +
        //            "ORDER BY " +
        //                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name;
        //            AvcLst = Def.Db.GetN3TLst(sql);
        //            //N2 is the number of registries until a given row
        //            if (AvcLst.Count > 0) {
        //                AvcLst[0].N2 = AvcLst[0].N1;
        //                for (i = 1; i < AvcLst.Count; ++i)
        //                    AvcLst[i].N2 = AvcLst[i - 1].N2 + AvcLst[i].N1;
        //            }
        //            thresholdIndexLst = Fcn.SetPossibleThresholdIndexLst(AvcLst);
        //            if (thresholdIndexLst.Count == 0) {
        //                p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.NotEnoughCases;
        //                p.Gain = 0;
        //                return 0;
        //            }
        //            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated = new List<double>(2);
        //            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated.Add(0);
        //            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated.Add(0);
        //            p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.CanBeUsed;
        //            if (AvcLst.Count == 0) {
        //                p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.NotEnoughCases;
        //                p.Gain = 0;
        //                return 0;
        //            }
        //            for (i = 0; i < thresholdIndexLst.Count; ++i) {
        //                lImp = ImpCont(0, thresholdIndexLst[i], AvcLst, out leftRowCount);
        //                rImp = ImpCont(thresholdIndexLst[i] + 1, AvcLst.Count - 1, AvcLst, out rightRowCount);
        //                if (Double.IsNaN(minImp) && leftRowCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode && rightRowCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode) {
        //                    info = (leftRowCount * lImp + rightRowCount * rImp) / (leftRowCount + rightRowCount);
        //                    if (Double.IsNaN(info) == false) {
        //                        minImp = info;
        //                        p.SplitValue = AvcLst[thresholdIndexLst[i]].N0;
        //                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
        //                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;
        //                    }
        //                } else {
        //                    info = (leftRowCount * lImp + rightRowCount * rImp) / (leftRowCount + rightRowCount);
        //                    if (info < minImp && !Double.IsNaN(info) && leftRowCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode && rightRowCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode) {
        //                        minImp = info;
        //                        p.SplitValue = AvcLst[thresholdIndexLst[i]].N0;
        //                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
        //                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //            if (Double.IsNaN(minImp)) {
        //                p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.NotEnoughCases;
        //                p.Gain = 0;
        //                return 0;
        //            }
        //            List<double> nLst;
        //            sql = @"
        //            SELECT
        //                DISTINCT " + p.Variable.Name + " " +
        //            "FROM "
        //                + Def.DbBsTb + " , " + Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + " " +
        //            "WHERE "
        //                + Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + "=" +
        //                Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " AND " +
        //                p.Variable.Name + " IS NOT NULL " +
        //            "ORDER BY "
        //                + p.Variable.Name + " ASC ";
        //            nLst = Def.Db.GetNumberLst(sql);
        //            //Finds the angle bisector of the slit
        //            if (p.SplitValue != nLst[0] && p.SplitValue != nLst[nLst.Count - 2]) {
        //                for (i = 1; i < nLst.Count - 2; ++i) {
        //                    if (p.SplitValue == nLst[i]) {
        //                        p.SplitValue = (nLst[i - 1] + nLst[i + 1]) / 2;
        //                        break;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //            p.Gain = (n.Imp - minImp) * 100 / n.Imp;
        //            p.Gain *= (double)(n.Table.RowCount - p.NullCount) / n.Table.RowCount;
        //            return p.Gain;
        //        }
        public static double Killed_MinRandomImp(NodeTargetCategorical n, Predictor p)
            //For some partitions gets the min Impiance

            int valueCount = p.DistinctValuesCount;

            int pos, instanceI;
            double partitionCount;
            int c, i;
            double bestPartition = 0, minImp = Double.NaN, imp = Double.NaN, lImp = Double.NaN, rImp = Double.NaN;
            int nodeLfItemCount, nodeRtItemCount;
            List<NTT> nttLst;
            string binStr = "";

            p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.CanBeUsed;
            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated = new List<double>(2);

            List<string> lComb = new List<string>(valueCount);
            List<string> rComb = new List<string>(valueCount);
            SortedList<string, int> lPredVal = new SortedList<string, int>();
            SortedList<string, int> rPredVal = new SortedList<string, int>();

            string sql =
            @"SELECT ALL " +
                " count(*), " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + ",  " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + " " +
            "FROM "
                + Def.DbBsTb + "," + Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + " " +
            "WHERE "
                + Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " = " +
                Def.DbTrTb + n.Id + "." + Def.DbTableIdName + " AND " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " IS NOT NULL " +
            "GROUP BY " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + Def.Schema.Target.Name + ", " +
                Def.DbBsTb + "." + p.Variable.Name + " ";
            nttLst = Def.Db.GetNTTLst(sql);

            int instanceCount = n.Table.RowCount;

            partitionCount = Math.Pow(2, valueCount - 1) - 1;

            double partitionCountMax = 0;
            if (partitionCount > 4095) {
                partitionCountMax = 4095;
            } else
                partitionCountMax = partitionCount;
            List<double> partLst = new List<double>((int)partitionCountMax);
            i = 1;

            for (int t = 0; t < partitionCountMax; ++t) {
                partLst.Add((int)RNG.GetUniform(i, partitionCount));

            for (i = 0; i < partitionCountMax; ++i) {
                pos = 0;
                binStr = Fcn.Decimal2BinaryStr(partLst[(int)i]);
                lComb.Clear(); rComb.Clear();
                lPredVal.Clear(); rPredVal.Clear();
                nodeLfItemCount = nodeRtItemCount = 0;
                for (c = 0; c < p.ValueSd.Count; ++c) {
                    if (binStr[binStr.Length - 1 - c] == '1')
                        lComb.Add(p.ValueSd.Keys[pos]); //if the 'case' is in, put it on the left
                        rComb.Add(p.ValueSd.Keys[pos]);//else, in the right side
                for (instanceI = 0; instanceI < nttLst.Count; ++instanceI) {
                    foreach (string ls in lComb) {
                        if (nttLst[instanceI].T0 == ls) {
                            if (!lPredVal.ContainsKey(nttLst[instanceI].T1))
                                lPredVal.Add(nttLst[instanceI].T1, (int)nttLst[instanceI].N);
                                lPredVal[nttLst[instanceI].T1] += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                            nodeLfItemCount += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                    foreach (string rs in rComb) {
                        if (nttLst[instanceI].T0 == rs) {
                            if (!rPredVal.ContainsKey(nttLst[instanceI].T1))
                                rPredVal.Add(nttLst[instanceI].T1, (int)nttLst[instanceI].N);
                                rPredVal[nttLst[instanceI].T1] += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                            nodeRtItemCount += (int)nttLst[instanceI].N;
                if (nodeLfItemCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode && nodeRtItemCount >= Def.TreeMinNumberOfCasesPerNode) {
                    lImp = ImpCat(lPredVal, nodeLfItemCount);
                    rImp = ImpCat(rPredVal, nodeRtItemCount);
                    if (Double.IsNaN(minImp)) {
                        bestPartition = partLst[(int)i];
                        minImp = (double)(nodeLfItemCount) / instanceCount * lImp + (double)nodeRtItemCount / instanceCount * rImp;
                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
                        n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;
                    } else {
                        imp = (double)(nodeLfItemCount) / instanceCount * lImp + (double)nodeRtItemCount / instanceCount * rImp;
                        if (imp < minImp) {
                            minImp = imp;
                            bestPartition = partLst[(int)i];
                            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[0] = lImp;
                            n.DescendentImpPreCalculated[1] = rImp;

            if (bestPartition == 0) {
                p.SplitStatus = Predictor.SplitStatusEnum.NotEnoughCases;
                p.Gain = 0;
                return 0;

            //Set the possible children
            ValueGroup valueGroup = new ValueGroup(p, 2);
            p.ChildrenGroups = valueGroup;

            pos = 0;
            binStr = Fcn.Decimal2BinaryStr((double)bestPartition);
            for (c = 0; c < p.ValueSd.Count; ++c) {
                //                if ((bestPartition & c) == c)
                if (binStr[binStr.Length - 1 - c] == '1')
                    valueGroup.AddValueFromIndex(pos, 0); //if the 'case' is in put it on the left
                    valueGroup.AddValueFromIndex(pos, 1);//else, in the right side

            p.Gain = (n.Imp - minImp) * 100 / n.Imp;
            p.Gain *= (double)(n.Table.RowCount - p.NullCount) / n.Table.RowCount;
            return p.Gain;