public override void Add(Component pComp)
            Debug.Assert(pComp != null);
            DLink.AddToEnd(ref this.poHead, ref this.poTail, pComp);

            pComp.pParent = this;
Exemple #2
        private static void privAddToEnd(ref DLink pHead, DLink pNode)
            // Will work for Active or Reserve List
            Debug.Assert(pNode != null);

            DLink.AddToEnd(ref pHead, pNode);

            // worst case, pHead was null initially, now we added a node so... this is true
            Debug.Assert(pHead != null);
        public void Attach(Image.Name imageName)
            Image pImg = ImageManager.Find(imageName);

            Debug.Assert(pImg != null);

            ImageHolder pImgHold = new ImageHolder(pImg);

            Debug.Assert(pImgHold != null);

            DLink.AddToEnd(ref this.poFirstImage, pImgHold);

            this.pCurrentImage = pImgHold;
Exemple #4
        // Methods

        public void Attach(Sound.Name soundName)
            // Perhaps make a sound Manager??
            Sound pSound = SoundManager.Find(soundName);

            Debug.Assert(pSound != null);

            SoundHolder pSoundHold = new SoundHolder(pSound);

            Debug.Assert(pSoundHold != null);

            DLink.AddToEnd(ref this.poFirstSound, pSoundHold);

            this.pCurrentSound = pSoundHold;
        public void Attach(SoundEngine.Name soundName)
            // Get the Sound
            SoundEngine pSound = SoundEngineMan.Find(soundName);

            Debug.Assert(pSound != null);

            // Create a new holder
            SoundHolder pSoundHolder = new SoundHolder(pSound);

            Debug.Assert(pSoundHolder != null);

            // Attach it to the Animation Sprite ( Push to front )
            DLink.AddToEnd(ref this.poFirstSound, pSoundHolder);

            // Set the first one to this Sound
            this.pCurrSound = pSoundHolder;
 public void Attach(Command cmd)
     DLink.AddToEnd(ref this.pHead, cmd);