protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) this.Exit(); KeyboardState key = Keyboard.GetState(); if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)) { if (defeat) { currentShip = null; Content.Unload(); this.LoadContent(); defeat = false; } } else if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.P)) { if (inputDelay > 20) { if (paused) { paused = false; } else { paused = true; } inputDelay = 0; } } if (currentShip.defeat) { //MediaPlayer.Pause(); // death.Play(); defeatDelay++; if (defeatDelay > 100) { this.defeat = true; defeatDelay = 0; } } if (!paused) { currentShip.Update(gameTime); // TODO: Add your update logic here base.Update(gameTime); } inputDelay++; }
void Update() { if (tileSelectionGroup.currentlySelected != selectedTileIndex) { SelectTile(tileSelectionGroup.currentlySelected); } if (selectedTileIndex == -1 || EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { ghost.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { // Need to rewrite to use input.getbuttondown if (!hasRotated && Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis("Rotate")) > 0) { hasRotated = true; rotation = (rotation + 90 * Mathf.Sign(Input.GetAxis("Rotate"))) % 360; } else if (Input.GetAxis("Rotate") == 0) { hasRotated = false; } ghost.gameObject.SetActive(true); Vector2 cursorPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); bool tileEmpty = true; bool tileSupported = false; Ship attachedShip = null; Tile underCursor = null; Vector2Int tilePos =; // Determine if tile is support and empty foreach (Ship ship in GameManager.Instance.ships) { tilePos = ship.WorldToTilePos(cursorPos); if (ship.TryGetTile(tilePos, out Tile tile)) { attachedShip = ship; underCursor = tile; tileEmpty = false; break; } else { if (ship.TileExists(tilePos - Vector2Int.left) || ship.TileExists(tilePos - Vector2Int.up) || ship.TileExists(tilePos - Vector2Int.right) || ship.TileExists(tilePos - Vector2Int.down)) { attachedShip = ship; tileSupported = true; break; } } } // Set position of ghost and check for partial overlap if (!tileSupported && underCursor == null) { ghost.transform.position = cursorPos; ghost.transform.up = Vector2.up; if (selectedTile.canRotate) { ghost.transform.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, rotation); } } else if (underCursor != null) { ghost.transform.position = underCursor.transform.position; ghost.transform.up = underCursor.transform.up; } else { ghost.transform.position = attachedShip.transform.TransformPoint((Vector2)tilePos); ghost.transform.up = attachedShip.transform.up; if (selectedTile.canRotate) { ghost.transform.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, rotation); } Collider2D[] overlapping = Physics2D.OverlapBoxAll(ghost.transform.position, * 0.95f, ghost.transform.eulerAngles.z); foreach (Collider2D col in overlapping) { if (col.TryGetComponent <Tile>(out _) || (selectedTileIsSolid && !col.isTrigger)) { tileEmpty = false; break; } } } // Set color and sprite of ghost if (underCursor != null) { ghost.sprite = deleteSprite; ghost.material.color = deleteColor; } else { ghost.sprite = selectedTileSprite; ghost.material.color = (tileSupported && tileEmpty && attachedShip == selectedShip) ? ghostValidColor : ghostInvalidColor; } // Check for create/delete if (tileEmpty && tileSupported && attachedShip == selectedShip && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { attachedShip.SetTileNetwork(tilePos, selectedTile.canRotate ? rotation : 0, selectedTileIndex); } else if (underCursor != null && attachedShip == selectedShip && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")) { attachedShip.DestroyTileNetwork(tilePos, true); } } }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); mainFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("mainfont"); List<Room> rooms = new List<Room>(); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/Start")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/LD1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/LR1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/LU1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/LUR1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/RD1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/UR1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/UD1")); /* Added by ship gen rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/R1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/L1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/D1")); rooms.Add(Content.Load<Room>("Levels/U1")); * */ deathSplash = Content.Load<Texture2D>(FileNames.deathSplash); pauseSplash = Content.Load<Texture2D>(FileNames.pauseSplash); Song track1 = Content.Load<Song>(FileNames.phase1); Song track2 = Content.Load<Song>(FileNames.phase2); Song track3 = Content.Load<Song>(FileNames.phase3); //death = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/death"); Song[] songs = new Song[] { track1, track2, track3 }; MediaPlayer.Play(songs[1]); //Need to create the first ship here currentShip = new Ship(rooms); //OLD for debug below currentShip.Init(Content); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }
protected override string NegativeEvent(Ship ship) { ship.Hull -= hullLost; return(GetNegativeEventMessage()); }