//TODO get shopping menu's functional public static bool MainMenu(Character character, Ship ship, Planet planet, Store store) { Console.Clear(); Graphics.MainMenu(character, ship); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": TravelMenu(character, ship); return(true); case "2": ShoppingMainMenu(character, ship, planet, store); return(true); case "3": ShoppingMainMenu(character, ship, planet, store); return(true); case "4": ExitGame.exitGame(); return(false); default: return(true); } }
public static void Run() { try { Graphics.SplashScreen(); Character character = new Character(); Ship ship = new Ship(); Planet planet = new Planet(); Store store = new Store(); bool displayMenu = true; while (displayMenu) { displayMenu = Menu.MainMenu(character, ship, planet, store); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { ExitGame.exitGame(); } }
public double TimePassed(Character character, double distance, double warpSpeed) { double time = Math.Round(distance / warpSpeed, 2); character.age += time; if (character.age >= 60) { Console.WriteLine("You have reached 60 years of age, Captain. Your body can no longer withstand the rigors of space travel!"); Console.ReadLine(); ExitGame.exitGame(); } return(time); }