public void UpdateSceneEntities() { CollectSceneEntities(); bool didChange = false; for (int i = 0; i < sceneEntities.Count; i++) { int storedId; Entity sceneEntity = sceneEntities[i]; EntityDefinition definition; Chassis entityChassis = sceneEntity.GetComponent <Chassis>(); if (entityChassis != null) { Debug.Log($"Removed Chassis from {} because you cannot have both an entity and a Chassis component"); Object.DestroyImmediate(entityChassis); } int currentId =; if (sceneEntityToSceneIdMap.TryGetValue(sceneEntity, out storedId)) { Debug.Assert(currentId == storedId, $"Should never hit this. Expected {currentId} to be {storedId}"); definition = GetEntityDefinitionForSceneEntity(sceneEntity); } else { Debug.Log(; didChange = true; = GetCurrentMission().AllocateEntityId(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(sceneEntity); // todo -- dev only if (currentId != 0) { Debug.Log("Duplicated"); EntityDefinition toClone = GetEntityDefinitionForSceneEntity(currentId); definition = currentMission.CloneEntityDefinition(toClone); } else { Debug.Log("Created"); definition = currentMission.CreateEntityDefinition(); } } // if a new one is created, add a definition and link // if a one is duplicated, clone definition and link // we *might* have unlinked scene entities which is ok sceneEntityToSceneIdMap.Set(sceneEntity,; sceneEntityToDefinitionMap.Set(sceneEntity, definition); SetSceneEntityName(sceneEntity, definition); } GetCurrentMission().Change(); if (didChange) { EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(SceneManager.GetActiveScene()); } }