// Function from file: newscaster.dm
        public override dynamic attack_self(dynamic user = null, dynamic flag = null, bool?emp = null)
            dynamic human_user         = null;
            dynamic dat                = null;
            Newscaster_FeedChannel NP  = null;
            int temp_page              = 0;
            Newscaster_FeedChannel NP2 = null;
            Newscaster_FeedChannel NP3 = null;
            Newscaster_FeedChannel C   = null;
            int i = 0;
            Newscaster_FeedMessage MESSAGE = null;
            Newscaster_FeedChannel NP4     = null;

            if (user is Mob_Living_Carbon_Human)
                human_user = user;
                this.pages = 0;

                switch ((int)(this.screen))
                case 0:
                    dat += "<DIV ALIGN='center'><B><FONT SIZE=6>The Griffon</FONT></B></div>";
                    dat += "<DIV ALIGN='center'><FONT SIZE=2>Nanotrasen-standard newspaper, for use on Nanotrasen© Space Facilities</FONT></div><HR>";

                    if (GlobalFuncs.isemptylist(this.news_content))
                        if (Lang13.Bool(this.wantedAuthor))
                            dat += "Contents:<BR><ul><B><FONT COLOR='red'>**</FONT>Important Security Announcement<FONT COLOR='red'>**</FONT></B> <FONT SIZE=2>[page " + (this.pages + 2) + "]</FONT><BR></ul>";
                            dat += "<I>Other than the title, the rest of the newspaper is unprinted...</I>";
                        dat += "Contents:<BR><ul>";

                        foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.news_content, typeof(Newscaster_FeedChannel)))
                            NP = _a;


                        if (Lang13.Bool(this.wantedAuthor))
                            dat += "<B><FONT COLOR='red'>**</FONT>Important Security Announcement<FONT COLOR='red'>**</FONT></B> <FONT SIZE=2>[page " + (this.pages + 2) + "]</FONT><BR>";
                        temp_page = 0;

                        foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(this.news_content, typeof(Newscaster_FeedChannel)))
                            NP2 = _b;

                            dat += "<B>" + NP2.channel_name + "</B> <FONT SIZE=2>[page " + (temp_page + 1) + "]</FONT><BR>";
                        dat += "</ul>";

                    if (this.scribble_page == this.curr_page)
                        dat += "<BR><I>There is a small scribble near the end of this page... It reads: \"" + this.scribble + "\"</I>";
                    dat += new Txt("<HR><DIV STYLE='float:right;'><A href='?src=").Ref(this).str(";next_page=1'>Next Page</A></DIV> <div style='float:left;'><A href='?src=").Ref(human_user).str(";mach_close=newspaper_main'>Done reading</A></DIV>").ToString();

                case 1:

                    foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(this.news_content, typeof(Newscaster_FeedChannel)))
                        NP3 = _c;

                    C    = this.news_content[this.curr_page];
                    dat += "<FONT SIZE=4><B>" + C.channel_name + "</B></FONT><FONT SIZE=1> [created by: <FONT COLOR='maroon'>" + C.returnAuthor(this.notContent(C.authorCensorTime) ?1:0) + "</FONT>]</FONT><BR><BR>";

                    if (this.notContent(C.DclassCensorTime))
                        dat += "This channel was deemed dangerous to the general welfare of the station and therefore marked with a <B><FONT COLOR='red'>D-Notice</B></FONT>. Its contents were not transferred to the newspaper at the time of printing.";
                    else if (GlobalFuncs.isemptylist(C.messages))
                        dat += "No Feed stories stem from this channel...";
                        i = 0;

                        foreach (dynamic _d in Lang13.Enumerate(C.messages, typeof(Newscaster_FeedMessage)))
                            MESSAGE = _d;

                            if (MESSAGE.creationTime > this.creationTime)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    dat += "No Feed stories stem from this channel...";

                            if (i == 0)
                                dat += "<ul>";
                            dat += "-" + MESSAGE.returnBody(this.notContent(MESSAGE.bodyCensorTime) ?1:0) + " <BR>";

                            if (MESSAGE.img != null)
                                Interface13.CacheBrowseResource(user, MESSAGE.img, "tmp_photo" + i + ".png");
                                dat += "<img src='tmp_photo" + i + ".png' width = '180'><BR>";
                            dat += "<FONT SIZE=1>[Story by <FONT COLOR='maroon'>" + MESSAGE.returnAuthor(this.notContent(MESSAGE.authorCensorTime) ?1:0) + "</FONT>]</FONT><BR><BR>";
                        dat += "</ul>";

                    if (this.scribble_page == this.curr_page)
                        dat += "<BR><I>There is a small scribble near the end of this page... It reads: \"" + this.scribble + "\"</I>";
                    dat += new Txt("<BR><HR><DIV STYLE='float:left;'><A href='?src=").Ref(this).str(";prev_page=1'>Previous Page</A></DIV> <DIV STYLE='float:right;'><A href='?src=").Ref(this).str(";next_page=1'>Next Page</A></DIV>").ToString();

                case 2:

                    foreach (dynamic _e in Lang13.Enumerate(this.news_content, typeof(Newscaster_FeedChannel)))
                        NP4 = _e;


                    if (this.wantedAuthor != null)
                        dat += "<DIV STYLE='float:center;'><FONT SIZE=4><B>Wanted Issue:</B></FONT SIZE></DIV><BR><BR>";
                        dat += "<B>Criminal name</B>: <FONT COLOR='maroon'>" + this.wantedCriminal + "</FONT><BR>";
                        dat += "<B>Description</B>: " + this.wantedBody + "<BR>";
                        dat += "<B>Photo:</B>: ";

                        if (this.wantedPhoto != null)
                            Interface13.CacheBrowseResource(user, this.wantedPhoto, "tmp_photow.png");
                            dat += "<BR><img src='tmp_photow.png' width = '180'>";
                            dat += "None";
                        dat += "<I>Apart from some uninteresting Classified ads, there's nothing on this page...</I>";

                    if (this.scribble_page == this.curr_page)
                        dat += "<BR><I>There is a small scribble near the end of this page... It reads: \"" + this.scribble + "\"</I>";
                    dat += new Txt("<HR><DIV STYLE='float:left;'><A href='?src=").Ref(this).str(";prev_page=1'>Previous Page</A></DIV>").ToString();
                dat += "<BR><HR><div align='center'>" + (this.curr_page + 1) + "</div>";
                Interface13.Browse(human_user, dat, "window=newspaper_main;size=300x400");
                GlobalFuncs.onclose(human_user, "newspaper_main");
                user.WriteMsg("The paper is full of intelligible symbols!");