Exemple #1
        // Function from file: soulstone.dm
        public void init_shade(Obj_Item_Device_Soulstone C = null, dynamic T = null, dynamic U = null, bool?vic = null)
            vic = vic ?? false;

            Dynamic_Overlay animation       = null;
            Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Shade S = null;

            new Obj_Effect_Decal_Remains_Human(T.loc);
            T.invisibility       = 101;
            animation            = new Dynamic_Overlay(T.loc);
            animation.icon_state = "blank";
            animation.icon       = "icons/mob/mob.dmi";
            animation.master     = T;
            Icon13.Flick("dust-h", animation);
            S               = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Shade(T.loc);
            S.loc           = C;
            S.status_flags |= 4096;
            S.canmove       = false;
            S.name          = "Shade of " + T.real_name;
            S.real_name     = "Shade of " + T.real_name;
            S.key           = T.key;
            S.faction      |= new Txt().Ref(U).ToString();

            if (GlobalFuncs.iscultist(U))
            S.__CallVerb("Cancel Camera View");
            C.icon_state = "soulstone2";
            C.name       = "Soul Stone: " + S.real_name;

            if (GlobalFuncs.iswizard(U) || this.usability)
                S.WriteMsg("Your soul has been captured! You are now bound to " + U.real_name + "'s will. Help them succeed in their goals at all costs.");
            else if (GlobalFuncs.iscultist(U))
                S.WriteMsg("Your soul has been captured! You are now bound to the cult's will. Help them succeed in their goals at all costs.");
            C.imprinted = "" + S.name;

            if (vic == true)
                U.WriteMsg("<span class='info'><b>Capture successful!</b>:</span> " + T.real_name + "'s soul has been ripped from their body and stored within the soul stone.");
                U.WriteMsg("The soulstone has been imprinted with " + S.real_name + "'s mind, it will no longer react to other souls.");
Exemple #2
        // Function from file: soulstone.dm
        public override dynamic Topic(string href = null, ByTable href_list = null, dynamic hsrc = null)
            Mob U = null;
            Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Shade A = null;

            U = Task13.User;

            if (!(Map13.GetDistance(this, U) <= 1) || U.machine != this)
                Interface13.Browse(U, null, "window=aicard");

            dynamic _b = href_list["choice"];             // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.

            if (_b == "Close")
                Interface13.Browse(U, null, "window=aicard");
            else if (_b == "Summon")
                foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this, typeof(Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Shade)))
                    A = _a;

                    A.status_flags &= 61439;
                    A.canmove       = true;
                    A.loc           = U.loc;
                    A.__CallVerb("Cancel Camera View");
                    this.icon_state = "soulstone";

                    if (GlobalFuncs.iswizard(U) || this.usability)
                        A.WriteMsg("<b>You have been released from your prison, but you are still bound to " + U.real_name + "'s will. Help them succeed in their goals at all costs.</b>");
                    else if (GlobalFuncs.iscultist(U))
                        A.WriteMsg("<b>You have been released from your prison, but you are still bound to the cult's will. Help them succeed in their goals at all costs.</b>");