// Function from file: scrubber.dm public void scrub(GasMixture mixture = null) { double transfer_moles = 0; GasMixture filtering = null; GasMixture filtered = null; dynamic gas = null; transfer_moles = Num13.MinInt(1, ((int)(this.volume_rate / (mixture.volume ?? 0)))) * mixture.total_moles(); filtering = mixture.remove(transfer_moles); filtered = new GasMixture(); if (!(filtering != null)) { return; } filtered.temperature = filtering.temperature; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(filtering.gases & this.scrubbing)) { gas = _a; filtered.add_gas(gas); filtered.gases[gas][1] = filtering.gases[gas][1]; filtering.gases[gas][1] = 0; } filtering.garbage_collect(); this.air_contents.merge(filtered); mixture.merge(filtering); if (!Lang13.Bool(this.holding)) { this.air_update_turf(); } return; }
// Function from file: LINDA_turf_tile.dm public void self_breakdown( ) { GasMixture A = null; ByTable A_gases = null; Tile_Simulated T = null; Tile_Simulated T2 = null; ByTable T_gases = null; dynamic id = null; A = new GasMixture(); A_gases = A.gases; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.turf_list, typeof(Tile_Simulated))) { T = _a; A.merge(T.air); } foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(this.turf_list, typeof(Tile_Simulated))) { T2 = _c; T_gases = T2.air.gases; foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(T_gases)) { id = _b; T_gases[id][1] = A_gases[id][1] / this.turf_list.len; } T2.update_visuals(); } return; }
// Function from file: server.dm public void produce_heat(double heat_amt = 0) { Ent_Static L = null; GasMixture env = null; double transfer_moles = 0; GasMixture removed = null; double? heat_capacity = null; if (!((this.stat & 3) != 0)) { L = this.loc; if (L is Tile_Simulated) { env = L.return_air(); if (Convert.ToDouble(env.temperature) < heat_amt + 273.41) { transfer_moles = env.total_moles() * 0.25; removed = env.remove(transfer_moles); if (removed != null) { heat_capacity = removed.heat_capacity(); if (heat_capacity == 0 || heat_capacity == null) { heat_capacity = 1; } removed.temperature = Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32((removed.temperature * heat_capacity + this.heating_power) / heat_capacity), 1000); } env.merge(removed); this.air_update_turf(); } } } return; }
// Function from file: supermatter.dm public override int?process(dynamic seconds = null) { Ent_Static L = null; string stability = null; Mob_Living mob = null; Mob_Living H = null; double rads = 0; GasMixture env = null; GasMixture removed = null; bool removed_nitrogen = false; int temp_factor = 0; double device_energy = 0; Mob_Living_Carbon_Human l = null; Mob_Living l2 = null; double rads2 = 0; L = this.loc; if (L == null) { return(26); } if (!(L is Tile)) { return(null); } if (L is Tile_Space) { return(null); } if (this.damage > this.warning_point) { if ((Game13.timeofday - this.lastwarning) / 10 >= 30) { stability = String13.NumberToString(Num13.Floor(this.damage / this.explosion_point * 100)); if (this.damage > this.emergency_point) { this.radio.talk_into(this, "" + this.emergency_alert + " Instability: " + stability + "%"); this.lastwarning = Game13.timeofday; if (!this.has_reached_emergency) { this.investigate_log("has reached the emergency point for the first time.", "supermatter"); GlobalFuncs.message_admins("" + this + " has reached the emergency point <A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=" + this.x + ";Y=" + this.y + ";Z=" + this.z + "'>(JMP)</a>."); this.has_reached_emergency = true; } } else if (this.damage >= this.damage_archived) { this.radio.talk_into(this, "" + this.warning_alert + " Instability: " + stability + "%"); this.lastwarning = Game13.timeofday - 150; } else { this.radio.talk_into(this, "" + this.safe_alert); this.lastwarning = Game13.timeofday; } } if (this.damage > this.explosion_point) { foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.living_mob_list, typeof(Mob_Living))) { mob = _a; if (mob is Mob_Living_Carbon_Human) { H = mob; H.hallucination += Num13.MaxInt(50, Num13.MinInt(300, ((int)(Math.Sqrt(1 / (Map13.GetDistance(mob, this) + 1)) * 600)))); } rads = Math.Sqrt(1 / (Map13.GetDistance(mob, this) + 1)) * 200; mob.rad_act(rads); } this.explode(); } } env = L.return_air(); removed = env.remove(this.gasefficency * env.total_moles()); if (!(removed != null) || !(removed.total_moles() != 0)) { this.damage += Num13.MaxInt(((int)((this.power - 1600) / 10)), 0); this.power = Num13.MinInt(((int)(this.power)), 1600); return(1); } this.damage_archived = this.damage; this.damage = Num13.MaxInt(((int)(this.damage + Convert.ToDouble((removed.temperature - 800) / 150))), 0); removed_nitrogen = false; if (Lang13.Bool(removed.gases["n2"])) { removed_nitrogen = Lang13.Bool(removed.gases["n2"][1] * 2); } removed.assert_gases("o2", "plasma"); this.oxygen = Num13.MaxInt(Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32((removed.gases["o2"][1] - removed_nitrogen) / 103.98379516601562), 1), 0); temp_factor = 50; if (this.oxygen > 0.8) { this.icon_state = "" + this.base_icon_state + "_glow"; } else { temp_factor = 30; this.icon_state = this.base_icon_state; } this.power = Num13.MaxInt(Convert.ToInt32(removed.temperature * temp_factor / 273.41 * this.oxygen + this.power), 0); this.transfer_energy(); device_energy = this.power * 0.55; removed.temperature += device_energy / 5; removed.temperature = Num13.MaxInt(0, Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32(removed.temperature), 2500)); removed.gases["plasma"][1] += Num13.MaxInt(((int)(device_energy / 750)), 0); removed.gases["o2"][1] += Num13.MaxInt(((int)((device_energy + Convert.ToDouble(removed.temperature) - 273.41) / 325)), 0); env.merge(removed); foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInView(Num13.MinInt(7, Num13.Floor(Math.Pow(this.power, 0.25))), this), typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human))) { l = _b; if (!(l.glasses is Obj_Item_Clothing_Glasses_Meson)) { l.hallucination = Num13.MaxInt(0, Num13.MinInt(200, ((int)(l.hallucination + this.power * this.config_hallucination_power * Math.Sqrt(1 / Num13.MaxInt(1, Map13.GetDistance(l, this))))))); } } foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInRange(Num13.Floor(Math.Pow(this.power / 100, 0.25)), this), typeof(Mob_Living))) { l2 = _c; rads2 = this.power / 10 * Math.Sqrt(1 / Num13.MaxInt(Map13.GetDistance(l2, this), 1)); l2.rad_act(rads2); } this.power -= Math.Pow(this.power / 500, 3); return(1); }
// Function from file: experimentor.dm public void experiment(double?exp = null, dynamic exp_on = null) { dynamic chosenchem = null; dynamic criticalReaction = null; Mob_Living m = null; dynamic target = null; dynamic throwing = null; dynamic T = null; Obj_Effect_Decal_Cleanable_Greenglow reagentdecal = null; string savedName = null; dynamic newPath = null; dynamic CG = null; Reagents R = null; EffectSystem_SmokeSpread_Chem smoke = null; Reagents R2 = null; EffectSystem_SmokeSpread_Chem smoke2 = null; Obj_Item_Weapon_ReagentContainers_Food_Drinks_Coffee C = null; dynamic start = null; dynamic M = null; dynamic MT = null; Obj_Item_Projectile_Magic_Fireball FB = null; GasMixture env = null; double transfer_moles = 0; GasMixture removed = null; double? heat_capacity = null; Mob_Living m2 = null; Obj_Machinery_Vending_Coffee C2 = null; Reagents R3 = null; EffectSystem_SmokeSpread_Chem smoke3 = null; GasMixture env2 = null; double transfer_moles2 = 0; GasMixture removed2 = null; double? heat_capacity2 = null; EffectSystem_SmokeSpread smoke4 = null; dynamic material = null; Ent_Dynamic AM = null; ByTable throwAt = null; Ent_Dynamic AM2 = null; int? counter = null; Ent_Dynamic cast = null; dynamic a = null; dynamic b = null; dynamic R4 = null; int globalMalf = 0; Mob_Living m3 = null; ByTable reqs = null; dynamic T2 = null; this.recentlyExperimented = true; this.icon_state = "h_lathe_wloop"; criticalReaction = Lang13.FindIn(exp_on, (this.critical_items != null ? GlobalVars.TRUE : GlobalVars.FALSE)); if (exp == 1) { this.visible_message("" + this + " prods at " + exp_on + " with mechanical arms."); if (Rand13.PercentChance(35) && Lang13.Bool(criticalReaction)) { this.visible_message("" + exp_on + " is gripped in just the right way, enhancing its focus."); this.badThingCoeff++; } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " malfunctions and destroys " + exp_on + ", lashing its arms out at nearby people!</span>"); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 1), typeof(Mob_Living))) { m = _a; m.apply_damage(15, "brute", Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "head", "chest", "groin" })); this.investigate_log("Experimentor dealt minor brute to " + m + ".", "experimentor"); } this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(35 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " malfunctions!</span>"); exp = 6; } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(50 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " malfunctions, throwing the " + exp_on + "!</span>"); target = Lang13.FindIn(typeof(Mob_Living), Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 7)); if (Lang13.Bool(target)) { throwing = this.loaded_item; this.investigate_log("Experimentor has thrown " + this.loaded_item + " at " + target, "experimentor"); this.ejectItem(); if (Lang13.Bool(throwing)) { ((Ent_Dynamic)throwing).throw_at(target, 10, 1); } } } } if (exp == 2) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " reflects radioactive rays at " + exp_on + "!</span>"); if (Rand13.PercentChance(35) && Lang13.Bool(criticalReaction)) { this.visible_message("" + exp_on + " has activated an unknown subroutine!"); this.cloneMode = GlobalVars.TRUE; this.cloneCount = this.badThingCoeff; this.investigate_log("Experimentor has made a clone of " + exp_on, "experimentor"); this.ejectItem(); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " malfunctions, melting " + exp_on + " and leaking radiation!</span>"); GlobalFuncs.radiation_pulse(GlobalFuncs.get_turf(this), 1, 1, 25, true); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(35 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " malfunctions, spewing toxic waste!</span>"); foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 1))) { T = _b; if (!T.density) { if (Rand13.PercentChance(95)) { reagentdecal = new Obj_Effect_Decal_Cleanable_Greenglow(T); reagentdecal.reagents.add_reagent("radium", 7); } } } } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(50 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { savedName = "" + exp_on; this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); newPath = this.pickWeighted(this.valid_items); this.loaded_item = Lang13.Call(newPath, this); this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " malfunctions, transforming " + savedName + " into " + this.loaded_item + "!</span>"); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has transformed " + savedName + " into " + this.loaded_item, "experimentor"); if (this.loaded_item is Obj_Item_Weapon_Grenade_ChemGrenade) { CG = this.loaded_item; ((Obj_Item_Weapon_Grenade)CG).prime(); } this.ejectItem(); } } if (exp == 3) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " fills its chamber with gas, " + exp_on + " included.</span>"); if (Rand13.PercentChance(35) && Lang13.Bool(criticalReaction)) { this.visible_message("" + exp_on + " achieves the perfect mix!"); new Obj_Item_Stack_Sheet_Mineral_Plasma(GlobalFuncs.get_turf(Rand13.PickFromTable(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 1)))); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " destroys " + exp_on + ", leaking dangerous gas!</span>"); chosenchem = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "carbon", "radium", "toxin", "condensedcapsaicin", "mushroomhallucinogen", "space_drugs", "ethanol", "beepskysmash" }); R = new Reagents(50); R.my_atom = this; R.add_reagent(chosenchem, 50); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has released " + chosenchem + " smoke.", "experimentor"); smoke = new EffectSystem_SmokeSpread_Chem(); smoke.set_up(R, 0, this); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/effects/smoke.ogg", 50, 1, -3); smoke.start(); GlobalFuncs.qdel(R); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + "'s chemical chamber has sprung a leak!</span>"); chosenchem = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "mutationtoxin", "nanomachines", "sacid" }); R2 = new Reagents(50); R2.my_atom = this; R2.add_reagent(chosenchem, 50); smoke2 = new EffectSystem_SmokeSpread_Chem(); smoke2.set_up(R2, 0, this); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/effects/smoke.ogg", 50, 1, -3); smoke2.start(); GlobalFuncs.qdel(R2); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); this.warn_admins(Task13.User, "" + chosenchem + " smoke"); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has released <font color='red'>" + chosenchem + "</font> smoke!", "experimentor"); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(35 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("" + this + " malfunctions, spewing harmless gas."); this.throwSmoke(this.loc); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(50 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " melts " + exp_on + ", ionizing the air around it!</span>"); GlobalFuncs.empulse(this.loc, 4, 6); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has generated an Electromagnetic Pulse.", "experimentor"); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } } if (exp == 4) { this.visible_message("" + this + " raises " + exp_on + "'s temperature."); if (Rand13.PercentChance(35) && Lang13.Bool(criticalReaction)) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + "'s emergency coolant system gives off a small ding!</span>"); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/machines/ding.ogg", 50, 1); C = new Obj_Item_Weapon_ReagentContainers_Food_Drinks_Coffee(GlobalFuncs.get_turf(Rand13.PickFromTable(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 1)))); chosenchem = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "plasma", "capsaicin", "ethanol" }); C.reagents.remove_any(25); C.reagents.add_reagent(chosenchem, 50); C.name = "Cup of Suspicious Liquid"; C.desc = "It has a large hazard symbol printed on the side in fading ink."; this.investigate_log("Experimentor has made a cup of " + chosenchem + " coffee.", "experimentor"); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { start = GlobalFuncs.get_turf(this); M = Lang13.FindIn(typeof(Mob_Living), Map13.FetchInView(3, this)); MT = GlobalFuncs.get_turf(M); if (Lang13.Bool(MT)) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " dangerously overheats, launching a flaming fuel orb!</span>"); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has launched a <font color='red'>fireball</font> at " + M + "!", "experimentor"); FB = new Obj_Item_Projectile_Magic_Fireball(start); FB.original = MT; FB.current = start; FB.yo = Convert.ToDouble(MT.y - start.y); FB.xo = Convert.ToDouble(MT.x - start.x); FB.fire(); } } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(35 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " malfunctions, melting " + exp_on + " and releasing a burst of flame!</span>"); GlobalFuncs.explosion(this.loc, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, 2); this.investigate_log("Experimentor started a fire.", "experimentor"); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(50 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " malfunctions, melting " + exp_on + " and leaking hot air!</span>"); env = this.loc.return_air(); transfer_moles = env.total_moles() * 0.25; removed = env.remove(transfer_moles); if (removed != null) { heat_capacity = removed.heat_capacity(); if (heat_capacity == 0 || heat_capacity == null) { heat_capacity = 1; } removed.temperature = Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32((removed.temperature * heat_capacity + 100000) / heat_capacity), 1000); } env.merge(removed); this.air_update_turf(); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has released hot air.", "experimentor"); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(50 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " malfunctions, activating its emergency coolant systems!</span>"); this.throwSmoke(this.loc); foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 1), typeof(Mob_Living))) { m2 = _c; m2.apply_damage(5, "burn", Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "head", "chest", "groin" })); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has dealt minor burn damage to " + m2, "experimentor"); } this.ejectItem(); } } if (exp == 5) { this.visible_message("" + this + " lowers " + exp_on + "'s temperature."); if (Rand13.PercentChance(35) && Lang13.Bool(criticalReaction)) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + "'s emergency coolant system gives off a small ding!</span>"); C2 = new Obj_Machinery_Vending_Coffee(GlobalFuncs.get_turf(Rand13.PickFromTable(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 1)))); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/machines/ding.ogg", 50, 1); chosenchem = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "uranium", "frostoil", "ephedrine" }); C2.reagents.remove_any(25); C2.reagents.add_reagent(chosenchem, 50); C2.name = "Cup of Suspicious Liquid"; C2.desc = "It has a large hazard symbol printed on the side in fading ink."; this.investigate_log("Experimentor has made a cup of " + chosenchem + " coffee.", "experimentor"); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + " malfunctions, shattering " + exp_on + " and releasing a dangerous cloud of coolant!</span>"); R3 = new Reagents(50); R3.my_atom = this; R3.add_reagent("frostoil", 50); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has released frostoil gas.", "experimentor"); smoke3 = new EffectSystem_SmokeSpread_Chem(); smoke3.set_up(R3, 0, this); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/effects/smoke.ogg", 50, 1, -3); smoke3.start(); GlobalFuncs.qdel(R3); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(35 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " malfunctions, shattering " + exp_on + " and leaking cold air!</span>"); env2 = this.loc.return_air(); transfer_moles2 = env2.total_moles() * 0.25; removed2 = env2.remove(transfer_moles2); if (removed2 != null) { heat_capacity2 = removed2.heat_capacity(); if (heat_capacity2 == 0 || heat_capacity2 == null) { heat_capacity2 = 1; } removed2.temperature = (removed2.temperature * heat_capacity2 - 75000) / heat_capacity2; } env2.merge(removed2); this.air_update_turf(); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has released cold air.", "experimentor"); this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(50 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " malfunctions, releasing a flurry of chilly air as " + exp_on + " pops out!</span>"); smoke4 = new EffectSystem_SmokeSpread(); smoke4.set_up(0, this.loc); smoke4.start(); this.ejectItem(); } } if (exp == 6) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + exp_on + " activates the crushing mechanism, " + exp_on + " is destroyed!</span>"); if (Rand13.PercentChance(35) && Lang13.Bool(criticalReaction)) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + "'s crushing mechanism slowly and smoothly descends, flattening the " + exp_on + "!</span>"); new Obj_Item_Stack_Sheet_Plasteel(GlobalFuncs.get_turf(Rand13.PickFromTable(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 1)))); } if (this.linked_console.linked_lathe != null) { foreach (dynamic _d in Lang13.Enumerate(exp_on.materials)) { material = _d; ((MaterialContainer)((dynamic)this.linked_console.linked_lathe).materials).insert_amount(Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32(((dynamic)this.linked_console.linked_lathe).materials.max_amount - ((dynamic)this.linked_console.linked_lathe).materials.total_amount), Convert.ToInt32(exp_on.materials[material])), material); } } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + "'s crusher goes way too many levels too high, crushing right through space-time!</span>"); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/effects/supermatter.ogg", 50, 1, -3); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has triggered the 'throw things' reaction.", "experimentor"); foreach (dynamic _e in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 7), typeof(Ent_Dynamic))) { AM = _e; if (!Lang13.Bool(AM.anchored)) { AM.throw_at_fast(this, 10, 1); } } } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(35 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { this.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + this + "'s crusher goes one level too high, crushing right into space-time!</span>"); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/effects/supermatter.ogg", 50, 1, -3); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has triggered the 'minor throw things' reaction.", "experimentor"); throwAt = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _f in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInViewExcludeThis(this, 7), typeof(Ent_Dynamic))) { AM2 = _f; if (!Lang13.Bool(AM2.anchored)) { throwAt.Add(AM2); } } counter = null; counter = 1; while ((counter ?? 0) < throwAt.len) { cast = throwAt[counter]; cast.throw_at_fast(Rand13.PickFromTable(throwAt), 10, 1); counter++; } } this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (exp == 8) { a = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "rumbles", "shakes", "vibrates", "shudders" }); b = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "crushes", "spins", "viscerates", "smashes", "insults" }); this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + exp_on + " " + a + ", and " + b + ", the experiment was a failure.</span>"); } if (exp == 7) { this.visible_message("" + this + " scans the " + exp_on + ", revealing its true nature!"); GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/effects/supermatter.ogg", 50, 3, -1); R4 = this.loaded_item; R4.reveal(); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has revealed a relic with <span class='danger'>" + R4.realProc + "</span> effect.", "experimentor"); this.ejectItem(); } if (Rand13.PercentChance(((int)(20 - this.badThingCoeff)))) { globalMalf = Rand13.Int(1, 100); if (globalMalf < 15) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + "'s onboard detection system has malfunctioned!</span>"); this.item_reactions["" + exp_on.type] = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }); this.ejectItem(); } if (globalMalf > 16 && globalMalf < 35) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " melts " + exp_on + ", ian-izing the air around it!</span>"); this.throwSmoke(this.loc); if (Lang13.Bool(this.trackedIan)) { this.throwSmoke(this.trackedIan.loc); this.trackedIan.loc = this.loc; this.investigate_log("Experimentor has stolen Ian!", "experimentor"); } else { new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Pet_Dog_Corgi(this.loc); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has spawned a new corgi.", "experimentor"); } this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (globalMalf > 36 && globalMalf < 50) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " improves " + exp_on + ", drawing the life essence of those nearby!</span>"); foreach (dynamic _g in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInView(this, 4), typeof(Mob_Living))) { m3 = _g; m3.WriteMsg("<span class='danger'>You feel your flesh being torn from you, mists of blood drifting to " + this + "!</span>"); m3.apply_damage(50, "brute", "chest"); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has taken 50 brute a blood sacrifice from " + m3, "experimentor"); } reqs = this.ConvertReqString2List(exp_on.origin_tech); foreach (dynamic _h in Lang13.Enumerate(reqs)) { T2 = _h; reqs[T2] = reqs[T2] + 1; } exp_on.origin_tech = String13.MakeUrlParams(reqs); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has set the origin tech of " + exp_on + " to " + exp_on.origin_tech, "experimentor"); } if (globalMalf > 51 && globalMalf < 75) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " encounters a run-time error!</span>"); this.throwSmoke(this.loc); if (Lang13.Bool(this.trackedRuntime)) { this.throwSmoke(this.trackedRuntime.loc); this.trackedRuntime.loc = this.loc; this.investigate_log("Experimentor has stolen Runtime!", "experimentor"); } else { new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Pet_Cat(this.loc); this.investigate_log("Experimentor failed to steal runtime, and instead spawned a new cat.", "experimentor"); } this.ejectItem(GlobalVars.TRUE); } if (globalMalf > 76) { this.visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + this + " begins to smoke and hiss, shaking violently!</span>"); this.f_use_power(500000); this.investigate_log("Experimentor has drained power from its APC", "experimentor"); } } Task13.Schedule(((int)(this.resetTime)), (Task13.Closure)(() => { this.icon_state = "h_lathe"; this.recentlyExperimented = false; return; })); return; }
// Function from file: datum_pipeline.dm public void reconcile_air( ) { ByTable GL = null; ByTable PL = null; int? i = null; Pipeline P = null; Obj_Machinery_Atmospherics_Components_Binary_Valve V = null; Obj_Machinery_Atmospherics_Components_Unary_PortablesConnector C = null; double total_thermal_energy = 0; double total_heat_capacity = 0; GasMixture total_gas_mixture = null; dynamic i2 = null; dynamic G = null; dynamic i3 = null; dynamic G2 = null; ByTable G_gases = null; dynamic id = null; GL = new ByTable(); PL = new ByTable(); PL.Add(this); i = null; i = 1; while ((i ?? 0) <= PL.len) { P = PL[i]; GL.Add(P.air); GL.Add(P.other_airs); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(P.other_atmosmch, typeof(Obj_Machinery_Atmospherics_Components_Binary_Valve))) { V = _a; if (V.open) { PL.Or(V.parents[1]); PL.Or(V.parents[2]); } } foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(P.other_atmosmch, typeof(Obj_Machinery_Atmospherics_Components_Unary_PortablesConnector))) { C = _b; if (C.connected_device != null) { GL.Add(C.portableConnectorReturnAir()); } } i++; } total_thermal_energy = 0; total_heat_capacity = 0; total_gas_mixture = new GasMixture(0); foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(GL)) { i2 = _c; G = i2; total_gas_mixture.volume += Convert.ToDouble(G.volume); total_gas_mixture.merge(G); total_thermal_energy += Convert.ToDouble(((GasMixture)G).thermal_energy()); total_heat_capacity += ((GasMixture)G).heat_capacity(); } total_gas_mixture.temperature = (total_heat_capacity != 0 ? total_thermal_energy / total_heat_capacity : 0); if ((total_gas_mixture.volume ?? 0) > 0) { foreach (dynamic _e in Lang13.Enumerate(GL)) { i3 = _e; G2 = i3; G2.copy_from(total_gas_mixture); G_gases = G2.gases; foreach (dynamic _d in Lang13.Enumerate(G_gases)) { id = _d; G_gases[id][1] *= G2.volume / total_gas_mixture.volume; } } } return; }