private void UpdatePosition() { double posX = 0; double posY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < solarSystem.Count; i++) { Ellipse e = (Ellipse)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(spaceFrame, i); pos = solarSystem[i].CalcPosition(time); double posXCenter = origoX - e.Width * 0.5; double posYCenter = origoY - e.Height * 0.5; if (solarSystem[i] is Moon) { Moon moon = (Moon)solarSystem[i]; SpaceObjects Parent = moon.parent; Tuple <double, double> parentPos = Parent.CalcPosition(time); posX = (posXCenter + parentPos.Item1) + pos.Item1; posY = (posYCenter + parentPos.Item2) + pos.Item2; } else { posX = origoX - e.Width * 0.5 + pos.Item1; posY = origoY - e.Height * 0.5 + pos.Item2; } positions[i] = new Point(posX, posY); Canvas.SetTop(e, posY); Canvas.SetLeft(e, posX); } }
public SolarSystemProgram() { Moon moon1 = new Moon(); Sun sun1 = new Sun(); Stars stars = new Stars(); Earth earth = new Earth(); int month = 0; // The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) // is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 var computerTime = Math.Round((DateTime.Now.Subtract(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalDays / 365); for (long year = 0; year < computerTime; year++) { // Earth completes it's orbit once a year Planet.CompletedRotation(); // lunar eclipse 0-3 times per year for (int day = 0; day < 365; day++) { // Earth completing 1 rotation creates 1 day Planet.CompletedRotation(); // The moon pulls tides every day Moon.PullTides(); if (day % 30 == 0) { // The moon completes it's orbit and a full rotation once a month Moon.CompletedOrbit(); Moon.CompletedRotation(); month++; } // The moon wanes and waxes mid-way if (day % 15 == 0) { moon1.waning = !moon1.waning; moon1.waxing = !moon1.waxing; } } Console.WriteLine(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).ToString("d")); //Light travels 300,000 kilometers per second! int kilometers = 300000; int second = 1; // One lightyear is 9.5 trillion km // new LightYear(kilometers, second); var ly = new LightYear(kilometers, second); } }
public Planet(float radius, String name, Vector3 position, String imagePath, bool hasMoon, float orbitSpeed) { this.radius = radius; = name; this.imagePathID = loadTexture(imagePath); this.position = position; this.hasMoon = hasMoon; this.orbitRotation = r.Next(360); this.orbitSpeed = orbitSpeed; if (hasMoon) { moon = new Moon(radius / 5, "Moon", this.position, "textures/moon.jpg"); } }
public SolarSystemProgram() { Moon moon1 = new Moon(); Sun sun1 = new Sun(); Stars stars = new Stars(); Earth earth = new Earth(); var month = 0; // The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) // is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 var computerTime = Math.Round((DateTime.Now.Subtract(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalDays / 365); for (long year = 0; year < computerTime; year++) { // Earth completes it's orbit once a year earth.CompletedOrbit(); // lunar eclipse 0-3 times per year for (int day = 0; day < 365; day++) { // Earth completing 1 rotation creates 1 day earth.CompletedRotation(); // The moon pulls tides every day moon1.PullTides(); if (day % 30 == 0) { // The moon completes it's orbit and a full rotation once a month moon1.CompletedOrbit(); moon1.CompletedRotation(); month++; } // The moon wanes and waxes mid-way if (day % 15 == 0) { moon1.waning = !moon1.waning; moon1.waxing = !moon1.waxing; } } } }
public List <SpaceObject> fakeSolarSystem() { Star Sun = new Star("Sun", 0, 0, 60000, 0, "Orange"); Planet Mercury = new Planet("Mercury", 80, 88, 6000, 59, "Aquamarine"); Planet Venus = new Planet("Venus", 120, 225, 10000, 243, "DarkGoldenrod"); Planet Earth = new Planet("Earth", 150, 365, 11000, 1, "SteelBlue"); Planet Mars = new Planet("Mars", 180, 687, 9800, 1.025, "Brown"); Planet Jupiter = new Planet("Jupiter", 240, 20000, 32000, 0.4125, "Salmon"); Planet Saturn = new Planet("Saturn", 300, 18000, 30004, 0.417, "BurlyWood"); Planet Uranus = new Planet("Uranus", 360, 30685, 18000, 0.67, "DeepSkyBlue"); Planet Neptun = new Planet("Neptun", 400, 60190, 17000, 0.71, "DodgerBlue"); Moon TheMoon = new Moon("The Moon", 16, 27.322, 3800, 27, "White"); Moon Phobos = new Moon("Phobos", 10, 0.3189, 3500, 0.3, "GRAY"); Mercury.setParent(Sun); Venus.setParent(Sun); Earth.setParent(Sun); Mars.setParent(Sun); Jupiter.setParent(Sun); Saturn.setParent(Sun); Uranus.setParent(Sun); Neptun.setParent(Sun); TheMoon.setParent(Earth); Phobos.setParent(Mars); Earth.setChild(TheMoon); Mars.setChild(Phobos); list.Add(Sun); list.Add(Mercury); list.Add(Venus); list.Add(Earth); list.Add(Mars); list.Add(Jupiter); list.Add(Saturn); list.Add(Uranus); list.Add(Neptun); list.Add(TheMoon); list.Add(Phobos); return(list); }
public List <SpaceObject> realSolarSystem() { Star Sun = new Star("Sun", 0, 0, 696340, 0, "Crimson"); Planet Mercury = new Planet("Mercury", 57910, 87.97, 2439.5, 59, "Aquamarine"); Planet Venus = new Planet("Venus", 108200, 224.70, 6052, 243, "DarkGoldenrod"); Planet Earth = new Planet("Earth", 149600, 365.26, 6371, 1, "SteelBlue"); Planet Mars = new Planet("Mars", 227940, 686.98, 3402.5, 1.025, "Brown"); Planet Jupiter = new Planet("Jupiter", 778330, 4332.71, 69911, 0.4125, "Salmon"); Planet Saturn = new Planet("Saturn", 1429400, 10759.5, 60268, 0.417, "BurlyWood"); Planet Uranus = new Planet("Uranus", 2870990, 30685, 25559, 0.67, "DeepSkyBlue"); Planet Neptun = new Planet("Neptun", 4504300, 60190, 24764, 0.708, "DodgerBlue"); Moon TheMoon = new Moon("The Moon", 0.384, 27.322, 1737.1, 27, "Gray"); Moon Phobos = new Moon("Phobos", 0.000009, 0.32, 11.25, 0.3, "Gray"); Mercury.setParent(Sun); Venus.setParent(Sun); Earth.setParent(Sun); Mars.setParent(Sun); Jupiter.setParent(Sun); Saturn.setParent(Sun); Uranus.setParent(Sun); Neptun.setParent(Sun); TheMoon.setParent(Earth); Phobos.setParent(Mars); Earth.setChild(TheMoon); Mars.setChild(Phobos); RealList.Add(Sun); RealList.Add(Mercury); RealList.Add(Venus); RealList.Add(Earth); RealList.Add(Mars); RealList.Add(Jupiter); RealList.Add(Saturn); RealList.Add(Uranus); RealList.Add(Neptun); RealList.Add(TheMoon); RealList.Add(Phobos); return(RealList); }
public List <Moon> GetListOfMoons() { string fileName = (Name + ".txt"); string path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), fileName); //string path = "C:/Users/user/Desktop/Specter_C#/ClassProjects/SolarSystem/" + Name + ".txt"; string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path); List <Moon> moons = new List <Moon>(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { Moon sat = new Moon(); string[] words = lines[i].Split('#'); sat.Name = words[0]; sat.Diameter = double.Parse(words[1]); sat.Mass = double.Parse(words[2]); moons.Add(sat); } return(moons); }
protected override void Initialize() { Sun = new Sun(0, 0, 0); Earth = new Earth(); Moon = new Moon(); Children.Add(Sun); Children.Add(Earth); Children.Add(Moon); Children.Add(new Monitor()); base.Initialize(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Planet Earth = new Planet("Earth"); Earth.Mass = 34; //Satellite Moon = new Satellite("Moon"); //Earth.SetSatellites(Moon); test[] items = new test[4]; //test first = new test { x = "Jupiter", y = 2 }; //test second = new test { x = "Saturn", y = 0 }; items[0] = new test { x = "Jupiter", y = 2 }; items[1] = new test { x = "Saturn", y = 0 }; items[2] = new test { x = "Jungo", y = 3 }; items[3] = new test { x = "Pluto", y = 0 }; var filteredNames = items.OrderBy(n => n.y); int min = filteredNames.First().y; var filteredNames2 = items.Where(n => n.y == min); //Console.WriteLine(filteredNames.First().y); foreach (test name in filteredNames2) { Console.WriteLine(name.x + " " + name.y); } Moon first = new Moon("First", 20, 34.9); Moon second = new Moon("Second", 24, 35.8); Moon third = new Moon("Third", 11, 5.8); List <Moon> Moons = new List <Moon>(); Moons.Add(first); Moons.Add(second); Moons.Add(third); Moons.Sort(); Planet Neptune = new Planet("Neptune"); List <Moon> MoonsOfNeptune = Neptune.GetListOfMoons(); MoonsOfNeptune.Sort(); foreach (var item in MoonsOfNeptune) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } }
protected override void Initialize() { Setting = new Setting(); Camera = new Camera(); Children = new List<GameEntity>(); Skybox = new Skybox(); Sound = new Sound(); Sun = new Sun(0, 0, 0); Earth = new Earth(); Moon = new Moon(); Children.Add(Sound); Children.Add(Sun); Children.Add(Earth); Children.Add(Moon); Children.Add(new SatelliteManager()); Children.Add(new Monitor()); base.Initialize(); }