private void EnemyShipAsteroidCollisions( EnemyShip enemyShip)
            List<LinkedList<Asteroid>> boundAsteroids = m_level.GetAsteroidPartitionTree().GetPartitionItems(enemyShip.GeneralSpriteBox);

            if (boundAsteroids.Count > 0)
                foreach (LinkedList<Asteroid> asteroids in boundAsteroids)
                    foreach (Asteroid asteroid in asteroids)
                        //Check for asteroids within the vicinity of the enemy ship, and check for collisions against these asteroids.
                        //Also, if there is no collision against the enemy ship itself use the evasion prediction box of the enemy ship
                        //to pre-emptively try to avoid collisions

                        //The evasion box is a simple technique used to evade asteroids, however it is not entirely accurate because it uses the
                        //enemyship sprite box to find asteroids within vicinity, this will work for our purposes. However if you want more accurate
                        //prediction, we have to get all asteroids within partitions of the evasion box.
                        if (enemyShip.GeneralSpriteBox.Intersects(asteroid.GeneralSpriteBox))
                        else if (enemyShip.GetEvasionRectangle().Intersects(asteroid.GeneralSpriteBox))
 private void EnemyShipBorderCollisions(EnemyShip enemyShip)
     //Get the specific sprite box of the player ship for collision calculation
     Rectangle levelBorder = m_level.GetLevelRectangle();
     Rectangle enemyShipSpriteBox = enemyShip.GeneralSpriteBox;
     //Check for Collisions with level border and enemy ship , and calculates re-adjust necessary and passes it to the ship's collision handler to
     //re-position / other effects
     if (enemyShipSpriteBox.Left < levelBorder.Left || enemyShipSpriteBox.Right > levelBorder.Right ||
         enemyShipSpriteBox.Top < levelBorder.Top || enemyShipSpriteBox.Bottom >= levelBorder.Bottom)
        private void InitializeEnemies()
            for( int i = 0; i < enemyCount; i++)
                //Parameters to initialize position, and flag to see if the current position is viable or not
                int positionX = 0;
                int positionY = 0;
                bool goodPosition = false;

                //Make sure not to spawn enemies on top of any asteroids
                while (!goodPosition)
                    positionX = worldRand.Next(mapWidth - m_enemyShipTexture.Width);
                    positionY = worldRand.Next(mapHeight - m_enemyShipTexture.Height);

                    goodPosition = true;
                    //Make the rectangle a tiny bit bigger to avoid ships starting near asteroids
                    Rectangle enemyShipRect = new Rectangle(positionX-15, positionY-15, m_enemyShipTexture.Width+30, m_enemyShipTexture.Height+30);
                    List< LinkedList<Asteroid>> boundAsteroids = m_asteroidPartitionTree.GetPartitionItems(enemyShipRect);
                    //Make sure no enemies spawn near player at beginning
                    if (positionX < mapWidth/4 && positionY < mapHeight/4)
                        goodPosition = false;
                    else if (boundAsteroids.Count > 0)
                        //ok no enemies near spawn area, use partition tree with the enemy ship rectangle to detect
                        //if any collisions occur with the ship spawn area and nearby asteroids
                        foreach (LinkedList<Asteroid> asteroids in boundAsteroids)
                            if (!goodPosition)
                            foreach (Asteroid asteroid in asteroids)
                                if (!goodPosition)
                                if (enemyShipRect.Intersects(asteroid.GeneralSpriteBox))
                                    goodPosition = false;

                EnemyShip enemyShip = new EnemyShip(m_enemyShipTexture, new Vector2(positionX, positionY), m_enemyBulletTexture, m_playerShip);
