public static bool PostXMLFileToSite(FileInfo fi)
            if (fi == null || !fi.Exists)
              return false;

              SofinsDS sds = new SofinsDS();
              sds.LoadFromAppDataFolder(fi.Directory, fi);
              string dsAsString = sds.GetXml();

              System.Net.WebRequest reqPOST = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(@"");
              reqPOST.Method = "POST"; // Устанавливаем метод передачи данных в POST
              reqPOST.Timeout = 120000; // Устанавливаем таймаут соединения
              reqPOST.ContentType = "text/xml"; // указываем тип контента
              // передаем список пар параметров / значений для запрашиваемого скрипта методом POST
              // здесь используется кодировка cp1251 для кодирования кирилицы и спец. символов в значениях параметров
              // Если скрипт должен принимать данные в utf-8, то нужно выбрать Encodinf.UTF8
              byte[] sentData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dsAsString);
              reqPOST.ContentLength = sentData.Length;
              System.IO.Stream sendStream = reqPOST.GetRequestStream();
              sendStream.Write(sentData, 0, sentData.Length);

              System.Net.WebResponse result = reqPOST.GetResponse();

              return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
              return false;

            //System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
            //wc.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("usr", "mypassword");
            //byte[] response = wc.DownloadData("http://localhost/testlogin");

            //CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();
            //Request.CookieContainer = cookies;
            //// И после каждого запроса обновляем контейнер:
            //cookies = Request.CookieContainer;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //init datasets for later use
              previousState = new SofinsDS();
              currentState = new SofinsDS();

              appDataFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
              appDataFolder = Path.Combine(appDataFolder, "Sofins"); //yes, a magic string here

              //check if it's time to scan program list
              DateTime dateOfNextCheck =

              if (DateTime.Now < dateOfNextCheck && System.Environment.MachineName.ToLower() != "homestation")
              //read the last saved list and compare it to the current list of programs
              if (previousState.LoadFromAppDataFolder(new DirectoryInfo(Program.appDataFolder), null) == false)
              {   //maybe it's the first run of the program, nothing to load
                currentStateSavedTo = currentState.SaveToAppDataFolder(new DirectoryInfo(Program.appDataFolder));
                //everything's OK

                //init software blacklist
                blacklist = new SofinsDS();
                string blacklist_filename = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "program_blacklist.xml");
                blacklist.LoadFromAppDataFolder(null, new FileInfo(blacklist_filename));

                //mark programs that shouldn't be processed
                foreach (SofinsDS.InstalledSoftwareRow inso in currentState.InstalledSoftware )
                  if (-1 != blacklist.IndexOf(inso.sName ))
                    inso.bHidden = true;

                currentStateSavedTo = currentState.SaveToAppDataFolder(new DirectoryInfo(Program.appDataFolder));

                for (int counter = currentState.InstalledSoftware.Count-1; counter > 0; --counter)
                  if (currentState.InstalledSoftware[counter].bHidden == true)

                currentStateSavedTo = currentState.SaveToAppDataFolder(new DirectoryInfo(Program.appDataFolder));

                //foreach (SofinsDS.InstalledSoftwareRow isr in currentState.InstalledSoftware)
                //  if (previousState.IndexOf(isr.sName) == -1)
                //    //TODO: a new program found, need to post information about this change to the server
                //    break;

                bool result = SofinsCommon.SofinsCommon.PostXMLFileToSite(new FileInfo(currentStateSavedTo));


            //update lastLaunchTime variable
            Properties.Settings.Default.lastLaunchTime = DateTime.Now;