/// <summary>
        /// Use Enterprise API to create new SFDC records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId"></param>
        /// <param name="serverUrl"></param>
        private static void CreateEnterpriseRecords()
            Console.WriteLine("Creating an account record with the Enterprise API ...");

            //set query endpoint to value returned by login request
            EndpointAddress apiAddr = new EndpointAddress(serverUrl);

            //instantiate session header object and set session id
            enterprise.SessionHeader header = new enterprise.SessionHeader();
            header.sessionId = sessionId;

            //create service client to call API endpoint
            using (enterprise.SoapClient createClient = new enterprise.SoapClient("Soap", apiAddr))
                enterprise.Account newAcct = new enterprise.Account();
                newAcct.Name          = "DevForce02";
                newAcct.AccountNumber = "10043332";
                //all non-string fields must have their corresponding <name>Specified property set
                newAcct.AnnualRevenue = 4000000f;
                //newAcct.AnnualRevenueSpecified = true;

                enterprise.Opportunity o = new enterprise.Opportunity();
                o.Name               = "Opp2";
                o.StageName          = "Prospecting";
                o.CloseDate          = DateTime.Parse("2013-03-22");
                o.CloseDateSpecified = true;

                enterprise.SaveResult[] results;

                    header,                         //sessionheader
                    null,                           //assignmentruleheader
                    null,                           //mruheader
                    null,                           //allowfieldtruncationheader
                    null,                           //disablefeedtrackingheader
                    null,                           //streamingenabledheader
                    null,                           //allornoneheader
                    null,                           //debuggingheader
                    null,                           //packageversionheader
                    null,                           //emailheader
                    new enterprise.sObject[] { o }, //objects to add
                    out results                     //results of the creation operation

                //only added one item, so looking at first index of results object
                if (results[0].success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Account successfully created.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Call SFDC endpoint and retrieve authentication token and API URL for SOAP callers
        /// </summary>
        private static void AuthenticateSfdcEnterpriseUser()
            //print message to console
            Console.WriteLine("Authenticating against the Enterprise API ...");

            //use default binding and address from app.config
            using (enterprise.SoapClient loginClient = new enterprise.SoapClient("Soap"))
                //set account password and account token variables
                string sfdcPassword = "******";
                string sfdcToken    = "[token]";

                //set to Force.com user account that has API access enabled
                string sfdcUserName = "******";

                //create login password value
                string loginPassword = sfdcPassword + sfdcToken;

                //call Login operation from Enterprise WSDL
                enterprise.LoginResult result =
                        null, //LoginScopeHeader

                //get response values
                sessionId = result.sessionId;
                serverUrl = result.serverUrl;

                //print response values
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The session ID is {0} and server URL is {1}", sessionId, serverUrl));
                Console.WriteLine("Press [Enter] to continue ...");
        /// <summary>
        /// Call SFDC endpoint and retrieve authentication token and API URL for SOAP callers
        /// </summary>
        private static void AuthenticateSfdcEnterpriseUser()
            //print message to console
            Console.WriteLine("Authenticating against the Enterprise API ...");

            //use default binding and address from app.config
            using (enterprise.SoapClient loginClient = new enterprise.SoapClient("Soap"))
                //set account password and account token variables
                string sfdcPassword = "******";
                string sfdcToken = "[token]";

                //set to Force.com user account that has API access enabled
                string sfdcUserName = "******";

                //create login password value
                string loginPassword = sfdcPassword + sfdcToken;

                //call Login operation from Enterprise WSDL
                enterprise.LoginResult result = 
                    null, //LoginScopeHeader

                //get response values
                sessionId = result.sessionId;
                serverUrl = result.serverUrl;

                //print response values
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The session ID is {0} and server URL is {1}", sessionId, serverUrl));
                Console.WriteLine("Press [Enter] to continue ...");
        /// <summary>
        /// Use Enterprise API to create new SFDC records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId"></param>
        /// <param name="serverUrl"></param>
        private static void CreateEnterpriseRecords()
             Console.WriteLine("Creating an account record with the Enterprise API ...");

            //set query endpoint to value returned by login request
            EndpointAddress apiAddr = new EndpointAddress(serverUrl);

            //instantiate session header object and set session id
            enterprise.SessionHeader header = new enterprise.SessionHeader();
            header.sessionId = sessionId;

            //create service client to call API endpoint
            using (enterprise.SoapClient createClient = new enterprise.SoapClient("Soap", apiAddr))
                enterprise.Account newAcct = new enterprise.Account();
                newAcct.Name = "DevForce02";
                newAcct.AccountNumber = "10043332";
                //all non-string fields must have their corresponding <name>Specified property set
                newAcct.AnnualRevenue = 4000000f;
                //newAcct.AnnualRevenueSpecified = true;

                enterprise.Opportunity o = new enterprise.Opportunity();
                o.Name = "Opp2";
                o.StageName = "Prospecting";
                o.CloseDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-03-22");
                o.CloseDateSpecified = true;

                enterprise.SaveResult[] results;

                    header, //sessionheader
                    null, //assignmentruleheader
                    null, //mruheader
                    null, //allowfieldtruncationheader
                    null, //disablefeedtrackingheader
                    null, //streamingenabledheader
                    null, //allornoneheader
                    null, //debuggingheader
                    null, //packageversionheader
                    null, //emailheader
                    new enterprise.sObject[] { o }, //objects to add
                    out results //results of the creation operation

                //only added one item, so looking at first index of results object
                if (results[0].success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Account successfully created.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Use Enteprise API to query and retrieve SFDC records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId"></param>
        /// <param name="serverUrl"></param>
        private static void QueryEnterpriseRecord()
            Console.WriteLine("Querying account records with the Enterprise API ...");

            //set query endpoint to value returned by login request
            EndpointAddress apiAddr = new EndpointAddress(serverUrl);

            //instantiate session header object and set session id
            enterprise.SessionHeader header = new enterprise.SessionHeader();
            header.sessionId = sessionId;

            //create service client to call API endpoint
            using (enterprise.SoapClient queryClient = new enterprise.SoapClient("Soap", apiAddr))
                //query standard or custom objects

                //create SOQL query statement
                string query = "SELECT Name, AccountNumber, BillingState FROM Account WHERE BillingState = 'CA'";
                enterprise.QueryResult result = queryClient.query(
                    header, //sessionheader
                    null, //queryoptions
                    null, //mruheader
                    null, //packageversion

                //cast query results
                IEnumerable<enterprise.Account> accountList = result.records.Cast<enterprise.Account>();
                //show results
                foreach (var account in accountList)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Account Name: {0}", account.Name));

                Console.WriteLine("Query complete.");

                //retrieve example

                //call retrieve operation to get one or more records of a given type and ID
                enterprise.sObject[] retrievedAccounts = queryClient.retrieve(
                    header, //sessionheader
                    null, //queryoptions
                    null, //mruheader
                    null, //packageversion
                    "Name, BillingState", //fieldlist
                    "Account", //objectype
                    new string[] { "001E000000N1H1O" } //record IDs

                foreach (enterprise.sObject so in retrievedAccounts)
                    enterprise.Account acct = (enterprise.Account)so;
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Account Name: {0}, Account State: {1}", acct.Name, acct.BillingState));

                Console.WriteLine("Retrieve complete.");
         * login sample
         * Prompts for username and password, set class variable binding
         * resets the url for the binding and adds the session header to 
         * the binding class variable
        private bool login()
            Console.Write("Enter user name: ");
            un = Console.ReadLine();
            if (un == null)
                return false;
            Console.Write("Enter password: "******"Enter Token: ");
            token = Console.ReadLine();
            if (token == null)
                return false;

            //Provide feed back while we create the web service binding
            Console.WriteLine("Creating the binding to the web service...");

                * Create the binding to the sforce servics
            binding = new SoapCaller.SfdcReference.SoapClient();

            // Time out after a minute
            //binding.Timeout = 60000;

            //Attempt the login giving the user feedback
            Console.WriteLine("LOGGING IN NOW....");
            //binding.Proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("localhost:8082");


                Console.Write("Enter user name: ");
                un = Console.ReadLine();
                if (un == null)
                    return false;
                Console.Write("Enter password: "******"Enter Token: ");
                token = Console.ReadLine();
                if (token == null)
                    return false;

                //Provide feed back while we create the web service binding
                Console.WriteLine("Creating the binding to the web service...");

                //login to the SOAP Enterprise endpoint

                //login to the SOAP Partner endpoint
                AuthenticateSfdcPartnerUser(un, pw, token); ;

            catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e)
                // This is likley to be caused by bad username or password
                Console.Write(e.Message + ", please try again.\n\nHit return to continue...");
                return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                // This is something else, probably comminication
                Console.Write(e.Message + ", please try again.\n\nHit return to continue...");
                return false;

            Console.WriteLine("\nThe session id is: " + loginResult.sessionId);
            Console.WriteLine("\nThe new server url is: " + loginResult.serverUrl);

            //Change the binding to the new endpoint
            serverUrl = loginResult.serverUrl;

            //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
            sessionId  = loginResult.sessionId;

            loggedIn = true;

            // call the getServerTimestamp method

            ///call the getUserInfo method

            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Use Enteprise API to query and retrieve SFDC records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId"></param>
        /// <param name="serverUrl"></param>
        private static void QueryEnterpriseRecord()
            Console.WriteLine("Querying account records with the Enterprise API ...");

            //set query endpoint to value returned by login request
            EndpointAddress apiAddr = new EndpointAddress(serverUrl);

            //instantiate session header object and set session id
            enterprise.SessionHeader header = new enterprise.SessionHeader();
            header.sessionId = sessionId;

            //create service client to call API endpoint
            using (enterprise.SoapClient queryClient = new enterprise.SoapClient("Soap", apiAddr))
                //query standard or custom objects

                //create SOQL query statement
                string query = "SELECT Name, AccountNumber, BillingState FROM Account WHERE BillingState = 'CA'";

                enterprise.QueryResult result = queryClient.query(
                    header, //sessionheader
                    null,   //queryoptions
                    null,   //mruheader
                    null,   //packageversion

                //cast query results
                IEnumerable <enterprise.Account> accountList = result.records.Cast <enterprise.Account>();

                //show results
                foreach (var account in accountList)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Account Name: {0}", account.Name));

                Console.WriteLine("Query complete.");

                //retrieve example

                //call retrieve operation to get one or more records of a given type and ID
                enterprise.sObject[] retrievedAccounts = queryClient.retrieve(
                    header,               //sessionheader
                    null,                 //queryoptions
                    null,                 //mruheader
                    null,                 //packageversion
                    "Name, BillingState", //fieldlist
                    "Account",            //objectype
                    new string[] { "001E000000N1H1O" } //record IDs

                foreach (enterprise.sObject so in retrievedAccounts)
                    enterprise.Account acct = (enterprise.Account)so;
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Account Name: {0}, Account State: {1}", acct.Name, acct.BillingState));

                Console.WriteLine("Retrieve complete.");