public static void GetServices(ref ArrayList arr, string[] strs1, int i, string[] strs3, int t, int j, int zxcount, string[,] sers, ServicesMessModel sm, string bltype, string zxbltype, DB_OPT dbo)
     sm = new ServicesMessDal();
     sm.PK = strs3[t];
     sm = sm.GetModel(dbo);
     string isBLService = sm.IsBLService;
     if (isBLService != null)
         if (!(isBLService == "0"))
             if (!(isBLService == "1"))
             sers = new string[1, 2];
             sers[0, 0] = (i + 1).ToString();
             if (zxcount > 1)
                 string[] strArray = new string[] { bltype, ",", strs3[t], ",", (t + 1).ToString(), ",", (j + 1).ToString(), ",", zxbltype };
                 sers[0, 1] = string.Concat(strArray);
                 string[] strArray2 = new string[] { bltype, ",", strs3[t], ",", (t + 1).ToString(), ",," };
                 sers[0, 1] = string.Concat(strArray2);
         string[] strArray3 = sm.BLPKs.Split(new char[] { '~' });
         for (int k = 0; k < strArray3.Length; k++)
             string[] strArray4 = strArray3[k].Split(new char[] { '^' });
             for (int m = 0; m < strArray4.Length; m++)
                 GetServices(ref arr, strs1, i, strArray4, m, j, zxcount, sers, sm, sm.BLPassType, zxbltype, dbo);
 public void AddTreeNode(TreeNode tn, DataRow dr, DataSet ds, DB_OPT dbo)
     TreeNode child = new TreeNode(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["PK"].ToString())
         SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand,
         ShowCheckBox = false
     TreeNode node2 = new TreeNode("List", "")
         SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand,
         ShowCheckBox = false
     TreeNode node3 = new TreeNode("Detail", "")
         SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand,
         ShowCheckBox = false
     ServicesMessModel model = new ServicesMessDal();
     string strWhere = "";
     if (((UserModel)base.Session["User"]).UserName == "admin")
         strWhere = "OperationPK='" + dr["PK"].ToString() + "' and ISSAVE=1 ";
         strWhere = "OperationPK='" + dr["PK"].ToString() + "' and CompanyPK='" + ((UserModel)base.Session["User"]).pk_corp + "' and ISSAVE=1 ";
     foreach (DataRow row in model.GetList(strWhere, dbo).Tables[0].Rows)
         if (row["name"].ToString().IndexOf("list") >= 0)
             this.AddTreeNode_SM(node2, row);
             this.AddTreeNode_SM(node3, row);
 public static ArrayList GetServices(string strs, DB_OPT dbo)
     ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
     string[] strArray = strs.Split(new char[] { '|' });
     ServicesMessModel sm = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++)
         sm = new ServicesMessDal {
             PK = strArray[i]
         sm = sm.GetModel(dbo);
         string bLPassType = sm.BLPassType;
         string[,] strArray2 = null;
         string isBLService = sm.IsBLService;
         if (isBLService != null)
             if (!(isBLService == "0"))
                 if (!(isBLService == "1"))
                 goto Label_00B1;
             strArray2 = new string[,] { { (i + 1).ToString(), strArray[i] } };
         string[] strArray3 = sm.BLPKs.Split(new char[] { '~' });
         for (int j = 0; j < strArray3.Length; j++)
             string[] strArray4 = strArray3[j].Split(new char[] { '^' });
             for (int k = 0; k < strArray4.Length; k++)
                 GetServices(ref arr, strArray, i, strArray4, k, j, strArray3.Length, strArray2, sm, bLPassType, bLPassType, dbo);
     return arr;
Exemple #4
 public bool checkServiceMess(string strWhere)
     ServicesMessModel model = new ServicesMessDal();
     this.dbo = new DB_OPT();
     return (model.GetList(strWhere, this.dbo).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0);
 public ServicesMessModel GetModelOnly(string pk, DB_OPT dbo)
     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
     builder.Append(" where PK=:PK");
     OracleParameter[] parameters = new OracleParameter[] { new OracleParameter(":PK", OracleType.Char) };
     parameters[0].Value = pk;
     DataSet set = dbo.BackDataSet(builder.ToString(), parameters, "");
     if (set.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         ServicesMessDal dal = new ServicesMessDal();
         return dal.GetModel(set.Tables[0].Rows[0], dbo);
     return null;