Exemple #1
        private void SendEmail(MembershipUser sender)
            string mailFile = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/ChangeMail.html");

            string strSubject = "Sent From " + Regex.Replace(Config.ForumTitle, @"&\w+;", "") + ": Email change request";

                var builder = new UriBuilder("http",
                                                    Request.Url.Port, Page.ResolveUrl("~/Account/activate.aspx"), string.Format("?C={0}&E=T", SnitzMembershipProvider.CreateValidationCode(sender)));

                var file = new StreamReader(mailFile);
                string msgBody = file.ReadToEnd();
                msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%UserName%>", sender.UserName);
                msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%ForumTitle%>", Config.ForumTitle);
                msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%validationURL%>", builder.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

                var mailsender = new SnitzEmail
                                                toUser = new MailAddress(newemail.Text, sender.UserName),
                                                FromUser = "******",
                                                subject = strSubject,
                                                msgBody = msgBody
        private static void SendSubscriptions(Enumerators.Subscription subType, TopicInfo topic, ReplyInfo reply,HttpContext context)
            int replyid = -1;
            int authorid = topic.AuthorId;
            int[] memberids = { };
            StringBuilder Message = new StringBuilder("<html><body>Hello {0}");
            string strSubject = String.Empty;
            HttpContext.Current = context;
            if (reply != null)
                replyid = reply.Id;
                authorid = reply.AuthorId;

            ISubscription dal = Factory<ISubscription>.Create("Subscription");
            switch (subType)
                case Enumerators.Subscription.ForumSubscription:

                    memberids = dal.GetForumSubscriptionList(topic.ForumId);

                    if (memberids.Length > 0)
                        strSubject = Config.ForumTitle.Replace("&trade;", "").Replace("&copy;", "") + " - New posting";

                            "{0} has posted to the forum {1} at {2} that you requested notification on.",
                            topic.AuthorName, topic.Forum.Subject, Config.ForumTitle);
                case Enumerators.Subscription.TopicSubscription:

                    memberids = dal.GetTopicSubscriptionList(topic.Id);

                    if (memberids.Length > 0)
                        strSubject = Config.ForumTitle.Replace("&trade;", "").Replace("&copy;", "") + " - Reply to a posting";
                        Message.AppendFormat("{0} has replied to a topic on <b>{1}</b> that you requested notification to.", reply.AuthorName, Config.ForumTitle);

            Message.AppendFormat(" Regarding the subject - {0}.", topic.Subject);
            Message.AppendFormat("You can view the posting <a href=\"{0}Content/Forums/topic.aspx?whichpage=-1&TOPIC={1}", Config.ForumUrl, topic.Id);
            if (replyid > 0)
                Message.AppendFormat("#{0}", replyid);
            foreach (int id in memberids)
                MemberInfo member = Members.GetMember(id);
                //don't send the author notification of their own posts
                if (id == authorid)
                SnitzEmail email = new SnitzEmail
                    subject = strSubject,
                    msgBody = String.Format(Message.ToString(), member.Username),
                    toUser = new MailAddress(member.Email, member.Username),
                    IsHtml = true,
                    FromUser = "******"
        private void ProcessModeration(int mode, int topicid, int replyid, int adminmodid, string comments)
            ReplyInfo reply = null;
            MembershipUser author;

            var moderator = Membership.GetUser(adminmodid);

            int forumId;

            var topic = Topics.GetTopic(topicid);
            if (replyid > 0)
                reply = Replies.GetReply(replyid);
            if (reply == null)
                forumId = topic.ForumId;
                author = Membership.GetUser(topic.AuthorId, false);
                forumId = reply.ForumId;
                author = Membership.GetUser(reply.AuthorId, false);
            var forum = Forums.GetForum(forumId);

            var strSubject = new StringBuilder();
            strSubject.AppendFormat("{0} - Your post ", Regex.Replace(Config.ForumTitle, @"&\w+;", ""));
            if (mode == 1)
                strSubject.AppendLine("has been approved ");
            else if (mode == 2)
                strSubject.AppendLine("has been placed on hold ");
                strSubject.AppendLine("has been rejected ");
            var strMessage = new StringBuilder();
            strMessage.AppendFormat("Hello {0}.", author.UserName).AppendLine().AppendLine();
            strMessage.Append("You made a ");

            if (replyid == 0)
                strMessage.Append("post ");
                strMessage.Append("reply to the post ");
            strMessage.AppendFormat("in the {0} forum entitled {1}. {2} has decided to ", forum.Subject, moderator.UserName);

            if (mode == 1)
                strMessage.Append("approve your post ");
            else if (mode == 2)
                strMessage.Append("place your post on hold ");
                strMessage.Append("reject your post ");
            strMessage.AppendLine("for the following reason:").AppendLine();
            strMessage.AppendFormat("If you have any questions, please contact {0} at {1}", moderator.UserName, moderator.Email).AppendLine();

            var mailsender = new SnitzEmail
                toUser = new MailAddress(author.Email, author.UserName),
                FromUser = "******",
                IsHtml = false,
                subject = strSubject.ToString(),
                msgBody = strMessage.ToString()

        public string SendPrivateMessage(string touser, string message, string subject, string layout)
            string username = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser(username);
            ProfileCommon profile = ProfileCommon.GetUserProfile(username);
            if (currentUser == null || currentUser.ProviderUserKey == null)
                return null;

            var pm = new PrivateMessageInfo
                Subject = subject,
                Message = message,
                ToMemberId = Convert.ToInt32(touser),
                FromMemberId = (int)currentUser.ProviderUserKey,
                Read = 0,
                OutBox = layout != "none" ? 1 : 0,
                SentDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToForumDateStr(),
                Mail = profile.PMEmail == null ? 0 : profile.PMEmail.Value

            //do we need to send an email
            MembershipUser toUser = Membership.GetUser(Convert.ToInt32(touser));
            if (toUser != null && Config.UseEmail)
                ProfileCommon toprofile = ProfileCommon.GetUserProfile(toUser.UserName);
                if (toprofile.PMEmail.HasValue)
                    if (toprofile.PMEmail.Value == 1)
                        SnitzEmail notification = new SnitzEmail
                            FromUser = "******",
                            toUser = new MailAddress(toUser.Email),
                            subject = Regex.Replace(Config.ForumTitle, @"&\w+;", "") + " - New Private message"
                        string strMessage = "Hello " + toUser.UserName;
                        strMessage = strMessage + username + " has sent you a private message at " + Config.ForumTitle + "." + Environment.NewLine;
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subject))
                            strMessage = strMessage + "Regarding - " + subject + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                            strMessage = strMessage + "With the subject entitled - " + message + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                        notification.msgBody = strMessage;
            return PrivateMessage.PmSent;
        public string SendEmail(string name, string email, string message, string subject)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new Exception("You must supply a name.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                MembershipUser mu = Membership.GetUser(name, false);
                if (mu == null)
                    throw new Exception("You must supply an email address.");
                email = mu.Email;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                throw new Exception("Please provide a message to send.");

            string strSubject;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subject))
                strSubject = "Sent From " + Regex.Replace(Config.ForumTitle, @"&\w+;", "") + " by " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                strSubject = subject;

            var mailsender = new SnitzEmail
                toUser = new MailAddress(email, name),
                FromUser = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name,
                subject = strSubject,
                IsHtml = false,
                msgBody = message

            return "Your Email has been sent successfully";
Exemple #6
        private void EditTopic()
            #region check for changes to poll

            var pollregex = new Regex(@"(?<poll>\[poll=\x22(?<question>.+?)\x22](?<answers>.+?)\[\/poll])",

            if (pollregex.IsMatch(Message.Text))
                string topicPoll = pollregex.Match(Message.Text).Value;
                if (topicPoll == "" || topicPoll == "remove")
                    if (_thisTopic.PollId.HasValue) Polls.DeleteTopicPoll(_thisTopic.PollId.Value);
                else if (_thisTopic.Forum.AllowPolls)
                    var answers = new Regex(@"\[\*=(?<sort>[0-9]+)](?<answer>.+?)\[/\*]",
                        RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
                    string question = "";
                    var choices = new SortedList<int, string>();

                    MatchCollection mc = pollregex.Matches(topicPoll);
                    if (mc.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Match m in mc)
                            question = m.Groups["question"].Value;
                            string answer = m.Groups["answers"].Value;

                            MatchCollection ans = answers.Matches(answer);
                            foreach (Match match in ans)
                                choices.Add(Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["sort"].Value), match.Groups["answer"].Value);
                        if (_thisTopic.PollId.HasValue)
                            Polls.UpdateTopicPoll(_thisTopic.PollId.Value, question, choices);
                Message.Text = pollregex.Replace(Message.Text, "");


            int oldforumId = _thisTopic.ForumId;
            Topics.Update(_thisTopic.Id, Message.Text, tbxSubject.Text, Member, IsAdministrator, cbxSig.Checked);
            if (ForumDropDown.SelectedValue != oldforumId.ToString() && ForumDiv.Visible)
                //move the topic
                int forumid = Convert.ToInt32(ForumDropDown.SelectedValue);
                Topics.ChangeTopicForum(_thisTopic.Id, forumid);
                object obj = -1;
                Cache["RefreshKey"] = obj;
                _thisTopic.Author = Members.GetAuthor(_thisTopic.AuthorId);

                if (Config.MoveNotify && _thisTopic.Author.Status != 0)
                    _forum = Forums.GetForum(forumid);
                    string mailFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TopicMoveEmail"];
                    string strSubject = "Sent From " + Regex.Replace(Config.ForumTitle, @"&\w+;", "") + ": Topic move notification";

                    var builder = new UriBuilder("http",
                        Request.Url.Port, Page.ResolveUrl("~/Content/Forums/forum.aspx"), string.Format("?FORUM={0}", _forum.Id));

                    var file = new StreamReader(mailFile);
                    string msgBody = file.ReadToEnd();
                    msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%UserName%>", _thisTopic.AuthorName);
                    msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%ForumUrl%>", Config.ForumTitle);
                    msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%TopicSubject%>", _thisTopic.Subject);
                    msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%MovedTo%>", _forum.Subject);
                    msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%URL%>", builder.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

                    var mailsender = new SnitzEmail
                        toUser = new MailAddress(_thisTopic.Author.Email, _thisTopic.AuthorName),
                        FromUser = "******",
                        subject = strSubject,
                        IsHtml = true,
                        msgBody = msgBody
            if (cbxLock.Checked && _inModeratedList)
                Topics.SetTopicStatus(_thisTopic.Id, (int) Enumerators.PostStatus.Closed);
            if (_inModeratedList)
                Topics.MakeSticky(_thisTopic.Id, cbxSticky.Checked);

            if (pingSiteMap)
            Response.Redirect("/Content/Forums/topic.aspx?TOPIC=" + _thisTopic.Id);
    protected void EmailConfirmation(string username)
        //todo: load text files from app_data folder;

        MembershipUser mu = Membership.GetUser(username, false);
        SnitzEmail mailsender = new SnitzEmail
                                        toUser = new MailAddress(mu.Email, mu.UserName),
                                        FromUser = Resources.extras.lblAdministrator,
                                        subject = Resources.extras.RegApproval,
                                        IsHtml = true,
                                        msgBody = LoadApprovalTemplate(mu)


Exemple #8
    private void SendEmail(string user, string password)
        string mailFile = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/AdminRegisterMail.html");
        string strSubject = "Sent From " + Config.ForumTitle;
        StreamReader file = new StreamReader(mailFile);
        string msgBody = file.ReadToEnd();
        msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%UserName%>", user);
        msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%Password%>", password);
        msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%ForumTitle%>", Config.ForumTitle);
        msgBody = msgBody.Replace("<%ForumUrl%>", Config.ForumUrl);

        MembershipUser mu = Membership.GetUser(user, false);
        SnitzEmail mailsender = new SnitzEmail
                                        toUser = new MailAddress(mu.Email, mu.UserName),
                                        FromUser = "******",
                                        subject = strSubject,
                                        IsHtml = true,
                                        msgBody = msgBody