private static void HandleCollision(Snake snake, ConsoleRenderer renderer) { List<GameFieldCoords> snakeElements = new List<GameFieldCoords>(); foreach (GameFieldCoords element in snake.GetPosition()) { snakeElements.Add(element); } foreach (GameFieldCoords element in snakeElements) { if (element.Row >= renderer.GameFieldSize.Row || element.Row < 0 || element.Col >= renderer.GameFieldSize.Col || element.Col < 0) { snake.IsDestroyed = true; } } for (int element = 0; element < snakeElements.Count - 1; element++) { if (snakeElements.Last().Row == snakeElements[element].Row && snakeElements.Last().Col == snakeElements[element].Col) { snake.IsDestroyed = true; } } }
protected override void Initialize() { //Init the background grid backgroundGrid = new Grid(this, "backgroundFile.txt"); //Init the background brick texture bgBrick = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures/GreyBlock"); //Init the snake snake = new Snake(this, backgroundGrid); //Init the snake texture snakeTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures/RedBlock"); base.Initialize(); }
private static void HandleEating(Snake snake, List<Food> foodList) { foreach (Food food in foodList) { foreach (GameFieldCoords snakeElementPosition in snake.GetPosition()) { if (food.GetPosition()[0].Row == snakeElementPosition.Row && food.GetPosition()[0].Col == snakeElementPosition.Col) { snake.GetBigger(); food.RespondToEating(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// จุดเริ่มต้นของ Game /// </summary> public static void Main() { Console.CursorVisible = false; grassField = new GrassField(); snake = new Snake(grassField); food = new Food(grassField); snake.Food = food; scoreBoard = new ScoreBoard(grassField); grassField.Render(); snake.Render(); food.Render(); scoreBoard.Render(); Loop(); }
public Engine(ConsoleRenderer renderer, IUserController controller, int snakeLength, int foodAmount) { this.userName = this.usersManager.RequestUserName(renderer); this.renderer = renderer; this.controller = controller; this.snakeLength = snakeLength; this.foodAmount = foodAmount; this.foodList = new List<Food>(foodAmount); this.snake = new Snake(snakeLength); for (int counter = 0; counter < foodAmount; counter++) { this.AddFood(); } }
// 먹이를 먹었나 판단 public void IsEatFood() { if (map[sn[0].PointX, sn[0].PointY] == 3 && Count < 21) { Count++; sn[Count] = new Snake(sn[Count - 1].PointX, sn[Count - 1].PointY); MakeFood(); timer1.Interval = (int)(timer1.Interval * 0.93); SpeedX = SpeedX + 22; } else if (map[sn[0].PointX, sn[0].PointY] == 3) { Count++; sn[Count] = new Snake(sn[Count - 1].PointX, sn[Count - 1].PointY); MakeFood(); } }
public void SnakeShouldDieCollidingWithHerself() { var game = new Game(map2); var snake = new SnakeGame.Snake(new Point(1, 1), Direction.Down, ""); game.aliveCreatures.Add(snake); for (var i = 2; i < game.MapHeight; i++) {[1, i] = new Food(new Point(1, i), "food"); game.GameIteration(); } game.KeyPressed(Keys.Right); game.GameIteration(); game.KeyPressed(Keys.Up); game.GameIteration(); game.KeyPressed(Keys.Left); game.GameIteration(); Assert.AreEqual(true, game.isOver); Assert.AreEqual(false, snake.IsAlive()); }
public void InitSnake() { //게임시작전 지렁이 위치 세팅 (21 * 21맵) Random random = new Random(); int x = random.Next(10, 22); // 벽에 너무 붙어서 지렁이가 생성되지 않도록 범위지정 int y = random.Next(10, 22); // 위와 동일 while (true) { if ((13 > x || x > 18) && (y < 21 || y > 18)) break; else { x = random.Next(10, 22); // 벽에 너무 붙어서 지렁이가 생성되지 않도록 범위지정 y = random.Next(10, 22); // 위와 동일 } } PointX = x; PointY = y; sn[0] = new Snake(PointX, PointY); sn[1] = new Snake(PointX, PointY); // 여기들도 쫌 문제가 있음 sn[2] = new Snake(PointX, PointY); }
//method just to make a restart of the game public void restart() { timer1.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("Game Over"); writeToDatabase(score); snakeScoreLabel.Text = "0"; score = 0; spaceBarLabel.Text = "Press Space Bar to Begin"; snake = new Snake(); //by assigning snake to the new data type of the snake class the //whole program is like new and restarts. }
public void MoveLeft(Snake snake) { Console.SetCursorPosition(snake.headX, snake.headY); Console.Write("*"); }
public Food(Snake snake, Obstacles obstacles) { this.snake = snake; this.obstacles = obstacles; }
public Make(Map map, Snake snake) { = map; this.snake = snake; }
public static void HandleCollisions(Snake snake, List<Food> foodList, ConsoleRenderer renderer) { HandleEating(snake, foodList); HandleCollision(snake, renderer); }
public void SetupNewGame() { snake = getCenter(); GetNewApple(); }
void time_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (direction != 0) { for (int i = snakebody.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { snakebody[i] = snakebody[i - 1]; } } if (direction == up) { y -= 10; } if (direction == down) { y += 10; } if (direction == left) { x -= 10; } if (direction == right) { x += 10; } if (snakebody[0].x == food[0].x && snakebody[0].y == food[0].y) { snakebody.Add(new Snake(food[0].x, food[0].y)); food[0] = new Food(rd.Next(0, 37) * 10, rd.Next(0, 35) * 10); mycanvas.Children.RemoveAt(0); addfoodincanvas(); score++; txtbScore.Text = score.ToString(); } snakebody[0] = new Snake(x, y); if (snakebody[0].x > 370 || snakebody[0].y > 350 || snakebody[0].x < 0 || snakebody[0].y < 0) { this.Close(); } for (int i = 1; i < snakebody.Count; i++) { if (snakebody[0].x == snakebody[i].x && snakebody[0].y == snakebody[i].y) { this.Close(); } } for (int i = 0; i < mycanvas.Children.Count; i++) { if (mycanvas.Children[i] is Rectangle) { count++; } } mycanvas.Children.RemoveRange(1, count); count = 0; addsnakeincanvas(); }
public InputController(Snake _snake) { snake = _snake; }
private void Restart() { _isSnakeDead = false; _snake = CreateSnake(); }
private static void Start() { Walls walls = new Walls(Width, Height); walls.Draw(); Point p = new Point(4, 5, '@'); Snake snake = new Snake(p, 4, Direction.RIGHT); snake.Draw(); FoodCreator foodCreator = new FoodCreator(Width, Height, '$'); Point food = foodCreator.CreateFood(snake); food.Draw(); int[,] s = new int[Width, Height]; while (true) { if (walls.IsHit(snake) || snake.IsHitTail()) { break; } if (snake.Eat(food)) { do { food = foodCreator.CreateFood(snake); } while (IsColision(snake, food)); food.Draw(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++) { s[i, j] = (int)Figures.EmptySpace; } } foreach (var item in walls.Points) { s[item.x, item.y] = (int)Figures.Barrier; } s[food.x, food.y] = (int)Figures.Destination; foreach (var item in snake.Points) { var first = snake.Points.Last(); if (item == first) { s[item.x, item.y] = (int)Figures.StartPosition; } else { s[item.x, item.y] = (int)Figures.Barrier; } } var li = new LeeAlgorithm(s); System.Drawing.Point head = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); System.Drawing.Point nextstep; if (!li.PathFound) { food = foodCreator.CreateFood(snake); } else { foreach (var item in li.Path) { if (item == li.Path.Last()) { s[item.Item1, item.Item2] = (int)Figures.StartPosition; head = new System.Drawing.Point(item.Item1, item.Item2); } else if (item == li.Path.First()) { s[item.Item1, item.Item2] = (int)Figures.Destination; } else { s[item.Item1, item.Item2] = (int)Figures.Path; } } nextstep = new System.Drawing.Point(li.Path[li.Path.Count - 2].Item1, li.Path[li.Path.Count - 2].Item2); var dir = GetDirection(head, nextstep); switch (dir) { case Direction.LEFT: snake.HandleKey(ConsoleKey.LeftArrow); break; case Direction.RIGHT: snake.HandleKey(ConsoleKey.RightArrow); break; case Direction.UP: snake.HandleKey(ConsoleKey.UpArrow); break; case Direction.DOWN: snake.HandleKey(ConsoleKey.DownArrow); break; } } int speed = 1; snake.Move(); Thread.Sleep(speed); } } WriteGameOver(); Console.ReadLine(); }
/** * Gama main logic. */ private Snake Logic(Snake snake) { var preX = snake.TailX[0]; var preY = snake.TailY[0]; // Move snake. if (snake.Direction != "STOP") { snake.TailX[0] = snake.HeadX; snake.TailY[0] = snake.HeadY; for (var i = 1; i < snake.NTail; i++) { var tempX = snake.TailX[i]; var tempY = snake.TailY[i]; snake.TailX[i] = preX; snake.TailY[i] = preY; preX = tempX; preY = tempY; } } if (snake.Direction == "RIGHT") { // Move right. snake.HeadX++; } else if (snake.Direction == "LEFT") { // Move left. snake.HeadX--; } else if (snake.Direction == "UP") { // Move forvard. snake.HeadY--; } else if (snake.Direction == "DOWN") { // Move back. snake.HeadY++; } else if (snake.Direction == "STOP") { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.CursorLeft = Width / 2 - 6; Console.WriteLine("GAME PAUSED"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" - Press S to resume the game"); Console.WriteLine(" - Press R to reset the game"); Console.Write(" - Press ESC to quit the game"); _keypress = Console.ReadKey(true); if (_keypress.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { // Close game. Environment.Exit(0); } else if (_keypress.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { // Reset game. _reset = true; break; } else if (_keypress.Key == ConsoleKey.S) { // Resume game. break; } } snake.Direction = snake.PreDirection; } // Ff the snake collided with borders. if (snake.HeadX <= 0 || snake.HeadX >= Width - 1 || snake.HeadY <= 0 || snake.HeadY >= Height - 1) { _gameOver = true; } else { _gameOver = false; } if (snake.HeadX == Fruit.X && snake.HeadY == Fruit.Y) { // Ate fruit. _score += Fruits[Fruit.Id].Weight; snake.NTail++; Fruit.X = Rand.Next(1, Width - 1); Fruit.Y = Rand.Next(1, Height - 1); Fruit.Id = Rand.Next(0, Fruits.Count - 1); } for (var i = 1; i < snake.NTail; i++) { // if the snake collided with itself. if (snake.TailX[i] == snake.HeadX && snake.TailY[i] == snake.HeadY) { if (snake.IsHorizontal() || snake.IsVertical()) { _gameOver = false; } else { _gameOver = true; } } if (snake.TailX[i] != Fruit.X || snake.TailY[i] != Fruit.Y) { continue; } Fruit.X = Rand.Next(1, Width - 1); Fruit.Y = Rand.Next(1, Height - 1); Fruit.Id = Rand.Next(0, Fruits.Count - 1); } return(snake); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SnakeGame.GameplayController"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="difficulty">The difficulty level to play at.</param> public GameplayController(Difficulty difficulty) { _score = new Score(difficulty); _playArea = new Grid(32, 32); _player = new Snake(_playArea, _playArea[16, 16], 5, Direction.Right); _objective = new Fruit(_playArea, _player.OccupiedCells, 3); _handler = new FruitEatenHandler(_objective, _player, _score); _mover = new SnakeMovementControlHandler(_player, (int)difficulty); _mover.OutOfBounds += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { string finalScore = "Final score: " + _score.Value; Color textColor = CellDrawing.GetColor("#e00707"); EventHandler gameOverText = delegate(object sender2, EventArgs e2) { SwinGame.DrawText("GAME OVER", textColor, 96, 128); SwinGame.DrawText(finalScore, textColor, 96, 140); }; var gameOverTimeout = new System.Timers.Timer(2048); gameOverTimeout.Elapsed += (object sender2, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e2) => { gameOverTimeout.Stop(); gameOverTimeout.Dispose(); RenderEvents.RenderTick -= gameOverText; OnDone(new ScoreInputController(_score)); }; gameOverTimeout.Start(); RenderEvents.RenderTick += gameOverText; }; _mover.AfterMove += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _handler.EvaluateState(); }; _up = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_w) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_UP)); }); _up.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Up); }; _left = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_a) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_LEFT)); }); _left.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Left); }; _down = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_s) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_DOWN)); }); _down.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Down); }; _right = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_d) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_RIGHT)); }); _right.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Right); }; Color scoreColor = CellDrawing.GetColor("#008282"); _renderer = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { int offset = 1; int x; int y; for (y = -1, x = -1; x <= _playArea.Width; x++) { CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, x, y)); CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, x, _playArea.Height)); } for (y = 0, x = -1; y < _playArea.Height; y++) { CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, x, y)); CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, _playArea.Width, y)); } foreach (MovementNode node in _player) { CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, node.Cell); } CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, _objective.OccupiedCell); SwinGame.DrawText("Score: " + _score.Value, scoreColor, 12, 2); }; RenderEvents.RenderTick += _renderer; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Number of foods eaten and length of body int score = 4; // Size of game board int width = Console.WindowWidth; int height = Console.WindowHeight; // Positioning snake in the middle of the game field int x = width / 2; int y = height / 2; // Starting game speed decimal gameSpeed = 150m; // Removes the marker that appears in front of the snake Console.CursorVisible = false; bool gameIsPlaying = true; bool wallIsHit; bool bodyIsHit; bool foodIsEaten; // Show current score on screen var currentScore = new Score(score); currentScore.ShowScore(score, width); // Draw game board var gameBoard = new GameBoard(width, height); gameBoard.Draw(); // Place snake on game board var snake = new Snake(x, y, score); snake.DrawSnake(); // Create food var food = new Food(width, height); food.DrawFood(); // Read which key is pressed ConsoleKey direction = Console.ReadKey().Key; // Game loop while (gameIsPlaying) { // Detect if snake hits wall wallIsHit = snake.SnakeCollidedWithWall(snake.SnakeX, snake.SnakeY, height, width); if (wallIsHit) { gameIsPlaying = false; Console.SetCursorPosition(width / 2 - 16, height / 2 - 1); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER! The snake hit the wall :("); } // Detect if snake hits itself bodyIsHit = snake.SnakeCollidedWithItself(snake.SnakeX, snake.SnakeY); if (bodyIsHit) { gameIsPlaying = false; Console.SetCursorPosition(width / 2 - 16, height / 2 - 1); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER! The snake hit itself :("); } // Detect if apple was eaten foodIsEaten = food.FoodWasEaten(snake.SnakeX, snake.SnakeY, food.X, food.Y); if (foodIsEaten) { // Keep track of how many foods were eaten + make snake longer score++; // Update score that is displayed on the screen currentScore = new Score(score); currentScore.ShowScore(score, width); // Create new food item and draw it on the game board food = new Food(width, height); food.DrawFood(); // Make snake faster gameSpeed *= 0.925m; } snake.DrawSnake(); snake.MoveSnakeBody(foodIsEaten); // Change direction of snake switch (direction) { case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: snake.Movement(direction); break; } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { direction = Console.ReadKey().Key; } // Slow down the game Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(gameSpeed)); } } // end of Main()