public ModuleInfo(IServiceContainer ctx, SpanStream __stream) : base(__stream) { DBIReader dbi = ctx.GetService<DBIReader>(); this.EC = dbi.EC; OpenModuleHandle = ReadUInt32(); SectionContribution = new SectionContrib(this); Position += SectionContrib.SIZE; Flags = new ModuleInfoFlags(ReadUInt16()); StreamNumber = ReadInt16(); SymbolsSize = ReadUInt32(); LinesSize = ReadUInt32(); C13LinesSize = ReadUInt32(); NumberOfFiles = ReadUInt16(); ReadUInt16(); FileNameOffsets = ReadUInt32(); ECInfo = Read<ECInfo>(); ModuleName = ReadCString(); ObjectFileName = ReadCString(); }
public ModuleInfo(IServiceContainer ctx, SpanStream __stream, int modIndex) : base(__stream) { long savedPosition = Position; this.ModuleIndex = modIndex; DBIReader dbi = ctx.GetService <DBIReader>(); this.dbi = dbi; MSFReader msf = ctx.GetService <MSFReader>(); OpenModuleHandle = ReadUInt32(); switch (msf.FileType) { case PDBType.Big: SectionContribution = new SectionContrib(ctx, this); Position += SectionContrib.SIZE; break; case PDBType.Small: SectionContribution = new SectionContrib40(ctx, this); Position += SectionContrib40.SIZE; break; } Flags = new ModuleInfoFlags(ReadUInt16()); StreamNumber = ReadInt16(); SymbolsSize = ReadUInt32(); LinesSize = ReadUInt32(); C13LinesSize = ReadUInt32(); NumberOfFiles = ReadUInt16(); ReadUInt16(); FileNameOffsets = ReadUInt32(); if (msf.FileType == PDBType.Big) { ECInfo = Read <ECInfo>(); } else { ECInfo = null; } ModuleName = ReadCString(); ObjectFileName = ReadCString(); Size = Position - savedPosition; /////// SectionContribs = new CachedEnumerable <SectionContrib40>( this.dbi.SectionContribs.GetByModule(this) ); }
public SectionContrib40(IServiceContainer ctx, SpanStream stream) : base(stream) { SectionIndex = ReadUInt16(); ReadUInt16(); Offset = ReadUInt32(); Size = ReadUInt32(); Characteristics = ReadUInt32(); ModuleIndex = ReadInt16(); ReadUInt16(); //////// DBIReader dbi = ctx.GetService <DBIReader>(); moduleLazy = LazyFactory.CreateLazy(() => ModuleIndex == -1 ? null : dbi.Modules[this.ModuleIndex]); }
public PDBFile(FileStream stream) { this.fs = stream; this.StreamTable = Services.GetService <StreamTableReader>(); = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(stream, null, 0, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read, HandleInheritability.Inheritable, true); this.FileType = DetectPdbType(); Services.AddService <PDBFile>(this); //$TODO if (this.FileType == PDBType.Small) { throw new NotImplementedException($"Small/Old/JG PDBs not supported/tested yet"); } MSFReader msf = new MSFReader(mf, stream.Length); Services.AddService <MSFReader>(msf); StreamTableReader streamTable; // init stream table { byte[] streamTableData = msf.StreamTable(); streamTable = new StreamTableReader(Services, streamTableData); } Services.AddService <StreamTableReader>(streamTable); DBIReader dbi; // init DBI { byte[] dbiData = streamTable.GetStream(DefaultStreams.DBI); dbi = new DBIReader(Services, dbiData); OnDbiInit?.Invoke(dbi); } Services.AddService <DBIReader>(dbi); TPIReader tpi; // init TPI { byte[] tpiData = streamTable.GetStream(DefaultStreams.TPI); tpi = new TPIReader(Services, new SpanStream(tpiData)); OnTpiInit?.Invoke(tpi); } Services.AddService <TPIReader>(tpi); TPIHashReader tpiHash = null; // init TPIHash if (tpi.Header.Hash.StreamNumber != -1) { byte[] tpiHashData = streamTable.GetStream(tpi.Header.Hash.StreamNumber); tpiHash = new TPIHashReader(Services, tpiHashData); Services.AddService <TPIHashReader>(tpiHash); } // init resolver TypeResolver resolver = new TypeResolver(Services); Services.AddService <TypeResolver>(resolver); // init Hasher HasherV2 hasher = new HasherV2(Services); Services.AddService <HasherV2>(hasher); PdbStreamReader nameMap; // init NameMap { byte[] nameMapData = streamTable.GetStream(DefaultStreams.PDB); nameMap = new PdbStreamReader(nameMapData); } Services.AddService <PdbStreamReader>(nameMap); NamedStreamTableReader namedStreamTable = new NamedStreamTableReader(Services); Services.AddService <NamedStreamTableReader>(namedStreamTable); UdtNameTableReader udtNameTable = null; // init UdtNameMap { byte[] namesData = namedStreamTable.GetStreamByName("/names"); if (namesData != null) { udtNameTable = new UdtNameTableReader(Services, namesData); Services.AddService <UdtNameTableReader>(udtNameTable); } } }
public PDBFile(FileStream stream) { this.fs = stream; = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(stream, null, 0, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read, HandleInheritability.Inheritable, true); this.memSpan = new MemoryMappedSpan <byte>(mf, (int)fs.Length); this.StreamTable = Services.GetService <StreamTableReader>(); Services.AddService <PDBFile>(this); this.Type = MSFReader.DetectPdbType(memSpan.GetSpan()); MSFReader msf = null; StreamTableReader streamTable = null; if (Type != PDBType.Old) { switch (Type) { case PDBType.Big: msf = new MSFReaderDS(memSpan.Memory); break; case PDBType.Small: msf = new MSFReaderJG(memSpan.Memory); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Services.AddService <MSFReader>(msf); // init stream table { byte[] streamTableData = msf.StreamTable(); streamTable = new StreamTableReader(Services, streamTableData); } Services.AddService <StreamTableReader>(streamTable); DBIReader dbi; // init DBI { byte[] dbiData = streamTable.GetStream(DefaultStreams.DBI); dbi = new DBIReader(Services, dbiData); OnDbiInit?.Invoke(dbi); } Services.AddService <DBIReader>(dbi); } TPIReader tpi; // init TPI { SpanStream tpiStream; if (Type != PDBType.Old) { byte[] tpiData = streamTable.GetStream(DefaultStreams.TPI); tpiStream = new SpanStream(tpiData); } else { Span <byte> span = memSpan.GetSpan(); JGHeaderOld header = span.Read <JGHeaderOld>(0); // $TODO: the MSFReader interface should be abstracted into a more generic PDBHeader Services.AddService <JGHeaderOld>(header); tpiStream = new SpanStream(span.Slice(header.SIZE).ToArray()); } tpi = new TPIReader(Services, tpiStream); OnTpiInit?.Invoke(tpi); } Services.AddService <TPIReader>(tpi); TPIHashReader tpiHash = null; // init TPIHash if (Type != PDBType.Old && tpi.Header.Hash.StreamNumber != -1) { byte[] tpiHashData = streamTable.GetStream(tpi.Header.Hash.StreamNumber); tpiHash = new TPIHashReader(Services, tpiHashData); Services.AddService <TPIHashReader>(tpiHash); } // init resolver TypeResolver resolver = new TypeResolver(Services); Services.AddService <TypeResolver>(resolver); // init Hasher HasherV2 hasher = new HasherV2(Services); Services.AddService <HasherV2>(hasher); if (Type != PDBType.Old) { { // init NameMap byte[] nameMapData = streamTable.GetStream(DefaultStreams.PDB); PdbStreamReader nameMap = new PdbStreamReader(nameMapData); Services.AddService <PdbStreamReader>(nameMap); } NamedStreamTableReader namedStreamTable = new NamedStreamTableReader(Services); Services.AddService <NamedStreamTableReader>(namedStreamTable); { // init UdtNameMap byte[] namesData = namedStreamTable.GetStreamByName("/names"); if (namesData != null) { UdtNameTableReader udtNameTable = new UdtNameTableReader(Services, namesData); Services.AddService <UdtNameTableReader>(udtNameTable); } } } }