public void AddAction(SMVAction action, SMVActionCompleteCallBack callback, object context) { Log.LogDebug("Reached Add Action of Local " + action.GetFullName()); var entry = new ActionsQueueEntry(action, callback, context); actionsQueue.Enqueue(entry); }
/// <summary> /// This function runs in its own thread, dequeueing actions from the actions queue and sending them to the /// appropriate scheduler. /// </summary> private void Execute() { while (!done) { ActionsQueueEntry entry; while (!done && actionsQueue.TryDequeue(out entry)) { SMVAction action = entry.Action; string schedulerType = action.executeOn; if (!schedulers.ContainsKey(schedulerType)) { Log.LogFatalError("Could not find scheduler of type: " + schedulerType + " while executing action " +; } else { Log.LogDebug("scheduler found for " + schedulerType); ISMVActionScheduler scheduler = schedulers[schedulerType]; lock (Utility.lockObject) { Utility.result.Add(action.GetFullName(), "Skipped"); } scheduler.AddAction(action, new SMVActionCompleteCallBack(ActionComplete), entry); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } }
public ActionsQueueEntry(SMVAction action, SMVActionCompleteCallBack callback, object context) { this.Action = action; this.Callback = callback; this.Context = context; this.Results = new List <SMVActionResult>(); }
public void AddAction(SMVAction action, SMVActionCompleteCallBack callback, object context) { try { Log.LogDebug("Reached AddAction of cloud" + action.GetFullName()); Log.LogDebug("Adding action " + action.GetFullName()); string actionGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Upload action directory to blob storage. string actionPath = Utility.GetActionDirectory(action); string zipPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), actionGuid); if (File.Exists(zipPath)) { File.Delete(zipPath); } ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(actionPath, zipPath); Log.LogDebug("Created zip for " + actionPath); CloudBlockBlob blob = inputContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(actionGuid + ".zip"); blob.UploadFromFile(zipPath); File.Delete(zipPath); Log.LogDebug("Uploaded blob " + blob.Name); // Add entry to table storage. // TODO: Due to constraints on sizes of properties in Azure table entities, serializedAction cannot be larger // than 64kB. Fix this if this becomes an issue. byte[] serializedAction = Utility.ObjectToByteArray(action); string moduleHash = string.Empty; ActionsTableEntry entry = new ActionsTableEntry(, actionGuid, schedulerInstanceGuid, serializedAction, Utility.version, null, moduleHash); tableDataSource.AddEntry(entry); Log.LogDebug("Added to table " + entry.PartitionKey + "," + entry.RowKey); CloudMessage cloudMessage = new CloudMessage(); cloudMessage.schedulerInstanceGuid = schedulerInstanceGuid; cloudMessage.actionGuid = actionGuid; cloudMessage.maxDequeueCount = maxDequeueCount; cloudMessage.useDb = Utility.useDb; cloudMessage.taskId = Utility.taskId; string messageString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cloudMessage); // Add message to queue. //Log.LogInfo("Executing: " + action.GetFullName() + " [cloud id:" + actionGuid + "]"); //string messageString = schedulerInstanceGuid + "," + actionGuid + "," + maxDequeueCount; var message = new CloudQueueMessage(messageString); actionsQueue.AddMessage(message); Log.LogDebug("Adding to queue " + message.Id); contextDictionary[actionGuid] = new CloudActionCompleteContext(action, callback, context); Log.LogDebug("Done adding."); } catch (Exception e) { Utility.scheduler.Dispose(); Log.LogFatalError(e.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Call back used by ExecuteActions(). /// </summary> /// <param name="results"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> static void DoneExecuteAction(SMVAction action, IEnumerable <SMVActionResult> results, object context) { actionResults.AddRange(results); var countDownEvent = context as CountdownEvent; countDownEvent.Signal(); }
/// <summary> /// Call back used by ExecuteActions(). /// </summary> /// <param name="results"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> static void DoneExecuteAction(SMVAction action, IEnumerable <SMVActionResult> results, object context) { Log.LogDebug("Reached DoneExecuteAction for " + action.GetFullName()); actionResults.AddRange(results); var countDownEvent = context as CountdownEvent; countDownEvent.Signal(); }
/// <summary> /// Get the path to an action's working directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="action">The action object.</param> /// <returns>Full path to the action's working directory.</returns> public static string GetActionDirectory(SMVAction action) { string path = string.Empty; if (action.Path != null && action.Path.value != null) { path = action.Path.value; } return(Utility.ExpandVariables(path, action.variables)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the child action for an action. /// </summary> /// <param name="action">The parent action.</param> /// <returns>The child action if one exists, else null.</returns> public static SMVAction GetNextAction(SMVAction action) { if (action.nextAction == null || !actionsDictionary.ContainsKey(action.nextAction)) { return(null); } SMVAction template = actionsDictionary[action.nextAction]; SMVAction nextAction = new SMVAction(template, string.Empty); return(nextAction); }
public void AddAction(SMVAction action, SMVActionCompleteCallBack callback, object context) { if (!action.executeOn.Equals(Utility.schedulerType)) { action.executeOn = "local"; } Log.LogDebug("Queuing action: " + action.GetFullName() + " on " + action.executeOn); var entry = new ActionsQueueEntry(action, callback, context); actionsQueue.Enqueue(entry); counters.AddOrUpdate("queued", 1, (k, v) => v + 1); }
public SMVAction(SMVAction orig, string analysisProperty) { this.breakOnError = orig.breakOnError; =; this.Command = orig.Command; this.Path = orig.Path; this.Env = orig.Env; this.CopyArtifact = orig.CopyArtifact; this.executeOn = orig.executeOn; this.nextAction = orig.nextAction; this.variables = orig.variables; this.analysisProperty = analysisProperty; }
public void AddAction(SMVAction action, SMVActionCompleteCallBack callback, object context) { var entry = new ActionsQueueEntry(action, callback, context); actionsQueue.Enqueue(entry); }
public CloudActionCompleteContext(SMVAction _action, SMVActionCompleteCallBack _callback, object _context) { action = _action; callback = _callback; context = _context; }
/// <summary> /// This callback function is called once an action and all its children have executed. /// </summary> /// <param name="results">A list of results, one for each action (the action added to the queue and its children).</param> /// <param name="context">A context object.</param> private void ActionComplete(SMVAction a, IEnumerable <SMVActionResult> results, object context) { var entry = context as ActionsQueueEntry; SMVAction action = entry.Action; SMVActionCompleteCallBack callback = entry.Callback; try { if (action.result == null) { action.result = new SMVActionResult(, "NO OUTPUT?", false, false, 0); } entry.Results.AddRange(results); counters.AddOrUpdate("completed", 1, (k, v) => v + 1); times.Add(action.result.time); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Utility.GetActionDirectory(action), "smvstats.txt"), string.Format("Time: {0}", action.result.time)); // Add result to our global result set. string result = "Failed"; if (action.result != null && action.result.isSuccessful) { result = "Success"; } // Otherwise, add the next action to the queue, if any. else { errorsEncountered = true; } lock (Utility.lockObject) { Utility.result[action.GetFullName()] = result; } // If there was an error, simply call the callback function with whatever results we have, the callback is // expected to handle the errors by looking at the list of results. if (action.result == null || action.result.breakExecution || !action.result.isSuccessful) { entry.Callback(action, entry.Results, entry.Context); } // Otherwise, add the next action to the queue, if any. else { SMVAction nextAction = Utility.GetNextAction(action); if (nextAction != null) { nextAction.analysisProperty = action.analysisProperty; DebugUtility.DumpVariables(entry.Action.variables, "entry.action"); DebugUtility.DumpVariables(Utility.smvVars, "smvvars"); nextAction.variables = Utility.smvVars.Union(entry.Action.variables).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Value); this.AddAction(nextAction, entry.Callback, entry.Context); } else { entry.Callback(action, entry.Results, entry.Context); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError("Error processing finalization for action " + action.GetFullName()); action.result.output = e.ToString(); entry.Callback(action, entry.Results, entry.Context); } // upate status line if (updateStatusMode) { string resultString = string.Format("\r[INFO] {0} of {1} jobs remaining. Avg(s): {2}. Std.Dev(s): {3}", counters["queued"] - counters["completed"], counters["queued"], times.Average().ToString("F2"), Math.Sqrt(times.Average(v => Math.Pow(v - times.Average(), 2))).ToString("F2")); Console.Write(resultString); if (counters["queued"] == counters["completed"]) { Console.WriteLine(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Called by schedulers to execute an action. /// </summary> /// <param name="action">The action to be executed.</param> /// <returns>An SMVActionResult object representing the result of executing the action.</returns> public static SMVActionResult ExecuteAction(SMVAction action, bool fromWorker) { // NOTE: The code in this function must be thread safe. if (action == null) { return(null); } // If there is a plugin, call PreAction first. if (plugin != null) { plugin.PreAction(action); } using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { // We use a logger for writing messages since we can't output to the console in this function (As this // may be running in multiple threads). StreamWriter logger = new StreamWriter(stream); IDictionary <string, string> variables = action.variables; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; string actionPath = variables["workingDir"]; string actionOutput = string.Empty; int cumulativeExitCode = 0; // Get the name of the action. string name =; if (variables.ContainsKey("analysisProperty")) { name = + " - " + variables["analysisProperty"]; } variables["name"] =; Log.LogInfo("Running action: " + name, logger); // Get the path to the action. if (action.Path != null) { actionPath = action.Path.value; } actionPath = ExpandVariables(actionPath, variables); variables["actionPath"] = actionPath; // Launch a cmd.exe process to run commands in. if (Console.InputEncoding.Equals(Encoding.UTF8)) { Console.InputEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); } // Run the commands. if (action.Command != null) { foreach (SMVCommand cmd in action.Command) { JobObject jobObject = null; if (useJobObject) { //Update maxTime and maxMemory allowed int maxMemory = int.MaxValue; int maxTime = int.MaxValue; updateAttribute(ref maxTime, cmd.maxTime, "Time"); Log.LogDebug("Maximum time allowed for this command = " + maxTime); updateAttribute(ref maxMemory, cmd.maxMemory, "Memory"); //Converting memory from MB to bytes, if input is valid if (maxMemory < int.MaxValue) { maxMemory *= (1024 * 1024); } Log.LogDebug("Maximum memory allowed for this command = " + maxMemory); jobObject = new JobObject(); jobObject.setConstraints(maxMemory, maxTime); } Process process = LaunchProcess("cmd.exe", "", actionPath, action.Env, logger, jobObject); process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { Log.LogMessage(e.Data, logger); }; process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { Log.LogMessage(e.Data, logger); }; // Get the command and arguments, and expand all environment as well as SMV variables. string cmdAttr = ExpandVariables(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(cmd.value), variables); string argumentsAttr = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.arguments)) { argumentsAttr = ExpandVariables(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(cmd.arguments), variables); } try { Log.LogInfo(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Launching {0} with arguments: {1}", cmdAttr, argumentsAttr), logger); process.StandardInput.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", new String[] { cmdAttr, argumentsAttr })); process.StandardInput.WriteLine("Exit %errorlevel%"); process.StandardInput.Close(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); TimeSpan span = process.ExitTime - process.StartTime; Log.LogMessage(string.Format("Command Exit code: {0}", process.ExitCode), logger); cumulativeExitCode += Math.Abs(process.ExitCode); if (useDb) { try { using (var database = new SmvDbEntities()) { var masterEntry = new TaskAction { ActionID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), TaskID = taskId, ActionName =, Success = cumulativeExitCode.ToString(), ActionTime = span.ToString(), WorkingDirectory = variables["workingDir"] }; database.TaskActions.Add(masterEntry); database.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (fromWorker) { Log.LogError("Exception while updating database " + e); } else { Log.LogFatalError("Exception while updating database " + e); } } } if (useJobObject) { jobObject.QueryExtendedLimitInformation(); jobObject.Close(); jobObject.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogInfo(e.ToString(), logger); Log.LogInfo("Could not start process: " + cmdAttr, logger); if (useJobObject) { jobObject.Close(); jobObject.Dispose(); } return(null); } } } logger.Flush(); stream.Position = 0; string output = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd(); if (debugMode) { Log.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(actionPath, string.Format("smvexecute-{0}.log",, output, false); } Log.LogDebug("cumulative exit code is " + cumulativeExitCode); DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now; action.result = new SMVActionResult(, output, (cumulativeExitCode == 0), cumulativeExitCode != 0 && action.breakOnError, (int)(endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds); // Call plugin post action only if we were successful in executing the action. if (cumulativeExitCode == 0) { // get the output directory and set the output of the action from the build log. if ("NormalBuild")) { string logPath = Path.Combine(variables["workingDir"], variables["smvLogFileNamePrefix"] + ".log"); action.result.output = Utility.ReadFile(logPath); variables["outputDir"] = ExtractBuildPath(variables["workingDir"], action.result.output, logger); Utility.SetSmvVar("outputDir", variables["outputDir"]); } // Get the output directory and the analysis directory. if ("InterceptedBuild")) { string logPath = Path.Combine(variables["workingDir"], variables["smvLogFileNamePrefix"] + ".log"); action.result.output = Utility.ReadFile(logPath); } // Call the plugin's post action. if (plugin != null) { plugin.PostAction(action); } } else { // are we sure we want to exit here... the cloud worker instance becomes // unhealthy after exiting here... if (action.breakOnError) { if (fromWorker) { Log.LogError(String.Format("Action: {0}, failed.", name)); } else { Log.LogFatalError(String.Format("Action: {0}, failed.", name)); } } else { Log.LogError(String.Format("Action: {0}, failed.", name)); } } return(action.result); } }