public void VisitGraph(CallGraph graph)
			string bad = string.Empty;
			// Iterate over each method in the assembly,
			foreach (KeyValuePair<MethodReference, List<MethodReference>> entry in graph.Entries())
				// if it does not have a security demand then,
				MethodInfo info = Cache.FindMethod(entry.Key);
				if (info != null && info.Method.ExternallyVisible(Cache) && !DoHasSecurityDemand(info.Method))
					foreach (MethodReference callee in entry.Value)
						// if it's calling a method with a link demand then
						// we have a problem. Note that we won't find the
						// method info if the callee is in a different assembly.
						info = Cache.FindMethod(callee);
						if (info != null && DoHasLinkDemand(info.Method))
							Log.DebugLine(this, "bad: {0}", info.Method);
							bad = string.Format("{0} {1}", bad, info.Method);
			if (bad.Length > 0)
				string details = "Methods: " + bad;
				Reporter.AssemblyFailed(Cache.Assembly, CheckID, details);
		public void VisitGraph(CallGraph graph)
			m_graph = graph;
			// If the assembly is mixed transparent/critical then we may have critical
			// methods.
			if (m_mixed)
				List<string> lines = new List<string>();
				// So, for each method,
				foreach (KeyValuePair<MethodReference, List<MethodReference>> entry in graph.Entries())
					MethodInfo caller = Cache.FindMethod(entry.Key);
					if (caller != null)
						// if it's public,
						MethodAttributes access = caller.Method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask;
						if (access == MethodAttributes.Public)
							// and transparent,
							if (!caller.Method.CustomAttributes.Has("SecurityCriticalAttribute"))
								// then fail if it calls a non-public critical method.
								string line = DoIsBad(caller.Method, entry.Value, 1);
								if (line.Length > 0)
				if (lines.Count > 0)
					string details = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines.ToArray());
//					Console.WriteLine(details);
					Reporter.AssemblyFailed(Cache.Assembly, CheckID, details);