Exemple #1
		public void VisitInstruction(TypedInstruction instruction)
			if (m_offset < 0)
				m_offset = NullCheck.Check<NullDerefRule>(instruction, m_info.Tracker, out m_details);
		private int DoGetStackCount(TypedInstruction instruction, StackBehaviour behavior)
			int count = 0;
			switch (behavior)
				case StackBehaviour.Pop0:
				case StackBehaviour.Push0:
				case StackBehaviour.Pop1:
				case StackBehaviour.Popi:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref:
				case StackBehaviour.Push1:
				case StackBehaviour.Pushi:
				case StackBehaviour.Pushi8:
				case StackBehaviour.Pushr4:
				case StackBehaviour.Pushr8:
				case StackBehaviour.Pushref:
					count = 1;
				case StackBehaviour.Pop1_pop1:
				case StackBehaviour.Popi_pop1:
				case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi:
				case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi8:
				case StackBehaviour.Popi_popr4:
				case StackBehaviour.Popi_popr8:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref_pop1:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi:
				case StackBehaviour.Push1_push1:
					count = 2;
				case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi_popi:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popi:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popi8:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popr4:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popr8:
				case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popref:
					count = 3;
				case StackBehaviour.PopAll:				// leave
					count = int.MaxValue;
				case StackBehaviour.Varpop:				// call, newobj, ret
					Call call = instruction as Call;
					if (call != null)
						count = call.Target.Parameters.Count + (call.Target.HasThis ? 1 : 0);
					else if (instruction.Untyped.OpCode.Code == Code.Ret)
						count = int.MaxValue;
						NewObj no = instruction as NewObj;
						DBC.Assert(no != null, "Varpop opcode should be call, ret, or newobj");
						count = no.Ctor.Parameters.Count;
				case StackBehaviour.Varpush:			// call
					Call call2 = instruction as Call;
					DBC.Assert(call2 != null, "Varpush opcode should be call");
					if (call2.Target.ReturnType.ReturnType.FullName != "System.Void")
						count = 1;

					DBC.Fail("Bad stack behavior: {0}", behavior);
			return count;
		private int DoGetStackDelta(TypedInstruction instruction)
			int delta = 0;
			delta += DoGetStackCount(instruction, instruction.Untyped.OpCode.StackBehaviourPush);
			delta -= DoGetStackCount(instruction, instruction.Untyped.OpCode.StackBehaviourPop);
//			Log.DebugLine(this, "{0} (delta = {1})", instruction, delta);
			return delta;
		private void DoCheck(TypedInstruction binary)
			if (binary.Index >= 2)
				int rhsEnd = binary.Index - 1;
				int rhsStart = rhsEnd - DoGetPushRange(m_info, rhsEnd);

				int lhsEnd = rhsStart - 1;
				int lhsStart = lhsEnd - DoGetPushRange(m_info, lhsEnd);
				Log.DebugLine(this, "{0} at {1:X}", binary.Untyped.OpCode.Code, binary.Untyped.Offset);
				Log.DebugLine(this, "   lhs range: [{0:X}, {1:X}]", m_info.Instructions[lhsStart].Untyped.Offset, m_info.Instructions[lhsEnd].Untyped.Offset);
				Log.DebugLine(this, "   rhs range: [{0:X}, {1:X}]", m_info.Instructions[rhsStart].Untyped.Offset, m_info.Instructions[rhsEnd].Untyped.Offset);
				bool matches = (rhsEnd - rhsStart) == (lhsEnd - lhsStart);
				for (int i = 0; i <= (rhsEnd - rhsStart) && matches; ++i)
					TypedInstruction lhs = m_info.Instructions[lhsStart + i];
					TypedInstruction rhs = m_info.Instructions[rhsStart + i];
					matches = lhs.Untyped.Matches(rhs.Untyped);

				if (matches)
					m_offset = binary.Untyped.Offset;
Exemple #5
		private void DoCheckLoad(TypedInstruction instruction)
			LoadConstantInt load = m_info.Instructions[instruction.Index - 1] as LoadConstantInt;
			if (load != null)
				if (load.Value < 0 || load.Value > 255)
					m_offset = instruction.Untyped.Offset;						
					Log.DebugLine(this, "bad exit at {0:X2}", m_offset); 

			LoadLocal local = m_info.Instructions[instruction.Index - 1] as LoadLocal;
			if (local != null)
				Log.DebugLine(this, "{0} at {1:X2}", instruction.Untyped.OpCode, instruction.Untyped.Offset); 
				if (m_candidateLoads.IndexOf(local.Variable) < 0)
		private void DoCheck(TypedInstruction call, MethodReference target, int nth)
			int index = m_info.Tracker.GetStackIndex(call.Index, nth);
			if (index >= 0)
				LoadString load = m_info.Instructions[index] as LoadString;
				if (load != null)
					m_offset = call.Untyped.Offset;
					m_bad = target.ToString();
					Log.DebugLine(this, "bad call at {0:X2}", m_offset);				
		public void VisitInstruction(TypedInstruction instruction)
			if (m_needsCheck && !m_foundEarlyReturn && m_offset < 0)
				m_offset = NullCheck.Check<EqualsRequiresNullCheckRule>(instruction, m_tracker, out m_details);
		private bool DoMatch(TypedInstruction lhs, TypedInstruction rhs)
			if (lhs.Untyped.OpCode.Code != rhs.Untyped.OpCode.Code)
				return false;
			if (lhs.Untyped.Operand != null || rhs.Untyped.Operand != null)
				if (lhs.Untyped.Operand != null && rhs.Untyped.Operand != null)
					if (!DoMatchOperand(lhs.Untyped.Operand, rhs.Untyped.Operand))
						return false;
					return false;
			return true;