Inits the controllers needed to start the game And holds the controllerviewmanager and updates it
Inheritance: DrawableGameComponent
 public GamePlayController(ScreenManager screen, Map selectedMap)
     : base(screen)
     this.players = new Dictionary<int, PlayerStatsController>();
     this.characterControllers = new List<CharacterController>(); = new MapController(screen, selectedMap);
Exemple #2
 public CameraController(ScreenManager screen, Box zoomBox)
     : base(screen)
     this.characters = new List<CharacterController>(); =;
     this.zoomBox = zoomBox;
 public PlayerStatsController(ScreenManager screen, CharacterModel characterModel, GameOptions gameOptions)
     : base(screen)
     this.PlayerStats = new PlayerStats(gameOptions.Lifes, characterModel.playerIndex);
     this.characterModel = characterModel;
     this.gameOptions = gameOptions;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs the powerup controller  
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dropZone">dropZone for powerups</param>
 public PowerUpController(ScreenManager screen, Box dropZone)
     : base(screen)
     this.random = new Random();
     this.dropZone = dropZone;
     this.activePowerUps = new Dictionary<int, PowerUpStatus>();
     this.waitingPowerUps = new List<PowerUpStatus>();
Exemple #5
 public MoveController(ScreenManager screen, CharacterStats characterStats, int index)
     : base(screen)
     Img = new ImageController(Screen, characterStats.moveAnimations, 120, false);
     Img.FramesPerRow = 6;
     Img.SetFrameRectangle(100, 100);
     Img.OriginDefault = new Vector2(50, 50);
     moves = new List<MoveModel>();
     explotions = new List<Explotion>();
     playerIndex = index;
Exemple #6
        public ImageController(ScreenManager screen, string assetName, int layer = 0, bool staticPosition = false)
            : base(screen)
            this.assetName = assetName;
            this.imageModels = new List<ImageModel>();

            this.imageView = new ImageView(imageModels);
            this.imageView.Layer = layer;
            this.imageView.StaticPosition = staticPosition;

            this.imageQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<bool, ImageModel>>();
 public GamepadController(ScreenManager screen, Player playerModel)
     : base(screen)
     this.PlayerModel = playerModel;
     this.oldNavigations = new Queue<Tuple<TimeSpan, Vector2>>(8);
Exemple #8
 public MapController(ScreenManager screen, Map currentMap)
     : base(screen)
     this.boxes = new List<Body>();
     this.Model = currentMap;
 public OverlayMenuController(ScreenManager screen)
     : base(screen)
Exemple #10
 public MenuController(ScreenManager screen)
     : base(screen)
     this.characterHover = new Dictionary<int, ImageModel>();
     this.playerHoversMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor is used when game play is over and GamePlayController creates the menu controller agian
 /// </summary>
 public MenuController(ScreenManager screen, List<PlayerStats> gameStats)
     : this(screen)
     this.gameStats = gameStats;
     this.gameStatsText = new List<TextBox>();
Exemple #12
 public SoundController(ScreenManager screen)
     : base(screen)
     this.soundEffects = new List<SoundEffect>();
     this.soundLookUp = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<SoundEffect, SoundEffectInstance>>();
 public CharacterController(ScreenManager screen, GamepadController pad, Vector2 startPos, int countDown)
     : base(screen)
     stats = pad.PlayerModel.SelectedCharacter;
     model = new CharacterModel(pad, startPos, countDown, stats);
     moves = new MoveController(Screen, stats, pad.PlayerIndex);
     this.pad = pad;
Exemple #14
 public ImageController(ScreenManager screen, string assetName, Vector2 pos, int layer = 0, bool staticPosition = false)
     : this(screen, assetName, layer, staticPosition)
Exemple #15
 public CursorController(ScreenManager screen)
     : base(screen)