public CodeSegment()
     _codesegment = new SimpleSegment();
     _type = Token.Unknown;
     _line = -1;
     _next = null;
     _previous = null;
 public CodeSegment(ProjectItemCodeDocument codeDocument, Token token, string tokenstr, SimpleSegment anchorsegment, int line, int colstart, CodeSegment previous)
     _type = token;
     _tokenstring = tokenstr;
     _codesegment = anchorsegment;
     _line = line;
     _column = colstart;
     _previous = previous;
     _codeDocument = codeDocument;
        public void Parse(CodeSegment start)
            // init
            _current = start;


            while(true) {
        public InvokeCompletionViewModel(CodeFileViewModel documentVM, CodeSegment methodSegment, int startParam)
            _document = documentVM.CodeDocument;
            _documentVM = documentVM;

            _toolTip = new ToolTip();
            _toolTip.Placement = PlacementMode.Custom;
            _toolTip.PlacementTarget = _documentVM.Editor.TextArea.TextView;
            _toolTip.Content = this;

            _toolTip.CustomPopupPlacementCallback = PopupPlacement;

            _documentVM.Editor.TextArea.KeyDown += (s, e) => {
                if(e.Key == Key.Escape)

            //_documentVM.Editor.TextArea.TextEntered += OnTextEntered;
            _documentVM.Editor.TextArea.Caret.PositionChanged += OnCaretPositionChanged;

            AllParameters = new ObservableCollection<InvokeParameter>();
        async void HandleCompletionEvent(char currentChar, CodeSegment segment, TextCompositionEventArgs e) {

            if(e.Text.Length == 1 && !omitCodeCompletion.Contains(currentChar)) {
                // this is just for first debugging purposes
                // as this code belongs to a completion service which handles and caches those completion items

                // Open code completion after the user has pressed dot:
                if(e.Text == ".") {

                    //ensure we have a updated tokenizer
                    await _projectitem.AST.CompileTokenFileAsync();

                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => {

                        IList<ICompletionData> data = CreateNewCompletionWindow().CompletionList.CompletionData;
                        // do type lookup & list avaiable members
                        var ctx = _projectitem.AST.GetCodeContext(_texteditor.CaretOffset - 1, true);

                        if(ctx != null && ctx.Segment != null) {
                            if(ctx.Segment.CodeDOMObject is CodeThisReferenceExpression) {
                                foreach(var m in ctx.EnclosingType.GetInheritedMembers()) {
                            } else if(ctx.Segment.CodeDOMObject is CodeBaseReferenceExpression) {
                                foreach(CodeTypeReferenceEx basetype in ctx.EnclosingType.BaseTypes) {

                                    var td = basetype.ResolveTypeDeclarationCache();
                                    if(td != null) {
                                        foreach(var m in td.GetInheritedMembers())
                        if(data.Any()) {
                } else if(_completionWindow == null && e.Text != "\n" &&
                    ((AsciiHelper.IsAsciiLiteralLetter(currentChar) || allowedspecailChars.Contains(currentChar))
                    && !AsciiHelper.IsAsciiNum(currentChar))) { // && !whitespaces.Contains(carretChar)
                    // show avaiable global Methods & build in Methods + commands

                    if(segment == null) {
                    } else {
                        if(segment.Token == Token.MultiLineComment || segment.Token == Token.SingleLineComment)

                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => {

                        IList<ICompletionData> data = CreateNewCompletionWindow().CompletionList.CompletionData;
                        foreach(var item in GetStaticCompletionItems()) {

                        CodeContext ctx;
                        if(_texteditor.Document.TextLength > _texteditor.CaretOffset) {
                            ctx = _projectitem.AST.GetCodeContext(_texteditor.CaretOffset, true);
                        } else {
                            // get root type context
                            ctx = new CodeContext(_projectitem.AST);
                            ctx.EnclosingType = _projectitem.AST.GetRootTypeSnapshot();

                        foreach(var m in ctx.GetVisibleMembers()) {

            } else if(whitespaces.Contains(currentChar)) {

                if(segment != null) {
                    var s = segment.ThisOrPreviousOmit(TokenHelper.WhiteSpacesNewLine);
                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => {
                        if(s != null && s.Token == Token.KeyWord && (s.TokenString.Equals("new", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                            || s.TokenString.Equals("extends", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) {

                            var ctx = _projectitem.AST.GetCodeContext(_texteditor.CaretOffset);
                            IList<ICompletionData> data = CreateNewCompletionWindow().CompletionList.CompletionData;
                            bool any = false;
                            foreach(var m in ctx.GetVisibleMembers()) {
                                if(m is CodeTypeDeclaration) {
                                    any = true;
                            if(any) {


        ProjectItemCodeDocument ParseIncludeDirective(CodeSegment includeDirective, ProjectItemCodeDocument document)

            SmartCodeProjectAHK project = document.Project as SmartCodeProjectAHK;
            if(project == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Expected an instance of SmartCodeProjectAHK!");

            if(_project.StartUpCodeDocument == null)
                return null;

            var libRegEx = new Regex(@"<(.*?)>");

            // parse include directive
            var next = includeDirective.NextOmit(TokenHelper.WhiteSpaces);

            if(next != null) {

                int len = next.TokenString.Length;

                if(len > 0) {

                    if(libRegEx.IsMatch(next.TokenString)) {

                       string docName = libRegEx.Match(next.TokenString).Groups[1].Value;

                        // seach local library files
                        var doc = project.LocalLib.FindAllItems<ProjectItemCodeDocument>().ToList()
                            .Find(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x.FilePath).Equals(docName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                        if(doc == null && project.StdLib != null) {
                            // seach in standard library files
                            doc = project.StdLib.FindAllItems<ProjectItemCodeDocument>().ToList()
                                .Find(x => x.FilePath != null && Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x.FilePath).Equals(docName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                        if(doc != null) {
                            var directive = new IncludeDirective() { ResolvedFilePath = doc.FilePath, ResolvedCodeDocument = doc };
                            next.CodeDOMObject = directive;
                        } else {
                            next.ErrorContext = new CodeError() { Description = string.Format("File not found!") };
                        return doc;
                    } else {
                        // parse direct/relative path
                        var directive = ParseIncludePath(document, next);
                        var includeFilePath = directive.ResolvedFilePath;

                         var doc = project.CodeDocuments.ToList()
                            .Find(x => x.FilePath.Equals(includeFilePath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                         directive.ResolvedCodeDocument = doc;
                         return doc;
            return null;
        IncludeDirective ParseIncludePath(ProjectItemCodeDocument codeDoc, CodeSegment segment)
            string workingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(_project.StartUpCodeDocument.FilePath);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            CodeSegment next = segment;
            CodeSegment current = null;
            List<CodeSegment> _pathTokens = new List<CodeSegment>();
            while(next != null && next.Token != Token.NewLine) {
                current = next;
                next = next.Next;
                if(current.Token == Token.TraditionalString)
                else if(current.Token == Token.Deref) {
                    if(current.Next != null && current.Next.Token == Token.Identifier) {
                        if(current.Next.TokenString.Equals(WORKINGDIR_VAR, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                        } else {
                            RegisterError(codeDoc, current.Next, "Unknown precompiler Variable!");
                        if(current.Next != null && current.Next.Next != null)
                            next = current.Next.Next.Next;
                    } else if(current.Next != null) {
                        RegisterError(codeDoc, current.Next, "Expected Identifier after Deref!");
                if(current != null)
            var path = sb.ToString();

            try {
                if(!path.Contains(':')) {
                    path = Path.Combine(workingDir, path);
            } catch {
                path = "";

            var directive = new IncludeDirective() { ResolvedFilePath = path };
            CodeError fail = null;
                var err = string.Format("File not found!\n" + path);
                fail = new CodeError() { Description = err };
                    RegisterError(codeDoc, _pathTokens.First(), err);
            foreach(var s in _pathTokens) {
                s.CodeDOMObject = directive;
                if(fail != null) {
                    s.ErrorContext = fail;
            return directive;
        CodeExpression ParseExpression(CodeSegment tokenSegment, out CodeSegment nextToParse, CodeTypeDeclarationEx enclosingType) {
            CodeExpression expression = null;
            nextToParse = tokenSegment.Next;

            if(tokenSegment.Token == Token.Identifier && tokenSegment.Next != null
                    && tokenSegment.Next.Token == Token.LiteralBracketOpen) {

                bool ismethodDeclaration = false;
                var closingliteral = tokenSegment.Next.FindClosingBracked(true);
                if(closingliteral != null) {
                    //ensure that it is not a defect method declaration
                    var bra = closingliteral.NextOmit(whitespacetokenNewLines);
                    if(bra != null && bra.Token == Token.BlockOpen) {
                        // it is a method indeed
                        ismethodDeclaration = true;
                } else {
                    RegisterError(_document, tokenSegment.Next, "Missing: )");

                #region Parse for Method Invokes

                if(!ismethodDeclaration) {

                    CodeTypeDeclarationEx methodContext = null;

                    if(tokenSegment.Previous != null && tokenSegment.Previous.Previous != null
                        && tokenSegment.Previous.Token == Token.MemberInvoke) {

                        var invoker = tokenSegment.Previous.Previous;

                        #region adjust Method Context

                            methodContext = enclosingType;

                        if(invoker.CodeDOMObject is CodeBaseReferenceExpression) {
                            foreach(CodeTypeReferenceEx bt in enclosingType.BaseTypes) {
                                var typedeclaration = bt.ResolveTypeDeclarationCache();
                                if(typedeclaration != null && typedeclaration.IsClass) {
                                    methodContext = typedeclaration;
                        } else if(invoker.CodeDOMObject is CodeThisReferenceExpression) {
                            methodContext = enclosingType;
                        } else if(invoker.Token == Token.Identifier) {
                            invoker.CodeDOMObject = CodeTypeDeclarationDynamic.Default;
                            methodContext = CodeTypeDeclarationDynamic.Default;


                    var invokeExpression = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression();
                    var methodRef = new CodeMethodReferenceExpressionExAHK(_document, null, tokenSegment.TokenString, methodContext);

                    invokeExpression.Method = methodRef;
                    tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = methodRef;
                    expression = invokeExpression;

                nextToParse = tokenSegment.Next.Next;

            } else if(tokenSegment.Token == Token.KeyWord) {

                #region Parse Keywords

                if(tokenSegment.TokenString.Equals("new", _document.CodeLanguage.NameComparisation)) {

                    #region NEW parse for new Object Expressions

                    var newObjectInvoke = tokenSegment.NextOmit(whitespacetokenNewLines);
                    if(newObjectInvoke != null && newObjectInvoke.Token == Token.Identifier) {

                        var objectinstangicing = new CodeObjectCreateExpression();
                        objectinstangicing.CreateType = new CodeTypeReferenceEx(_document, newObjectInvoke.TokenString, enclosingType);
                        tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = objectinstangicing;
                        newObjectInvoke.CodeDOMObject = objectinstangicing.CreateType;

                        expression = objectinstangicing;
                        nextToParse = newObjectInvoke.Next;


                } else if(tokenSegment.TokenString.Equals("this", _document.CodeLanguage.NameComparisation)) {
                    var thisrefExpression = new CodeThisReferenceExpression();
                    tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = thisrefExpression;
                    expression = thisrefExpression;
                } else if(tokenSegment.TokenString.Equals("base", _document.CodeLanguage.NameComparisation)) {
                    var baserefExpression = new CodeBaseReferenceExpression();
                    tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = baserefExpression;
                    expression = baserefExpression;


            } else if(tokenSegment.Token == Token.Identifier  && tokenSegment.Previous != null
                    && tokenSegment.Previous.Token == Token.MemberInvoke) {

                #region Parse MemberInvoke (Dot) Class.Member

                var context = tokenSegment.Previous.Previous;
                if(context == null) {
                    var err = "Unexpected Member Invoke!";
                    RegisterError(_document, tokenSegment, err);
                    RegisterError(_document, tokenSegment.Previous, err);
                    nextToParse = tokenSegment.Next;
                } else if(context.Token == Token.KeyWord && context.TokenString.Equals("this", _document.CodeLanguage.NameComparisation)) {

                    var propRef = new CodePropertyReferenceExpressionEx(_document, null, tokenSegment.TokenString, enclosingType);
                    tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = propRef;

                } else if(context.Token == Token.KeyWord && context.TokenString.Equals("base", _document.CodeLanguage.NameComparisation)) {

                    CodeTypeDeclarationEx typedeclaration = null;
                    foreach(CodeTypeReferenceEx bt in enclosingType.BaseTypes) {
                        typedeclaration = bt.ResolveTypeDeclarationCache();
                        if(typedeclaration != null && typedeclaration.IsClass) {
                    var propRef = new CodePropertyReferenceExpressionEx(_document, null, tokenSegment.TokenString, typedeclaration);
                    tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = propRef;

                } else if(context.Token == Token.Identifier) {
                    // we currently not supprt real expression parsing, so leave here...

                    context.CodeDOMObject = CodeTypeDeclarationDynamic.Default;
                    var propRef = new CodePropertyReferenceExpressionEx(_document, null, tokenSegment.TokenString, CodeTypeDeclarationDynamic.Default);
                    tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = propRef;


                #region Parse for one hirarchy this/base Property/Field Invokes



            } else if(tokenSegment.Token == Token.TraditionalCommandInvoke) {

                #region Parse Traditional Command Invoke

                var members = from m in _languageRoot.Members.Cast<CodeTypeMember>()
                              let methd = m as CodeMemberMethodExAHK
                              where methd != null && methd.IsTraditionalCommand && methd.Name.Equals(tokenSegment.TokenString, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                              select methd;
                if(members.Any()) {

                    var invokeExpression = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression();
                    var methodRef = new CodeMethodReferenceExpressionExAHK(_document, members.First());

                    tokenSegment.CodeDOMObject = methodRef;
                    expression = invokeExpression;
                } else {
                    RegisterError(_document, tokenSegment, string.Format("Unknown traditional Command '{0}'", tokenSegment.TokenString));

            } else if(tokenSegment.Token == Token.LiteralString) {

                if(tokenSegment.TokenString[tokenSegment.TokenString.Length - 1] != '"') {
                    RegisterError(_document, tokenSegment, "Missing string end Quote");

            if(!(nextToParse != null && nextToParse.LineNumber == tokenSegment.LineNumber)) {
                nextToParse = null;
            return expression;
 CodeLinePragma CreatePragma(CodeSegment segment, string filename) {
     return new CodeLinePragma() { LineNumber = segment.LineNumber, FileName = filename };
 void RegisterError(Projecting.ProjectItemCodeDocument codeitem, CodeSegment segment, string errorDescription) {
     var errorService = codeitem.Project.Solution.ErrorService;
     segment.ErrorContext = new CodeError() { Description = errorDescription };
     errorService.Add(new Errors.ErrorItem(segment, codeitem));
        CodeCommentStatement ExtractComment(CodeSegment identifier) {
            var comment = identifier.PreviousOmit(whitespacetokenNewLines);
            if(comment != null && comment.Token == Token.MultiLineComment) {
                return new CodeCommentStatement(GetDocumentationComment(comment.TokenString), true);
            } else if(comment != null && comment.Token == Token.SingleLineComment) {

                //todo: collect all above singleline comments
            return null;
        void EndActiveToken(int index) {
            int tokenRangeLenght = index - _currentRangeStart;
            if(tokenRangeLenght > 0) {
                var str = _text.Substring(_currentRangeStart, tokenRangeLenght).Trim(trimchars);
                if(!(_activeToken == Token.Unknown && str.Length == 0)) {

                    Token? tokenToStore = null;

                    if(_activeToken == Token.Unknown) {

                        if(IsNumber(str)) {
                            _activeToken = Token.Number;
                        } else if(IsHexNumber(str)) {
                            _activeToken = Token.HexNumber;
                        } else if(KEYWORDS.Contains(str.ToLowerInvariant())) {
                            _activeToken = Token.KeyWord;
                        } else {
                            tokenToStore = Token.Identifier;

                    if(_activeToken == Token.OperatorFlow) {
                        tokenToStore = OPERATOR_TOKEN.FindOperatorToken(str);

                    if(tokenRangeLenght > 1 && _currentToken == Token.NewLine)
                    int linenumber = _currentLine;
                    if(_activeToken == Token.NewLine)

                    if((_activeToken == Token.TraditionalCommandInvoke || _activeToken == Token.TraditionalAssign || _activeToken == Token.Directive) && _currentToken != Token.NewLine)
                        _traditionalMode = true;

                    var currentsegment = new CodeSegment(_codeitem, tokenToStore.HasValue ? tokenToStore.Value : _activeToken,
                        str, new SimpleSegment(_currentRangeStart, tokenRangeLenght), linenumber, _currentColStart, _previous);
                    if(_previous != null)
                        _previous.Next = currentsegment;
                    _previous = currentsegment;

                    if(currentsegment.Token == Token.Directive)

            _currentRangeStart = index;
            _currentColStart = _currentColumn;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Very handy Method to find the Open Bracket Codesegment of this Close Braket Segment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowNewlinesbetween">Should the search go over newlines</param>
        /// <returns>The cloasing codesegment or NULL if nothing was found</returns>
        public CodeSegment FindOpenBracked(bool allowNewlinesbetween)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Must be called on closed barcket type");

            if(_openSegment == null) {
                int openBracketCounter = 1;
                CodeSegment current;
                CodeSegment previous = this;

                Token closingbracket = this.Token;
                Token openbracket = TokenHelper.GetOpenToken(this.Token);

                while((current = previous.Previous) != null) {
                    if(current.Token == Token.NewLine && !allowNewlinesbetween)
                    else if(current.Token == closingbracket)
                    else if(current.Token == openbracket) {
                        if(openBracketCounter == 0) {
                            _openSegment = current;
                    previous = current;
            return _openSegment;
        void SetMethod(CodeSegment methodSegment)
            _methodRef = methodSegment.CodeDOMObject as CodeMethodReferenceExpressionEx;
            var methodDecl = _methodRef.ResolvedMethodMember;

            Prefix = methodDecl.Name + "(";
            Sufix = ")";
            InvokeDescription = _methodRef.CommentInfo;

            var geometrys = BackgroundGeometryBuilder.GetRectsForSegment(_documentVM.Editor.TextArea.TextView, methodSegment.Range);
                popuplacement = geometrys.First().BottomLeft;
                //_toolTip.VerticalOffset = pos.Y;
                //_toolTip.HorizontalOffset = pos.X;

            int i = 0;
            foreach(CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionEx p in methodDecl.Parameters) {

                string typeprefix = "";
                if(p.Type != null) {
                    typeprefix = p.Type.BaseType + " ";

                var pVM = new InvokeParameter(((p.Direction == FieldDirection.Ref) ? "byref " : "") +
                    typeprefix + p.Name + ((++i != methodDecl.Parameters.Count) ? ", " : ""), "-")
                    ParameterDescripton = p.ParameterDocumentationComment
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the enclosing Methode-Invoke Expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segment">segment to analyze</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the enclosing Method Reference Expression Segment</returns>
        public static CodeSegment FindEnclosingMethodInvoke(CodeSegment segment, out int paramNumber)
            int literalBracketCnt = 1;
            int indexerBrackedCnt = 0;
            paramNumber = 1;

            //CodeMethodReferenceExpressionEx methodRef = null;
            CodeSegment current = segment;

            while(current != null) {

                else if(current.Token == Token.LiteralBracketClosed)
                else if(current.Token == Token.IndexerBracketClosed)
                else if(current.Token == Token.IndexerBracketOpen)
                else if(current.Token == Token.LiteralBracketOpen) {
                } else if(current.Token == Token.ParameterDelemiter) {

                    if(literalBracketCnt == 1 && indexerBrackedCnt == 0) {

                } else if(current.Token == Token.Identifier && current.CodeDOMObject is CodeMethodReferenceExpressionEx) {
                    if(literalBracketCnt == 0 && indexerBrackedCnt == 0) {
                        //methodRef = current.CodeDOMObject as CodeMethodReferenceExpressionEx;
                        return current;
                current = current.Previous;
            return null; //methodRef;
 public void Add(CodeSegment s)
 public CodeTokenLine(CodeSegment initialToken)
     : this()
     Line = initialToken.LineNumber;
     CodeSegments = new List<CodeSegment>() { initialToken };
 void Consume()
     _current = _current.Next;
Exemple #19
 protected void RegisterError(Projecting.ProjectItemCodeDocument codeitem, CodeSegment segment, string errorDescription) {
     var errorService = codeitem.Project.Solution.ErrorService;
     var err = new CodeError() { Description = errorDescription };
     if(segment != null) {
         segment.ErrorContext = err;
         errorService.Add(new Errors.ErrorItem(segment, codeitem, ErrorSource.DirectiveParser));
     } else {
         errorService.Add(new Errors.ErrorItem(err, codeitem, ErrorSource.DirectiveParser));