public Num.Vector2 DrawCircleProgress(float radius, float thickness, int num_segments, float percent, Colour colr) { Num.Vector2 pos = ImGui.GetCursorPos(); pos.X += ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + radius + thickness; pos.Y += ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + radius + thickness; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().PathClear(); float a_min = 0; float a_max = (float)Math.PI * 2.0f * ((float)num_segments - (100 - percent)) / (float)num_segments; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().PathArcTo(pos, radius, a_min, a_max, num_segments); ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().PathStroke(ImGui.GetColorU32(colr.RGBA()), false, thickness); return(pos); }
private void DrawWindow() { if (_check) { var tempCastBar = _getUi2ObjByName(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(_getBaseUiObj(), 0x20), "_CastBar", 1); if (tempCastBar != IntPtr.Zero) { _wait = 1000; if (_config) { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(300, 500), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.Begin("SlideCast Config", ref _config); ImGui.InputInt("Time (cs)", ref _slideTime); ImGui.TextWrapped("The time for slidecasting is 50cs (half a second) by default.\n" + "Lower numbers make it later in the cast, higher numbers earlier in the cast.\n" + "Apart from missed packets, 50cs is the exact safe time to slidecast."); ImGui.ColorEdit4("Bar Colour", ref _slideCol, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoInputs); ImGui.Checkbox("Enable Debug Mode", ref _debug); ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Button("Save and Close Config")) { SaveConfig(); _config = false; } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, 0xFF000000 | 0x005E5BFF); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonActive, 0xDD000000 | 0x005E5BFF); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonHovered, 0xAA000000 | 0x005E5BFF); if (ImGui.Button("Buy Haplo a Hot Chocolate")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } ImGui.PopStyleColor(3); ImGui.End(); } if (_enabled) { if (_castBar != tempCastBar) { _castBar = IntPtr.Zero; } if (_castBar != IntPtr.Zero) { _cbCastLast = _cbCastPer; _cbX = Marshal.ReadInt16(_castBar + 0x1BC); _cbY = Marshal.ReadInt16(_castBar + 0x1BE); _cbScale = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(_castBar + 0x1AC); _cbCastTime = Marshal.ReadInt16(_castBar + 0x2BC); _cbCastPer = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(_castBar + 0x2C0); var plus = 0; _cbSpell = new List <byte>(); while (Marshal.ReadByte(_castBar + 0x242 + plus) != 0) { _cbSpell.Add(Marshal.ReadByte(_castBar + 0x242 + plus)); plus++; } if (_cbCastLast == _cbCastPer) { if (_cbCastSameCount < 5) { _cbCastSameCount++; } } else { _cbCastSameCount = 0; } if (_cbCastPer == 5) { _colS = new Colour(_col1S.R / 255f, _col1S.G / 255f, _col1S.B / 255f); } if (Marshal.ReadByte(_castBar + 0x182).ToString() != "84") { ImGuiHelpers.SetNextWindowPosRelativeMainViewport(new Num.Vector2(_cbX, _cbY)); ImGui.Begin("SlideCast", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(220 * _cbScale, 60 * _cbScale)); //float time = (float)cbCastTime - (0.01f * cbCastPer * (float)cbCastTime); float slidePer = ((float)_cbCastTime - (float)_slideTime) / (float)_cbCastTime; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddRectFilled( new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (20 * _cbScale)), new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + 5 + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (29 * _cbScale)), ImGui.GetColorU32(_slideCol)); ImGui.End(); } } else { _castBar = tempCastBar; } if (_debug) { ImGuiHelpers.SetNextWindowPosRelativeMainViewport(new Num.Vector2(_cbX, _cbY)); ImGui.Begin("SlideCast DEBUG", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(220 * _cbScale, 60 * _cbScale)); //float time = (float)cbCastTime - (0.01f * cbCastPer * (float)cbCastTime); var slidePer = ((float)_cbCastTime - (float)_slideTime) / (float)_cbCastTime; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddRectFilled( new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (20 * _cbScale)), new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + 5 + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (29 * _cbScale)), ImGui.GetColorU32(_slideCol)); ImGui.End(); ImGui.Begin("Slidecast Debug Values"); ImGui.Text("cbX: " + _cbX); ImGui.Text("cbY: " + _cbY); ImGui.Text("cbS: " + _cbScale); ImGui.Text("cbCastTime: " + _cbCastTime); ImGui.Text("cbCastPer: " + _cbCastPer); ImGui.Text("Mem Addr: " + _castBar.ToString("X")); ImGui.Text(_colS.Hue.ToString()); ImGui.Text(_colS.Saturation.ToString()); ImGui.Text(_colS.Brightness.ToString()); ImGui.End(); } } } else { _check = false; } } if (_wait > 0) { _wait--; } else { _check = true; } }
private void DrawWindow() { if (check) { IntPtr baseUi = getBaseUIObj(); if (baseUi == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } IntPtr baseUiProperties = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(baseUi, 0x20); if (baseUiProperties == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } IntPtr tempCastBar = getUI2ObjByName(baseUiProperties, "_CastBar", 1); if (tempCastBar != IntPtr.Zero) { wait = 1000; if (config) { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(300, 500), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.Begin("SlideCast Config", ref config); ImGui.Checkbox("Enable", ref enabled); ImGui.InputInt("Time (cs)", ref slideTime); ImGui.TextWrapped("The time for slidecasting is 50cs (half a second) by default.\n" + "Lower numbers make it later in the cast, higher numbers earlier in the cast.\n" + "Apart from missed packets, 50cs is the exact safe time to slidecast."); ImGui.ColorEdit4("Bar Colour", ref slideCol, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoInputs); ImGui.Checkbox("Enable Debug Mode", ref debug); ImGui.Separator(); /* * ImGui.ColorEdit4("Start", ref colp1_s); * ImGui.ColorEdit4("End", ref colp2_s); * if (ImGui.Button("Set")) * { * col1_s = new Colour(colp1_s.X, colp1_s.Y, colp1_s.Z, colp1_s.W); * col2_s = new Colour(colp2_s.X, colp2_s.Y, colp2_s.Z, colp2_s.W); * * diffH_s = col2_s.Hue - col1_s.Hue; * diffS_s = col2_s.Saturation - col1_s.Saturation; * diffB_s = col2_s.Brightness - col1_s.Brightness; * } */ if (ImGui.Button("Save and Close Config")) { SaveConfig(); config = false; } ImGui.End(); } if (enabled) { if (castBar != tempCastBar) { castBar = IntPtr.Zero; } if (castBar != IntPtr.Zero) { cbCastLast = cbCastPer; cbX = Marshal.ReadInt16(castBar + 0x1BC); cbY = Marshal.ReadInt16(castBar + 0x1BE); cbScale = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(castBar + 0x1AC); cbCastTime = Marshal.ReadInt16(castBar + 0x2BC); cbCastPer = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(castBar + 0x2C0); int plus = 0; cbSpell = new List <byte>(); while (Marshal.ReadByte(castBar + 0x242 + plus) != 0) { cbSpell.Add(Marshal.ReadByte(castBar + 0x242 + plus)); plus++; } cbSpellname = ""; foreach (byte bit in cbSpell) { cbSpellname += (char)bit; } if (cbCastLast == cbCastPer) { if (cbCastSameCount < 5) { cbCastSameCount++; } } else { cbCastSameCount = 0; } if (cbCastPer == 5) { col_s = new Colour(col1_s.R / 255f, col1_s.G / 255f, col1_s.B / 255f); } if (Marshal.ReadByte(castBar + 0x182).ToString() != "84") { ImGui.Begin("SlideCast", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground); ImGui.SetWindowPos(new Num.Vector2(cbX, cbY)); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(220 * cbScale, 60 * cbScale)); //float time = (float)cbCastTime - (0.01f * cbCastPer * (float)cbCastTime); float slidePer = ((float)cbCastTime - (float)slideTime) / (float)cbCastTime; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddRectFilled( new Num.Vector2(ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * cbScale) + (152 * slidePer * cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (20 * cbScale)), new Num.Vector2(ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * cbScale) + 5 + (152 * slidePer * cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (29 * cbScale)), ImGui.GetColorU32(slideCol)); ImGui.End(); } if (uiCastBar) { if (cbCastTime == 0) { cbCastTime++; } if (cbCastSameCount < 5) { double castTimeSec = ((double)cbCastTime / 100) - ((double)cbCastTime / 100) * (cbCastPer / 100); ImGui.Begin("uiCastBar_Self", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground); col_s.setHSB(col1_s.Hue + (int)(diffH_s * (cbCastPer / 100)), col1_s.Saturation + (int)(diffS_s * (cbCastPer / 100)), col1_s.Brightness + (int)(diffB_s * (cbCastPer / 100))); Num.Vector2 centre = DrawCircleProgress(40f, 10f, 100, cbCastPer, col_s); ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddCircleFilled( new Num.Vector2(centre.X, centre.Y), 35f, ImGui.GetColorU32(new Num.Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)), 100); ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddCircle( new Num.Vector2(centre.X, centre.Y), 45f, ImGui.GetColorU32(new Num.Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f)), 100); ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddCircleFilled( new Num.Vector2(centre.X, centre.Y), 35f, ImGui.GetColorU32(new Num.Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f)), 100); ImGui.SetCursorPos(new Num.Vector2( centre.X - ImGui.GetWindowPos().X - (ImGui.CalcTextSize(cbSpellname).X) / 2, centre.Y - 15f - ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y)); ShadowFont(cbSpellname); ImGui.SetCursorPos(new Num.Vector2( centre.X - ImGui.GetWindowPos().X - (ImGui.CalcTextSize(String.Format("{0:0.00}", castTimeSec)).X) / 2, centre.Y - ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y)); ShadowFont(String.Format("{0:0.00}", castTimeSec)); ImGui.SetCursorPos(new Num.Vector2( centre.X - ImGui.GetWindowPos().X - (ImGui.CalcTextSize(cbCastPer.ToString() + "%").X) / 2, centre.Y + 15f - ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y)); ShadowFont(cbCastPer.ToString() + "%%"); ImGui.End(); } if (pluginInterface.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null) { if (pluginInterface.ClientState.LocalPlayer.TargetActorID != 0) { Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Actors.ActorTable actorTable = pluginInterface.ClientState.Actors; for (var k = 0; k < this.pluginInterface.ClientState.Actors.Length; k++) { var actor = this.pluginInterface.ClientState.Actors[k]; if (actor == null) { continue; } if (pluginInterface.ClientState.LocalPlayer.TargetActorID == actor.ActorId) { float targetSpellCast = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(actor.Address + 0x1C74); float targetSpellTime = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(actor.Address + 0x1C78); float targetSpellPer = 100 * (1 - ((targetSpellTime - targetSpellCast) / targetSpellTime)); ImGui.Begin("uiCastBar_Target", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground); ImGui.Text(targetSpellCast.ToString()); ImGui.Text(targetSpellTime.ToString()); ImGui.Text(targetSpellPer.ToString()); Num.Vector2 centreT = DrawCircleProgress(40f, 10f, 100, targetSpellPer, col_s); ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddCircleFilled( new Num.Vector2(centreT.X, centreT.Y), 35f, ImGui.GetColorU32(new Num.Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)), 100); ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddCircle( new Num.Vector2(centreT.X, centreT.Y), 45f, ImGui.GetColorU32(new Num.Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f)), 100); ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddCircleFilled( new Num.Vector2(centreT.X, centreT.Y), 35f, ImGui.GetColorU32(new Num.Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f)), 100); if (Marshal.ReadInt16(actor.Address + 0x1C44) != 0) { //var actionRow = actionSheet.GetRow(Marshal.ReadInt16(actor.Address + 0x1C44)); //ImGui.Text(actionRow.Name); ImGui.Text("THINGY"); } ImGui.End(); } } } } } } else { castBar = tempCastBar; } if (debug) { ImGui.Begin("SlideCast DEBUG", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar); ImGui.SetWindowPos(new Num.Vector2(cbX, cbY)); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(220 * cbScale, 60 * cbScale)); //float time = (float)cbCastTime - (0.01f * cbCastPer * (float)cbCastTime); float slidePer = ((float)cbCastTime - (float)slideTime) / (float)cbCastTime; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddRectFilled( new Num.Vector2(ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * cbScale) + (152 * slidePer * cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (20 * cbScale)), new Num.Vector2(ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * cbScale) + 5 + (152 * slidePer * cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (29 * cbScale)), ImGui.GetColorU32(slideCol)); ImGui.End(); ImGui.Begin("Slidecast Debug Values"); ImGui.Text("cbX: " + cbX.ToString()); ImGui.Text("cbY: " + cbY.ToString()); ImGui.Text("cbS: " + cbScale.ToString()); ImGui.Text("cbCastTime: " + cbCastTime.ToString()); ImGui.Text("cbCastPer: " + cbCastPer.ToString()); ImGui.Text("Mem Addr: " + castBar.ToString("X")); ImGui.Text("Spell: " + cbSpellname); ImGui.Text(col_s.Hue.ToString()); ImGui.Text(col_s.Saturation.ToString()); ImGui.Text(col_s.Brightness.ToString()); ImGui.End(); } } } else { check = false; } } if (wait > 0) { wait--; } else { check = true; } }