Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the StartOKResponse class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="groups">Group objects present for rtm.start. Can be
 /// null when there are no groups</param>
 /// <param name="mpims">Mpim objects present for rtm.start. Can be null
 /// when there are no mpims</param>
 public StartOKResponse(IList <object> bots, int cacheTs, string cacheTsVersion, bool canManageSharedChannels, IList <object> channels, ObjsDnd dnd, IList <object> groups, IList <object> ims, string latestEventTs, IList <object> nonThreadableChannels, IList <object> readOnlyChannels, StartOKResponseSelf self, StartOKResponseSubteams subteams, ObjsTeam team, IList <object> threadOnlyChannels, string url, IList <ObjsUser> users, string cacheVersion = default(string), bool?deadPig = default(bool?), IList <object> mpims = default(IList <object>))
     Bots                    = bots;
     CacheTs                 = cacheTs;
     CacheTsVersion          = cacheTsVersion;
     CacheVersion            = cacheVersion;
     CanManageSharedChannels = canManageSharedChannels;
     Channels                = channels;
     DeadPig                 = deadPig;
     Dnd                   = dnd;
     Groups                = groups;
     Ims                   = ims;
     LatestEventTs         = latestEventTs;
     Mpims                 = mpims;
     NonThreadableChannels = nonThreadableChannels;
     ReadOnlyChannels      = readOnlyChannels;
     Self                  = self;
     Subteams              = subteams;
     Team                  = team;
     ThreadOnlyChannels    = threadOnlyChannels;
     Url                   = url;
     Users                 = users;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// InfoOKResponseModelModelModelModelModelModel class.
 /// </summary>
 public InfoOKResponseModelModelModelModelModelModel(ObjsTeam team)
     Team = team;