public OnMessageAuthorDisplaynameArgs(SktMessage sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FireOnMessageParticipantCount(SktMessage sender, uint value) { if (OnMessageParticipantCount == null) return; // Event not assigned OnMessageParticipantCountArgs args = new OnMessageParticipantCountArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnMessageParticipantCountInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnMessageParticipantCount, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }
internal void FireOnMessageType(SktMessage sender, SktMessage.TYPE value) { if (OnMessageType == null) return; // Event not assigned OnMessageTypeArgs args = new OnMessageTypeArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnMessageTypeInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnMessageType, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }
/** Returns recent messages. The messages are returned in two lists - new messages (unconsumed) and recent message history (context messages). The context message list contains messages that are already above the consumption horizon but are fairly recent, making it likely that displaying them in UI would be good default behaviour. @param [out] contextMessages Already consumed messages, provided for context @param [out] unconsumedMessages Unconsumed messages @param [in] requireTimestamp - If set to a non-zero value, includes messages no earlier than this timestamp, if not, includes messages from the last 24 hours only */ public void GetLastMessages( out SktMessage.List contextMessages, out SktMessage.List unconsumedMessages, DateTime requireTimestamp) { if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Executing Conversation.GetLastMessages"); uint RequestId = skypeRef.encoder.AddMethodHeader(ClassId, 39, OID); skypeRef.encoder.AddTimeStampParam(1, requireTimestamp); contextMessages = new SktMessage.List(); // We always guarantee non-null list is returned unconsumedMessages = new SktMessage.List(); // We always guarantee non-null list is returned skypeRef.transport.SubmitMethodRequest (RequestId); int argNr, marker; do { marker = (char)skypeRef.transport.ReadByte(); if (marker != 'z') { if (marker == 'N') skypeRef.Error("SktConversation.GetLastMessages failed."); argNr = (char)skypeRef.transport.ReadByte(); switch (argNr) { case 1: contextMessages = (SktMessage.List)skypeRef.decoder.DecodeObjectList(9); break; case 2: unconsumedMessages = (SktMessage.List)skypeRef.decoder.DecodeObjectList(9); break; case 'z': marker = argNr; break; // exiting the arg loop if the method failed default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Got unexpected response argument {0} from runtime in SktConversation.GetLastMessages", argNr)); break; } } } while (marker != 'z'); skypeRef.transport.ResumeSocketReaderFromMethod(); }
internal void FetchInboxMessageIdFromRuntime() { if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Fetching P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID from runtime"); skypeRef.transport.SubmitPropertyRequest(18, 973, this.OID); if (skypeRef.transport.PropResponseWasOk(973)) { cache_inbox_message_id = (SktMessage)skypeRef.decoder.DecodeObject(9); // SktMessage class ID = 9 cache[11] = true; } skypeRef.transport.ResumeSocketReaderFromPropRequest(); }
public void Add(SktMessage item) { base.Add((SktMessage)item); }
/** When the socket reader receives a property update from runtime, it decodes object ID * property ID and the new value of the property. It then calls this method of * the target object, to update the new value in property cache. After updating the cache, * this method then fires appropriate event in to notify the UI of what has happened. * DispatchPropertyUpdate is executed in the socket reader thread. */ internal override void DispatchPropertyUpdate(uint propId, object value, bool hasValue) { switch (propId) { case 190: /* Sms.P_TYPE */ cache[0] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_type = (SktSms.TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TYPE = " + cache_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TYPE - update without value");, cache_type); break; case 1211: /* Sms.P_OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE */ cache[1] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_outgoing_reply_type = (SktSms.OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE = " + cache_outgoing_reply_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_OUTGOING_REPLY_TYPE - update without value");, cache_outgoing_reply_type); break; case 191: /* Sms.P_STATUS */ cache[2] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_status = (SktSms.STATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_STATUS = " + cache_status.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_STATUS - update without value");, cache_status); break; case 192: /* Sms.P_FAILUREREASON */ cache[3] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_failurereason = (SktSms.FAILUREREASON)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_FAILUREREASON = " + cache_failurereason.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_FAILUREREASON - update without value");, cache_failurereason); break; case 48: /* Sms.P_IS_FAILED_UNSEEN */ cache[4] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_is_failed_unseen = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_IS_FAILED_UNSEEN = " + cache_is_failed_unseen.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_IS_FAILED_UNSEEN - update without value");, cache_is_failed_unseen); break; case 198: /* Sms.P_TIMESTAMP */ cache[5] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_timestamp)); break; case 193: /* Sms.P_PRICE */ cache[6] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_price = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE = " + cache_price.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE - update without value");, cache_price); break; case 49: /* Sms.P_PRICE_PRECISION */ cache[7] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_price_precision = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_PRECISION = " + cache_price_precision.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_PRECISION - update without value");, cache_price_precision); break; case 194: /* Sms.P_PRICE_CURRENCY */ cache[8] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_price_currency = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_CURRENCY = " + cache_price_currency.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_PRICE_CURRENCY - update without value");, cache_price_currency); break; case 199: /* Sms.P_REPLY_TO_NUMBER */ cache[9] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_reply_to_number = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_REPLY_TO_NUMBER = " + cache_reply_to_number.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_REPLY_TO_NUMBER - update without value");, cache_reply_to_number); break; case 195: /* Sms.P_TARGET_NUMBERS */ cache[10] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_target_numbers = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_NUMBERS = " + cache_target_numbers.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_NUMBERS - update without value");, cache_target_numbers); break; case 196: /* Sms.P_TARGET_STATUSES */ cache[11] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_target_statuses = (byte[])value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_STATUSES = binary size " + cache_target_statuses.Length.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_TARGET_STATUSES - update without value");, cache_target_statuses); break; case 197: /* Sms.P_BODY */ cache[12] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_body = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_BODY = " + cache_body.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_BODY - update without value");, cache_body); break; case 840: /* Sms.P_CHATMSG_ID */ cache[13] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_chatmsg_id = (SktMessage)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_CHATMSG_ID = " + cache_chatmsg_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Sms.P_CHATMSG_ID - update without value");, cache_chatmsg_id); break; default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Invalid Sms class property ID ({0})received from socket.", propId)); break; } }
public OnMessageGuidArgs(SktMessage sender, byte[] newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageIdentitiesArgs(SktMessage sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageConvoIdArgs(SktMessage sender, SktConversation newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageEditedByArgs(SktMessage sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageConvoGuidArgs(SktMessage sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageConsumptionStatusArgs(SktMessage sender, SktMessage.CONSUMPTION_STATUS newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageBodyXmlArgs(SktMessage sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageTypeArgs(SktMessage sender, SktMessage.TYPE newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageLeavereasonArgs(SktMessage sender, SktSkype.LEAVE_REASON newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnSmsChatmsgIdArgs(SktSms sender, SktMessage newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnMessageOriginallyMeantForArgs(SktMessage sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
/** Returns all messages of the given type @returns messages @param [in] type - Type of messages requested. For POSTED_TEXT or POSTED_EMOTE, returns a list with both types @param [in] latestPerConvOnly - Whether to return only the most recent message per conversation @param [in] fromTimestampInc - Starting timestamp for reqested range, inclusive @param [in] toTimestampExc - Ending timestamp for requested range, exclusive */ public SktMessage.List GetMessageListByType( SktMessage.TYPE type, Boolean latestPerConvOnly, DateTime fromTimestampInc, DateTime toTimestampExc) { if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Executing Skype.GetMessageListByType"); uint RequestId = skypeRef.encoder.AddMethodHeader(ClassId, 136, OID); skypeRef.encoder.AddEnumParam(1, (uint)type); skypeRef.encoder.AddBoolParam(2, latestPerConvOnly); skypeRef.encoder.AddTimeStampParam(3, fromTimestampInc); skypeRef.encoder.AddTimeStampParam(4, toTimestampExc); SktMessage.List messages = new SktMessage.List(); // We always guarantee non-null list is returned skypeRef.transport.SubmitMethodRequest (RequestId); int argNr, marker; do { marker = (char)skypeRef.transport.ReadByte(); if (marker != 'z') { if (marker == 'N') skypeRef.Error("SktSkype.GetMessageListByType failed."); argNr = (char)skypeRef.transport.ReadByte(); switch (argNr) { case 1: messages = (SktMessage.List)skypeRef.decoder.DecodeObjectList(9); break; case 'z': marker = argNr; break; // exiting the arg loop if the method failed default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Got unexpected response argument {0} from runtime in SktSkype.GetMessageListByType", argNr)); break; } } } while (marker != 'z'); skypeRef.transport.ResumeSocketReaderFromMethod(); return messages; }
public OnMessageParamValueArgs(SktMessage sender, uint newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FetchChatmsgIdFromRuntime() { if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Fetching P_CHATMSG_ID from runtime"); skypeRef.transport.SubmitPropertyRequest(12, 840, this.OID); if (skypeRef.transport.PropResponseWasOk(840)) { cache_chatmsg_id = (SktMessage)skypeRef.decoder.DecodeObject(9); // SktMessage class ID = 9 cache[13] = true; } skypeRef.transport.ResumeSocketReaderFromPropRequest(); }
public OnMessageParticipantCountArgs(SktMessage sender, uint newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
/** When the socket reader receives a property update from runtime, it decodes object ID * property ID and the new value of the property. It then calls this method of * the target object, to update the new value in property cache. After updating the cache, * this method then fires appropriate event in to notify the UI of what has happened. * DispatchPropertyUpdate is executed in the socket reader thread. */ internal override void DispatchPropertyUpdate(uint propId, object value, bool hasValue) { switch (propId) { case 972: /* Conversation.P_IDENTITY */ cache[0] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_identity = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IDENTITY = " + cache_identity.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IDENTITY - update without value");, cache_identity); break; case 902: /* Conversation.P_TYPE */ cache[1] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_type = (SktConversation.TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_TYPE = " + cache_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_TYPE - update without value");, cache_type); break; case 918: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST */ cache[2] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_host = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST = " + cache_live_host.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST - update without value");, cache_live_host); break; case 974: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP */ cache[3] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_start_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_live_start_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_live_start_timestamp)); break; case 996: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED */ cache[4] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_is_muted = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED = " + cache_live_is_muted.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED - update without value");, cache_live_is_muted); break; case 920: /* Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING */ cache[5] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_alert_string = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING = " + cache_alert_string.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING - update without value");, cache_alert_string); break; case 921: /* Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED */ cache[6] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_is_bookmarked = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED = " + cache_is_bookmarked.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED - update without value");, cache_is_bookmarked); break; case 925: /* Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[7] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_given_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_given_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME - update without value");, cache_given_displayname); break; case 924: /* Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[8] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME - update without value");, cache_displayname); break; case 927: /* Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS */ cache[9] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_local_livestatus = (SktConversation.LOCAL_LIVESTATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS = " + cache_local_livestatus.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS - update without value");, cache_local_livestatus); break; case 928: /* Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP */ cache[10] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_inbox_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_inbox_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_inbox_timestamp)); break; case 973: /* Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID */ cache[11] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_inbox_message_id = (SktMessage)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID = " + cache_inbox_message_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID - update without value");, cache_inbox_message_id); break; case 975: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES */ cache[12] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages); break; case 976: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES */ cache[13] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_normal_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_normal_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_normal_messages); break; case 977: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES */ cache[14] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages); break; case 970: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE */ cache[15] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_messages_voice = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE = " + cache_unconsumed_messages_voice.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE - update without value");, cache_unconsumed_messages_voice); break; case 971: /* Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID */ cache[16] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_active_vm_id = (SktVoicemail)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID = " + cache_active_vm_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID - update without value");, cache_active_vm_id); break; case 979: /* Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON */ cache[17] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_consumption_horizon = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON = " + cache_consumption_horizon.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_consumption_horizon)); break; case 981: /* Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP */ cache[18] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_last_activity_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_last_activity_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_last_activity_timestamp)); break; case 915: /* Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID */ cache[19] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_spawned_from_convo_id = (SktConversation)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID = " + cache_spawned_from_convo_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID - update without value");, cache_spawned_from_convo_id); break; case 903: /* Conversation.P_CREATOR */ cache[20] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_creator = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATOR = " + cache_creator.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATOR - update without value");, cache_creator); break; case 904: /* Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP */ cache[21] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_creation_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_creation_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP - update without value");, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_creation_timestamp)); break; case 919: /* Conversation.P_MY_STATUS */ cache[22] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_my_status = (SktConversation.MY_STATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_MY_STATUS = " + cache_my_status.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_MY_STATUS - update without value");, cache_my_status); break; case 922: /* Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED */ cache[23] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_joining_enabled = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED = " + cache_opt_joining_enabled.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED - update without value");, cache_opt_joining_enabled); break; case 906: /* Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK */ cache[24] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_entry_level_rank = (SktParticipant.RANK)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK = " + cache_opt_entry_level_rank.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK - update without value");, cache_opt_entry_level_rank); break; case 907: /* Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY */ cache[25] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_disclose_history = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY = " + cache_opt_disclose_history.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY - update without value");, cache_opt_disclose_history); break; case 909: /* Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES */ cache[26] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_admin_only_activities = (SktConversation.ALLOWED_ACTIVITY)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES = " + cache_opt_admin_only_activities.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES - update without value");, cache_opt_admin_only_activities); break; case 980: /* Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT */ cache[27] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_passwordhint = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT = " + cache_passwordhint.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT - update without value");, cache_passwordhint); break; case 910: /* Conversation.P_META_NAME */ cache[28] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_name = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_NAME = " + cache_meta_name.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_NAME - update without value");, cache_meta_name); break; case 911: /* Conversation.P_META_TOPIC */ cache[29] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_topic = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_TOPIC = " + cache_meta_topic.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_TOPIC - update without value");, cache_meta_topic); break; case 913: /* Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES */ cache[30] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_guidelines = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES = " + cache_meta_guidelines.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES - update without value");, cache_meta_guidelines); break; case 914: /* Conversation.P_META_PICTURE */ cache[31] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_picture = (byte[])value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_PICTURE = binary size " + cache_meta_picture.Length.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_PICTURE - update without value");, cache_meta_picture); break; default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Invalid Conversation class property ID ({0})received from socket.", propId)); break; } }
public OnMessageReasonArgs(SktMessage sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FireOnMessageLeavereason(SktMessage sender, SktSkype.LEAVE_REASON value) { if (OnMessageLeavereason == null) return; // Event not assigned OnMessageLeavereasonArgs args = new OnMessageLeavereasonArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnMessageLeavereasonInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnMessageLeavereason, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }
public OnMessageSendingStatusArgs(SktMessage sender, SktMessage.SENDING_STATUS newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FireOnMessageSendingStatus(SktMessage sender, SktMessage.SENDING_STATUS value) { if (OnMessageSendingStatus == null) return; // Event not assigned OnMessageSendingStatusArgs args = new OnMessageSendingStatusArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnMessageSendingStatusInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnMessageSendingStatus, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }
public OnMessageTimestampArgs(SktMessage sender, DateTime newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FireOnSmsChatmsgId(SktSms sender, SktMessage value) { if (OnSmsChatmsgId == null) return; // Event not assigned OnSmsChatmsgIdArgs args = new OnSmsChatmsgIdArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnSmsChatmsgIdInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnSmsChatmsgId, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }
public OnConversationInboxMessageIdArgs(SktConversation sender, SktMessage newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }