Exemple #1
        private async void ImageButton_Clicked_2(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (loading.Count == 0)
                isRunning = true;
                string fileName = await DisplayPromptAsync("Save", "What would you like the file name to be?", "OK", "Cancel", "File Name");

                //Gives option to save file with a custom name on photo gallery

                if (fileName != null && fileName != "" && fileName != "Cancel" && fileName != "OK")
                    option = await DisplayActionSheet("Quality", null, null, "Custom", "Max High", "Ultra High", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Very Low");


                    cancel = false;

                    canvasImage.IsVisible     = true;
                    canvasImageFast.IsVisible = false;

                    loading.Add("Loading . . . ");

                    double ri;
                    double ci;
                    double l;

                    string downloadMacro;
                    string downloadMicro;

                    if (AdvancedModes.createAdvanced)
                        downloadMacro = AdvancedModes.macroInput;
                        downloadMicro = AdvancedModes.microInput;

                        ri = AdvancedModes.realInput;
                        ci = AdvancedModes.complexInput;
                        l  = AdvancedModes.lengthInput;
                        downloadMacro = selectedColor;
                        downloadMicro = selecterColorMicro;

                        if (item <= 12)
                            ri = varList1[item];
                            ci = varList2[item];
                            l  = varList3[item];
                            ri = SavedFractals[item - 13].SavedReal;
                            ci = SavedFractals[item - 13].SavedComplex;
                            l  = SavedFractals[item - 13].SavedLength;

                    //Making 2x2 array with size height export and width export
                    Complex complix;
                    Pixel[,] picture = new Pixel[heightExport, widthExport];
                    int a;
                    int b;

                    //Setting format to Jpeg

                    SKEncodedImageFormat imageFormat = SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg;
                    int quality = 100;

                    //For loop with calculations, every column calulated between loading changes
                    //i goes up by the length value to make proportional
                    for (double i = ri * heightExport; i < (ri + l) * heightExport; i += l)
                        if (cancel)

                        for (double j = ci * widthExport; j < (ci + l) * widthExport; j += l)
                            if (cancel)
                            //setting shift of and position
                            a = (int)((i - ri * heightExport) / l);
                            b = (int)((j - ci * widthExport) / l);

                            complix = new Complex((i - (14 * heightExport / 20.0)) / (widthExport / 3.0), (j - (widthExport / 2.0)) / (heightExport / 3.0 * widthExport / heightExport));

                            int onoff = (int)(Iterate(complix) * 255);

                            updatePixelInputs(downloadMacro, downloadMicro, onoff);

                            picture[a, b] = new Pixel(intInput1, intInput2, intInput3);

                            //Sets individual pixels
                            if (picture[a, b] == null)
                                picture[a, b] = new Pixel(0, 0, 0);

                                SKColor colorPixelNull = new SKColor((byte)picture[a, b].GetRed(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetGreen(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetBlue());

                                bitmap.SetPixel(a, b, colorPixelNull);
                                SKColor colorPixel = new SKColor((byte)picture[a, b].GetRed(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetGreen(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetBlue());

                                bitmap.SetPixel(a, b, colorPixel);

                        //Saves image every column
                        using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                            using (SKManagedWStream wstream = new SKManagedWStream(memStream))
                                bitmap.Encode(wstream, imageFormat, quality);

                                byte[] data = memStream.ToArray();

                                if (data != null && data.Length != 0)
                                    await DependencyService.Get <IPhotoLibrary>().
                                    SavePhotoAsync(data, "SaveFileFormats", fileName + ".Jpeg");

                    cancel = false;
                heightExport = (int)(Settings.QualityOptions[0].Quality);
                widthExport  = (int)(Settings.QualityOptions[0].Quality);
                if (loading.Count != 0)
                isRunning = false;
Exemple #2
        public async void GenerateMandelbrotZoom(double ri, double ci, double l, string macroColor, string microColor)
            if (loading.Count == 0)
                isRunning = true;
                cancel    = false;

                canvasImage.IsVisible = false;

                loading.Add("Loading . . . ");

                bitmapFast = new SKBitmap(widthExport, heightExport, true);

                canvasImageFast.IsVisible = true;

                cancel = false;
                //Making 2x2 array with size height export and width export
                Complex complix;
                Pixel[,] picture = new Pixel[widthExport, heightExport];
                int a;
                int b;

                //Setting format to Jpeg

                SKEncodedImageFormat imageFormat = SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg;
                int quality = 100;

                //For loop with calculations, every column calulated between loading changes
                //i goes up by the length value to make proportional

                for (double i = ri * widthExport; i < (ri + l) * widthExport; i += l)
                    if (cancel)
                    for (double j = ci * heightExport; j < (ci + l) * heightExport; j += l)
                        if (cancel)
                        //setting shift of and position
                        a = (int)((i - ri * widthExport) / l);
                        b = (int)((j - ci * heightExport) / l);

                        complix = new Complex((i - (14 * heightExport / 20.0)) / (widthExport / 3.0), (j - (widthExport / 2.0)) / (heightExport / 3.0 * widthExport / heightExport));

                        int onoff = (int)(Iterate(complix) * 255);

                        updatePixelInputs(macroColor, microColor, onoff);

                        picture[a, b] = new Pixel(intInput1, intInput2, intInput3);

                        //Sets individual pixels
                        if (picture[a, b] == null)
                            picture[a, b] = new Pixel(0, 0, 0);

                            SKColor colorPixelNull = new SKColor((byte)picture[a, b].GetRed(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetGreen(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetBlue());

                            bitmapFast.SetPixel(a, b, colorPixelNull);
                            SKColor colorPixel = new SKColor((byte)picture[a, b].GetRed(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetGreen(), (byte)picture[a, b].GetBlue());

                            bitmapFast.SetPixel(a, b, colorPixel);
                    //Saves image every column
                    using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                        using (SKManagedWStream wstream = new SKManagedWStream(memStream))
                            bitmapFast.Encode(wstream, imageFormat, quality);

                            byte[] data = memStream.ToArray();

                            if (data != null && data.Length != 0)
                                string fileName = null;
                                await DependencyService.Get <IPhotoLibrary>().
                                SavePhotoAsync(data, "SaveFileFormats", fileName + ".Jpeg");
                isRunning = false;