public static Competitor AddCelebrityCompetitor(string inID, string inName, string inAddress, string inAge, string inScore, string inBlood, string inKin) //Makes out celebrty competitor. { newSkiNumber = newSkiNumber + 1; //Increments the competitor number by 1. string newCompetitorNumberString = newSkiNumber.ToString(); //Turns that int into a string. Celebrity newCelebrity = new Celebrity(inID, inName, newCompetitorNumberString, inAddress, inAge, inScore, inBlood, inKin); //Calls the celebrity constructor in the Competitor Class. skiCompetitors.Add(newCompetitorNumberString, newCelebrity); //Adds the competitor to the dictionary. return(newCelebrity); //Returns the celebrity. }
public void EditCelebrity(string inID, string inName, string inNumber, string inAdress, string inAge, string inScore, string inBlood, string inNoK) //Saves the edited comepetitor data. { Celebrity EditedCelebrity = new Celebrity(inID, inName, inNumber, inAdress, inAge, inScore, inBlood, inNoK); //Creates a new amateur called "EditedProfessional" skiCompetitors[inNumber] = EditedCelebrity; //Saves the new inforamtion too the dictionary. }