/// <summary>
 /// Removes duplicate points from the line object
 /// </summary>
 private void CleanPoints()
     if (linePoints.Any())
         //check if its a point
         var localIsPoint = linePoints.All(o => o.X == linePoints.First().X&& o.Y == linePoints.First().Y);
         if (!localIsPoint)
             List <Point> newList  = new List <Point>();
             List <Point> tempList = new List <Point>();
             //Since Point is non-nullable, we must ensure the nullPoints,
             //which we remove can not possibly be points of the original given line.
             int nullValue = (int)linePoints[0].X + 1;
             //Fill the gaps between points
             for (int i = 0; i < linePoints.Count - 1; i++)
                 nullValue += (int)linePoints[i + 1].X;
                 List <Point> partialList = GeometryCalculator.BresenhamLineAlgorithm(linePoints[i], linePoints[i + 1]);
             Point nullPoint = new Point(nullValue, 0);
             //Set duplicate points to the null point
             for (int i = 1; i < tempList.Count; i++)
                 if ((tempList[i].X == tempList[i - 1].X) && (tempList[i].Y == tempList[i - 1].Y))
                     tempList[i - 1] = nullPoint;
             //remove the null points
             foreach (Point tempPoint in tempList)
                 if (tempPoint.X != nullValue)
             linePoints = new List <Point>(newList);
             isPoint = true;
             point   = linePoints.First();
        /// <summary>
        /// A function that checks the deletion matrixes at a certain point
        /// and returns all Line ids at that point and in a square around it in a certain range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The point around which to check.</param>
        /// <param name="range">The range around the point. If range is 0, only the point is checked.</param>
        /// <returns>A List of all lines.</returns>
        private HashSet <int> CheckDeletionMatrixesAroundPoint(Point p, int range)
            HashSet <int> returnSet = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (Point pnt in GeometryCalculator.FilledCircleAlgorithm(p, (int)range))
                if (pnt.X >= 0 && pnt.Y >= 0 && pnt.X < rightImageSize.Width && pnt.Y < rightImageSize.Height)
                    if (isFilledMatrix[(int)pnt.X, (int)pnt.Y])
                        returnSet.UnionWith(linesMatrix[(int)pnt.X, (int)pnt.Y]);
 /// <summary>
 /// A function to update the displayed lines in the right canvas.
 /// </summary>
 public void UpdateRightLines(List <Tuple <bool, InternalLine> > lines)
     foreach (Tuple <bool, InternalLine> tup in lines)
         var status = tup.Item1;
         var line   = tup.Item2;
         if (!rightPolyLines.ContainsKey(line.GetID()))
             if (!line.isPoint)
                 Polyline newLine = new Polyline();
                 newLine.Points = line.GetPointCollection();
                 rightPolyLines.Add(line.GetID(), newLine);
                 Ellipse newPoint = new Ellipse();
                 rightPolyLines.Add(line.GetID(), newPoint);
                 programView.AddNewPointRight(newPoint, line);
         SetVisibility(rightPolyLines[line.GetID()], status);
     //Calculate similarity scores
     UpdateSimilarityScore(Double.NaN); var templist = lines.Where(tup => tup.Item1).ToList();
     if (leftLines.Count > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < leftLines.Count; i++)
             if (templist.Count == i)
             UpdateSimilarityScore(GeometryCalculator.CalculateSimilarity(templist[i].Item2, leftLines[i]));
     else if (templist.Count > 1)
         UpdateSimilarityScore(GeometryCalculator.CalculateSimilarity(templist[templist.Count - 2].Item2, templist[templist.Count - 1].Item2));
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to be called every tick. Updates the current Line, or checks for Lines to delete, depending on the drawing mode.
        /// </summary>
        public void Tick()
            if (cursorPositions.Count > 0)
                previousCursorPosition = cursorPositions.Dequeue();
                previousCursorPosition = currentCursorPosition;

            if (optitrackAvailable)
                SetCurrentFingerPosition(new Point(optiTrackX, optiTrackY));

            if (optiTrackInUse && inDrawingMode && !OptiMovingBack) // optitrack is being used
                //outside of drawing zone
                if (!CheckInsideDrawingZone(optiTrackZ))
                    //Check if trackable was in drawing zone last tick & program is in drawing mode-> finish line
                    if (optiTrackInsideDrawingZone && inDrawingMode)
                        optiTrackInsideDrawingZone = false;
                else //Draw with optitrack, when in drawing zone
                    //Optitrack wasn't in the drawing zone last tick -> start a new line
                    if (!optiTrackInsideDrawingZone)
                        optiTrackInsideDrawingZone = true;
                    if (optiTrackZ > WARNING_ZONE_BOUNDARY)
                    else if (optiTrackZ < -1 * WARNING_ZONE_BOUNDARY)
            else if (!optiTrackInUse && inDrawingMode)
                //drawing without optitrack
                if (inDrawingMode && programPresenter.IsMousePressed())

            //Deletion mode for optitrack and regular use
            if (!inDrawingMode)
                List <Point> uncheckedPoints = new List <Point>();
                if (programPresenter.IsMousePressed() && !optiTrackInUse) //without optitrack
                    uncheckedPoints = GeometryCalculator.BresenhamLineAlgorithm(previousCursorPosition, currentCursorPosition);
                if (optiTrackInUse && CheckInsideDrawingZone(optiTrackZ) && !OptiMovingBack) //with optitrack
                    uncheckedPoints = GeometryCalculator.BresenhamLineAlgorithm(previousOptiCursorPosition, currentOptiCursorPosition);

                foreach (Point currPoint in uncheckedPoints)
                    HashSet <int> linesToDelete = CheckDeletionMatrixesAroundPoint(currPoint, deletionRadius);
                    if (linesToDelete.Count > 0)
                        programPresenter.PassLastActionTaken(historyOfActions.AddNewAction(new SketchAction(SketchAction.ActionType.Delete, linesToDelete)));
                        foreach (int lineID in linesToDelete)
                            rightLineList[lineID] = new Tuple <bool, InternalLine>(false, rightLineList[lineID].Item2);